If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 164: The ruthless flirting of the boss lady...

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Chapter 165 The Boss's Heartless Flirting...

The stars are bright and pure, and the moonlight is like water.

In Lei Jian's vision.

It was supposed to be a romantic and peaceful night.

But what appeared in front of him was not a cute little fan girl.

But four standing in front of him.

The big guy who seems to be quite bad...

"Are you... Quiet?"

Lei Jian looked at the boy who was talking and asked with some guilty conscience.

"Yeah." Chen Yilang smiled, "I didn't expect it?"

I think nm too!

Lei Jianqiang suppressed the urge to scold his mother in his heart.

until this will.

He just realized.

I was being played with myself.

Chatting with him hot, what is quiet?

But he's just a big guy...

【Ding! 】

[You have caused huge mental damage to [lv10 inner ghost]! 】

[You got: Gold +1231, Experience +768! 】


Lei Jian held back his anger and wanted to throw it on Chen Yilang, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

After all, the four big men are standing in front of him, and if they really want to fight, he has no chance of winning...

"I'm sorry, senior."

"It's really our fault to use this method to find you."

"But there is no way, the situation is indeed a little urgent, we must find you."

Chen Yilang said.

"What's the matter with me?" Lei Jian said angrily, "I'm very busy, you've already wasted my time all night."

Chen Yilang smiled and said, "So you know that time is precious, senior."

"……What's the meaning?"

"I mean, your time is precious, but other people's time is not?" Chen Yilang said slowly, "Do you know how much time it takes to build a business group?"


hear this.

Lei Jian was shocked, and his expression became a little more subtle.

"Cough...what are you talking about?" Lei Jian stammered, "What business group?"

"Do you want me to explain more clearly?" Chen Yilang said, "Fengbei's business group was banned, right?"

"You are talking nonsense, I don't!" Lei Jian became anxious, "I don't even know what full shell is, don't slander me!"

【Ding! 】

[You used the [Sword of Truth] to break the disguise of the [lv10 Nei ghost]! 】

[[lv10 Inner Ghost] suffered a lot of mental damage! 】

[You have obtained rare materials: [Ugly Soul Fragment x1]! 】


when this message pops up.

Chen Yilang can already be 100% sure.

business group thing.

It is this [lv10 ghost] who did what he did and didn't run away.

"I'll ask you, are you a man?"

The irritable old brother Zhang Jian couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up and said loudly, "A man is a man, one person does things and one person is responsible."

"What do you mean?"

Lei Jian was also on fire, and his state suddenly changed from [panic] to [angry].

"I don't even know what you're talking about."


"You said that I did it, but you just said it was unfounded."

"What evidence do you have that I did it?"

"Everything is reasonable, don't spit your blood, I will sue you for slander."

Lei Jian was also blown away, and responded aggressively.

Zhang Jian suddenly became dumbfounded.


Rejian was right.

This thing, they really can't find solid evidence.

Their only reason is... this is what Brother Lang said.

After all, they have been with Chen Yilang for so long, and the three of them have always believed in Brother Lang's ability to judge.

Can you not believe a genius who can even find a cat dealer who hides so deeply?

But there is no way.

Evidence is a real thing, no matter how strong Brother Lang is, he can't change it out of thin air.

That's a bit of a hassle.

The three began to worry about Chen Yilang, but at this time they saw Chen Yilang stand up and naturally stopped Zhang Jian behind him.

"You're right, we have no evidence."

"But there is one thing I want to give you."

Chen Yilang looked at Zhang Jian with a smile and said, "Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door."

"..." Lei Jian suddenly didn't know how to respond.

He was stared at by Chen Yilang's eyes with a little hair.

But recognition is impossible.

This thing is playing a psychological warfare, it depends on who can bluff who.

Whoever panics first will lose.

Lei Jian raised his eyebrows and smiled disdainfully:

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

"However, do you really think I'm scared?"

"Brother, I won't play with you anymore."

"I don't care what happened tonight."

"If you mess with me again, I'll be welcome next time."

After the harsh words are over.

Lei Jian turned around and left.

"Don't forget what I told you."

Chen Yilang smiled at his back.

After people walk away.

The three people behind them stepped forward one after another and said impatiently:

"Isn't it, Brother Lang?"

"Does that let him go?"

"If you want to catch him next time, it won't be so easy!"

Chen Yilang just said lightly: "Don't worry."

With a slight smile, he added, "He will be back."

The three blinked dazedly and looked at each other again.

A little confused.

I can't see what medicines are sold in Brother Lang's gourd.

And in Chen Yilang's line of sight.

Behind Lei Jian, who has gradually walked away.

do not know when.

Has followed a red creature with wings and fangs holding a small magic fork.

Little devil, 【Monster of Luck】.

just now.

See when Lei Jian beat him to death and refused to admit it.

Chen Yilang realized it.

To reason with this product, it is estimated that most of it will not work.

Gotta give this guy a little "sweetness" to taste.

So he used [Doll of Doom].

【Ding! 】

[You have used the item [Doll of Doom] on the target [lv10 Inner Ghost]! 】

[[The Unlucky Monster] has been generated! 】

[[lv10 Inner Ghost] has been possessed by a monster of bad luck! 】

[[lv10 Neigui]'s [Air Luck] is dropping...]

[The [positive emotion] of [the ghost in lv10] is being swallowed up...]


"Let's go."

Chen Yilang called the three of them with a smile and walked back to the dormitory.

He did everything he had to do.

The surprises that should be kept are also kept.

Next, he just needs to wait quietly...



Lei Jian stood on the edge of the school road and looked at the direction of the East Gymnasium with some trepidation.

Don't look at how arrogant he was when he said harsh words just now.

But in fact, he was panicking in his heart.

He is now.

I was very worried about whether those fierce juniors would follow him all the way, trying to do something to him that was not allowed within the scope of morality...

Fortunately, he thought too much.

He saw the four go in the other direction, apparently their dormitories were on this side of the East Campus.

fortunately fortunately...

Rei Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the time again, it seems that it is not too late.

this point.

You can also go to Dongmen Food Street to buy a copy of his favorite curry chicken nuggets, and play a game after returning to the dormitory, and still be happy for a long time.

Lei Jian walked towards the food street with cheerful steps...


"Sold out chicken curry?"

Lei Jian looked at the proprietress in disbelief, "Aren't many people here for supper at your usual time?"

"I'm sorry, classmate. Tonight is a bit special. The curry chicken nuggets are selling very well. They were sold out half an hour ago."

"What about the duck neck?" Lei Jian asked again.

"Then you're late, usually duck necks are already sold out."

"Isn't it?" Lei Jian didn't give up, "Is there always chicken wings with rice? No one usually buys this."

"I'm sorry, classmates. It's because no one buys it, and it's troublesome to make. We stopped making this some time ago, and we didn't even buy the ingredients."

"..." Lei Jian.

Looking at the gentle smile of the proprietress, Lei Jian always felt that there was a knife hidden in his smile.

There is a feeling of being targeted...

Lei Jian was annoyed: "Tonight's supper, I really have to eat it!"

Then go back to Dongmen Food Street and smash it!

after an hour.

Out of nowhere again...


It's really surprising how weird he is!

In one night, I visited the food street three times.

He was stunned that he didn't buy anything he wanted to eat!

As long as it is what he likes to eat.

Not at all!

Either sell out or not.

This is not the worst.

It was not easy, and finally made up my mind to buy a portion of snail noodles and make do with it.

It turned out to be a long queue!

When it was finally his turn, the amiable boss told him with a smile, "I'm sorry, classmates, we just sold out..."

Gan! ! !

Believe it or not, I call 12315 to complain! !

After walking out of the food court with a numb expression.

Lei Jian felt that he deeply felt the malice from this world.

Okay, okay.

I admit it, okay?

What if you can't have supper?

The big deal is to lose weight!

It also saved dozens of dollars!

After so comforting himself, Lei Jian felt much better in his heart.

He stood by the bus stop, hands in his pockets, humming happily.

But soon he found out again.

Today's situation does not seem to be as simple as he imagined.

He stood there quietly and waited for about twenty minutes.

But the shadow of the school bus has not been seen for a long time.

"...Isn't it?"

There was a small, ominous premonition in Lei Jian's heart.

After all, he has also stayed at NTU for two years, and he still knows some things.

The school bus of Nanxuan University.

On school days, it is open until eleven o'clock in the evening.

But now, it's only half past ten.

Logically speaking.

Even if the road is blocked again.

At most ten minutes, you can wait for a trip.

But it's been twenty minutes now...

Lei Jian gradually began to feel anxious, and his forehead was sweating.

Although there will be no class tomorrow, the time for dormitory access control is getting closer.

He didn't want to be mercilessly locked out by the housekeeper aunt and then go to the Internet cafe outside the school for the night. That would be too clown.

Lei Jian looked around again.

The only shared bicycle happened to be parked on the side of the road.

Lei Jian was overjoyed, he trotted forward, and swiped at the QR code.

"Ding! The car has broken down, please try another one!"

"The nearest shared bicycle is 3.7 kilometers away, do you want to navigate?"

Lei Jian returned to his place in a daze...

Minutes passed by.

The school bus still didn't show up.

Lei Jian paced left and right more and more frequently, a little restless.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Jian gritted his teeth, stomped his foot, and made up his mind.

"never mind!"

"You can walk back!"

This is indeed a very difficult choice.

Lei Jian's dormitory, located in Building 24 on the West Campus, is almost at the westernmost point of the entire NTU.

And the school bus spot where he is now is near the east gate.

That is to say.

He wants to go from the easternmost point all the way to the westernmost point.

Estimated according to the area of ​​NTU.

A conservative estimate is about half an hour.

If you are lucky, you should be able to catch up with the time to lock the door.

Lei Jian left the school bus stop and walked quickly towards the dormitory.


Just after he walked out about two or three hundred meters~www.wuxiamtl.com~ under the darkness, the road ahead suddenly lit up with a beam of light.

The school bus came quickly.

Like a gust of wind, he quickly passed by Lei Jian's side and ran to the school bus stop at the east gate.

At this point in time, it can be said that the card is just right.

Just before Lei Jian rushes back to the school bus point, he can drive to the next school bus point again.

Hot summer night.

A gust of evening wind blew up, and the top of Lei Jian's head was slightly chilled.


Lei Jian stood blankly on the edge of the school road and gradually turned into a stone statue.

What human suffering is this?

(End of this chapter)

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