If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 177: 【Chasing game】

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"Thank you for your kindness, senior."

"I'll think about it again."

Chen Jiahui subconsciously took a few small steps away from Lu Qian.


Even Chen Jiahui didn't know why he did this.

Although senior Lu Qian is very gentle on weekdays and is also kind to his younger siblings, everyone says he is a warm-hearted big brother.

But she just instinctively felt that she didn't want to approach Lu Qian.

As if his body and Lu Qian had some kind of mutually exclusive magnetic field, they instinctively took precautions against Lu Qian.

"Hey, schoolgirl."

Lu Qian suddenly pulled out a stone from nowhere.

The stone is smooth and round, with an attractive luster, and the colors on it are colorful.

A very beautiful stone indeed.

"This is?" Chen Jiahui was a little surprised.

"The owner of the hot pot restaurant went to the beach for a vacation a while ago. I was quite familiar with the stones he picked up there, so he gave them to me."

Lu Qian smiled warmly, "I think it's pretty pretty, you should like it, right? I'll give it to you."

"Ah, no need..."

Chen Jiahui shied away a few times, but in the end she couldn't stand Lu Qian's insistence and accepted the small stone.

It's still a little heavy in my hand.

"Then thank you senior..."

Chen Jiahui's words were just half finished.

But just at this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind in my ears.

A figure flashed by her side like lightning and flint.


Quickly snatched her phone.

Then it seemed to fly in another direction.


at once.

Both were stunned for a brief moment.

Then quickly reacted, this was a thief.


"That man ran over there!"

Seeing this scene, the freshmen of Luya Club chased after them and anxiously said to Lu Qian, "What should I do, President?"

"I..." Lu Qian got stuck.

The group of freshmen around them obviously lacked social experience. When they encountered such a thing, they naturally didn't know how to deal with it, so they could only turn to the eldest Lu Qian for help.

But how do they know.

Although Lu Qian was two levels older than them, after all, he was just a college student. Where did he encounter such a thing?

At this moment, he naturally panicked.

"Yes, or should we report, call the police...?"

Lu Qian asked hesitantly.


He was greeted by a group of freshmen with stunned expressions. Look at me, I think you finally focused on Lu Qian.

Everyone's eyes are sending the same message to Lu Qian:

"It's all right, whatever you want, it's up to you."

They are inexperienced, and they do not have enough judgment.

Some freshmen are not even adults, and they don't even have many corresponding civil abilities.

In this case, it is indeed only possible to listen to Lu Qian's arrangement, and there is absolutely no way to put forward any constructive opinions.


Call the police, or chase?

Lu Qian couldn't make up his mind either.

If he chased, he was very afraid of the thief jumping over the wall.

If a group of people were in a hurry and took out an 18cm fruit knife on the spot, they would be dumbfounded.

But if you call the police, it's hard to say whether you can catch the thief back.


"Why let me do this kind of thing?"

Lu Qian was a little annoyed.

To tell the truth, he actually doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, it's not only troublesome, but also a little dangerous.

But if he doesn't care, his image in front of Chen Jiahui will collapse directly.

Chen Jiahui, who was on the side, was also very scared, so anxious that tears almost came out.

She stayed in the ivory tower for 18 years, and finally came out to breathe, and as a result, she experienced social dangers, which would be a little difficult to accept for a while.

"What's up?"

Chen Yilang just returned to the crowd and asked curiously.

"My phone was robbed..."

Chen Jiahui's eyes turned a little red.

"Don't cry yet!" Chen Yilang calmly said, "Do you see what that person looks like?"

Chen Jiahui shook his head.

"What's your phone like?" Chen Yilang asked again.

Chen Jia quickly described it to Chen Yilang.


After finishing speaking, Chen Yilang pointed to the stone in Chen Jiahui's hand, "Let me use this?"

"Ah?" Chen Jiahui nodded blankly, "Okay..."

Chen Yilang took the stone, turned around and ran in the direction the thief left.

Lu Qian and Chen Jiahui, as well as the freshmen present, were dumbfounded.

This guy actually chased after him?

It doesn't even seem to think about it, is it so decisive?

"Hey, wait!"

Chen Jiahui also chased after him.

Of course she knew what Chen Yilang wanted to do.

In this case, naturally, he cannot be left to face the danger alone.

"Hey, school girl..."

Lu Qian was anxious, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to pull Chen Jiahui, but before he had time, the latter ran away.

"Let's help too!"

Seeing such a scene, all the freshmen present volunteered to follow.

Originally, they didn't think about sitting on the sidelines, they just needed someone to take the lead.

Chen Yilang is the key figure.

In addition, Chen Jiahui, a weak and weak girl, was chasing after him, and they couldn't stand it any longer.

"Hey, you..."

Lu Qian, who stayed where he was, was still carefully weighing the pros and cons in the last moment.

At this moment, he was the only one left around...

This dramatic turn of events was indeed something he hadn't expected at all.


"You bastards!"

Lu Qian cursed in anger and hurried on the spot, but he could only trot and chase after him.


the other side.

Xinyang Plaza.

Chen Yilang is running in the complicated and lively business district.

Not long after running away.

The sound of the system suddenly sounded at this time.

【Ding! 】

【Trigger an always new challenge: chase game! 】

[Conditions fulfilled: Within 10 minutes, hunt down the fleeing wild monster [Dark Shadow Rat]. 】

[Dark Rat: A monster with a very high agility attribute, innate skill: [Leading the sheep], and can activate this skill in a state of high-speed movement. 】


in the settings of this [game].

Challenge missions are the most random type of missions.

There is no clear trigger channel and fixed trigger method, everything is random.

Including bounties too.

For example, the sudden challenge this time was also not what Chen Yilang expected.

While running, Chen Yilang said silently in his heart:

"Looking for a pink mobile phone, the phone case is full of high-frequency words of the sixth grade of the university, and the campus card of Nanxuan University is hanging on the strap."

【Ding! 】

[You activated the [Tracking] ability of [Tracking Watch]! 】

[The skill has taken effect! 】


the same moment.

Chen Yilang saw that on his wrist, the [Tracking Needle] on the dial of the [Tracking Watch] began to turn again.

according to where it points.

Chen Yilang could probably tell that the thief should have run towards the north exit.

When he went out to meet Gu Binghan before, Chen Yilang had been to Xinyang Plaza.

His sense of direction itself is not bad, and he can remember the road layout and routes in many places once or twice.

After roughly determining the location of the [Black Shadow Rat], Chen Yilang immediately chose a shortcut and ran quickly.

Everyone who followed Chen Yilang was a little dumbfounded.

Why is there an inexplicable feeling that this boy seems to have locked the location of the thief in his heart?

This is very unscientific...

Could it be that he can still predict the opponent's escape route?

And finally.

Facts have proved that it is.

Less than a minute later.

The thief appeared in front.

He was probably a little tired from running, and his speed gradually slowed down.

In addition, Chen Yilang was taking the short path, so he was caught up.

But he wasn't worried.

This distance is enough for him to escape.

His accomplice, already riding a motorcycle, was waiting on the side of the road.

Once he runs out of the north exit, he will become a bird that breaks the cage, and no one can stop him!


Very unfortunate.

He didn't know.

This move he carefully designed was also counted by Chen Yilang.

A few dozen meters away.

Chen Yilang, who was running, took out the stone he got from Chen Jiahui.


It feels really good in the hand...

Then activated the skill [lv7 Hand of God]

After [lv10 Black Shadow Rat] entered the range.

The stone was thrown without hesitation.


It hit the back of his knee with precision.


The man let out a shrill scream, and immediately fell to the ground.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Heavy Artillery Attack], causing a lot of physical damage to [lv10 Black Shadow Rat], and causing [Crippled] effect to it! 】

[Crippled: The agility attribute of the target is greatly reduced, the movement speed is reduced by 90%, and the bounce power is reduced by 90%! 】

[You got: Gold +1232, Experience +980! 】



"Where do I see you running?"

Chen Yilang looked down at the [Black Shadow Rat] kneeling on the ground, and said with a sneer, "Hurry up, take out everything."

The appearance of this [Black Shadow Mouse] is surprisingly consistent with his name.

Dark skin, small stature, and a face with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

Others also gathered around at this time.

They all saw Chen Yilang's operation just now, and at this moment there was a look of surprise on his face.

Of course, except for Lu Qian.

He is very uncomfortable now, and his little heart is still bleeding.

The school girl who was given to Chen Jiahui was used by Chen Yilang as a weapon. Who wouldn't feel bad about it?

At this moment, I don't know where the stone flew to.

"You stinky kids."

"I advise you not to mind your own business!"

Seeing this large group of people around them, it seems that they are all students with immature faces.

[Black Shadow Rat] was not so afraid anymore, and cursed viciously.

"I also advise you to do it yourself." Chen Yilang said coldly, "Isn't it bad to be a person? Do you have to be a mouse that everyone yells at?"

[Black Shadow Mouse] This will be a little guilty, and I dare not say a word.


At this time, two of his accomplices rushed over.

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Black Shadow Mouse] has a [bond effect] with the same kind! 】

[The target has entered the [Encouragement] state! 】


"Ha ha!"

"A group of hairy boys are also worthy of pointing at Laozi here?"

"Believe it or not, I beat your mother so much that you don't even know it?"

[Black Shadow Rat] Rolled up his sleeves, blew his beard and stared, and cursed.

Seeing him like this, the other two accomplices rushed forward to hold him, and quickly said: "Brother, forget it... There are more and more people, and it will be difficult to leave later!"

[Black Shadow Mouse] After thinking about it, it seems to be the same.

There is no need to follow a few brats, just running away is the truth.

"I remember you, don't let me bump into you next time!"

[Black Shadow Rat] After putting down a harsh sentence, he turned around and prepared to leave with his comrades.



one hand.

Suddenly, he grabbed the shoulders of 【Black Shadow Mouse】from behind.

"I let you go?"

Chen Yilang's cold voice rang in his ears.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned back angrily and scolded: "Believe it or not, I punched to death..."


A stick was thrown directly into his face.

[Black Shadow Rat] With black eyes, he fell directly to the ground limply.

His accomplices, the other two [Black Shadow Rats] with a lower level, were immediately dumbfounded.

However, Chen Yilang walked straight to them with a nunchaku he took out from his pocket.

They were so frightened that they even forgot to run, and Chen Yilang threw out two sticks, knocking them unconscious to the ground.

——This is the [Exploding Stick]!

As a performance stick, the [Exploding Stick] is actually not very lethal.

It's much lighter than a real steel stick, and it's covered in a softer shell that's more secure, so it won't be life-threatening if it hits a person's face.

But even so.

The active effect it comes with is not to be underestimated.

【Ding! 】

[You activated the skill of [Exploding Stick]: Roar of the Burst! 】

[You used [Explosion Stick] to cause a lot of physical damage to [lv7 Black Shadow Mouse], [lv8 Black Shadow Mouse], [lv11 Black Shadow Mouse]! 】

[The target has been [knocked down] and entered a [coma] state! 】

[You got: Gold +3021, Experience +2354! 】


After finishing these [monsters].

Chen Yilang immediately found the security guard of Xinyang Square and subdued him on the spot.

The security uncles praised Chen Yilang's behavior.

But also pointed out.

Although worthy of praise, the practice is a bit radical and dangerous, and should not be imitated.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and transferred the thieves to the police station for processing.

This process of Chen Yilang's processing was done in one go, without any hesitation.

This made everyone who was watching the whole process a little dumbfounded.

It's too strong...

Especially the group of freshmen of [Lu Ya Club].

In exchange for any of them, when encountering such a thing, I am afraid they are in a state of helplessness.

"This boy is so amazing..."

"That's right, those who didn't know thought he had been robbed of his cell phone hundreds of times, so experienced."

"Tsk tsk tsk, why is our president always on the edge of ob, I feel so weak..."

The freshmen whispered.

Of course, they were all overheard by Lu Qian.

But he could only pretend he didn't know anything, and tried his best to hide the embarrassment on his face.

In Lu Qian's heart now, there is only one big regret.

"I knew that these thieves were so weak, and I rushed up!"

"The current freshmen are really young and not afraid of things. They are not as stable as I am, and think twice about everything..."

he thought silently.

"To ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chen Yilang handed the phone to Chen Jiahui.

"Thank you!"

A smile appeared on Chen Jiahui's face.

This phone was changed after she went to college. She has always used it very carefully, and it is very precious.

【Ding! 】

[[npc Chen Jiahui]'s favorability has been improved! 】

[Current favorability: 35%]

[Intelligence: God, Chen Yilang is so good, but I was so fierce to him before! Why! I'm really a bad guy...what should I do to thank him? 】


After hearing the sound of the system.

Chen Yilang, suddenly not sleepy anymore...

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