If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 1: real world gamification

Blue Star.

Beijiang City No. 1 High School, Class 6 of Senior Three.

Chen Yilang sat in his seat, staring at the blackboard with a serious face.

Those who didn't know thought that Brother Xianyu Lang was going to be angry, so he listened to the class carefully.

But in fact, Chen Yilang was just studying the system panel that suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Player: Chen Yilang]

[Level: LV1 (1/100)]

[Title: A stupefied novice. 】

[Achievements: None. 】

[Attributes: Strength 2, Toughness 2, Wisdom 2, Spirit 2, Agility 2, Charisma 2, Luck 2. Evaluation: Two to burst. 】

[Intimate Tip 1: This game has a very high degree of freedom and requires players to experience and explore by themselves. 】

[Warm tip 2: The final interpretation right of this game belongs to the system, I wish you a happy life. 】

"It seems that I was bound by the system."

Xianyu Chen Yilang secretly reads online novels in class every day, which is obviously all too familiar.

He began to study the system with great interest.

Then I found that in addition to the basic panel, there are also modules such as skill bar, shopping mall, and equipment bar that have not been unlocked.

Just when he was wondering what the gameplay of this system was, an even more incredible scene appeared in front of him.

Inside the spacious classroom.

Above each classmate's head, there seems to be a floating frame of text.

[lv1 Fishing Monster: A little monster that hides quietly in a corner, harmless to humans and animals, good at various paddling postures, harmless to humans and animals. 】

[lv1, Fishing Monster...]

[lv1, Fishing Monster...]

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched.

Good guy, there are actually more than a dozen fish-fishing monsters in a classroom of more than 40 people.

I usually see you all looking like honest people, but who would have thought that they would gather a crowd behind their backs and do such shameful things...

Of course, in addition to the [fishing monster] that filled the screen, Chen Yilang also saw some other creatures.

[lv1 scumbag: A kind of mobs with a hidden aura by nature, with a low sense of existence and no danger. Note: On that day, the scumbag finally recalled the days when he was ruled by the tyrants and the gods...]

[lv2 Xueba: A kind of eye-catching monster, it is born with its own involution properties, and it is dangerous to a certain extent. It is recommended to stay away. Note: Of course, if you are strong enough, you can also join. 】

[lv3 Bad Boy: A monster with poor temperament and aggressiveness, it is recommended to stay away. 】

within a time.

The entire high school Class 6 seems to have become a game map, and the screen is full of all kinds of monsters.

"It's interesting."

Chen Yilang looked at the surrounding environment with great interest, but suddenly noticed the floating frame above his deskmate.

[lv5 Ultimate Learning God: The top evolutionary form of learning tyrants and learning gods, it can be said to be the king of scroll kings, and it is an existence that makes all the scumbags and academic wastes tremble. Note: Don't ask, just run! 】

Chen Yilang's body trembled, and suddenly he felt a little chill on his back.

The system was right.

His tablemate is Chen Jiahui. He is very bookish and has good grades, ranking first in his grade all the year round.

It is said that Chen Jiahui's life is not only learning, but also learning, and he can't wait to learn 25 hours a day.

"Chen Yilang, what are you doing?"

As if noticing Chen Yilang's gaze, Chen Jiahui glanced at the former, and said angrily, "If you don't listen to the class well, are you going to be the first in the exam next week?"

Chen Jiahui was both the class leader and the study committee member. The class teacher had previously arranged for her to sit at the same table with Chen Yilang just to make her focus more on the latter to study.

[Being taunted by the ultimate scholar! 】


A new message box popped up in front of him, and at the same time, as if his body had really been attacked, Lu Shen suddenly felt a slight pain and discomfort.

Chen Yilang checked his status bar and found that his health bar had been shaved off a little, leaving only 95% of it.

Oh day!

As expected of the ultimate academic god, this damage is really hard enough...

And according to the feeling just now, when his health value drops, his body will indeed feel physical discomfort.

Chen Yilang couldn't help but make a bold guess.

When his HP drops to 0, there is a real possibility that he will die...

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang could not help but take a small breath.

Fortunately, he found that his health seemed to be able to recover naturally.

For example, in the few minutes he was thinking about, his HP value rose to 96%.


Mathematics teacher Yang Shijun tapped a few times on the blackboard with a pencil and said:

"The knowledge points about the calculation of the circumscribed sphere of solid geometry will be discussed here first."

"I'll give you five minutes to sort things out a little bit, and I'll randomly select two students to come up and give you a demonstration."

The voice fell.

Originally, there were some whispered conversations in the classroom, which would be silent and quiet as death.

【Ding! 】

[A new hidden quest has been triggered: the math teacher's trial. 】

[NPC: Yang Shijun. 】

[Conditions to be met: Complete the assigned classroom tasks. 】

[Details: It's time to make the world look at you with admiration, boy. 】

Chen Yilang: "???"

It always feels a little sudden.

It's also a **** kind of secondary disease.

Doesn't this mean that he is the one who will be drawn by the math teacher later?

The problem is that he knows how to calculate the outside ball. He has to know the math test with a score of 150, but he has never scored a score of 60...

Brain pain.

Chen Yilang was a little overwhelmed and looked around subconsciously.

At this time, he noticed again that something seemed to happen to Chen Jiahui at the same table.

On the status bar above Chen Jiahui's head, an icon in the shape of a brain appeared, and it was still flickering slightly.

[The target has entered a state of concentration. 】

[Concentration: In this state, the learning ability is greatly improved, the intelligence value is improved, and the perception ability of the outside world is greatly reduced. 】

[Hint: When the other party's focus is not yours, this may be a good opportunity. 】


Chen Yilang was a little puzzled.


He seemed to have a faint smell of doing things.

After thinking for a while, the corners of Chen Yilang's mouth turned up slightly involuntarily.

He quietly leaned his body back slightly.

Chen Jiahui, who was concentrating on sorting out knowledge points, was completely unaware of Chen Yilang's actions and was still immersed in her own world.

This posture, as if the end of the world can't stop her from studying.

Chen Yilang, who was full of bad water, laughed mischievously, and suddenly slapped Chen Jiahui on the arm.

"Yeah!" Chen Jiahui was shocked and screamed in a low voice.

And a new prompt text appeared in front of Chen Yilang:

[You used the palm strike, successfully inflicted a lot of mental damage on the lv5 Ultimate Academic God, and obtained: ①Experience +12 ②Gold +32. 】


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