If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 57: 【Social Cattle】The disease broke out!

"If you really can't do it, classmate Chen Yilang, it doesn't matter if I accompany you for a drink."


Lan Jiabin poured himself another glass of white wine, then raised the glass and looked at Chen Yilang.

A dozen pairs of eyes in the private room.

at this moment.

They all looked directly at Chen Yilang.

Oh shit.

I want to drink white wine!

These students, who have been studying obediently since childhood, and who did not smoke or drink under the education of their family and teachers, felt a sense of oppression.

have to say,

Lan Jiabin's attitude is indeed a bit tough, and it can even be said to be a bit aggressive.

For this group of students who are still in the ivory tower, they have indeed never seen such a scene.

For a while, they all wanted to see how Chen Yilang responded.


Everyone didn't expect that Chen Yilang's reaction was so calm that it was as if he was doing homework.

"Forget it." Chen Yilang said lightly, "I'll have to drive when I go back."


Lan Jiabin's face twitched slightly without showing any trace.

The shock in my heart is like a thunderous sound...

He actually said that he wanted to drive! ?

That is to say, that Cayenne is not actually the car of the beautiful woman, but the car of this guy! ?

Lan Jiabin feels that he has suffered a ton of psychological damage...

"No, I can't bear it anymore."

"The A8 has no brand name anymore. When I go back, I have to ask my father to replace it with a more expensive one!"

Lan Jiabin made up his mind secretly.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Rejection of Reason], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got +457 gold coins and +245 experience! 】

"???" Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang couldn't understand it again.

When chatting with Xiong Yuwei just now, he learned that Lan Jiabin was driving tonight.

So he kindly reminded Lan Jiabin that if he came by car, he should stop drinking.

As a result, this guy Mao was mentally hurt again...

But at this time, Chen Yilang glanced at Lan Jiabin's blood bar.

Only to find out that his blood loss was less than 5%.

Obviously, this big monster is very patient.

This kind of mental injury is not painful to him at all.

"All right."

Lan Jiabin had to put down the wine glass and showed his signature gentle smile, "Then let's drink it another day!"

"But let's put it here first, classmate Chen Yilang, you still owe us three glasses of wine, and you have to pay it back next time!"

"OK." Chen Yilang was relieved.

Anyway, the ghost knows what year and month in the AD will be when I come out to play with you next time...

Besides, Chen Yilang is really not very interested in things like wine. If he can not drink it, he will choose not to drink it as much as possible.

"Then our self-introduction session ends here."

Lan Jiabin clapped his hands loudly, signaling that everyone around him should pay attention to what he said:

"Tonight, let's all have fun!"

"Eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, and order whatever you want to sing!"

"If you have any other needs, you can tell me, I'll treat you!"

Speaking of which.

In the entire private room, there was another round of applause and cheers.

"Mr. Lan's atmosphere! Mr. Lan is six-six-six!"

"As expected of my brother Lan, I'll mess with you in the future!"

"Classmate Lan is mighty!"

"Hey, how can someone be like classmate Lan, so handsome and so expensive..."

Alumni cheer up.

Lan Jiabin showed a satisfied smile.

He likes this feeling the most.

One person detonates the audience, as if controlling the world!

At this time.

Chen Yilang saw a new state appear above Lan Jiabin's head.

[lv20 Howling Troll, has entered a new state! 】

[Status: Social cattle! 】

[She Niu: Social Niu state! In this state, the target's intelligence value is slightly decreased, and other attributes are greatly improved! The HP recovery speed is increased, and the [Excited] state is added! 】

At this moment,

Chen Yilang can see it with the naked eye,

Seeing Lan Jiabin's health bar, he quickly filled it up...

For Lan Jiabin,

In the state of "She Niu", it seems that the cheers and rainbow farts of the people around him have become the most powerful blood pack.

numb numb...

Chen Yilang probably understood.

Therefore, as long as it is in such a strong social atmosphere, Lan Jiabin is almost an invincible existence.

There is no opponent at all!

The few waves of HP that he finally knocked out were all restored to him in one fell swoop. How about just playing with a hammer?

And Lan Jiabin, who was in the state of [She Niu], became more and more excited with the hilarious crowd around him.

"I'll give you a toast first!"

At this time, Lan Jiabin didn't care about whether he could drive or not. The big deal was to hire a driver or call a special car. Anyway, he wasn't short of money.

He raised a glass of white wine and drank it directly.

Then she turned the empty wine glass down and smiled evilly...

The cheers boiled again.

The little girls were even more excited.

Although I always feel that this action is a bit too greasy, as long as it is placed on Lan, it feels very handsome, doesn't it?


"I'm a person, I've never made a lie with you."

"After all, everyone is also alumni, so I'm here to tell you a secret secretly."

"The boss of this flower club has an unusual relationship with me!"

"Flower Club has been open for almost two or three years, and I have always been the top VIP customer here!"

"One thing to say, I dare to say that this place is the most suitable place for our team building and gathering!"

"If everyone wants to come here in the future, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will report my name directly and give me a discount, that's right!"


Lan Jiabin's words.

Once again, the atmosphere in the private room reached a climax.

Straight to the top!

【Ding! 】

[[lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] activated the skill [Cash Ability] and created [Fever Field]! 】

[Fever Field: Within the range of the Fever Field, the affected monsters will enter the [Excited] state! 】

Chen Yilang looked around.

As the system says.

All the monsters around have indeed entered a state of [excitement] at this moment.

He glanced at the top of Lan Jiabin's head again.

I found that the logo of "She Niu" has started to flash with red light special effects...

It can be seen that Lan Jiabin's social bullishness broke out a bit violently tonight...

But I have to admit that this guy really controls the rhythm of social gatherings steadily.

Every time he speaks, it can attract a burst of cheers from the audience, and after pushing it again and again, it can detonate the audience.

And this ability, not everyone can master.

After all, not everyone has a talent for socializing, and not everyone can make a grinder like this guy...

Just when there was so much excitement in the private room that a group of demons danced wildly.

The doorbell in the private room suddenly made a lively sound of music.

next moment.

The door was opened directly from the outside.


A huge but extremely delicate ice cream cake was pushed directly into the private room!

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