If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Two hundred and twenty-six [Jianghu stunt: Paid shit]

Blossoming cub!

Chen Yilang's eyes lit up slightly.

To know.

As early as last year, not long after entering school, Chen Yilang took over the important task from Gu Binghan and became the agent of Nanxuan University.

It's just that after that, the branch plan of Fanhua cub has not been launched, so Chen Yilang has basically had no workload.

And now.

The branch of Flower Cub is finally going to open in NTU.

So soon, Chen Yilang made an appointment with Gu Binghan.

After the celebration banquet was over, they came to the meeting place that the two had agreed to meet.

The third floor of the Gathering Building.

The Huihui Building can be said to be the tallest and most luxurious building on the campus of Nanxuan University.

There is a kind of meaning that the bottom of a building was pulled out at Nanxuan cbd and planted in the center of the NTU campus.

The Huihui Building is essentially a business hotel...well, yes, it is a hotel.

However, its target customer group is definitely not the student couples on campus.

Because the consumption here is ridiculously high, the only thing that can attract NTU students is probably only the organized restaurant on the seventh floor that can swipe the meal card...

But its location is absolutely excellent, located near the junction of the east and west campuses, the most central place in the entire NTU.

Whether it is the flow of people or the convenience of transportation, it can be said that it occupies the right place and the right people.

Therefore, Gu Binghan chose the storefront of Fanhua Cub here, and I have to say that it was indeed a wise choice.

Of course, there is also a credit to Chen Yilang.

After all, Sister Bing is a busy person who is flying around on weekdays, so there is no time to go to Nanxuan University to investigate the geographical environment in person.

Therefore, Chen Yilang, an agent of Nanyang University, can only give some constructive opinions to it.

So at that time, Chen Yilang told Gu Binghan that if the economic conditions allowed, he could give a little consideration to Huihuilou.

And it turns out that Chen Yilang is indeed still too young...


If a fart.

"Economic problems" doesn't exist in Gu Binghan's dictionary at all...

It can be seen that Gu Binghan still trusts him, saying that the Huihui Building is the Huihui Building, without blinking his eyes.

As for the rental price...

That really isn't something Chen Yilang needs to worry about.

Come to Huihui Building, take the elevator to the third floor.

Chen Yilang saw the door of the Flower Cub at a glance.

"Good guy, this is renting out an entire floor directly..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but think, as expected of Sister Bing's style.

Because there is no publicity before this, there are not many students in this place. Only a few students came here to find the toilet, and then looked around curiously.

Chen Yilang walked into the store and looked around for a while.

The decoration of the store has been completed seventy-seven-eighth-eight, and it looks like it is almost ready for business.

"Langlang is coming!"

When I saw Chen Yilang.

Gu Binghan, dressed in casual clothes, greeted him warmly, and took Chen Yilang to the table to sit down, "Hey, your favorite fat house happy three-piece suit~"

Then I took out Coke, fried chicken, potato chips, and hamburgers from the paper bag, and piled the table full.

This movement attracted the attention of the decoration staff who were still working on the side, and they couldn't help showing a trace of envy, jealousy and hatred...

"This guy must be President Gu's younger brother, right?"

"It must be, right?"

"Otherwise, he's obviously just a hairy boy. Why is Mr. Gu so nice to him?"

"Woooooo, I really want to drink Coke too..."

The decoration workers are frantically producing all kinds of psychological activities.


You used [Fat House Smash], causing huge mental damage to [v12 Fishing Master]!

You got +1546 gold coins and +897 experience!

You used [Fat House Smash], causing huge mental damage to [v13 Fishing Big Family]!

You got gold +1644, experience +946!

Chen Yilang narrowed his eyes and noticed that he seemed to have discovered something interesting.

—Two fish-loving goods were mixed into this group of workers who were doing the final decoration work.

Moreover, his fishing skills are obviously higher than that of Li Zixian. After all, this is the evolution of the fish monster...

Gu Binghan was about to start chatting with Chen Yilang about the follow-up work of the Flower Cub, when the phone rang.

"Langlang, sit down for a while, I'll call back to work, I'll be back soon." Gu Binghan said.

"Good." Chen Yilang nodded.

So Gu Binghan got up and left first.

After it goes away.

Chen Yilang held a Coke in one hand and a hamburger in the other.

Wandering around in the flowery cub, admiring the surrounding decoration.

Then pretend to inadvertently.

Went to the middle of the two fish monsters.

And at this time.

The two fish monsters who heard Chen Yilang's footsteps.

Lightspeed put the phone in his hand into his pocket.

At the same time, above the head, a new logo popped up in an instant.

tight dirty

tight dirty

Chen Yilang was happy.

This is the effect he wants!

After thinking for a while, he turned his body in one direction and looked at one of the v12 fish masters.


You used [Death Gaze] to attack [V12 Fishing Master]!


Although at this moment, the fish master turned his back to Chen Yilang.

But many years of fishing experience made him activate passive skills.


[V12 Fishing Master] has activated the ability [Danger Perception] and successfully detected your [Death Gaze] attack!


Chen Yilang just saw it.

Under his gaze, this monster worked even harder!

There is quite a sense of "eighty! Eighty! Eighty!"

Chen Yilang "…"

This watertight defense is simply love.

Chen Yilang calmly took a sip of Coke, then turned around and looked at the big v13 fisherman on the other side.


You used [Death Gaze] and launched an attack on [v13 Fishing Giants]!


The reaction speed of this v13 fish master is obviously faster than that of the v12 master fish.

Before Chen Yilang's eyes were locked on him.

He had already hid his phone in his pocket.


[v13 Fishing Big Family] activated the skill [Advanced Danger Perception], successfully detected and dodged your [Death Gaze] attack!


If so.

Probably because the skill range of advanced danger perception is larger? That's why this guy can perceive his existence faster than that guy before.

Sure enough, after the level of these monsters has been raised by one level, a qualitative change has taken place...

Chen Yilang stayed in the same place for a while, and he didn't see Gu Binghan coming back for a while, so he had a little play with these two water-skimming monsters.

He simply sat down on a wheelchair between them.

With Erlang's legs crossed, he nibbled on fried chicken while drinking Fat House Happy Water.

Then the glutes work.

Constantly turning his chair...

There are two monsters, the fish master and the fish master.

Whenever Chen Yilang turned to the front, he instantly activated the skill danger perception, and put away the phone at the speed of light.

Then when Chen Yilang turned around and turned his back to himself.

He took out his mobile phone with lightning speed, and quickly activated his professional skills to fish frantically.

that's it.

Under Chen Yilang's death staring at the magic of love.

The two monsters, the fish master and the fish master, are also frantically repeating the two actions of taking out and collecting their mobile phones...


"These two fish monsters have quite strong professional skills..."

Chen Yilang was really amused.

However, the more these two guys can play.

On the contrary, it made Chen Yilang want to play even more...

After a little thought.

A wicked smile appeared on Chen Yilang's face.


Chen Yilang, intentionally or unintentionally, began to speed up the rhythm of turning the chair.

fast, slow, fast, slow...

Slow, slow, fast.

Fast, fast, slow.

Slow, slow, slow, fast...

A master at fishing? ? ?

Big fisherman? ? ?


You used [Left and Right Jump], which caused a lot of mental damage to [v12 Fishing Master] and [v13 Fishing Master]!

You got +3123 gold coins and +1936 experience!

two monsters.

At this moment, a little depressed.


What is this stinky boy thinking? ?

The two monsters seriously suspected that Chen Yilang was teasing them, but there was no evidence.

This is so painful...

When President Gu was patrolling here before, even though their fishing skills were superb, they still didn't dare to show off their skills.

They had thought that.

You can take advantage of Mr. Gu's time to answer the phone, and have a good time with a handful of fish.

In the end, I didn't expect that this younger brother brought by Mr. Gu would be so ignorant...


Why do migrant workers make it difficult to beat workers!

You will also have the day to become a social animal, don't get carried away!

But anyway.

Chen Yilang made such a move.

The two fish-fishing monsters are really not in the mood to continue to fish.

The fish made their heart skip a beat, and their blood pressure was about to rise. It's really not interesting. It's better to keep working honestly.



[Breath of Negative Energy] is coming, please avoid it...

Accompanied by the sound of the system.

Above the heads of the two monsters, there were also two thick black mists...

It is true that this stinky **** is autistic.

after this.

Another ten minutes later.

Gu Binghan, who finished the phone call, just returned to the flower cub.

At this moment.

Chen Yilang caught a glimpse of the big v13 fisherman and stood up from the ground.



[v13 Fishing Big Household] has launched the advanced skill [paid shit]!

[Paid Shit] will be immune to your [Death Gaze] skill, please be vigilant!

Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded.

This big v13 fisherman who is one level higher than his younger brother is indeed unusual!

In order to achieve the purpose of catching fish, it is so unscrupulous!

And obviously.

Once this guy successfully completes the paid shit, it must be the npc ice sister who is the boss who gets hurt.

And the one who was indirectly attacked was his agent!

"Ha ha."

"So, how is it possible for you to succeed?"

Think of this.

Chen Yilang quickly bounced out of the chair as if his **** was on fire.

Then, like a hurricane, it quickly passed by the v13 big fisherman.

Then, in front of the big fisherman, he rushed into the toilet...


With a muffled sound.

The only pit door in the toilet.

It was closed by Chen Yilang backhand.

Big fish catcher "???"


You used [Fighting Poison with Poison] and dealt suffocating tons of mental damage to [v13 Fishing Big Household]!

You got +1677 gold coins and +942 experience!

[v13 big fisherman] Dropped the fishing net!

You got [Fishnet x1]

"..." The v13 big fisherman was stunned for a while.

It took a long time for him to regain his senses. He silently took out his cigarette case, squatted beside the sink in depression, and just bit his head and smoked half a cigarette...

At this time, there were footsteps outside, and the tiger's body shook when he heard the sound. He immediately pinched the remaining half of the cigarette on the floor, and ran out sullenly.

Oh shit…

Paid **** and paid smoking who don't occupy the pit are soulless...

V13 is extremely depressed.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yilang came out of the bathroom.

But this time, the big fishermen didn't dare to go in and **** with pay.

Running to the toilet so frequently, no matter which boss you are, it will definitely be unpleasant...

Helpless, I had to work with my old buddies to do the rest of the work honestly, and then get off work with the money from Gu Binghan.


It was the first time they both felt it.

The money in his hand is so heavy... and it smells of blood and sweat!

The two migrant workers who wandered around in the fishing world finally settled down in Bengbu.

And the other side.

Gu Binghan was busy with other things.

Finally had time to sit down and chat with Chen Yilang.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, chatted for a while again, and chatted happily.

Gu Binghan even ate up all the fat house happy sets that were originally prepared for Chen Yilang because they were chatting a bit too much...

After tens of minutes of chatting, Gu Binghan threw the topic

"Okay, Lang Lang, it's getting late. It's time for my sister to talk to you about business."

"As you can see, our cub has been arranged almost, and other business licenses and other things can be done within three days."

"The branch of Fanhua cub in the southern region will be open for business next weekend."

"I have already made arrangements for the store manager and the store clerk."

"From today, you are the agent of Fanhua cub... No, the name of the agent is not very pleasant."

"I have decided that from today, Lang Lang, you will be the business manager of the NTU branch of Fanhua cub!"

"There is only one thing you need to do, and that is to promote it on the NTU campus, mobilize your contacts, and encourage students to come to our club to spend."

"As well as other business cooperation on campus, I will also leave it to you~"

Gu Binghan said in a coquettish tone, "Good brother, don't let me down~"

"Of course, the reward your sister gave you is naturally richer than everyone else!"

The rewards are generous, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Chen Yilang has no doubts at all, after all, this is Gu Binghan's style...

It's just that the challenges to be faced next are probably bigger than he imagined.

After all, the position of the business manager...he is really not necessarily qualified.

after all.

Although he is now well-known on campus, he has never been exposed to work such as outreach before.

this means.

For him, it was another unknown challenge.

If done well.

Then this work experience can be directly written on the resume of the graduate school recruiting.

By that time, it will not be easy to hang up a large number of fresh graduates of the same generation.

Just when Chen Yilang was thinking silently.

Jiang You suddenly sent a message.

[Brother Jiang You, I have bad news to tell you...]

[Jiangyou's prize money for this e-sports competition... may not be approved! ]

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