
Chen Yilang looked calm and nodded with a flat face.

Jiang You and Tang Yinrou glanced at each other.

Jiang You's face was filled with undisguised excitement, while Tang Yinrou's expression was unbelievable.

Gathering Building?

How can it be!

Those who can be stationed in that place are basically merchants, such as Luckin’s father, Diagon Alley.

It is almost impossible for the student group to get an activity room in that place.

"This guy, bragging and not making drafts?"

Tang Yinrou frowned, but didn't say anything.

She just wanted to remind Jiang You with her eyes, but it was too late.

The latter has excitedly connected with Chen Yilang's words.

"Okay, okay."

"What do you need us to do? Junior Brother Chen Yilang, just speak up."

Jiang You rubbed his hands excitedly like a green-headed fly, and his eyes radiated anticipation.

"Actually, it's not too busy."

"that is."

"I want to work with you."

Chen Yilang said.


"Cooperation for what?"

Jiang You then asked curiously,

"I want to invite you... to be the spokesperson." Chen Yilang said.

"A spokesperson?"

Jiang You and Tang Yinrou were stunned for a second at the same time and looked at each other.

"What's the spokesperson?"

Jiang You would be a little confused for a while, and joked with a smile, "Why do you endorse? We don't have much experience. Is it okay to be jealous?"

"Is it a product or commercial endorsement?" Tang Yinrou asked.

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded, "I want to invite you all to shoot an advertisement."

"Then we really don't have much experience." Jiang You smiled helplessly.

But before that.

The Magic Hand Club really had an opportunity to endorse.

That was probably the year before.

that time.

[Magic Hand Club] happened to represent Nanxuan University in a college e-sports league held in the district once.

At that time, the [Magic Hand Club] had not changed its term yet, and the last batch of bosses led the team to go out and won the championship of that year directly.

It is this game.

Let [Magic Hand Club] be unknown at that time.

A small college club team.

Immediately, he became famous in the area.

But unfortunately.

And [Magic Hand Club] received an endorsement for commercial promotion for the first time, and it was also that time.

It's just that the endorsement product they received that time was a university curriculum software...

This is not the same as what the members of [Magic Hand Club] imagined, and the endorsement fee given is not very high.

In addition, at that time, everyone was still busy with their studies and could not get away, so they refused.

But no matter what, these have nothing to do with Jiang You and the others...

It's just the seniors who are powerful, and at best they can only be slightly drenched.

But what they didn't expect was.

This time.

They also received an endorsement invitation for the first time, which is very rare in social organizations.


This Party A's father is actually this Chen Yilang's younger brother?

This is quite astonishing.

"I can provide you with a stable training place upstairs."

"But in return, I need to obtain permission to use your image for commercial purposes."

Chen Yilang said.

"It's easy to talk." Jiang You readily agreed.

What they need most urgently now is a place where their team can take root and move freely.

Team training this thing, or must adopt the offline mode to be reliable.

Especially when discussing detailed tactics and reviewing the battle situation, that point of online communication is simply not enough.

"Can you show us what the activity room looks like first?"

Tang Yinrou suddenly suggested.

In her heart, she still didn't quite believe Chen Yilang's words.

She recalled a time before, a hot summer night, the dormitory water was cut off.

That day, she happened to have two more physical education classes and did a lot of strenuous exercise. After returning to the dormitory, she was sweating profusely, but she had no water to take a bath...

Tang Yinrou, who couldn't bear it, could only grit her teeth and stayed in the hotel in Huihui Building for one night, but she spent 300 yuan in the end, which made her really hurt for a whole week.

Someone who can rent an activity room in that kind of place... could it be an ordinary person?

However, Chen Yilang did not hesitate, and agreed to Tang Yinrou's request: "No problem, are you free now?"

Jiang You and Tang Yinrou looked at each other and nodded.

ten minutes later.

Under the leadership of Chen Yilang.

The three of them came to the Huihui Building.

The automatic doors slowly opened to both sides, and a few people were greeted by a bright and spacious lobby decorated in a petty bourgeoisie style.

Then take the elevator all the way to the third floor of the Huihui Building.

After entering the floor.

When you see it, you are naturally fully prepared, waiting for the Huahua branch to open for business.

"This is... a party hall?" Jiang You opened his mouth in surprise.

He has basically never been near Huihui, and since Blossom is still in the publicity stage, he naturally doesn't know it exists here.

But the main reason that shocked him was mainly because of the wealth and wealth of this Blossoming Party Hall...

Because its storefront is a whole floor!

One can only imagine how luxurious and spacious its interior is...

"I'm going, this place is so cool!" Jiang You couldn't help but smacking his lips in admiration, "Sister, how did you know about this kind of place?"

"Uh... A friend of mine opened this place." Chen Yilang scratched his head and thought for a while, then he could only answer like this.

"Cow wow cow wow, I want such a friend too!"

Jiang You and Tang Yinrou walked behind Chen Yilang into the flowers.

along the way.

Everyone passed by the billiard room, the chess and card hall, the board game workshop, the karaoke room, the movie theater... and so on.

This made Jiang You and Tang Yinrou even more unable to help but marvel... This place is an almighty party base!

This complete set of hardware facilities and conditions.

It is definitely a great place for any club or organization in the school to hold parties and team building!

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really a good place... If everyone knew about this place, I'm afraid it would be full of rhythms every day, it's impossible not to be popular..."

Jiang You kept saying poisonous milk from the bottom of his heart, "But why do you feel that there is no clerk here? Don't you have to go to work today?"


The three also followed Chen Yilang and came to a dark room with five or five openings for an e-sports mobile game.

Basically, it is prepared for the black players of "League of Kings".


In this five-fifty dark room.

All three can see that the walls are covered with promotional posters of various heroes in the game, as well as portraits of some monsters and creatures in the Canyon of Kings.

On the round table that can sit for five people, the brackets for mobile phones are also prepared, and in the middle is a charging interface equipped with a three-port universal charging cable.

all in all.

The layout of this room.

It can only be described with one word.

That is - high end!

【Ding! 】

[You used [high-end operation], causing a lot of mental shock damage to [lv12 Spring Water Commander] and [lv12 Ice Banshee]! 】

[You got: Gold +2847, Experience +1938! 】

"This, this, this... this is also great!"

Jiang You saw that both eyes were straight, and they were about to sparkle like stars.

He can already be sure,

This is definitely the most perfect team training room he has ever seen, no one!

This temptation is no different from Chanel and LV in the eyes of women, switch and ps5 in the eyes of men...

"Is this the training room you were talking about?"

Tang Yinrou asked.

"Yes." Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied?"

"That's not it either."

Tang Yinrou shook her head.

How can you be dissatisfied...

Seeing such a luxurious activity room in front of her, Tang Yinrou had to admit that she was actually quite excited...

It's just that her status as [lv12 Frozen Banshee] has brought her a lot of idol baggage, so she never showed any surprise from beginning to end.

No matter what time, keep your heart as calm as water and calm and graceful...


Satisfaction is naturally satisfied.

But the activity room with such a good condition made her feel a little unreal.

"What I'm curious about is... Does this place need us to pay the rent?" Tang Yinrou asked.

"No need."

Chen Yilang shook his head and said, "On the basis of completing business promotion, you only need to conduct team training here on Friday, Saturday and Sunday every weekend, and take time to meet at the end of the training. Just seeing your fans."

Yes, that's right.

What Chen Yilang wants to do is to let the members of the [Magic Hand Club] team become the resident guests of the Huahua Party Hall!

Despite the frenzied suppression of the student union.

The Magic Hand Society has lost its former glory.

However, the team that Jiang You brought this year still has good popularity and popularity on campus, as well as a large number of loyal fans.

And this big wave of traffic behind the magic hand team is Chen Yilang's true intention!

So even if it is necessary to take out a dark room to keep the magic hand team, it is quite worthwhile.

Although he is now only a business manager on the surface.

But because someone was covering his head, his voice was actually the biggest one in the store, and even the store manager couldn't hold him back.

Well, yes, that's right.

The feeling of someone on the head is so moist!

So in his current capacity.

There is absolutely no problem in lending an activity room in the Flower Club to the Magic Hands team as a training room.

"It's that simple?" Tang Yinrou asked.

"It's that simple." Chen Yilang replied simply.

The three of them fell silent for a while...

"That's not reasonable."

Tang Yinrou still couldn't believe it, "I've been to some party halls outside the school, and most of the charges are about 30 yuan an hour."

"The rent of this place in Huihui Building is so expensive, at least fifty yuan..."

"Party halls are usually open 24 hours a day, but in schools, they can only be open for about 12 hours a day..."

"If you calculate it like this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com may lose 600 yuan every day!"

"But even if we use it for 6 hours a day, that's 300 yuan, and the cost is still very high!"

Tang Yinrou calculated it very seriously, "It's not reasonable at all."

"And why did you rent this place to us?"

"You're not the store manager, you don't have this power at all."

"Unless you rented it at your own expense...but that's even more unlikely, where did you get the money?"

"..." Chen Yilang rubbed his temples and was speechless for a while.

This woman, do you want to be so serious...

With this set of rhetoric, it is really impossible to straighten him directly.

"Uh... These are not the issues you need to be concerned about for the time being... I will handle them properly here."

Chen Yilang really couldn't think of a good way to explain it to Tang Yinrou, so he could only prevaricate a little.

Unexpectedly, this [lv12 Frozen Banshee] was quite stubborn, and continued to ask:

"No, no, no."

"You have to tell us this clearly."

"After all, we haven't formally collaborated before."

"For a variety of factors to consider."

"I think you still need to come up with some credible proof to convince us that you do have the right to manage this activity room..."

Tang Yinrou said.

"..." Chen Yilang was speechless.

Depend on!

How to prove this!

And he didn't expect Tang Yinrou to make such an appearance, so he didn't have any mental preparations at all...

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