If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 325: 【Power Amplifier】!

Lan Jiabin has always been a very confident person.

Well, yes, very confident.

To be more precise, he had a lot of confidence in himself—in whatever way.

After all, in all fairness, Lan Jiabin alone accounted for all three of the words Gao Fushuai, and none of them were missing.

For most boys, if there is any one of these three things, life will be like a hang-up, not to mention that Lan Jiabin has already taken everything.

Therefore, Lan Jiabin's self-confidence cannot be blamed on him.

This is an innate temperament, and if you want to blame him, you can only blame him for being too good and outstanding.

But on this day, Lan Jiabin discovered that his temperament, which is easy to use everywhere, was actually met with Waterloo.

Chen Yilang actually won him... and won too much.

After Chen Yilang left the base camp, it didn't take long for the atmosphere at the scene to gradually cool down.

Those female students who had already been attracted by Chen Yilang, for some reason, after Chen Yilang left, they all showed a little impatient expression.

"Hey, sister, why is the queue here at Nanxuan University so long?"

"That's right, I don't want to queue anymore, it's so annoying."

"Me too, so let's take a look at Qing University? If it's really no fun, we'll withdraw."

"Yes, yes, I agree too!"


After reaching a consensus, the young and beautiful school girls all left their original team.

No matter how Ren Lan Jiabin kept it, it was all to no avail...

This time 17BxW* Zhang Si. The handsome senior brothers are indeed very eye-catching, but what does this have to do with their group of hard-working children who are about to take the college entrance examination?

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. Instead of talking about life with my senior brother, it would be more pleasant to spend all this time studying and writing a few questions.

After all, high school seniors are all learning machines without any emotion.


After leaving the base camp, Chen Yilang got his wish and ate at the top of the mountain where Xiong Yuwei invited guests.

Chen Yilang usually eats dinner at home very early, and it was almost his meal time, and he was very hungry.

Xiong Yuwei's appetite is the opposite of Chen Yilang's. During the whole process, Xiong Yuwei basically kept watching Chen Yilang eat and eat.

It wasn't until halfway through the meal that Chen Yilang reacted a little, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Why don't you eat it?" Chen Yilang sneered.

"It's okay, you can eat more if it tastes good, it's a blessing to be able to eat it!" Xiong Yuwei said with a smile, "I've been losing fat recently, so I'll eat less."

Chen Yilang became a little interested when he heard it.

Because under normal circumstances, most girls will say this word as weight loss, not fat loss.

This term sounds a little more professional.

However, this is not a strange thing. After all, Xiong Yuwei was originally a sports student, and it is normal to understand this aspect.

"Are you going to exercise?"

Chen Yilang snorted a few times, swallowed the food in his mouth, and asked curiously.

"That's right." Xiong Yuwei nodded, "I've been going there every night for the past few days."

"Which gym do you go to?" Chen Yilang asked again.

"Giant Gym is located near the intersection of Hehai Avenue and Runfa Avenue." Xiong Yuwei added.

"Oh, oh, then I understand." Chen Yilang let out a rooster-like cry with an expression of complete enlightenment.

Beijiang is nothing more than a small coastal city, and the local indigenous people can basically memorize the names of all the streets and roads, and Chen Yilang is no exception.

So when Xiong Yuwei accurately named the two roads, Chen Yilang understood almost instantly where the location of the gym that Xiong Yuwei was talking about was.

"Then your place is quite close to my house." Chen Yilang said casually, "You can stop by after eating later."

"Huh? Does that mean you want to come and become stronger with me?"

Xiong Yuwei said, while smiling, raised her arm and bent it in a posture of rolling iron.

"No, no, just kidding."

Looking at Xiong Yuwei's slightly bulging strong biceps, Chen Yilang smirked again, "Just talk, don't take it seriously."

"Then, since we're on our way, don't you really want to stop by and see?" Xiong Yuwei laughed, "As the old saying goes, we're all here!"

"Then... that's fine." Seeing Xiong Yuwei's gracious invitation, Chen Yilang was embarrassed to refuse.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Anyway, it's just to have a look, it's really not a big problem.

Chen Yilang has a very thorough understanding of his own abilities and interests. Although he said he was just going to have a look, there is a high probability that he really just went to have a look...

Even if you don't watch it, it's just rubbing at most, no more.

I'm just rubbish, absolutely nothing else...

There is no way, slackers are like this, if they can lie down, they will never sit, if they can sit, they will never stand, and if they can stand, they will never move.

For Chen Yilang, the happiest thing in staying in the gym is obviously not cramming the iron frantically~www.readwn.com~ but appreciating all kinds of peaches...Ahem, no.

In this way, after the two finished a hot pot meal, Chen Yilang followed Xiong Yuwei to the giant gym.

I have to say that the name of this gym is quite domineering, and it is indeed quite in line with the atmosphere in the gym.

After all, as soon as he pushed open the door and walked into the gym, Chen Yilang ran into several big muscle tyrants with exaggerated muscles like hills.

When these big muscle bullies walk, both shoulders are hunched up, because their biceps and triceps are too big, so their arms can't hang down like normal people. Pants are sewn on.

"..." The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly, he was really afraid that these meng male brothers would suddenly look unhappy at him, and then rushed up and crushed his head directly with his chest muscles.

Xiong Yuwei was obviously familiar with the staff at the front desk. She took the bracelet from the storage cabinet with ease, and then went into the locker room and changed into a professional fitness suit.

The close-fitting fitness clothes immediately showed her exceptionally bumpy, firm and healthy body, vividly and vividly.

Only then did Chen Yilang realize that he was still too young.

What kind of peaches are you looking at?

Peach is by my side...

"You play for yourself first, if you can't, I will teach you later." After Xiong Yuwei finished speaking, she went to the gym by herself.

Curious about the baby Chen Yilang, he picked up a dumbbell.

Then the sound of the system sounded.


Make a big tyrant. 【Ding! 】

【You have acquired a new item: Power Amplifier! 】

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