If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 232: cotton making hammer


The moment I heard the clerk's words.

A series of question marks appeared on Tang Yinrou's face instantly.

what the hell?

She must have heard something wrong just now, right?

This clerk was just called Chen Yilang... General Manager Chen Yilang?


This guy is obviously just a freshman?

Who would hire a freshman to do management work at the general manager level?

However, what Tang Yinrou didn't know was that.

At present, there is only one business manager like Chen Yilang in Blossom's Nanda branch... So there is nothing wrong with calling him the general manager.

It's just a little bit different from the manager she imagined.

"General Manager Chen, do you have any work to order today?"

The clerk's education is not very high.

But compared to the students who haven't graduated yet, she has at least several years of social work experience, and naturally she has some insight.

After seeing Tang Yinrou Jiang You's reaction, she immediately saw the situation at the scene, so she deliberately pronounced the word "general" for "general manager".

This young manager Chen has a lot of background, he knows it.

Making this manager Chen happy is far more promising than flattering the fierce store manager.

Even Chen Yilang himself was slightly stunned.

This rainbow fart came too fast, like a tornado...

However, Chen Yilang's concentration is naturally enough, and he immediately said solemnly: "These few will be the permanent guests of our party hall in the future, and they are also our partners."

"Hello, hello." The clerk greeted immediately obediently.

"If you are free today, we will arrange a five-person e-sports dark room for our resident guests." Chen Yilang said.

"Okay, General Manager Chen! How long will the lease term be?" the clerk asked again.

"There is currently no deadline... As long as I don't say it, it will be an indefinite renewal." Chen Yilang said.

"Okay, make arrangements now!"


Jiang You and Tang Yinrou on the side were dumbfounded when they witnessed the whole process of Chen Yilang's communication with the clerk.

Look like this.

Chen Yilang, the general manager... It doesn't seem to be a joke.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Domineering Side Leak], causing a lot of mental shock to [lv12 Spring Commander]! 】

[[lv12 Spring Water Commander] has entered the [excited] state! 】

[You got: Gold +1644, Experience +964! 】

[You used [Domineering Side Leak], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Snow Banshee]! 】

[[lv12 Frozen Banshee] has entered the [Low] state...]

[You got: Gold +1682, Experience +977! 】

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, hemp, why are you two so extreme?

After receiving the order.

The store clerk who executed Ricci high immediately arranged the activity room.

When Jiang You and Tang Yinrou sat down in their seats, they even had some unreal feelings...

Not really.

Is this all right?

The team's training room, so easy to get?


Whether it is the environment or various facilities, it is much better than what I applied for at the school before.

Everything came too suddenly...

And bring it all.

It's so outrageous to be a freshman.

"Then from today, our cooperation officially begins."

"During this period, you can use this activity room as you like."

"As for the endorsement advertisement, I will inform you after a while, you just need to prepare a little."

Chen Yilang said.

"Okay, no problem, General Manager Chen Yilang!"

Jiang You smiled, imitating the tone of the clerk, and said slightly greasy.

Chen Yilang smiled a little embarrassedly but politely:

"Then tonight, I need all the members of the [Magic Hand Club] to post on various social platforms such as the Penguin Circle and post a news about your entry into the Huihuilou Fanhua Party Hall - it's best to unify the time, seven o'clock exactly, what do you think? Sample?"

Chen Yilang asked with a smile, "This should be fine, right?"

"No problem, no problem, I'll notify them immediately and leave it to me."

Jiang You patted his chest vigorously.

After all, sitting under the buttocks is a high-end gaming sofa that gently wraps his two-lobed gluteal muscles like a mother. Naturally, he is extraordinarily confident when he opens his mouth.

"Okay, Senior Jiang You, Senior Sister Tang Yinrou, happy cooperation,"

"Happy cooperation, General Manager Chen Yilang!"


After walking out of the activity room, Chen Yilang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Jiang Tou's mouth was full of "general manager", and he almost died on the spot.

But okay.

The first step in the goal, fortunately, was successfully completed.

Although a considerable part of the reason for this is that the president of Jiang You is better at talking, so the whole process of the conversation is relatively smooth.

If this was replaced by that [lv12 Ice Banshee] Tang Yinrou, it would definitely take a little more work.

"Put [Magic Hand Club] into Fanhua as a resident guest, and the publicity effect will definitely not be inferior to the confession wall and other large-scale school media..."

"That is to say, there is definitely no problem with the drainage work at the beginning of the opening. The next thing to look at is how the revenue effect after the opening will be..."

"Then the next thing that needs to be done is to promote the commercials."

"This job can be handed over to Ruan Wenxuan [Insight into the Sky Eye]. He has photography skills, editing skills, and even the ability to write scripts..."

"If he thinks the workload is a bit heavy, then help him recruit a few more people, or simply give him a raise..."

Chen Yilang silently calculated in his heart.

Anyway, he didn't need to worry about the budget.

After all, Sister Gu let her go.

As long as he, the business manager, can make perfect decisions and work arrangements, issues related to funding are not a big problem...


Think of this.

Chen Yilang immediately opened the Penguin and informed Ruan Xuanwen of the incident.

"Really, President?"

"Can you really entrust me with this task!"

on the other end of the phone.

There was even Ruan Xuanwen's reaction that Chen Yilang could not have expected.

This [Insight into the Sky] does not mean sabotage or disgust at all, but rather cherishes this job opportunity...

This really moved President Chen quite a bit.

That must be paid to such hard-working and capable members!

Brother Lang knows that he can't be a black-hearted boss, at least let the little angel Ruan Xuanwen feel the true love and true love in the world before experiencing the beatings of the society.

this evening.

Chen Yilang, who has temporarily solved the work at hand.

Finally in a drowsy occasion.

The long-awaited system message arrived.

【Ding! 】

[Mystery Mall has been opened! 】

[Welcome, [player] Chen Yilang! 】

[Countdown to the closing of the mall: 11:59:59…]

【Mystery Mall】

Immortal Capsules: Inventory 1, priced at 9999999

Superman's red pants: stock 1, price: 8888888

Space Energy Ball: Inventory 1, Selling Price: 777777

Cotton Making Hammer: Inventory 1, Selling Price: 66666

Laughing Point Sealing Pill: Inventory 1, Price: 5555

Gold balance: 67821

Chen Yilang glanced at the props displayed on the shelf.

It was soon discovered.

Given how saturated his wallet is now.

The only tool to choose from.

There are only [Cotton Making Hammer] and [Laughing Point Sealing Pill].

Choose one, what to do?

"The effect of this Laughing Point Sealing Pill is quite predictable. It is probably that after eating it, it can keep people serious and not laughing for a short time..."

"This thing can be used in future interviews, and it can leave a more serious and serious image to the interviewer... But at best, this effect is better than nothing, and the only advantage is probably only cheaper."

"And this cotton hammer is more expensive, and the most important thing is that I can't see the use of this thing at all..."

Chen Yilang silently judged in his heart.

After a thought.


Chen Yilang seems to have come up with something that is a bit more technologically advanced.

He took out the [Magic Conch] and asked:

"Fantastic conch, I would like to know what the specific purpose of [the cotton-made hammer] is?"

[Magic Conch] quickly replied: "Do you need a professional explanation or an easy-to-understand explanation?"


"You need to spend 500 gold coins to get a professional explanation, do you accept it?"

"What about the easy-to-understand?"

"You need to spend 500 gold to get an easy-to-understand explanation..."

"Then come with a professional explanation." Chen Yilang interrupted.

【Ding! 】

[You successfully consumed 500 gold coins and got the answer of [Magic Conch]! 】

[Magic Conch: [Cotton-Made Hammer] is essentially a hammer, a tool used to strike objects to move or deform, with a flat top side for striking, and a hammer head on the other side , the shape of the hammer head can be like a claw’s horn, or it can be…]

Chen Yilang: "...Forget it, I want an easy-to-understand explanation."

【Ding! You spent 500 gold coins and got the easy-to-understand answer of [Magic Conch]! 】

[Magic Conch: [Cotton-Made Hammer] is a hammer that can turn objects hit by the hammer into a light cotton form within a certain period of time. 】


"So strong?"

Chen Yilang took a breath.

At this moment, he no longer hesitated.

"Buy it!"

Chen Yilang immediately placed the order and paid.

【Ding! 】

[You spent 66666 gold coins and successfully reached a deal with [Lucky Mall]! 】

【Please check your props! 】

Chen Yilang seemed to have reacted to something in an instant, and quickly turned to the side.

Then a hammer appeared out of thin air from about ten centimeters above his head, and then landed on the bed with a thud.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"Fortunately, I managed to grasp the urination of this system, otherwise I'm afraid I'd have to Aba Aba on the spot."

Chen Yilang picked up the hammer and muttered softly.

But after that, he soon found that his worries were completely unnecessary, because this hammer was not only much smaller than ordinary hammers, but also much lighter in weight.

Immediately in front of him, a prompt from the system also floated.

[Cotton-Making Hammer - Active Skill: Soft, objects hit by this item will transform into a light cotton state within 10 seconds. Each activation of the skill needs to consume [colorless energy crystal x10], with a cooldown of 10 seconds. 】

"In that case, let me try it out."

According to the principle of proximity.

Chen Yilang immediately determined the items to be tested.

—His cell phone.

He put the phone on the bed board, then took out the [Cotton-Made Hammer] and tapped it with appropriate force.

【Ding! 】

[Skill [Softness] has been successfully activated! 】

After hearing the sound.

Chen Yilang immediately grabbed the phone, and then weighed it in his hand.

Then found out.

Sure enough, as the system said.

Chen Yilang's mobile phone in his hand has become a light piece!

That feeling.

It's as if what you are holding in your hand is not an electronic product, but a piece of sponge that has been dried up and has not absorbed half a drop of water!

"It's really awesome, this hammer..."

Just when Chen Yilang was silently amazed.

The electric fan above his head just shook his head and met Chen Yilang's bed.


Accompanied by a gust of cool breeze blowing suddenly.

Chen Yilang's mobile phone has become as light as cotton.

Just like that, it was blown out of the railing of the upper bunk.

"Brother Lang, your phone!"

Feng Tian, ​​who happened to push the door into the dormitory.

I happened to see the scene where the phone was smashed to the ground.

Immediately subconsciously shouted.

Logically speaking.

A phone that fell from this distance... There is a high probability that there is no chance of rescue.

But Feng Tian saw Chen Yilang get up from the bed in a hurry, calmly picked up the phone that had fallen on the ground, and asked in doubt, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Feng Tian was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Chen Yilang's mobile phone screen: "Is this not broken?"

"It's not broken."

"...That's all right." Feng Tian scratched his head, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said to Chen Yilang, "Hey, Brother Lang!"

"What brand of cell phone did you buy!?"


Except for cell phones.

Chen Yilang also tried a lot of things with [Cotton Making Hammer].

For example.



A little taste of basketball shoes.

A desperately thick textbook of Western Economics.

The pair of dumbbells in the dormitory are covered with thick dust. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

There's even that silly Chinese pastoral dog that was secretly raised in the dormitory next door...

The final conclusion of the study is.

【Cotton Making Hammer】, can make any non-living object become as light as cotton.

Just when Chen Yilang had a whim to make the loli's little skirts fluffy.

The sudden call from Jiang Ningying interrupted Chen Yilang's thoughts.

Jiang Ningying went straight to the point: "A good news or a bad news, which one should I listen to first?"

Chen Yilang said: "Good news."

Jiang Ningying: "The good news is that your internal referral passed."

Chen Yilang: "What about the bad news?"

Jiang Ningying said: "The bad news is that the person who interviews you is the most difficult Lu Shanshan."

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