If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 61: 【main mission】!

"It's him?"

Chen Yilang frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised.

I really didn't expect that it was Lan Jiabin who appeared on stage.

After all, everyone is a freshman. Logically, they should all sit down and listen, waiting for education and baptism.

I just listened to the host: "Then, let's welcome our 2021 freshman representative, Lan Jiabin, to the stage to give a speech!"

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

Chen Yilang saw a familiar scene again - the sound of heated discussions like **** girls around...

But Chen Yilang is used to it.

But this is not surprising.

After all, Lan Jiabin's appearance is really outstanding.

As for how he directly became a freshman representative,

Chen Yilang didn't know.

However, with Lan Jiabin's ability, it is probably not difficult to establish a good relationship with the leaders of the academy in advance.

I saw Lan Jiabin walked to the podium with dashing steps, smiled in high spirits, and finished a speech with a confident and passionate voice.

The audience applauded again.

At the moment when Lan Jiabin bowed gracefully,

In Chen Yilang's mind,

Suddenly the sound of the system rang out.

【Ding! 】

[Main quest: The Rising Fate has been triggered. 】

[Details: At a moment before you realize it, the devil has stretched out its claws to this campus, trying to control everything in sight...

There is only one choice in front of you, and that is a vigorous resistance!

If you don't want to become a prisoner of the devil, a puppet at the mercy of others...

Rise up, boy, from now on, completely rewrite your destiny! 】

[Conditions fulfilled: [Crazy Trolls] are frantically spreading their influence and expanding their influence on the campus, and you have no time to sit still. Please use the fastest speed to increase the reputation value to 2000. 】


In fact, no system prompts are needed.

Chen Yilang also vaguely felt it.

Lan Jiabin is making a preemptive strike.

When everyone is a freshman and no one knows anyone.

Suddenly there was a person standing in the most conspicuous place,

Then everyone's attention will definitely be focused on him.

Chen Yilang opened his attribute bar and glanced at his reputation.

——It's only five hundred o'clock at the moment.

It's still the points accumulated by the salted fish in the third year of high school.

But now, after going to college and changing to a new environment,

Under the circumstance that everyone does not know themselves,

If you want to increase your reputation points, you probably have to start all over again.

"Looking like this, I can't continue to salt fish anymore."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Lan Jiabin's ambition is already burning, and since this is the case, he must not sit still.

You must look for opportunities and act quickly.

The boring and drowsy year-level assembly just ended.

After returning to the dormitory,

During lunch break,

Chen Yilang was lying on the bed and was bored for a while, so he fiddled with the materials he had newly acquired during this period.

[Glittering golden light x10]

Chen Yilang, who hasn't used [Synthesis] for a long time,

He took out 10 [Origin of All Evil] from his backpack and put them into the melting furnace together with these 10 [Glittering Golden Lights].

【Ding! 】

[The synthesis has been completed! 】

[You have obtained: ① waste residue x24 ② flash capsule x3! 】

[Your proficiency has been improved! 】

[Synthesis: lv1→lv2]

[Remarks: Please make persistent efforts and strive to build an aircraft cannon one day! 】


God **** airplane cannon...

Chen Yilang was too lazy to pay attention to the system, but opened the backpack bar and checked the information of the items.

[Flash Capsule: The moment when the capsule is crushed, a natural and brilliant light effect can be produced. 】

"What is this?" Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

It always feels fancy and has no practical effect at all!

But I feel it is very suitable to use when dancing on a dark grave...

There was nothing he could do, Chen Yilang could only put the [Flash Capsule] into his backpack first.

After fiddling with the system, Chen Yilang took a nap.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, he was awakened by the movement of his roommate.

"Brothers, is there a class meeting this afternoon?"

Inside the dormitory.

[Salt Fish Monster] Li Zixian pulled up from the bed very rarely, and asked everyone in a daze.

"Yes, it's time to go."

Chen Yilang replied casually.

Chen Yilang vaguely remembered that this guy didn't go to the freshman meeting this morning, so this guy probably slept straight to the present...

It is indeed a genuine [salted fish] that's right

After half an hour.

Inside the large classroom of the sixth teaching building of Nanxuan University,

A student of the 4th class majoring in marketing,

All are seated.

Chen Yilang chose a seat by the window and sat quietly at the edge of the crowd.

It's not because of social fear or anything, it's mainly because I've gotten used to it over the past few years in high school.

As a salted fish, being exiled to the edge of the classroom is basically a routine operation.

Sitting next to him is still [Keyboard Man] Zhang Jian.

Chen Yilang hasn't spoken to him much since early today.

First, I just met each other for a while, so I'm not very familiar with them.

Second, this guy is playing games with his head down almost all the time.

several times

Chen Yilang inadvertently glanced at Zhang Jian's game interface and found that this guy is also a top fan of the game "Heroes of Glory".

Then Chen Yilang subconsciously glanced at the record——


At that moment, Chen Yilang respected Zhang Jian in awe.

This old man is a sensible man!

What happened to one bar seven?

As for games, having fun is the most important thing!

At that moment, the pattern seemed to open like this.

And then,

Chen Yilang saw Zhang Jian's amazing hand speed when he was typing frantically with both hands...

Exactly how fast Chen Yilang didn't quite understand.

But within a few seconds of manipulating the character back to the city, Zhang Jian had already sprayed all the other nine people.

"He's a ruthless man."

Chen Yilang thought silently.

But that's not the point tonight.

——Now it is the scene of the first class meeting held by the municipal class 214~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chen Yilang looked at the students around him, and it seemed that his face was not very happy.

As for the reason, he can probably guess.

——Marketing, in business schools, is really not a particularly good major, it can even be said to be the bottom.

At least in Nanxuan University, the gold content of the marketing major is really not very high.

However, Chen Yilang didn't feel any inappropriate or unhappy about this result.

After all, being able to get close to Nanxuan University is indeed a very important thing for him.

As for other ace majors, he didn't even dare to think about it, and he didn't bother to think about it...

It is estimated that those students who feel unhappy are all transferred to this major.

"Good evening, classmates."

"Introduce myself, my name is Xiao Dong, and I will be your head teacher for the past four years. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me."

Said a gentle man with glasses who looked in his thirties.

Naturally, there was another round of applause from the audience.

After the head teacher made a simple speech,

Next, two class assistants who were senior classmates came to the stage to speak.

"The main event is about to come."

Chen Yilang made some predictions in his heart.

as expected,

After the class assistant also finished speaking,

Xiao Dong smiled and announced:

"Then next, please come to the podium one by one and introduce yourself!"

At that moment,

Chen Yilang saw everyone in the classroom,

above the head,

A high-speed flashing exclamation mark floated up!

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