If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 213: 【Net of Fishing】!

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The moment you hear the system sound.

Chen Yilang's body trembled subconsciously!

The situation seems to be a little bad, this is completely different from what I imagined...

Chen Yilang did not expect this [Sea Queen] to be so proactive!

And before that, he had never seen a monster like [Key Catch Object]...

Is it possible...

Is he the first?

the other side.

The [Monsters] who were frantically peeking at the screen in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded at this time.

what the hell?

Their goddess Huang Zhenzhen actually went out on a date with Brother Lang? And come on time?

They all recalled the scene when they met Huang Zhenzhen for the first time... They seem to be late every time, right?

But how do they understand girls' minds?

It's just that I heard others say that it's normal for girls to be late. As a boy, you should show a gentleman's demeanor...

So every time they had a date with Huang Zhenzhen before, they had to wait for a long time.

[Fish Monster]: "I'm going, absolutely! I was waiting for Zhenzhen in the cold wind for more than half an hour!"

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Then I seem to be better. She was ten minutes late... But her attitude was not as good as when she saw Brother Lang."

[Spare Creature]: "What the hell!? You guys actually dated Zhenzhen???"

[Big Fat Fish Monster]: "Don't be noisy, just watch the live broadcast!"


At this moment.

on the live screen.

Chen Yilang and Huang Zhenzhen have come to the pedestrian street of Xinyang Square.

"Student Chen, do you like eating Japanese food?

"There is a newly opened Japanese restaurant in Xinyang Square, which is very good! Especially the salmon there, the taste is very good, and the popularity on Xiaofanshu is very high..."

Huang Zhenzhen took Chen Yilang's hand and jumped as she walked, feeling extra joyful.

This is also a scene that the [monsters] in the live broadcast room have never seen before...

"When I was dating you before, I was obviously very cold!"

"Why did you change so much in front of Brother Lang?"

The [fish monster] and the [spare tire monster] were dumbfounded.

You Langge, or your Langge...

【Ding! 】

[You have caused a high amount of mental damage to a large number of [fish monsters] and [spare monsters]! ! 】

[You got: Gold +5746, Experience +2112! 】

[You got the material: [Rubber x10]]

[You got the material: [fish scales x5]]


"Uh, yes."

"I haven't been there yet, you can try it."

Chen Yilang said absentmindedly listening to the system's broadcast sound.

He hasn't reached the key point yet, why are these [monsters] suddenly excited?

"Okay!" Huang Zhenzhen said happily, "Then I'll take you to eat Beibei pot!"

Under the leadership of Huang Zhenzhen.

The two quickly came to the store and sat down.

Although this place in Xinyang Plaza is an old town, it used to be the downtown business district of Nanxuan after all.

Therefore, for the student party, consumption is still relatively high.

"Hello, two, what would you like to eat?" the waiter asked politely.

“Have a couples package.”

"Two large cups of Japanese fruit tea, plus a tonkotsu ramen and a miso soup!"

Huang Zhenzhen ordered the dishes skillfully.

"Okay." The waiter had a bright smile on his face.

Chen Yilang glanced at the menu silently.

A couple's set meal is 214, a cup of Japanese fruit tea is 35, tonkotsu ramen is 57, and miso soup is 76...

Good guy, I ate more than 400 yuan for a meal...

For college students from ordinary families, especially freshmen, it is extraordinarily extravagant...

Even if Chen Yilang can earn extra income through his business, in addition to the living expenses from his family, he is still a bit overwhelmed.

Seeing this, the [monsters] in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

[Spare Creature]: "I'm going! Didn't I take her to this store last time? She also ordered a couple's set meal at that time!"

[Spare Creature]: "...So she herself likes to eat Japanese food, right?"

[Fish Monster]: "Brother Lang has a big deal now. The price of this Internet celebrity Japanese food store can be said to be notoriously expensive, and the price-performance ratio is ridiculously low! Brother Lang is afraid that this wave of bank cards is a big disability. …”

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Hmph, look at you poor people who want to chase girls without money? Is the goddess Zhenzhen also affordable for your little dicks?"

[Fat Fish Monster]: "That's right, it's called a girl's test! Zhenzhenzi told me that you must be sincere in chasing girls. If you can't even give up this meal, it means you don't really like it at all. she……"


There was still a lot of noise in the live broadcast room, and Chen Yilang was already thinking about how to organize the language to speak to Huang Zhenzhen.

It is impossible to treat guests. He is not a big family with rich second-generation officials and second-generation officials. The money is so much money that he can use it to stand on the table...

aa is possible and more reasonable.

He didn't intend to be swollen and fat like the group of [Spare Creatures] and [Fish Monsters]...

However, for a while, Chen Yilang didn't even think about what to say, so he felt that he should just say it directly...

"Uh, classmate Huang."

"I'll discuss something with you."

"The cost of our date aa today, what do you think of us?"

Chen Yilang said calmly.

And the voice fell.

In the live broadcast room, the pan was fried again in an instant.

[Spare Freak]: "Fuck, what? If you don't take the initiative to pay for it, you still ask for aa?"

[Fish Monster]: "I'm afraid Brother Lang is crazy, right? It's the first time to date Goddess Zhenzhen, and it's actually aa?"

[Fish Monster]: "One thing to say, Brother Lang, is this too loser?"

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Brother Lang is already cold, and sure enough, Goddess Zhenzhen still needs me to subdue it..."

Just as the [monsters] in the live broadcast room were talking about each other.

Goddess Zhenzhen, whom they had been caring about, really spoke up.


"What did you say?"

Huang Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, and the look in Chen Yilang's eyes changed dramatically, "You want to aa with me?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded and smiled embarrassedly, "Is that okay, classmate Huang?"

[Fish Monster]: "It's over...it's really over..."

[Fish Monster]: "Yeah, Goddess Zhenzhen's expression is not right, it looks like she's about to explode..."

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Lang is too bullying. I guess Goddess Zhenzhen will be leaving after finishing this meal later?"


Not only did the group of [monsters] think so, but Chen Yilang also felt the same way.

This [Sea Queen]'s expression seems to be really angry...

"How to do?"

"If she really turned her face on the spot, the plan would have failed."

Chen Yilang pondered.


Huang Zhenzhen was really angry.

"Student Chen Yilang!"

"I don't allow you to say such foreign words in front of me!"

"If you are aa with me, you will treat me as an outsider!"

Huang Zhenzhen's eyes suddenly became serious, she stared at Chen Yilang with a small face, and said word by word.

Chen Yilang: "Then I...?"

Seeing that Chen Yilang's face seemed to show a bit of panic, Huang Zhenzhen seemed to smile happily:

"Today's Japanese food is delicious, and it's a pleasure to be with you!"

"So tonight, I have a treat!"

Chen Yilang: "...Ah?"

【Ding! ! 】

[You used [Two-Level Reversal], causing a lot of mental damage to [Spare Creature], [Fish Monster], [Fat Fish Monster]...! 】

[You got: Gold +4553, Experience +1764! 】


[Spare Creature]: "Fuck, why is this happening!?"

[Fish Monster]: "" "What the hell!!? Goddess Zhenzhen actually took the initiative to invite Brother Lang to dinner!?"

[Fish Monster]: "Damn, why didn't Zhenzhen invite me to eat??"

[Fish Monster]: "This script must be wrong!!!"

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Brother Lang, I want to break my head, but I can't figure out where I lost..."

At this moment.

The live broadcast room was already full of ghosts and wolves.

Chen Yilang naturally didn't know anything about this, because now he is also confused and can't figure out the situation at all.

"Uh, that, it's not so good, classmate Huang Zhenzhen..."

"This dinner is more than 400 yuan. We are still students, so we shouldn't be so extravagant..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but persuade Huang Zhenzhen.

"If I say please, please, if you don't agree, you won't give me face!"

Huang Zhenzhen smiled and said, "It's a big deal, just invite me to drink milk tea next time!"

Chen Yilang was ashamed: "Where do you get so much living expenses..."

Huang Zhenzhen: "Not a lot. Actually, it's just right. My brother just sent me more than 500 red envelopes a few days ago."

【Ding! 】

[You have caused huge mental damage to [lv10 Fat Fish Monster]! 】

[You got: Gold +1235, Experience +786! 】


What happened again?

Chen Yilang was taken aback.

He couldn't see the scene in the live broadcast room, otherwise he could see a rampant [lv10 fat fish monster] howling:


"I just sent Zhenzhen a red envelope of 520 a few days ago!"

"No, no, no..."

"The 'brother' she just said was not me..."

The rest of the [Fish] and [Spare Tire] were silent, but tacitly swiped a string of [Joker.emoji] underneath...

"Hey, okay then..."

After all, that's all there is to say.

Chen Yilang couldn't refuse any more.

After eating the food.

Huang Zhenzhen made a new proposal: "Let's go to the movies later!"

Chen Yilang nodded, and then shook his head again: "It seems that I haven't watched any good movies recently. I heard that these recent movies are all bad movies, so "Women's Federation 4" is okay."

"Yes, yes, "Women's Federation 4"!" Huang Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, "I just wanted to tell you about this movie!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Because I want to watch this movie too!"

"Huh? But haven't you already..." Chen Yilang was halfway through his words, and suddenly came back to his senses and quickly closed his mouth.


Very dangerous, dangerous...

It's just a little bit, and it's a leak.

But what the **** is going on here?

He clearly remembered that Huang Zhenzhen had already watched "Women's Federation 4" with Feng Tian...why did she have to watch it with him again.

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Fuck, I also invited her to watch "Women's Federation 4"!"

[Fish Monster]: "No, isn't it? I've seen it with her too!"

[Spare Creature]: "Ah..."

[Spare Freak]: "Hey, my goddess Zhenzhen is really tired. She has to watch "Women's Federation 4" eight times a day. I feel bad..."


"Okay, then let's watch this." Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone to book tickets, "Which cinema do you usually go to? Xingmei Cinema or Eternal?"

"Eternal!" Huang Zhenzhen blinked and said, "I've already booked the tickets, just follow me!"

Chen Yilang: "???"

You are too fast!

【Ding! 】

[You have caused a lot of mental damage to [Fat Fish Monster], [Fish Monster], [Spare Tire]...]


that's it.

Under the beeps that keep popping up from the system.

Chen Yilang followed Huang Zhenzhen all the way to the cinema.


Chen Yilang still found an opportunity to spend money and bought a bucket of popcorn...

Although Huang Zhenzhen is a [sea queen], it is absolutely impossible for anything to happen to him in the future.

But out of politeness, Chen Yilang still couldn't pick up Huang Zhenzhen's wool so comfortably.

After the movie starts.

Chen Yilang was immediately immersed in the plot of "Women's Federation 4".

As the only good word-of-mouth work in the recent movie archives, it has indeed achieved the top level in every aspect.


Just when Chen Yilang was watching the movie intently.

A new beep keeps ringing in my ears...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Ignore Dafa], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv12 Haihou]! 】

[You got: Gold +1477, Experience +857! 】


However, Chen Yilang has been immersed in the plot of the movie, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

What the fuck?

Why did he cause damage to this [Sea Queen]?

until the end of the movie.

After the two walked out of the cinema with the main force, Chen Yilang understood the real reason.

"Chen Yilang, is "Women's Federation 4" good?"

Huang Zhenzhen said with a smile.

"Eh? It's beautiful."

Chen Yilang replied frankly.

"I can see it." Huang Zhenzhen still smiled, "It's so good-looking that it took away the soul of classmate Chen... Don't even look at me!"

Only then did Chen Yilang react.


"Women's Federation 4" is a movie that lasts three hours.

During the whole process, Chen Yilang was staring at the screen attentively and immersed in the plot.

So I didn't even look at Huang Zhenzhen who was on the side...


It should be said that he even forgot that there was a living person next to him, and didn't come back to his senses until the end of the movie.

"Well...then let's go back to school."

Chen Yilang calmly changed the subject.

It's not too early.

Chen Yilang glanced at his phone and found that it was already past midnight...

He didn't expect "Women's Federation 4" to be so long, otherwise he would not have promised Huang Zhenzhen to watch the show so late.

all the way back.

Huang Zhenzhen is still very energetic to find various topics to chat with Chen Yilang.

And Chen Yilang just felt so sleepy...


It turns out that watching a late-night movie is such an experience...

Chen Yilang only felt that Huang Zhenzhen's voice was like a lullaby~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and even suspected that he could lie on the ground and sleep like a dead pig on the spot.


After half an hour.

Chen Yilang sent Huang Zhenzhen to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

"Ah oh."

Huang Zhenzhen looked at the dormitory where the door was locked, and said meaningfully: "What should I do, classmate Chen, it seems that we can't enter our dormitory..."

In Chen Yilang's ear, the sound of the system immediately popped up.

【Ding! 】

【Dangerous! 】

[[lv12 Sea Queen] threw a [fishing net] at you! 】

【Please be vigilant! 】


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