If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 212: [spare tire] and [fish]...

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

These days, Brother Lang is a little busy.

In addition to busy with class affairs, club work, academic work...

Also busy with Huang Zhenzhen "talking about love".

Every day, he has to set aside at least half an hour to chat with Huang Zhenzhen and cultivate feelings.

no way.

This is the first link of his and Feng Tian's "fishing plan", and it is a very crucial move.

Chen Yilang can only sacrifice his color, Quan should be dedicated to the revolution...

With the unremitting efforts of Chen Yilang.

The plan has indeed progressed quite well.

The most obvious change was that he became more and more familiar with Huang Zhenzhen.

This girl is indeed an old [Sea Queen] with a high rank.

First of all, she has a pure and lovely face.

In this face-seeing world, based on this alone, she has killed more than 90% of the [Sea Queen]...

Secondly, she herself is actually a house girl, and her biggest hobby is actually lying in the quilt and having fun...

In terms of performance, it is even more impeccable. It is said that it can be ranked in the top ten of the grade, which is quite excellent.

So no matter how you look at it, this is the character of a good girl, and it is difficult to make people feel dangerous...

In addition, she is also well versed in chatting and ambiguous.

Between chatting and laughing, she would occasionally say a few words of "No~", "Little baby~" and "I miss you~".

It will not appear to be particularly green tea, but it can also tug at the heartstrings of the little fish...

Inexperienced little boys, it is almost difficult to withstand this kind of offensive.

Even Brother Lang, who is used to seeing big waves, almost couldn't hold it back - once, Huang Zhenzhen sent him a cool selfie.

Such big waves... He really hasn't seen them before.

Just when Chen Yilang was constantly touching Huang Zhenzhen's old bottom.

Feng Tian on the other side.

There has also been some progress.

"Brother Lang!"

"I found it!"

Feng Tian happily ran into the dormitory and put a stack of documents on Chen Yilang's desk:

"I found the fishing post that Huang Zhenzhen posted at the time."

"At that time, many people privately chatted about the confession wall and asked for her Penguin."

"I asked Li Hao for help and got this list."

Feng Tian patted the document and said, "These are all the boys who added Huang Zhenzhen!"

"...that much?"

Looking at the thick stack of documents on the desktop, Chen Yilang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Good guy, this fish pond is a bit big...

He picked up the papers and looked at them one by one:

"Li Jiahua, Class of 2018 from the School of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering, height 174cm, weight 74kg, GPA unknown..."

"Su Liqian, 2019 class of law school, height 169cm, weight 76kg, self-exposed GPA 3.7..."

"Chen Yuge..."

"Fu Jianghui..."


at South University.

The confession wall has always been a platform that does not seem serious, but is very serious.

The reason why it's not serious is naturally because there are too many [Sea Kings] and [Sea Maidens] like Huang Zhenzhen active here.

And legitimate reasons.

When posting posts looking for an object here, real-name systems are required.

The platform will be responsible for reviewing the identity information of the publisher. If it is an off-campus person, it will all refuse to submit.

Therefore, Li Hao, who is a big man with stingy feet, naturally has this information in his hands.

Li Hao was naturally unwilling to help with this at first.

After all, it's a bit about the privacy of the students, although there's not a lot of cryptic personal information involved...

until later.

Feng Tian told Li Hao his tragic story and their "fishing operation", and then quoted Chen Yilang's name.

Li Hao quickly made what he thought was the right choice.

"After all, this Chen Yilang is the agent of Fanhua Bar..."

"Although the bar has not yet opened, it is also a very important potential customer..."

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Hao nodded and agreed.

that's it.

Feng Tian didn't take a lot of trouble, so he settled the matter.

Just when Chen Yilang was flipping through the materials.

【Ding! 】

[Intelligence: New wild monsters discovered! 】


Chen Yilang picked up a document he was about to put down.

It's a sophomore named Li Zelin, a sophomore majoring in Chinese language and literature.

Above his name, a new dialog box popped up.

[lv10 spare tire monster]

[Spare Creature Monster: A monster that loyally follows [Sea Queen] and [Scumbag], with a very low sense of existence, and the talent skill is [Wait]! 】

[Intelligence: Spare tire monsters are extremely patient monsters, and they can even wait until the sea and rocks are rotten for a chance to become a regular! 】

"Got you."

"good buddies."

Chen Yilang picked out Li Zelin's information.

Then keep scrolling down.

Immediately after.

Chen Yilang found several more [spare tire monsters].

Then, he found the [fish monster] again.

[Fish monster: A monster that is active in the [Sea Queen] pond after being caught by [Sea King] or [Sea Queen], harmless to humans and animals. 】

[Intelligence: Do you want [Fish Monster] to be obedient? Feel free to [feed] them! 】


"Another victim."

Chen Yilang continued to choose.

Then he found the [Fat Fish Monster]...

[Fat fish monsters: [fish monsters] that develop better than ordinary [fish monsters], usually the objects that [Sea Kings] and [Sea Queens] focus on feeding and fishing]


After half an hour of work.

Chen Yilang finally found all the victims.

There are a total of 4 [Spare Creatures], 19 [Ordinary Fish Monsters], and 2 [Brain Breeds]…

Chen Yilang is numb, he is indeed the top old sea king, he really knows how to play.


"Is this so much??"

Feng Tian was dumbfounded.

"Yes, it is."

Chen Yilang smiled and patted the large pile of documents on the table, "I didn't expect it? You were one of them back then!"

"..." Looking at the thick stack of documents on the table, Feng Tian suddenly fell into deep thought...

"And then, Brother Lang?" Feng Tian asked impatiently, "What's your plan next?"

"Don't worry."

"More haste less speed."

Chen Yilang smiled and opened Feng Tian first.

Anyway, the next work, he basically can't help much.

After getting the information of these victims.

Chen Yilang added them all.

When sending a friend request for the first time.

Only a handful of people passed the application.

All the replies received without exception are "Who are you?"

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he changed his tactics.

He added it again and wrote in the verification message: "I have a picture of Huang Zhenzhen's good health in my hand."

【Ding! 】

[You used the [Fascinating Trick], which attracted the attention of a large number of [monsters]! 】

[A large wave of [monsters] is approaching, please be vigilant! 】

"Brother, borrow one to speak."

"Which friend are you? I've made a deal with you as a friend!"

"Fuck! How can you have a photo of my wife? Tell me the truth!"

"[question mark.jpg] I'm her boyfriend, who are you?"


After a while.

Chen Yilang's message box was filled with all kinds of friends adding verification requests.

"Oh, man."

Chen Yilang couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, the old saying is true, men are lustful until they die...

As originally planned.

Chen Yizhen created a new Penguin and quickly added them all.

After adding everyone.

Chen Yilang did not greet them one by one.

Instead, they were immediately pulled into a newly created group chat.

"Hello, everyone."

"I take the liberty to ask, what is this group for?"

"Where's the group leader? Come out and squeak."


Just joined the group.

The curious [Spare Creatures], [Fish Monsters] and [Fat Fish Monsters] started chatting in the group.

After everyone was almost there.

Chen Yilang typed:

"Hello, victims."

"I'm the leader of the group."

"You can call me 'a nice guy who doesn't want to be named'."

"Then now, I want to announce a very bad news to you."


"If I'm not mistaken, the goddess you are chasing now is a girl named Huang Zhenzhen in our school, right?"


Chen Yilang uploaded a photo of Huang Zhenzhen in the group.

[Spare Tire]: "I don't know what the group leader is talking about, but I want more photos of good health."

[Spare tire]: "Plus one upstairs."

[Fish]: "Fuck? So the brothers in this group are all rivals in love? I advise you to stop, everyone, last week, she invited me to watch "Women's Federation 4"!"

[Fish]: "That's it? I haven't said that she gave me starfruit the day before yesterday, it's green and sweet!"

[Fat Fish]: "Hehe, brothers upstairs, is it interesting to brag? She just agreed to my confession last night, and I will go for a walk by the river with her tonight!"


Chen Yilang: "…"


Why are these guys still quarreling inexplicably?

And it also miraculously formed a chain of contempt from the [fat fish monster] to the [spare tire monster]...

"Cough cough."

"Everyone, be quiet first and listen to me."

"The purpose of calling everyone here is not to separate the winners and losers, nor is it to fight a life-and-death battle..."

"Everyone here today is actually not an opponent, but a teammate!"

Chen Yilang said, "Because all of you are victims in this game..."

[Spare Creature]: "Victim? What do you mean, group owner?"

[Fish Monster]: "That's right, aren't we all alive and well, where did we get killed?"

[Fat Fish Monster]: "Victimized? I have been nourished by love recently. Is this a victimization?"

"Then you have to listen carefully, everyone."

Chen Yilang said:

"I will solemnly inform you now."

"Although your goddess Huang Zhenzhen is really cute and seductive."

"But unfortunately."

"In her eyes, you are all just a group of spare tires and fish, pawns in a game."

"You can never get her heart, because from the beginning to the end, she never gave you a chance."

Chen Yilang finished his words.

The group suddenly fell into silence.

After several minutes, someone just came out:

[Spare Tire]: "Impossible! Zhenzhen is definitely not such a person!"

[Fish]: "That's right! She forgot to reply to my news, and she was hot and cold with me, just because I didn't have the ability to make her fall in love with me, woo woo..."

[Fat Fish]: "Brother, are you too sour? Don't you want to separate me and Zhenzhen, and then secretly confess to Zhenzhen?"

Chen Yilang's shaving is a bit painful, you guys are quite strong in brain supplementation...

But you can't blame them for that.

After all, they are a group of [fish] that can be hooked by [Sea Queen]. Where can you expect these people to be smart?

Coupled with the buff of "man in love", this IQ, even more needless to say...

So Chen Yilang said again:

"It's okay, everyone."

"You don't have to judge so quickly."

"Tonight at seven o'clock, I will broadcast a program about your goddess Huang Zhenzhen on time. Welcome to watch it~"

Say it.

Chen Yilang also posted a notice on the bulletin board.

"Live show? What is it?"

"Who is this group of masters, the gods are nagging..."

"It's not a liar, is it, brothers?"

"Never mind, I'm bored tonight anyway. I'll come and see when the time comes. Where does this guy plan to fix it..."

Amid the chattering of the group members, Chen Yilang closed the message box of the group chat.

Then he sent a message to Huang Zhenzhen:

"Good drop."

"See you at the main entrance of Nanxuan University at seven o'clock tonight~"

Well, that's right.

The message replied by Chen Yilang.

Not long ago, Huang Zhenzhen sent him a date invitation—

Huang Zhenzhen: "Na Na Na, classmate Chen Yilang~"

Huang Zhenzhen: "We've been talking for so long, why don't we meet tonight~"

Huang Zhenzhen: "There is no class tonight, and tomorrow is the weekend. What do you think, classmate Chen Yilang?"

Then there was just now, Chen Yilang pulled a lot of shots of victims joining the group.

After receiving Chen Yilang's reply, Huang Zhenzhen also happily replied: "Okay, see you soon~ Then I'll go take a shower first!"

A slight smile appeared on Chen Yilang's mouth.

very good…

Just let him get to know this [Sea Queen] well and see what she is...



Six forty in the evening.

Chen Yilang, who has sorted out his clothes and hairstyle.

According to the agreement with Huang Zhenzhen, he came outside the main gate of the school.

He deliberately advanced 20 minutes to debug the live broadcast tool.

After turning on the live broadcast function, Chen Yilang picked up the selfie stick and turned on the front camera on the phone.

In the live broadcast room, a dozen people came at once.

"Fuck! It's Brother Lang!"

"Brother Lang!? Is that the one who overthrew the head of the school's sports department?"

"Brother Lang! Thanks to you, I finally got out of the bitter sea of ​​morning running!"

"I didn't expect it to be you, Brother Lang!"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room changed 360 degrees in an instant.

【Ding! 】

[You cast the skill: [Leader's Majesty]! 】

[Affected by the effect of the title of [People's Hero], [Leader's Majesty] has been boosted! 】

[[Spare Tire], [Fish], [Fat Fish] have entered the state of [Support]! 】

Chen Yilang: "...Uh, don't get excited, can you see the picture clearly?"

"Yes, Brother Lang!"

"It's ok, very high-definition and uncensored."

"Come on, so what is the group owner going to do?"

"Wait a minute and you'll find out."

Chen Yilang put a finger on his lips and said, "Wait a while and watch quietly, and don't make a sound."


"Brother Lang, I immediately sew my mouth!"

"I'm professionally trained and will never make a sound."

A group of [Monsters] who were in the state of [Embrace] immediately replied obediently.

Seeing this group of monsters cooperate so well, Chen Yilang is also quite satisfied.

It didn't take long.

It's not yet seven o'clock.

Huang Zhenzhen walked out of the campus and had a face-to-face with Chen Yilang.

"Hello~ Classmate Chen."

Huang Zhenzhen trotted and waved her hand with a lovely smile, "I finally see you in person, you are much more handsome than in the photos~"

talking room.

Above her head, the system logo also popped up.

[Target: lv12 Sea Queen]

[The Queen of the Sea: A rose-like, beautiful, but actually extremely dangerous female monster, with innate abilities of [casting nets], [fishing], [fishing], [feeding]... You like to attack young and innocent men biology! 】

[As [Sea Queen], they were born the natural enemies of [Fish Monster], [Lick Dog] and [Spare Creature Monster]! 】

"You too, classmate Huang Zhenzhen." Chen Yilang smiled.

"Chen, what is this?"

Huang Zhenzhen noticed the selfie stick in Chen Yilang's hand, and asked curiously.

"Ah, this is my first date with classmate Huang. I think it's very memorable, so I thought about taking a vlog to record it."

Chen Yilang smiled innocently.

"Wow, do you still shoot vlogs? You are too good, classmate Chen!"

Huang Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, and her face was slightly red in admiration, "Can you teach me next time, classmate Chen?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv12 Sea Queen] used [Sugar-coated Cannonball] to attack you! 】

[Sugar-coated cannonballs: After hitting the target, it will generate a lot of mental shock damage, making the target enter the state of [smart] and [floating]. 】

【Please be careful to avoid attacks! 】

"Haha, no, no, no, I'm very good, just pat..."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

As expected of the old sea queen...

This boastful tone and demeanor is both sincere and comfortable, and it is really difficult for people to say it defensively...

You have to cheer up and be more careful.

【miss! 】

[You successfully dodged [Sugar-Coated Cannonball]! 】

[You got: EXP +478]

[The proficiency of the skill [lv2 back jump] has been improved! 】

"Hey, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Classmate Chen is quite modest." Huang Zhenzhen stuck out her tongue and smiled strangely, "Let's go, let's go to dinner~"

Chen Yilang hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Okay, okay! Where are we going~"

Huang Zhenzhen laughed happily, then got close to Chen Yilang's body and grabbed his wrist.

【Ding! 】

【Danger! 】

[[lv12 Sea Queen] has locked you as a [key fishing target]! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】

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