If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 241: [Girlish ambition]!

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The so-called "lucky link", although it sounds very interesting, is actually

To put it bluntly, it is a lottery session.

The host struck while the iron was hot, and immediately walked up to introduce the lottery to everyone



"Then next, it's the lucky draw ring that we all love to see.

festival. "

"Now, let me introduce the process of the lottery to you.

. "

"Everyone, please take out your mobile phone, scan the QR code on the screen, and join

group chat……"

on the screen.

Immediately, a QR code pattern popped up.

Everyone in the audience took out their mobile phones one after another, scanned the code and joined the group chat.

"Okay, have you all joined our lucky draw group chat?" the host

the person asked with a smile.

"Join in!" Everyone in the audience was very cooperative.

"Not bad, not bad! Then next, we will reveal the first wave of luck.

The lucky winner! "


"Our captain Jiang You will select twenty lucky winners from the group chat.

Lucky audience. "

"The lucky baby who is selected can immediately walk to our dance.

Come on stage and take a photo with all the members of our magic hand team~"

The voice fell.

Under the stage, the pot exploded again!


"I'll come first!"

"Choose me, choose me, brothers!"

"I suggest you calm down... this is just the first wave of luck.

O people! Since we have been chosen, doesn't that mean that we

It has nothing to do with the lucky audience in the next few waves? "

"Gan, I think what you said makes sense?"

"Come on, no matter how much he is! No matter how bad we are, at least we are better than

There is no one who was drawn to the prize at all, right? "

"It's just..."

The excited audience rubbed their hands together, looking forward to the next lottery result


The person in charge of the lottery is Jiang You.

"Captain Jiang You will select twenty people in this group chat that he thinks are more comparable.

A pleasing avatar. "

"That's the lucky one in our first lottery!"

The host explained from the side.


Everyone saw Jiang You with a wicked smile, took the phone, and on the screen,

He slowly pointed out twenty avatars and sent them to this group of people one by one.

A private message.

Not long after.

The students sitting at the bottom jumped out of their seats one after another, like gophers.

"I got the message, I got the message!"

"Me too, me too!"

"Brothers, here I come!"

A large group of people happily rushed to the stage, and then rushed up.

And at this time.

A very miraculous thing happened.

——And the place where it happened was on the table occupied by all the members of the logistics department.

I see.

With the continuous release of Jiangyou news.

On the table, the members who received the news kept jumping up and down with joy and rushing to the stage with unbearable joy.

And, one after the other!

This shocked all the members of the logistics department.

——Good guy, the winning rate of their department is a bit too high, right?

When the sweepstakes draws to a close.

Next to the entire spacious table.

Only Peng Weilong was left, and there was another backbone.

At this moment.

The two looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed for a while...

The backbone gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and was about to find something to discuss with their Minister Peng to ease the embarrassment.

But only at this time.

The last lucky audience member was named at this time.

"Ding dong!"

Inside the backbone's cell phone.

Received new news.

"Lie down!!!"

The moment he saw the news, the backbone instantly lost his expression management, and then he became quiet the moment he met Peng Weilong's eyes: "Cao..."

Backbone: "..."

Peng Weilong: "..."

The air froze for a short while.




"Shall I go up first to receive a prize?"

The backbone asked weakly.

Peng Weilong said with a dark face, "Okay."

Backbone: "..."

With excitement and anxiety.

As the last little lucky egg, the backbone dashed to the stage.

Under the arrangement of the host.

Twenty people quickly got on the stage and took several group photos with all the members of the Magic Hands team.

For most fans.

Although this is just a group photo.

But the happiness and satisfaction it can bring to them is far more than that.

Just like Zhang Jian.

As one of the first wave of lucky viewers.

Even if his position was unfortunately placed at the edge.

He is still very happy!

"Come on, everyone, take a look at the camera~"



Kacha Kacha!

When the camera sounded.

Lonely, helpless and weak Peng Weilong.

Sitting alone at the large table, looking at the group of smiling members on the stage, I couldn't help but begin to doubt life...


You are shouting eggplant, but he is wilted like an eggplant...

And at the same time.

The strange gazes were directed at him from all directions.

It made him feel even more restless...

It was as if someone was holding a sticky tentacle and slapped him in the face continuously. It was a feeling...

"Hey, look! At that table, he was the only one left to win the prize!"

"Good guy, is this a group of European emperors stuffed with an African chief?"

"He's really miserable, woo woo woo!"

"Look, look, that guy, doesn't he look like a dog!"


The constant laughter from all around turned into countless arrows, swishing into Peng Weilong's back...

Brother Long...

Completely closed.


In fact, Peng Weilong is not very interested in e-sports, nor is he a fan of the Magic Hands team.

The reason for his resentment was actually quite simple.

In some cases, when everyone has a certain thing, but you don't...you will instinctively want to have it, even if you don't know what it can be used for.

After all, in this case.

That thing can at least allow you to prove that you are the same as everyone else... Let's be on an equal footing, and no one will lose!

But once this rule is broken, the bowl of water in your hand will be uneven.

So, Brother Long is very angry, and the consequences are very serious!


Hearing the voice coming from his ear, Chen Yilang smiled very comfortably.


Ask you to grab a seat?

Do you know what was wrong now?

--Yes, that's right.

All of these operations, in fact, were all arranged by Chen Yilang secretly and unknowingly.

Just before the lottery started.

Chen Yilang quietly used his, and released one to Peng Weilong!

After seeing this creature, it was as if he had encountered some attractive prey, and he flew towards him as if he were flying.

Then he attached himself tightly to Minister Peng Weilong!


Minister Peng obviously has accumulated a lot of European spirit, otherwise he would not be able to grab Chen Yilang's reserved seat so coincidentally.

And these European auras—

It's my favorite food!

It pounced as quickly as a hungry tiger.

It didn't take long before he swallowed the European energy from Peng Weilong's body!


That's why.


Minister Long was lucky from the beginning.

It has become a big injustice now...


Why was I the only one who didn't win the lottery!

Is this Chen Yilang secretly messing with me! ?

Minister Peng Weilong was very depressed and began to suspect Chen Yilang's motive.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence...


"Is there a possibility?"

"Actually, I'm too pessimistic?"

Another thought suddenly appeared in Peng Weilong's mind.

——The reason why he was not selected for the group photo is because he won a bigger prize!

After all, this first wave of awards is definitely the worst one.

after this.

There will definitely be something bigger, fiercer and more satisfying waiting for him!

after all.

Anyone who has gone through the school days knows it.

Every time the results are announced at the end of the term or a certificate of award is issued.

The first announced are the "Learning Progress Award" and "Learning Effort Award".

The final announcement is the heavyweight "learning pacesetter" and "outstanding student award".

After all, Brother Long is also a minister after all!

How could it be that there is no more cards than your own members?

Sure enough.

all of these.

All were successfully predicted by Peng Weilong.

After the group photo was over.

The host started to announce the next part.

"Then now, the second wave of lucky viewers will be announced!"

"This time."

"Captain Jiangyou will select ten lucky winners and present a team uniform with the names of all the team members!"


The voice fell.

Everyone obviously couldn't hold back any longer.


Compared to the big group photo.

The autographed team clothes are obviously more attractive!

The students below couldn't sit still again.

After hearing the news.

Started to move again.

at the same time.

The 20 classmates who got the group photo before, now it's their turn to be melancholy...


They are now even the most uncomfortable group of people.

Because they have already obtained the group photo, they must have no chance to continue to get autographs.

But everyone else has a chance!

For example, the current Peng Weilong is very much looking forward to it.

"Then now, let's invite our Captain Jiang You to come up and draw a lot of lottery for everyone!"

the host said.

Jiang You walked up again.


Among the ten people this time.

There is still no Peng Weilong...

When watching students happily pass by him.

Peng Weilong realized one thing unwillingly just now.

——The clown is actually me!

When the end came here, naturally there was nothing to say.

He, the dignified head of the logistics department - did not win any prizes.

"I can't stand it hot!"

this moment.

Peng Weilong, completely broke the defense.


the other side.

On Chen Yilang's table, there are also some new situations.


"Still haven't been flipped to the sign..."

When the last man jumped and ran to the stage.

Xia Ling, who was sitting below, looked at the large group of people on the stage and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

at this time.

Chen Yilang suddenly noticed it.


Xia Ling's European aura did not seem to be very good.

After all, the first and second lottery draws just now seemed to have nothing to do with her...

But it can be seen.

Xia Ling, it seems that she really has some expectations.

Her curved willow-leaf eyebrows also wrinkled unconsciously, obviously not as happy as before.


When hearing the description of the system.

Chen Yilang's brows also wrinkled.

Naturally, he really wanted to accomplish this task, that's right.

But the problem is...

This seems to be a little difficult!

Mainly, there is no starlight in his hand~www.readwn.com~ and no stars.

So, what should he use to accomplish this task?


"Unless the lucky draw has a final round."

Chen Yilang said silently.


Just when Chen Yilang was thinking so.

on the stage.

The host suddenly announced into the microphone:


"Let's congratulate these lucky friends with applause again!"

"However, today, we have another good news."

"That is--"

"The last round of lucky draw has not started yet!"


This statement is obviously very effective.

The scene that had already gradually started to become silent.

After being teased by the host like this.

In an instant, it became lively again.

After all, this is the last round of the lottery!

If nothing else.

Then in this final round, the reward that can be obtained must be the best!

Seeing everyone so excited.

The host struck while the iron was hot and announced the prizes for this round.

She took out an exquisite small box, and opened it slowly in front of all the people in the audience.

——Appearing inside is a small ring of the same exquisiteness.

Under the bright hall lights, the beautiful streamer is reflected.

And at that moment.

Chen Yilang also found out.


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