If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 60: 3 monster roommates...

that's it.

A pleasant and quite friendly alumni meeting, just ended.

It just ended not long ago.

Chen Yilang received a call from Gu Binghan, saying that he was going to send him back to school.

"It's too much trouble for you, Sister Bing." Chen Yilang declined embarrassedly.

"It's alright, it just so happens that I have to go back to Nanxuan University." Gu Binghan said, "I'm still living there."

"That's it." Chen Yilang said.

Chen Yilang took another look at the location and found that the school was indeed a little far from here.

Since Gu Binghan said so, he didn't bother to refuse anymore.



Not only can he rub a wave of cars, but he can also have an opportunity to communicate with NPCs at a close distance, so why not do it?

So, Chen Yilang sat on the Cayenne again.

And on the other side,

Lan Jiabin, who was silently observing Chen Yilang in his Audi A7 car, took this scene into his eyes again.


Although I really don't want to admit it, that Cayenne is really too handsome!

After half an hour.

Everyone went back to campus.

After saying goodbye to each other, they all went to their dormitories.

Everyone left in a hurry,

Only Chen Yilang was left.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he took a leisurely walk.

The night view of Nanxuan University is really beautiful, and it is worth staying for a while.

There are young couples walking hand in hand by Biyun Lake.

There are young people playing skateboards and roller skating on the west square.

The library probably hasn't closed yet, and it's still brightly lit at this moment.

all in all.

Every corner here is full of youthful atmosphere.

"This is where I will live for four years."

Chen Yilang involuntarily let out a sigh.

When we got back to the dormitory, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

Although the headlights in the bedroom have been extinguished, the table lamps of the roommates still illuminate the room as if it were daytime.

Chen Yilang thought that this was probably the first thing he needed to get used to after entering university.

——No more annoying auntie housekeepers came to knock on the glass to urge the lights to be turned off.

Although the university also has a stipulated time to turn off the lights, in fact, it is completely useless.

As long as the headlights are not on, basically no one will disturb you what you want to do inside.

Chen Yilang's bedroom is a quadruple room.

Probably because they were on the first day, they were not very familiar with each other, and they didn't chat much.

After greeting each other politely, they all started to do their own thing.

Chen Yilang turned off his desk lamp and lay down on the bed.

Only then did he notice.

His roommates are not ordinary either.

for example.

The good brother sleeping in his lower bunk, the note given by the system is [lv6 salted fish monster].

And the other old man who was wearing headphones and sitting in front of the computer frantically lining up troops was [lv8 Keyboard Man].

However, [Keyboard Man] Brother seems to know how to do things.

After seeing everyone fell asleep,

He put away his mechanical keyboard with his roommate's happy axis, and directly used the keyboard of the game book that doesn't make a sound to start the battle.

And the last one, who seemed to be on the phone outside the balcony at this time, was a [lv7 licking a dog]...

Chen Yilang could even vaguely hear from outside the balcony, "Why don't you come back to me, baby?", "Of course I miss you so much", "I only love you alone", "Baby". , I went for an infusion tonight, what kind of fluid did I infuse?" Lines like this...


Chen Yilang felt like a fat and juicy lamb that had strayed into the wolf's den.

"About the fact that I, as a normal person, actually lived with three monster roommates"...

"Forget it, it's important to sleep."

Chen Yilang was too lazy to think about it.

If he remembered correctly, they have to go to the freshman meeting early tomorrow morning.

The curtains are drawn, and the eyes are closed.

Chen Yilang fell into a deep sleep...



I don't know how long it took.

With the sound of the alarm clock,

Chen Yilang gradually woke up from his dream.

The moment when the curtains are opened.

The first thing Chen Yilang saw was not the beautiful morning light.

It was [Keyboard Man], Zhang Jian, sitting in front of the computer, still fighting **** back.

Take another look at the status of this item.

[Cultivation: In this state, the target is in the state of immortality, and the spiritual attributes are greatly improved, which will produce a feeling close to the return of light. 】

"..." Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.


This old liver emperor, played games all night.

"Morning, Brother Chen."

Seeing Chen Yilang getting out of bed, Zhang Jian reached out and said hello.

Chen Yilang was ashamed, this guy seems to be quite energetic!

I'm really afraid that he is really returning to the light...

"Isn't there a grade meeting this morning? Why are you still not getting up?" Chen Yilang asked in the dormitory while getting dressed.

"Brothers, I'm a little uncomfortable and don't want to go."

[Salt Fish Monster] Li Zixian lay on the bed and said in a daze, "You can call me here, thank you."

"It depends on the situation." Chen Yilang said helplessly.

This guy really deserves to be a [salted fish monster]...

Although Chen Yilang has always felt that he is a salted fish, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is far from salty enough to skip classes on the first day of school.

After all, he's still a new kid, so he still has to act obediently with his tail between his legs.

At this moment,

[Lick Dog] Feng Tian, ​​who had already dressed and packed up, rushed out of the bathroom and rushed out the door: "Brothers, I'll go first!"

"It's still early, why are you in such a hurry?" Chen Yilang said.

"It's too late, I have to bring breakfast to my goddess!" When Feng Tian finished saying this, he had disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"..." Chen Yilang.


Sure enough, none of the people in this room are normal people.

that's it.

In the end, only Chen Yilang and Zhang Jian came to the auditorium together.

When the two are in place.

The huge college auditorium is already full of 2021 business school freshmen.

At first glance, there are young and excited faces.

"Che, that's what people who have just entered college are like."

Zhang Jian put on the face of an old fried dough stick, and said disdainfully, "It won't be long, after the novelty wears off, they will find that games are more delicious."

"Probably." Chen Yilang smiled, and without saying anything, he found a seat and sat down.

During this time, Chen Yilang occasionally met acquaintances of Beijiang Alumni Association and said hello.

But most of the time, Chen Yilang still feels that the surrounding environment is relatively unfamiliar.


The host announced the official start of the freshman meeting.


A tall and familiar figure stepped onto the podium.

- Lan Jiabin.

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