If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 2: Shoot the dog's head at the **** table!

good guy...

Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded.

Chen Yilang couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

As he expected, these "monsters" all around could be attacked by himself.

It's like fighting monsters in an online game.

Although Chen Yilang still doesn't know exactly what this way of killing monsters is, it seems that as long as it causes a certain degree of damage to the monsters, even if it is mental damage.

For example, the shock he caused Chen Jiahui was a wave of mental attacks.

With the gold coins that you have obtained into the warehouse, the game interface has also undergone some changes.

[The mall system module has been unlocked, please explore by yourself. 】

Chen Yilang immediately opened the mall to observe and found that there was only one product for sale.

[Lucky treasure chest, 1000 gold coins, 1 inventory. 】

[Balance: 32 gold coins]

"It's not enough."

"Looks like there are still a lot of fights."

Chen Yilang was eager to try it.

"What are you doing, Chen Yilang?"

Chen Jiahui was ashamed and angry, and said in a low voice.

Although her cry just now was not loud, it still caused a small movement in the quiet classroom.

A large group of [water-skimming monsters] looked back at her curiously, and I have to say that it was a little embarrassing.

"Just now a mosquito stopped on you, and I slapped it to death for you." Chen Yilang said indifferently.

"Where? How did I see it?" Chen Jiahui studied her arm earnestly.

However, Chen Yilang's attention quickly shifted to other places.

Because it seems that something new has appeared.

[Ultimate Learning God] After being hurt, a slightly shimmering object fell out. After bouncing and rolling on the table for a while, it stopped in the middle of Chen Yilang's textbook.

Chen Yilang looked around again, convinced that there was no other person who could see this thing besides himself.

He frowned slightly, realizing that things didn't seem that simple.

Take a bold guess.

This thing, shouldn't it be a...

Dropped things?

With such a new year in mind, Chen Yilang tentatively stretched out his hand and tried to touch that shiny thing.

【Ding! 】

[Get: Knowledge Point X6]

[Knowledge point: It is formed by the condensed will and spiritual power of scholars, and it is mostly produced in the bodies of academic gods and academic tyrants. 】

Chen Yilang: "..."

It really is.

His slap actually brought out the knowledge points in Chen Jiahui's mind, which is a bit outrageous.

At the same time as the prompt sound appeared, Chen Yilang found that there was an extra shiny item in his inventory.

at the same time.

In his mind, there are suddenly many more skills and methods about the calculation of receiving balls.

This kind of feeling is as if someone suddenly pried open his Tianling cover with an axe, and then poured all the mathematical knowledge into it...

Chen Yilang, that's how he realized.

It's a bit sudden, and a bit rude.

"No. 2 and No. 22." The math teacher said loudly, "You two come up and do this problem."

The math teacher ordered the student number, while Chen Yilang from No. 2 and Jiang Ming from No. 22 stood up.

almost at the same time.

Chen Yilang saw all the [fishing monsters] in the classroom, and all raised their heads in unison.

This group of guys were happily fishing frantically one second, and the next second they all stood up to watch the fun.

It's easy to explain.

After all, in class, as long as it is irrelevant to the class, everyone will listen carefully.

"It's over, Brother Lang seems to be caught by Lao Yang again."

"Old Yang wouldn't do it on purpose, he actually asked Jiang Ming and Brother Lang to do the quiz together. Isn't this a public execution?"

"Actually, I don't know this question either, but when I think that the second model has Brother Lang at the bottom, I feel a lot better."

The classmates whispered.

It's hard not to notice.

Jiang Ming is the math class representative in the class. He even got a high score of 140 in the last monthly exam.

And Brother Lang has always been the tail of the crane in the class, no matter how you look at it, it feels a bit like doing things.

But no way.

Since it's all over, then we can only bite the bullet.

Chen Yilang didn't think much, got up calmly and walked to the podium.

He is such a person, if you don't panic in advance, even if there is an earthquake, you can send a circle of friends first.

As a result, when he walked to the podium, the situation seemed to be beyond his expectations.

- He actually seemed to know how to solve this problem.

"In the parallelogram ABCD, AB is perpendicular to BD, and 2AB2+BD2=4, and the quadrilateral is folded along BD into plane ABD⊥ plane BDC, what is the surface area of ​​the triangular pyramid A-BVD's circumscribed sphere?"

Obviously, he didn't understand the knowledge points mentioned by the math teacher in this class, but Chen Yilang felt that this question was not difficult at all.

The related question stem interpretation context and problem solving skills come to mind so naturally.

"Because OA=OB=OC=OD, AC2=AB2+BC2=4, and because..."

"So the surface area of ​​the circumscribed sphere is 4π."

Chen Yilang grabbed the chalk, and without thinking much, wrote the problem-solving process and answers on the blackboard.

"Teacher, I have finished the UU reading www.uukanshu.com." Chen Yilang said.

Yang Shijun was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jiang Ming, who was doing the same question with Chen Yilang on the other side of the blackboard, and he was still several minutes behind.

"Teacher, I'll be fine soon!"

Jiang Ming suddenly felt a little flustered, and the chalk in his hand trembled involuntarily, almost breaking on the board.

After Jiang Ming finished writing the question, Yang Shijun carefully checked the answers of the two of them several times, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Jiang Ming's calculation in the last step went wrong, missing a square symbol."

"Chen Yilang's calculation is correct, and the answer is correct."

The voice fell.

There was a sudden gasp in the classroom.

"What the hell, what Jiang Ming doesn't know, Brother Lang actually did it right?"

"And Brother Lang did it faster, did you find it?"

"Crap, it's not scientific, I'm going to doubt my life."

There was a little commotion in the classroom of Class 6 of Senior Three.

And at this time.

In Chen Yilang's mind, the familiar voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding! You successfully inflicted mental damage to [lv1 scumbag], and you get ①Experience +5, ②Gold +9]

【Ding! You successfully inflicted mental damage to [lv2 scumbag], and you get ①experience value +6, ②gold +10]

【Ding! You successfully inflicted mental damage to [lv3 scumbag], and you get ①experience value +7, ②gold +12]

[You have caused mental damage to [lv3 scumbag], get ①experience value +7, ②gold +12]


Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

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