If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 163: [lv 10 ghosts]!

, the fastest update if the latest chapter of realistic gamification!

"The group is blocked?"

Chen Yilang frowned and said with some doubts.

"Yeah, it just happened suddenly." Wang Huayun said, "Anyway, take a look at it, or the business will be interrupted."


After hanging up the phone.

Chen Yilang carried the packaged hand biscuits and quickly rode back to the dormitory.

Turn on the computer, log in to Penguin and take a look.

Really banned.

I can't post new messages and announcements, and I can't view other people's details.

This is no small matter.

At this stage.

Almost all of the business of Sexy Fullbei revolves around this business group chat.

Once the group chat is blocked.

That means.

They lost all customer resources.

Re-establishing a group chat is naturally no problem.

But it is a time-consuming and laborious work to bring back the old old customers.

Equivalent to this period of time, everyone has to work in vain.

Chen Yilang opened the message notification list.

Check out the specific reasons why the group chat was banned.

[New news: It has been confirmed by the report that the group chat has published H-color and Y-obscene content, and the group chat has been banned in accordance with the regulations! ]

Chen Yilang: "???"

What the fuck?

what the hell?

But after thinking about it.

Chen Yilang quickly understood what was going on.

- There are ghosts!

Like most other group chats.

Their full shell business group also has a common feature.

That's why the car is always unpredictable...

Sometimes I don't even know what they're talking about.

The water was supposed to be fine.

As a result, someone suddenly sent a "hehehe".

Here are a few more pictures with some color...

Then the style of painting in the group was directly crooked.

It's so crooked that people are drowning in water, and suddenly the browser is opened...

But there is one thing to say.

The operation of driving in a group has already become commonplace for most people, and no one will take this kind of thing seriously.

Except for the ghosts.


A reasonable conjecture was born.

Someone with bad intentions secretly joined the business group chat of Fengbei, secretly peeping at the screen.

Then I seized this handle and made a wave of crazy reports, and finally the group was successfully blocked.

"This kid is tired of living!"

After learning the ins and outs.

The other three people in the dormitory began to fight for Chen Yilang.

"What kind of man is he doing this kind of thing?"

"If you have the ability, stand up and openly face the line, it's a big fight!"

Zhang Jian couldn't hold back his violent temper.

As a qualified [Keyboard Man], he not only strikes **** the Internet, but also in reality.

Just right!

"The problem is that you don't know who the inner ghost is." Feng Tian said helplessly.

"And it doesn't make sense!" said Li Zixian, the first dog-legged man. "Our brother Lang's reputation in the academy and school has always been rude. How could someone do such a thing?"

The three [Monsters] argued fiercely.

On the other hand, Chen Yilang did not join the chat of the three.

He clicks the mouse.

Click into the group chat.

Open the information of group members.

Read the IDs and names of everyone inside.


While sliding the scroll wheel up and down.

His fingers suddenly stopped.

"There is."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly.

Among the various styles and styles of avatars.

There is a picture of a panda head in it.

In his line of sight, a [Highlight Marker] appeared.

Chen Yilang clicked again with the mouse.

A new system note pops up.

[The ghost in lv10]

[Inner Ghost: A monster with lower aggressiveness but higher danger! His skills are [Sneak] and [Backstab], which can greatly reduce his presence in the crowd. 】

[Intelligence: Some higher-level [inner ghosts], you can't even use lower-level [detection] to find their traces! 】


Chen Yilang probably understood.

This means that.

If the level of this [lv10 ghost] was a little higher.

With Chen Yilang's [lv1 Detection], it's very likely that he won't be able to detect his existence.

If he said that, then his luck was quite good.

"Who is this man?"

Chen Yilang pointed at the panda head and asked.

The three heads came together at the same time.

"What the hell?\'Ai, I've kissed my grandma\'?" Zhang Jian became even more irritable, "What the **** is this name, it's hot to my eyes."

"Yes, yes, I have an impression of this name. I passed the application at that time!" Feng Tian said, "He was not drawn by others, he just scanned the QR code and added it in."

It's more like a challenge...

Chen Yilang was completely certain.

This product is a proper [inner ghost] that's right.

"Who is this person?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Let me see," Zhang Jian said.

Fullbei's business group needs to be verified.

Everyone who applies to join.

All need to leave their name, college and class.

Even if they modify the remarks later, they can still be retrieved in some way.


Zhang Jian is more proficient in computer and software.

The information written by the panda avatar when he applied for it was quickly retrieved.

"Lei Jian, the sophomore of the Chemical Institute." Zhang Jian said.

"Understood." Chen Yilang replied simply.

"Brother Lang, how are you going to find this person?" Feng Tian asked, "Do you need me to help you find a relationship?"

"That's not necessary."

Chen Yilang smiled meaningfully, "That would be too much trouble."



Eight o'clock in the evening.

Nanxuan University.

East Stadium, edge of the track.

The party Lei Jian may have never dreamed of it.

When he put on handsome clothes, took care of his delicate hair, and waited on the edge of the school road.

his bottom.

It has been turned over by three [Monsters] and one [Player]...

Nanxuan University is very big.

But compared to the outside world, it is still a little smaller after all.

But these things, Lei Jian is naturally ignorant.

this moment.

His attention was focused on the major events tonight.

"Hello Mr. Wall!"

"I want to confess to Lei Jian's classmate in the second year of the Huayuan Academy!"

"He is so sunny and handsome when he smiles. Every time I see him, I feel that the little deer in my heart is about to have a concussion..."

"I beg Mr. Qiang, within three minutes, I want to get his contact information."

"If Lei Jian can see this news, please contact me as soon as possible, Jiu Mi~"

When Lei Jian saw this dynamic on the confession wall, he was actually very disdainful on the surface.

Lei Ge is still very good at his appearance.

I have such a handsome face, it's strange that no one confesses to me, right?

So even though his heart was actually dark, Lei Jian didn't show it at all.

He quietly added the fan girl's penguin, and then quickly chatted with the fan girl.

Talk to the end.

Not yet finished, I also made an appointment with the little fan girl for a romantic dinner tonight.

As a gentle and caring old senior, he even chose the date place, which is on the playground on the east campus.

well known.

in Nanxuan University.

The lawn and runway under the night are one of the proper dating places.

Whenever night falls.

this place.

A large number of [Siamese monsters] will appear.

As long as a [single dog] accidentally passes by here, it will definitely be fed.

Lei Jian has been waiting for his little fan girl for ten minutes.

He took a deep breath, his hands so tense that there was nowhere to put them, and he paced in place, restless.

to be honest.

He is obviously very handsome, but it's really the first time he has met his sister...

This made him feel a little nervous all of a sudden if he was inexperienced.

"Lei Jian, **** it."

"You can do it, you are super brave!"

Lei Jian silently encouraged himself in his heart~www.wuxiamtl.com~ tonight.

Whether it can evolve into a [Siamese Monster], that's all in one fell swoop!

"Brother Lei Jian."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

A voice came from behind.

Hearing the sound, Lei Jian was overjoyed and subconsciously wanted to turn his head.

Then the body suddenly tensed up again.

Wait a minute.

Not quite right.

Lei Jian suddenly came back to his senses.

this sound...

Why is it a man? !

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