If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 58: She gave so much...

Inside the private room that was so lively that it almost overturned the roof.

In an instant, it went silent...

no way.

This sudden intrusion of the cake is indeed too eye-catching.

Everyone was taken aback and had no idea what was going on.

When everyone saw this cake for the first time, the first impression was - it was big.

The thief is big!

This cake is indeed worthy of the title of Big Mac.

He was so big that he even needed two waiters, brought in on an oversized trolley.

At first glance, it was at least ten stories high, and the top almost rubbed against the glittering pendant hanging on the ceiling.

The side of the soft cream is also dotted with various colorful chocolates, candies, fruits...

all in all.

In a word, it is right to have a very good face.

Everyone in the arena is the first time in their life to see such a tall cake.

As expected of classmate Lan!

The first reaction of everyone was astonishing.

This is very Lan Jiabin, right?

After all, this Big Mac cake always feels full of the charming taste of money from the inside out...

But at this time.

[lv6 Iron Man] Xu Weijian, who was silently observing from the side, seemed to have discovered something mysterious.

"Wait a moment."

"Look carefully."

"What is written on it seems to have nothing to do with Lan Jiabin?"

Everyone was puzzled, and then under the guidance of Xu Weijian, they looked at the unreasonable place.

On the front of the Big Mac cake,

There was a gleaming LED sign all the time.

But just now, all the people who were just looking at the sky-shaking people, didn't even notice the existence of this thing.

After being reminded by Xu Weijian, a group of curious little heads began to gather in front of the cake and observed it carefully.

I saw a small sign with LED lights, with a series of words like this written in beautiful artistic fonts——

"I wish brother Chen Yilang a successful study and a bright future! Have fun tonight!"

The signature is - Sister Bing.

"Who is Sister Bing?"

Everyone was puzzled and looked up at Chen Yilang, "Is that your friend, classmate Chen Yilang?"

However, even Chen Yilang himself was a little puzzled. After a while, he reacted: "Ah, that's right."

He did not expect that Gu Binghan actually prepared a gift for him.

Probably to thank him for helping her retrieve the contract tonight, right?

However, in Chen Yilang's view, this is a trivial matter, just a little effort, but Gu Binghan didn't expect it to be so grand.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's Yaxing."

A waiter and sister stood in front of everyone, bowed politely, and said with a smile:

"This cake is a surprise specially prepared by Mr. Gu of the Flower Club of our shop for our VIP Mr. Chen Yilang."

"Besides, Mr. Gu also said that in the private room where Mr. Chen Yilang is staying tonight, all drinks, food, and entertainment consumption are free!"

"..." Everyone was stunned.

The private room suddenly became quiet...

What the **** is this?

Didn't it say that Lan Jiabin was the one who paid the bill tonight?

Why did Mr. Gu come out halfway, and he named him to pay for Chen Yilang?

Could it be that these days, you have to scramble to even pay the bill?

The people in the city are too good at playing, and I can't understand it...

this will,

The alumni looked at each other, looked at the cake, looked at Chen Yilang, and finally looked at Lan Jiabin.

Lan Jiabin was also a bit messy.

He frowned, pushed aside the crowd, walked in front of the waiter, and asked puzzled:

"Hey, wait a minute."

"I want to ask, who is this Gu always?"

"I have been playing in Fanhua for a year or two. Although I am studying in Beijiang, I come to play every time I have a holiday."

"It's been so long, why haven't I heard of this person?"

The waiter gave a bitter smile: "I don't know, we're just here to work for a job, and we don't quite understand the specific things on the management side."

"What kind of plane are you doing?" Lan Jiabin was displeased, and immediately took out the phone from his pocket, "I'll make a call and ask about the situation first."

The phone was dialed quickly.

"Hey, President Jiang, long time no see!"

Lan Jiabin greeted him in a very familiar tone, "That's it, didn't I bring the brothers to play at your venue tonight!"

"As a result, I heard just now that Mr. Gu suddenly came, what do you mean?"

"It makes me a little confused now, so you don't care about this side now?"

After saying this.

Lan Jiabin fell into silence...

I never talked to the other side again...

After silently listening to the other side's talk for three or four minutes, Lan Jiabin hung up the phone.

As soon as I looked up,

Then he found that the alumni all around were staring at him curiously...

Dozens of beams are either doubtful or suspicious.

Zheng Qi focused on his face, as if he wanted to burn through his apple muscle.

"..." Chen Yilang.

"..." Everyone.

The atmosphere was so eerily quiet.

Oh shit!

Lan Jiabin's egg hurts.

How should I explain to this group of people that the Fanhua Club has been acquired by someone else!

Speaking of which, it has been bad luck for eight lifetimes.

He had a good time at Blossoms before,

As a result, who would have thought,

Just in the past few days, the boss who knew him very well received a business order ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ said it was a woman surnamed Gu who wanted to buy this club.

As someone who started from scratch and made flowers bloom with his own hands, the boss's heart is naturally 10,000 unwilling.

That must be strictly refused!

The boss's attitude was very tough. He didn't even have the idea of ​​seeing the other party. He directly rejected the other party on the phone without giving any face.

But what the boss never thought was that,

Before the other party hung up the phone, he reported an Abela number.

The boss was furious: "I am this kind of person!?"

The boss clapped the table aggressively, and then signed a purchase contract with the other party.

no way.

This is such a ruthless society.

Who asked her to give too much...

After signing the contract, the boss drove away from this sad city with tears in his eyes and a check with an uncountable number of "0"...

Then on the way, I received a call from Lan Jiabin.

"I can't go back, Brother Lan."

The boss lit a cigarette, looked at the sky full of stars through the car window, and spit out a long mouth of loneliness from the lobe of his lungs...


"I can't go back to your sister!"

"It's Lao Tzu who is embarrassed, not you!"

Lan Jiabin's mentality was a little shattered.

These days, the rude words that are said are like water that is poured out, how can you get it back?

At this time, something that made Lan Jiabin's mentality even more explosive happened.

"Mr. Chen Yilang, VIP!"

"Please cut the cake with your own hands!"

The two waiters respectfully held a silver knife and brought it to Chen Yilang.

Yingying smiles, warm as spring.

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