If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 178: Or Chen Yilang is more comfortable 1 point...

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The thief thing came to an end.

The voice of the system also sounded in Chen Yilang's mind.

【Ding! 】

【You have completed the challenge mission: Pursuit Game! 】

[You have been rewarded: gold coins +6666, experience +2331!

【Your level has been improved! 】

[Current level: lv11]

【You have acquired a new title: The Hunter! 】

Chen Yilang saw his title column.

There's a new item that looks like a bronze medal.

[Chaser (purple title): Your pursuit speed is out of this world, and the [monsters] are beginning to be frightened! 】

[Title effect: After wearing this title, when you face the [monster] unit, your movement speed is increased by 20%, and your stamina consumption speed is decreased by 20%! 】



Chen Yilang was a little excited.

It was exactly as he expected.

The rewards that can be obtained from challenging tasks are generally more generous.

And before that.

It's true that he hasn't received a new title for a long time.

The newly acquired hunter is still a rare title of purple, and it is indeed very useful!

Chen Yilang didn't think much about it, and directly changed the title of [Pursuit].

within an instant.

He felt that his steps were much lighter.

Because the one who walked about ten meters in front of him was Lu Qian.

He was walking along the side of the road at this time, his eyes wandering around, as if he was looking for something...

"What is he doing?"

Chen Yilang casually asked Chen Jiahui next to him.

"I do not know either."

Chen Jiahui shook his head.

She didn't care much about Lu Qian's actions, she just felt that Lu Qian was not by her side, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

After all, she and Chen Yilang are also old classmates.

If they get along, Chen Yilang can make her feel more comfortable than Lu Qian.

So no one knows.

Lu Qian was actually looking for that beautiful stone all over the place...


This apprentice is really **** off!

Lu Qian's current state of mind is a little bit explosive.

That stone is really beautiful. If it weren't for Chen Jiahui, he would not be willing to give it away...

As a result, Chen Yilang used it to play with it, and his heart was really bleeding...

And in the end, it was this guy who got the limelight in front of Chen Jiahui!

Lu Qian felt that he had lost badly.

The most regrettable thing is that he only lost in one thought.

As long as he was a little more decisive at that time, where would it be Chen Yilang's turn to be the hero?

Lu Qian regretted that his bowels were starting to turn blue...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Breaking Defense Strike], causing a lot of damage to [lv12 Ghost Shadow Old Thousand]! 】

[You got: Gold +1342, Experience +789! 】

[You got: Black Mist x1]


In Chen Yilang's inventory, there was another black fog.

It is also a rare item in purple.

He didn't have time to study it carefully, because he began to wonder again, why was Lu Qian attacked by him again?

He obviously didn't do anything...

But well.

After glancing at Chen Jiahui who was walking beside him, Chen Yilang seemed to understand something again.


Chen Jiahui suddenly said, "What happened to the promotional video of the club you told me about?"

"It's just a small movie, please come over and be an actress, because you fit that character very well, and you're just acting in your true colors..." Chen Yilang said, and suddenly smiled, "What? Are you interested now? "

"Cut, I don't." Chen Jiahui pouted, "But for the sake of my old classmates, I'll promise you first."

"Okay." Chen Yilang was happy, "I'll send you the membership form when I go back."

"Well." Chen Jiahui nodded, "but I want to tell you in advance that I usually have to read books, so I may not be able to come to the club activities in the future."

"That's fine." Chen Yilang smiled.

Whatever it is, let's get Chen Jiahui on board first!

After all, he was sitting at the same table with Chen Jiahui for several years.

This little girl's temperament, he can still figure out a little bit.

The face is arrogant and inhumane.

In fact, she still has a girly softness inside.

The group just took a walk and returned to Nanxuan University.

on the verge of separation.

Lu Qian still couldn't hold back his mood. He stepped forward and said to Chen Jiahui, "Sister, go back and think about it again. I'll wait for your reply."

"Well..." Chen Jiahui nodded hesitantly, not knowing how to explain to Lu Qian.

She glanced at Chen Yilang again.

As an old deskmate, Chen Yilang immediately saw the meaning of asking for help in Chen Jiahui's eyes.

Chen Yilang smiled lightly, and then said:

"That, this senior."

"excuse me."

"Chen Jiahui, she has joined our club."

"???" Lu Qian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Jiahui again, "Is this true, school girl?"

"Yeah." Chen Jiahui simply nodded and said nothing more.

After what happened tonight.

Lu Qian's favorability in Chen Jiahui's heart can be said to have fallen off a cliff.

on the contrary.

Chen Yilang, who had some estrangement due to the lack of sight, had a higher image in her heart.

Before that, in Chen Jiahui's heart, Chen Yilang had always been a rather playful, salty fish, and immature image.

"Chen Yilang, he has really grown a lot."

Chen Jiahui suddenly sighed like a mother.

After seeing Chen Jiahui's indifferent response, Lu Qian gave up completely, and could only greet the two of them embarrassingly, and then left with the group of freshmen under him.

It made him even more upset.

Before leaving, there were actually many freshmen who went to add Chen Yilang's WeChat, including a few pretty school girls...


Lu Qian was so angry that he wanted to call the police.

He was a dignified senior who was in the third year, and he actually lost a crushing defeat in front of the brat in the first year?

I'm afraid I won't be laughed at if I say it out...

Send Chen Jiahui to the dormitory.

Then after returning to his dormitory, Chen Yilang instructed Chen Jiahui to fill in the information form.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[Your faction [Monster] has added a member! 】

[Current influence: 20! 】

[Stage target progress: 2/10]


Ruan Wenxuan and Chen Jiahui have not brought a high degree of influence to [Monster] at present.

Because at present, the prestige of these two people in the school is not too high.

However, Chen Yilang had a faint hunch.

These two should be showing their edge soon.

Especially Chen Jiahui.

To know.

It won't be long~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the college will usher in the first official academic examination.

Before that, the task of the propaganda film should be completed.

After the heroine is finalized.

The next thing to consider is to find some group performers.

Chen Yilang was thinking about suitable candidates.

The phone rang.

It was a message from the alumni group of No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School in Beijiang City.

At the same time, he also @ smack him.


"Brother Lang!"

"I heard you're filming recently?"

"How about it, are you still recruiting the male protagonist? (dog head.jpg

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