If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 324: School girl, school girl, don't run!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Crossing Sword to Capture Love], causing great mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +3212, Experience +3021! 】




"what happened?"

At this moment, Chen Yilang, who was already among the flowers, also showed a puzzled look.

What a day, obviously he didn't do anything just now, how could this be...

Inexplicably hurt their glass-hearted blue brother again, I'm really sorry...

But to be honest, even the client, Chen Yilang, didn't realize that the power of this [Attracting Bees and Butterflies] was so powerful.

It's an exaggeration to attract the schoolgirls around. Before you know it, the other female students who were walking on the playground, after going around a few times, didn't even know why they came here. Arrived in front of Chen Yilang's seat.

Even they themselves don't know why, they just feel that the boy sitting there seems to have some kind of particularly fatal attraction, which makes people want to get close for no reason and can't help it.

Seeing that more and more female students rushed towards Chen Yilang, Lan Jiabin began to feel more and more lonely and cold...

Just when Lan Jiabin was about to doubt his life, a beautiful girl suddenly sat in front of him.

"Senior, senior, can I ask questions?"

The junior girl looked very anxious. As soon as she sat down, her **** hadn't stabilized, so she immediately asked.

"Ah, yes, you can ask anything you want!"

Lan Jiabin quickly showed his signature blue smile, and asked softly in a gentle and kind tone.

"That, senior, I want to ask you..." The pretty junior's face suddenly turned red, "Did you see that flower over there?"

Lan Jiabin was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction the pretty school girl's fingers pointed, only to realize that she was referring to the little flower placed on Chen Yilang's desk.

"Ah, I saw it, what's wrong?" Lan Jiabin asked curiously.

Lan Jiabin was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. What kind of thing has never been seen before, what is a small flower?

What he was really curious about was, what kind of magic power does this little flower have to make these schoolgirls follow one after another?

"Ah, it's actually nothing!"

The pretty junior shook her head bluntly, and then said again: "I just want the WeChat account of the senior sitting in that position... I wonder if you have it, senior?"

Lan Jiabin: "..."

【Ding! 】

[You used the [Horizontal Sword and Seize Love 2 Combo], causing tons of mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +3421, Experience +3242! 】


Chen Yilang, who was sitting in the distance, was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do for a while.

My dear, this is really a person sitting at home, and the experience comes from the sky...

He just stabbed Lan Jiabin twice in such an inexplicable way, and it was still the kind of blood that saw blood, and the most outrageous thing was that until now he didn't know what he really did to Lan. What did Jiabin do?

After all, from the beginning to the end, Chen Yilang had been submerged in the flowers, and he had no idea what was going on outside.

So, after the sacrifice of [Charming Bees and Butterfly Flowers], the school girl from Chen Yilang's side who came to ask questions never stopped.

In this case, even a shy, introverted, shy, rude brother, style=\"display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client=\"ca-pub-12data-ad4185134\"\ "data-ad-region=\"cont_mid\"data-ad-slot=\"6246767822\"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({}); is also easy to follow Several schoolgirls chatted and successfully coaxed and deceived, not only getting the other party to pay attention to the official account, but also filling out their questionnaires.

It didn't take long for Chen Yilang's task to be successfully completed.

"Ha ha!"

"Isn't it just one person and five?"

"It's so easy, no effort at all..."

After completing the task, Chen Yilang, who had nothing to do, was ready to get off work.

"Hey, ah, that..."

Chen Yilang was just about to get up and leave, but Xiong Yuwei came up at this moment, "Well, can you help me pull five people too?"

"I really want to get off work too, but I'm not as good as you... You can help me get it done. I'll invite you to eat at the top of the mountain after get off work later!"

Xiong Yuwei's request was very sincere, which made Chen Yilang himself suddenly brighten his eyes, and sat back in his seat again: "It's a small matter, wrap it on me!"

So, the experienced and experienced Chen Yilang followed suit and quickly helped Xiong Yuwei complete five off-duty tasks.

Seeing their unreasonable brother Lang slaying indiscriminately, the [King of Yin Cao Song] Zhang Junlun and [Evil Eater] Pangwu couldn't sit still at all.

They came to Chen Yilang's side eagerly, and gave another crazy hint: "Brother Lang! What, we also want..."

Chen Yilang: "Farewell, next time."

Zhang Junlun: "???"

Pangwu: "???"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Rejection], causing huge mental damage to [lv15 Yincao Song King] and [lv15 Evil Eater]! 】

[You got: Gold +3291, Experience +3254! 】

[The favorability of the character [Xiong Yuwei] has been improved! 】

【Current favorability: 66%】

【Details: No matter whether it is a strong or a vulnerable girl, it is impossible to refuse this feeling of being favored... 】


Chen Yilang: "?"

Ah this?

Why are you fat four?

So can this also improve your favorability?

Brother Lang, the straight man of steel, is naturally completely ignorant about this~www.readwn.com~ After all, there is only one real thought in his heart, and that is to get off work and go to the top of the mountain to fish...

Favorite thing, we honest people don't know this kind of thing, and we don't know how to play this kind of thing.

We only know one thing, that is, we are not active in cooking, and there is a problem with our brain designation...

In this way, after helping Xiong Yuwei to complete the task, Chen Yilang put away his [Attracting Bees and Butterflies].

There is no way, after all, this is also an incredible super power item. If it falls on other people with bad intentions and is used to do some bad things, it will be bad.

As an outstanding contemporary college student who has won the three good students in elementary school, Brother Lang will never do anything illegal or chaotic.

"Brother Lan, our two tasks have been completed, so let's go home after get off work first."

"Come on everyone, try to give our principal more face!"

Chen Yilang smiled and said to the other alumni in the base camp.

"Wait...you wait..."

Lan Jiabin let out a powerless cry, but he still couldn't stop Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei from going further and further...


You bastard, just leave by yourself, don't take my Weiwei with you!

Seeing Xiong Yuwei being abducted by Chen Yilang, Lan Jiabin shed tears of ignorance...

"President, think of a way!" Zhang Junlun suddenly shouted anxiously, "Why are all the juniors running away all of a sudden!?"


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