If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 240: surprise,brother!


Seeing this scene, it was naturally seen clearly by everyone at the table in the logistics department.

after all.

The seat where the three of Chen Yilang sat is the real VIP seat!

Such a conspicuous place, even if you don't want to see it...

But that's not the point.

The point is.

Peng Weilong was not invited to this seat by the stars and the moon like he was YY.

- The guy who was invited up was Chen Yilang!

"Fuck, did I read it wrong?"

"That guy, isn't that the guy who wanted to slap the minister just now?"

"He's actually a VIP?"

"But it doesn't make sense. If he is a VIP, why should he come to book this seat?"

Peng Weilong was a little stunned.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Unexpectedly], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 Inspector Brigade Captain]! 】

[You got: Gold +1943, Experience +1048! 】

The other students sitting at the table were also completely confused at this time.

What the fuck?

What's wrong?

What's the matter?

Dareqing was not prepared for their ministers at all?

That's quite a waste of expression...

The [Inspector Soldiers] turned their attention to their boss [lv13 Inspector Captain] Peng Weilong.

During this time, the latter felt a slight embarrassment.

The atmosphere at the table has also become a little subtle...

One of the senior sophomores who was sitting among them sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly held up the beer he had just poured and said, "Come on, come on.

, everyone first toast! "



"Respect Minister Peng Weilong!"

A group of people started drinking alcohol, trying to hide the awkward atmosphere just now.

Peng Weilong also immediately put away the embarrassed smile on his face, and began to mingle with his subordinate departments.

That's it.

Anyway, tonight.

They can also be considered to have successfully prostituted to an excellent seat for free, and they can barely make a profit.

As for Chen Yilang's ability to be sent to the VIP seat... It naturally has nothing to do with him.

It didn't take long.

It's time for the party to start.

The main part of the show has just arrived.

The host stepped onto the stage with applause. With a professional and enthusiastic opening remarks and the right BGM, the atmosphere was instantly

was incited.


The highlight of this evening will soon come.

Under the introduction of the host.

Accompanied by a switch to a more hilarious and over-the-top BGM.

All the members of the Magic Hand team came out of the backcourt neatly and appeared in everyone's sight.

Cheers, applause, and roars suddenly sounded in the venue, and soon flooded the entire venue like a tide.

"Wow, brothers are so handsome!"

"Tang Yinrou, the goddess of Tang Yinrou! I finally met myself, Mom!"

"Hey hey hey, wouldn't that be the team's Yangtze River Tour? Why do you feel that the deity looks a little naive?"

"Fantastic! Does this store have a gold card? I want to charge it for ten years!"

The excited and excited students seemed to have exploded.

【Ding! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】

[The map [Flower Party Hall] has a large number of [Fever Zombies] monsters, please pay attention to avoid it! 】

[Fever Zombie: A monster in a state of emotional agitation, with extremely high emotional instability, it is easy to interact with the surrounding

The target of the quarrel and conflict, has a high risk and aggression! 】

Hearing this, Chen Yilang was also frightened by this posture and almost choked.

Good guy, the popularity of these guys is really high...

No one else will say it.

Even Zhang Jian, who was sitting next to him, was already dancing with excitement, and made a cry like a throwback to his ancestors.

I can't even wait to jump up and rush to the stage.

Chen Yilang is the only one who is completely indifferent to this...

Probably because he and Jiang You were already quite familiar, so Chen Yilang unknowingly called them.

The halo on his body was ignored.

It's like.

If you really have an old school girl or old girl who is chased by thousands of people, then in your eyes, she is just a girl who will pull

Just an ordinary woman with shit...

The members of the magic hand team have obviously adapted to this kind of situation, without showing any panic, one by one calmly.

He walked up to the stage to greet the audience, with a generous manner and an extraordinary typhoon.

The most annoying is.

when just walking up.

Jiang You's eyes just swept across Chen Yilang, who was sitting in the first row at the front, and then subconsciously threw a wink at the latter.

"..." Chen Yilang, who was a little nauseated, resisted the urge to rush up and beat him.

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Spring Water Commander] used [Hawker's Look Back], and successfully disgusted you, causing a lot of mental and physical damage to you

Harmful! 】


"Fuck, Brother Lang, did Senior Jiang You wink at me just now?"

Zhang Jian suddenly rejoiced in his heart, "So he already remembers me? Could it be that I left him with me at the last meeting of mobile game lovers.

Under quite a deep impression? "

Chen Yilang: "...Is there a possibility that you think too much?"

Zhang Jian: "Impossible, you are jealous of me."

at this time.

The atmosphere in the venue gradually returned to normal.

Jiang You took the microphone from the host and greeted the audience enthusiastically:

"Hello friends, long time no see!"

"We are-"

The entire team greeted together in tacit understanding: "Magic Hand Team!"

Ulala —

There was another cheer from the audience.


"We are very happy to meet you in this format at the Flower Club."


"On behalf of all the members of the Magic Hand, I would like to thank the Flower Club for providing us with such a platform."

Yawen Bar

"Thank you to all the staff and store managers of the Flower Club for their hard work."

"And most of all, General Manager Chen Yilang, who provided us with this precious opportunity!"

The voice was stunned for a moment, and most of the classmates in the scene were immediately stunned.

- Did they hear it right?

Chen Yilang! ?

This name... sounds familiar!

They even vaguely remember that this is still a freshman, right?

But this group of veterans of the Magic Hand team actually called him the general manager?

This guy... what's the background?

"Then now."

"Let's welcome our manager Chen Yilang with applause and say a few words to us!"

Jiang You said quite skillfully.

This guy was originally an extremely restless master, and the troublemakers in his body were even on par with Chen Yilang's.

He was so incited.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly set off a climax.

"The general manager is awesome!"

"Where is Mr. Chen? I want Kangkang!"

"So this manager Chen Yilang is the brother's father? I really love it!"

Of course.

in the warm atmosphere

The most ignorant person is naturally the client Chen Yilang...


What the hell!

How inexplicably was pushed to the cusp of public opinion! ?

He didn't even say hello to Jiang You in advance...

When Chen Yilang looked at Jiang You on the stage with a confused expression.

He seemed to understand something in the latter's eyes in an instant.

In Jiang You's wink at him, only a simple sentence was conveyed.

—surprise, brother!

Gan oh!

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched wildly.

There is no joy at all in this wave, Chunchun is only surprised!

But look at the reaction of this large audience right now.

Chen Yilang realized.

Things don't seem to be that simple anymore.

This wave, he is afraid that he will get it if he bites the bullet.


Very helplessly.

Chen Yilang was invited to the stage by Jiang You.


"How is it, I didn't expect it, Brother Lang!"

As soon as Chen Yilang came up, Jiang You familiarly hooked up with the former on his back.

Between the chat and laughter, the people in the audience can clearly see it.

The relationship between the two is not ordinary.

Chen Yilang had no choice but to joke: "I really have you, I can't fix it directly."

"Hey, hey, you can just say a few words to everyone."

Jiang You smiled and shoved the microphone into Chen Yilang's hand, directly cutting off all opportunities for him to withdraw.

no way.

Chen Yilang had no choice but to pick up the wheat without tears, and in the roar of everyone in the audience, he stuttered and said a lot of lines that were not good or bad.

Although after so many things and storms.

Small-scale speaking occasions like this.

Logically speaking.

This is not too difficult for Brother Lang.

But such an impromptu situation that is too sudden is still a bit embarrassing...

all in all.

Chen Yilang just said a lot of things that he didn't even know what he was talking about.

But just as he finished speaking...


Jiang You suddenly let out a loud roar, and immediately took the lead in applauding.

A large group of team members behind him also clapped their hands with Jiang You very tacitly.

And this naturally triggered a series of effects off the stage.

The audience sitting below cheered.

Although there are many people sitting below, in fact, they don't even know who Chen Yilang is...

But since the Magic Hands team is so supportive of him, he is obviously an important figure.

How about a word?

Love the house and the bird!

- The person my brothers like is the person I like!

all in all.


Chen Yilang was pushed to the stage so inexplicably.

Just when he was also about to be pushed back to his original position offstage so inexplicably.

What made Chen Yilang even more unexpected happened.

The host standing aside.

At this time, something was suddenly announced.

That is-

The highlight of this evening, the exhibition game, has begun!

And Chen Yilang.

Inexplicably arranged in the battle seat, sat down...


After Chen Yilang was stunned for a long time, he suddenly realized what had happened.

— Good guy, he's the first opening special guest tonight!

This is also what he did not expect.

Jiang You, you can play well...

The first exhibition match was also very interesting.

Chen Yilang chose a hero he liked more, and then played against the popular players in the magic hand team.

But of course.

You can't beat it, after all, others are also a team, and playing games is professional...

But what is needed is the atmosphere!

after all.

Sitting in the group of fans of the team below.

I don't know how many diehard fans want a chance to solo with the players...

Especially when Chen Yilang and Tang Yinrou's solo shooter Marco Polo fired countless bullets into Tang Yinrou's face frantically... The other boys could only show envy and jealousy.


I also really want to shoot in line with Sister Tang Yinrou!

Tang Yinrou's fans cried.

But at this moment.

The most shocking was of course the [Inspection Corps Captain] Peng Weilong, who was sitting in the middle of the [Inspection Soldiers].

"..." For a while, Brother Long was a little dumbfounded.

What the **** is this plot development?

He suddenly had an ominous foreboding.

- Is there a possibility.

The Chen Yilang he provoked just now is actually a hidden boss?

He suddenly felt a little like sitting on pins and needles, and the chair under his **** was hot as if it was on fire...

- Can't stand it hot!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bipolar Reversal], causing a lot of mental damage to [Check Captain]! 】

[You got: gold coins +1988, UU reading www.uukanshu.com experience +1042! 】

At this moment.

A large circle of [checking soldiers], who realized that something was wrong, all quieted down knowingly, pretending that they didn't hear anything...


Chen Yilang's opening performance was finally over.

With an embarrassed yet polite smile, Chen Yilang slipped off the stage as if fleeing...

- This is so embarrassing!

The feeling of being arranged inexplicably, Sparrow Food made him feel so caught off guard.

But if the reaction of the students in the stands...it seems to be okay.

Unfinished fans, even want to watch more.

After Chen Yilang walked down.

Originally, he thought that there would be other victims in the follow-up... er, no, there would be other special guests invited to the stage to experience the same version of embarrassment as him.

However, Jiang You didn't seem to arrange other people...

Next, is the Demon Hand Club's own exhibition match.

By this time.

The manager had to admit it.

Inviting them to the Magic Hand Club as resident guests is indeed a very correct choice made by Chen Yilang.

Because the team's ability to control the field... is really too strong.

we can even say.

It is far more than the existence of DJs or Michou in some home party venues.

this group of people.

Even just standing there quietly.

There will be a large group of students screaming and going crazy.

"Maybe I'm really old..."

The store manager couldn't help but sigh.


Time flies.

After the exhibition game, it came to the last lucky part.

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