If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 225: Only magic can defeat magic!

【Ding! 】

[Are you spending 2,000 gold coins to find answers to [Magic Conch]? 】


"The price of this dog conch has been raised so much?"

The corner of Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, thinking that this guy actually took advantage of the fire? Can you talk a little bit about martial arts?

But there is no way.

Now this is the situation...

He really needs Conch's help.


Chen Yilang made a choice without hesitation.

【Ding! 】

[You spent 2,000 gold coins and got the answer from [Magic Conch]! 】

[Magic Conch: Hmm... Nothing to say, brother. 】

[Magic Conch: I can only tell you. 】

[Magic Conch: Sometimes, only magic can defeat magic...]

"Is that so..."

Chen Yilang smiled.

It's pretty good.

At least.

[Magic Conch] The answer given this time is the closest to human words.

"Only magic can defeat magic..."

"That means..."

"Only [Reckless Fu] can defeat [Reckless Fu]!"

Chen Yilang silently completed this reasoning in his heart.

And all fools believe in the same truth.

That is-

Give it a go, the bike turns into a motorcycle!

Fuck it and it's over!

All the team members of the relocated households of Nanda University.

All at this moment.

In the headset, I heard Chen Yilang's voice:

"Clear the three waves of troops as quickly as possible."

"Then everyone followed Zhang Jian and rushed to the dragon pit."

Everyone's expressions were slightly taken aback, but they quickly responded, "Understood."

At this moment.

Everyone showed the highest execution ability and mobilized quickly.

When several commentators saw this scene, they were all excited:

"The demolition team of Nanda has spread out. Judging from this situation, it should be split up to clear the line of troops..."

"But it's a headwind now. This tactic seems to be a bit high-risk. It is very likely that the highland nail households who have the advantage of vision will get the order. If you are not careful, you will lose the game directly..."

Jiang You, one of the commentators, saw this scene, and there was a slight look of surprise in his eyes.

He naturally understands how risky this behavior is, and it can be called a last-ditch battle.

"This Chen Yilang's style of play is really brutal..."

Jiang You couldn't help but muttered silently:

"...I like it, hehe."

And soon.

The audience also noticed the actions of the NTU demolition team.

I saw that the five men had cleared the line of troops near the highlands.

Immediately, they quickly gathered in the direction of the wild area.

"This is to... keep the wild?"

Most of the audience present were actually just amateur players.

Seeing this, they still didn't understand the tactics of the Nanda Demolition Team.

Then I saw the team's support, and activated the wolf emblem skill!

All five people, under the acceleration effect of the skills, directly crossed the wild area and rushed straight to the dragon pit on the opposite side!


at this time.

The audience was completely stunned.

——This Nanda demolition team is not trying to guard the wild area, but to fight against the wind to grab the dragon!

"Are these guys crazy?"

When the other five rushed directly into the dragon pit, Lu Hai was also dumbfounded on the spot.

He really never expected it.

In the absence of vision, completely unable to understand the opponent's current state.

This Chen Yilang actually made a big gamble!

"It's so **** daring to play!"

Lu Hai gritted his teeth.

at the same time……

After the whole game, it was always smooth sailing.

Also at this moment.

Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming, unprecedented sense of oppression.

——Chen Yilang made the right bet!

The highland nail households in the land and sea are indeed opening a dragon.

But the time they chose was not very good.

Because it was when they opened the dragon.

Lu Hai just gave an order, that is, to send their assistants back to the city to replenish their blood.

If so.

On the frontal battlefield of Longkeng.

It was the five members of the Nanda Demolition Team and the four members of the Highland Nail Household.

In a team battle where both sides are of equal or close strength.

Even if a certain party lacks one skill, it is already quite a fatal situation, let alone one person is missing.

At this moment.

The assistant of the high and low nail household just got out of the bath in their own spring and was about to rush to Longkeng.

As a result, it didn't take long for him to walk out of the high ground.

It was only on the small map.

The five enemies drove the Ben wolf and suddenly rushed out and rushed directly into the dragon pit!

Then I was dumbfounded...

This wave.

The Nanda demolition team, directly in the chaotic dragon pit, threw away their armor and armor, and fled in all directions.

Not only did he play a very inspiring wave of zero-for-three, but he also accepted the dragon's faucet.


Seeing that the big dragon was sent out of the hands.

Lu Hai suddenly had a little high blood pressure, so he could only use three displacement skills in a row and run wildly.


behind him.

A figure suddenly burst out from the flank.

——The jungler opposite, Li Bai.

Lu Hai was silent for a long time, and finally he forcefully squeezed a word out of his teeth: "... grass."

Just now, he handed in all his skills.

Now he...

It was already a little fat sheep that was slaughtered.

"I will drink wine, don't stop the glass."

The moment he was killed by Li Yixian, Lu Hai heard Li Bai's lines.

The assistance of the Highland Nail Household was just long overdue...

"Return to the defense heights!"

"go home!"

"Quickly retreat!"


The highland nail households, who were overrun by a large group of reckless men from the NTU Demolition Team, almost smashed the button to retreat.

The assistant naturally knew that something big had happened, so he turned around and ran without looking back.


this moment.

The audience was boiling.

——At this stage of the competition, everything has become very clear.

The demolition team of Nanda scrambled for the dragon with a wave of smashing the boat.

Completed a dramatic Jedi comeback.

At this moment.

On the high ground of the Nanda Demolition Team, the three-way super dragon line has been brushed out and quickly flew to the battlefield ahead.

Even though the assistance of the Highland Nail House just now was quite timely.


How could he alone be able to stop the entire army of the Nanda Demolition Team?

And it's nearly a minute before the other four members of his team will be resurrected...

That's why.

Under the propulsion ability of the three-way dragon soldiers.

The Nanda demolition team rushed all the way to the highland of the highland nail house.

"Highland Nail Household firmly guarded the tower for a whole round, and finally broke it at this moment!"

"Nanda Demolition Team has absolutely no intention of retreating!"

"The second tower has also fallen!"

"Dragon Soldier's HP is still very simple, can he push down the high ground?"

"Push it down, push it down, and push down the high tower!"

"It's pushed all the way to the high ground!"

"Nantah's demolition team has ridden the face of this wave of flying dragons, how did they lose?"


as expected.


The Nanda demolition team took the dragon soldiers and rushed directly to the high ground of the highland nail house.

And in the presence of crystals and springs.

Directly killed their last surviving support.


It is logical.

Taking advantage of the situation, he blew up the crystal on the opposite side.

"Let's congratulate, Nanda Demolition Team!"

The atmosphere on the field.

It was also at this moment that it was completely ignited.

The audience at the scene burst into applause and cheers and cheered.

The netizens in front of the screen are already frantically swiping 666, and the barrage has even drowned out the entire live broadcast of the game.


A soft sigh of relief came from the headset.

Chen Yilang looked sideways and saw Li Yixian's face, showing a look of relief.

"The last wave of you killing Han Xin solo was very exciting." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"It has nothing to do with me, it's because you commanded well." Li Yixian said flatly, "If I were the captain, I would never go to **** the dragon... You are indeed a very courageous person."

Chen Yilang smiled and said nothing more.

Under the direction of the host.

The members of the two teams left their seats and shook hands with each other to show their respect.

And when shaking hands with Lu Hai.

Chen Yilang could clearly feel it.

This guy's face became very ugly.

"Played well."

Chen Yi smiled casually and romantically.

But that's the smile.

It made Lu Hai feel that every cell in his body shrank in embarrassment.

Oh shit!

I never imagined that this guy's game understanding and vision could actually reach this level!

before the game.

Lu Hai, who has always been a [reckless man], even had a rare steadiness to investigate Chen Yilang's strength.

It turned out that the highest historical score of all Chen Yilang's accounts was only no more than the level of the strongest king.


Lu Hai always felt that.

No matter who he loses to, it is absolutely impossible for him to lose to Chen Yilang.


How arrogant you are when you speak harshly, how heroic you are when the car rolls over...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Victor's Smile], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Reckless Man]! 】

[[lv12 Reckless] Has entered a negative state: embarrassing! 】

[You got: Gold +1456, EXP +878! 】

[You got: [Angry Soul Fragment x10]! 】


【Ding! 】

[You have completed the trial mission: the precarious e-sports dream! 】

[Your level has been raised! 】

[Current level: lv13→lv14]


【Ding! 】

[Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation value: 3200! 】


[You have acquired a new title: Dreamer! 】

[Dream Realizer: From today onwards, you will be the guide of every struggler, the navigator of every love, the guardian of every dream...]

[Passive Ability: Seeking Dreams. 】

[Dream Hunting: You can find targets and units that are active near you and carry [Dream] items. 】


"The increase in reputation is still too slow..."

Chen Yilang thought silently.

After the handshake and exchange of feelings is over.

It's the award ceremony.

The young ladies of the model team stepped onto the competition stage with high heels and handed the trophy to Chen Yilang.

So no surprise.

He was instantly drowned out by the excited cheers of his teammates.


Chen Yilang flipped through the system information in his mind.

While walking off the stage with his teammates.

Right now.

The host also interacted with the audience on stage.

Not long after stepping down.

Chen Yilang was stopped by Jiang You.

"Student Chen Yilang."

"Are you free?"

"Are you interested in chatting?"

Jiang You said with a smile.

Although this guy especially likes to do things and fan the flames when he is on stage.

But in private, the smile is extraordinarily friendly.

Especially after experiencing people like Xu Kuan and Jiang Tianhua.

Compare this.

Jiang You had almost no old-fashioned airs on his body.

This made Chen Yilang feel very comfortable.

So, he also agreed to Jiang You's invitation, temporarily separated from his teammates, and followed Jiang You to another empty activity room.

Except for Jiang You and Chen Yilang in the house.

There is also a girl in a baseball uniform and a cap.

Chen Yilang recognized it at a glance. This girl is also a member of the [Magic Hand Club] e-sports team.

"This is our team's shooter, Tang Yinrou." Jiang You introduced, "This year's junior year, the School of Software Engineering."

"Hello, senior, my name is Chen Yilang, a freshman from the business school." Chen Yilang greeted him politely.


Tang Yinrou nodded, her voice a little lazy.

"How do you feel about today's game?"

After Jiang You motioned for Chen Yilang to sit down, he asked with a smile.

"It's pretty good." Chen Yilang smiled, "This is the first time I have experienced the atmosphere and fun of e-sports... If there is a chance in the future, I will participate."

銆毘陽陽陽大叴銴鐩 銆梠銴銴鐩 銆梠chain 銆銖銖頛銆銆 銆銘陰雛屽錭鍜抧陽雴倹夎锊銆銆銀倹夎銆銆?/

"That's fine, that's fine." Jiang You grinned, "Then do you have any questions about our Magic Hand Club?"

"Eh? Let me think about it..." Chen Yilang touched his nose and had an idea, "Oh, when will our championship bonus be distributed?"

Jiang You was stunned for a moment, and seemed to be amused by Chen Yilang's honesty: "Hahaha, according to the situation in previous years, it's about three working days! After all, the prize money for our competition is essentially the Ministry of Social Affairs and the school. The funds approved by the working group... So when the bonus is distributed, it actually depends on how fast the process on their side can go."

"Oh, that's it."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Then there shouldn't be any more..."

"In that case, it's our turn to ask you something."

Jiang You's eyes moved slightly, and he asked straight to the point, "Are you interested in joining us [Magic Hand]?"

"Thank you very much, senior, for your kind invitation. I'm very flattered... But I'm sorry, there may be nothing I can do now." Chen Yilang smiled helplessly, "I'm already the president of the [Strange] Club."

"I know~www.readwn.com~ Jiang You raised his eyebrows and said confidently, "That's why I'm here to dig you! "

Chen Yilang: "?"

Good guy!

So naked, without any disguise!

But now Chen Yilang really can't put too much energy into the game.

So no matter what Jiangyou said, Chen Yilang always refused.

After the two practiced Tai Chi for a while, Tang Yinrou, who was sitting beside him, seemed a little unable to listen, so she said impatiently:

"Forget it if he doesn't want to, let him go."

"Those who want to enter the [Magic Hand] Club can fill the entire auditorium, and there is no shortage of him."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, Jiang You's face froze, and he sighed helplessly: "Hey, alright... Then come play often when you have time, junior."

"Okay thank you."

Chen Yilang glanced at Tang Yinrou from the corner of his eye, then got up and left.

This woman... looks like she has a bad temper.

After walking out of the activity room.

The game is officially over.

Chen Yilang was a little hungry, and he just received news from Zhang Jian again, telling him to quickly go to Dongmen Food Street for a celebration banquet, half of the dishes were ready.

So after returning the news, he happily whistled and rushed over.

At this time.

On the phone, I received a new message.

[Gu Binghan: Lang Lang, are you free? ]

[Gu Binghan: Our Flower Club is about to open. ]


225 Only magic can defeat magic!

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