If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 148: [lv ten frost snow demon]

, if reality is gamified

In the dormitory of 414 Dongliu.

[Wolf Warrior], [Keyboard Man], and [Salted Fish Elite] are three monsters that are not in the same camp at all.

On one thing, a rare consensus was reached for the first time.

They all think.

This time.

Their elder brother Lang is absolutely amusing.

"Brother Lang, don't you not know?" Feng Tian said, "Freshmen are not qualified to form groups at school, at most they can only join!"

"Why?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Because the establishment of a club has rigid conditions, the comprehensive test scores and grade points must be passable, and there must not be repeated failures, otherwise the qualification will be directly disqualified!"

"As for the freshmen, one has no comprehensive test, and two has no GPA. Of course, there is no way to apply for the establishment of a club."

Feng Tian said, "If you want to start a club and become the president, you must be a good student with excellent moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor skills!"

Chen Yilang raised his eyebrows: "Then I don't count?"

"...?" Feng Tian choked.

Zhang Jian and Li Zixian, who were beside them, finally couldn't hold back, and laughed outright.

"Brother Lang!"

Zhang Jian was a little tired from laughing, so he stepped forward and persuaded bitterly:

"It's not that I underestimate you."

"After all, you are our eldest, and you have indeed achieved some results in school recently."

"But in this matter, we can only persuade you to give up!"

"The formation of a society is all about going through procedures and doing things according to the rules and regulations!"

"What are we like..."

"As long as the academy refuses, it's useless even if you're a genius."

Chen Yilang was stunned: "How do you know so much?"

Feng Tian's expression suddenly became shy: "I'm...my goddess isn't a member of the Association of Social Organizations...I often have embarrassing chats with her, and I'll understand after chatting."


After speaking, Chen Yilang got up from his seat.

"Brother Lang, where are you going?" The three monsters asked curiously.

"I'll go find out for myself."

After letting go, Chen Yilang disappeared outside the dormitory door.

The remaining three [monsters] look at me and I look at you, with a blank look on their faces.

Their uncle.

This time it's really on top...



At this moment.

A few monsters called "the Langge above".

She has already arrived at the office of the student work group of the business school.

Whenever you want to start an association, submitting an application is always the first step.

The first link of the application is to pass the college level first.

Fortunately, Chen Yilang is the monitor, and usually needs to go to the college for meetings and hand in materials, so he is very familiar with the distribution of various offices.

After a while.

Chen Yilang then found Lan Rui, the main person in charge of managing the club's application work.


Chen Yilang knocked on the door softly.

"Come in."

From behind the door, it was a deep and magnetic female voice.

This tone.

If you put it in a two-dimensional anime.

That definitely means that the proper Yu Jie Yin has to run away.

And when Chen Yilang pushed open the door of the office.

Sitting across from him is indeed a mature woman who is much older than him.

She wore stiletto heels and black silk, a pair of legs that were not thick but sensual and elastic, with Erlang's legs cocked under the table.

When her legs were slightly raised, the black fitted hip skirt would also move up a few centimeters along her slippery and plump thighs.

"Hello, Teacher Lan Rui." Chen Yilang said hello respectfully.


Lan Rui raised her head and glanced at Chen Yilang, then focused on her work again.

Chen Yilang was not polite and sat directly in front of Lan Rui.

She wears light makeup, and behind her thin-rimmed glasses is a pair of bright and slightly cold eyes.

But I don't know if it's an illusion,

When Chen Yilang approached her,

He felt that the temperature around him seemed to drop a little.

On the skin, there seems to be a slight icy cold feeling...

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[You have been affected by the effect of [Breath of Extreme Cold]! 】

[You have been eroded! Please avoid it! 】





Chen Yilang: "?"

This is how the same thing?

Brother Lang's first reaction was to subconsciously look up at the location of the air conditioner.

Twenty-seven degrees.

It seems to be fine.

This temperature is actually very suitable.

At least, it's by no means cold enough.

Since that's the case...

Then, where did this [extremely cold breath] come from?

"looking for me?"

Lan Rui's recognizable voice of Yujie brought back Chen Yilang's wandering thoughts.

this moment,

Chen Yilang just noticed the sign above her head.

【lv10 Frost Snow Demon】

[Frost Snow Monster: A monster born in an iceberg environment. 】

[This type of monster lives in extreme cold all year round, causing its body to be invaded by severe cold, and has its own ice attribute. 】

[It will cause ice damage to nearby targets, please avoid it! 】

[Remarks: Although many appearances are covered by indifferent and cold ice layers, but under the thick ice layers, sometimes there is an unknown, warm heart hidden]


No wonder...

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

He said, after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the source of the air-conditioning.

It turned out that in front of him was a living, walking refrigerator.

"That's right, Teacher Lan Rui."

Chen Yilang said, "I'm a freshman in marketing, Chen Yilang."

"I came to see you today because I wanted to ask you, how can I apply to create a society?"

The tip of Lan Rui's hand swiped suddenly stopped.

"Are you a freshman?"

She raised her head and looked at Chen Yilang.

On the lens, a bright white light reflected, briefly covering her sharp eyes.

"Ah, yes."

Chen Yilang nodded.

"Then go back."

Lan Rui's tone was indifferent and authentic, and she lowered her head after speaking.

【Ding! 】

[[lv10 Frost Snow Demon] used [Leng Yan Blade], causing a lot of damage to you! 】

【HP-324! 】


When the system sounded,

Chen Yilang can also clearly feel that,

A slightly biting coldness struck again,

It was so cold that he couldn't help but shiver a little.


Chen Yilang took a breath and subconsciously shrank his neck.

This woman really deserves to be the [Frost Snow Demon]...


Chen Yilang is not a person who gives up easily.

If you can't even make this first step, then create a **** society?

I can't really wait until I'm a sophomore in my sophomore year, can I?

This was over before it even started, and the [Second Stage Main Quest] directly announced Liang Liang.

But the problem is,

The [Frost Snow Demon] in front of him was indeed very difficult to deal with. Chen Yilang couldn't think of any way to kill this monster.

But what Chen Yilang can confirm is that,

If he wants to continue to promote the [Phase 2 Main Quest], he must pass Lan Rui's level.

Because he vaguely had a hunch.

The so-called various hard conditions.

Maybe, it might not really be that hard.

Is it possible to pass the application for the establishment of a society?

After all,

Actually, it depends on Lan Rui's mood.

As long as she waved her hand and signed a word on the application form, this game would be a direct victory.

Even if it can't be done in one step,

As long as Lan Rui is willing,

It is not impossible to relax the conditions a little bit.

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he asked tentatively, "Is it really impossible, Lan Rui...sister?"


Lan Rui's nib paused slightly at this moment.

【Ding! 】

[You used [False Affection], causing damage to [lv10 Frost Snow Demon]! 】

[[lv10 Frost Snow Demon] has entered the [Alert] state! Greatly increases your defenses]

[Intelligence: A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost! 】

"???" Chen Yilang.

Damn it, it's unfair!

I am more wronged than Dou E!

What kind of hypocritical sugar-coated cannonball is this? He felt from the bottom of his heart that Lan Rui was just like his sister.

After all, she is indeed the youngest teacher in the entire business school group.

It is said that Lan Rui also graduated from a first-class domestic university with a master's degree, and then came to the work group of Nanyang University.

In fact, she didn't graduate long, so she was not much older than the students in the college.

So Chen Yilang felt that there was nothing wrong with his sister's name.

Unexpectedly, Lan Rui's vigilance was aroused!

This [lv10 Frost Snow Demon] is too difficult to deal with...

"No way, you'd better go back."

Lan Rui put down her pen, finally raised her head, looked at Chen Yilang seriously and said:

"You are only a freshman now, so you should focus more on the recent exams and how to quickly adapt to university life."

"A freshman in the first year, one has no experience, and the other is a lack of contacts. Even if you start a club, you will just waste your own time and take up the funds of the college."

Chen Yilang looked at Lan Rui and said seriously:

"Mr. Lan, the situation you mentioned should be referring to the students who just set up a club on a whim and then just let them go."

"I'm not like them."

"I can assure you that I will run the club with all my heart, and try my best to get sponsorships for the college."

【Ding! 】

[You used it, launched a mental attack on the enemy! 】

【The heart is hurt by a small shock】

[You got: Gold +564, EXP +212! 】

【You got: Ice cube x1】


"Because the damage dealt is too low, so even the amount of bounties and drops has decreased..." Chen Yilang said silently.

There seemed to be a little shake in Lan Rui's eyes, but it quickly returned to its original state:

"No way, classmate."

"It is truly unprecedented for a freshman to set up a club and put it in NTU."

The road is made by people, Lu Xun said...

Chen Yilang almost didn't blurt out these words, but after thinking about it, he'd forget it.

This level of Lan Rui was not as easy as he imagined.

The two were speechless for a while.

Chen Yilang turned on [Detection] and silently observed the surrounding situation.

[Intelligence: A thick stack of unprocessed working materials. 】

[Intelligence: A desktop work computer that started to overheat ten years ago is about to be replaced. 】

[Intelligence: A mug that is often filled with coffee. 】

【Intelligence: A pair of plump thighs wrapped in black silk, the skin is smooth and elastic... 】


Everywhere you look, you can always find something interesting.

After reading all the things around Lan Rui,

Chen Yilang came to a preliminary judgment.

This woman should be a workaholic.

If nothing else, he might still be a single dog.

A monster with multiple attributes...

"Student, I may have to excuse myself for a while."

Lan Rui looked down at the watch on her wrist and said:

"It's time, I'm going to a meeting."

"Sit down by yourself. You don't need to lock the door when you go out later."

After speaking,

Lan Rui neatly and quickly cleaned up the desk, then got up with the file bag and walked out of the office.

The stilettos hit the ground, making a crisp and rapid sound.

When she was walking, her algae-like hair swayed slightly, and her curvaceous back was graceful and full of aura.

Obviously, the pair of stiletto heels that little girls can't live with, she has long since controlled them obediently, just like petting her own kitten.

In the office, it suddenly became quiet.

Are you going?

Of course not.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Yilang naturally wanted to collect more information.

He stood up, walked to Lan Rui's position, and observed the table from the latter's first-person perspective.

Of course, Chen Yilang didn't try to pull Lan Rui's drawer.

Although there may be some personal items with more information in it~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but after all, it is an act of violating other people's privacy, and it is not polite.

【Intelligence: A thermos cup that keeps wolfberry all year round】

[Information: A hand warmer that just broke. 】

[Information: A bottle of hand lotion is half used up. 】

[Intelligence: A calendar that records important schedules. 】


Chen Yilang's gaze stopped.


Slowly moved to the top of the calendar.

As the intelligence says,

The calendar was covered with all kinds of marks that Chen Yilang couldn't understand.

And on September 30th, Lan Rui encircled him.

Then she wrote an Arabic numeral with a water-based pen in the blank space on the side:

The handwriting is quite graceful, but she is as majestic as herself.

But what does this number mean?

Is it related to September 30?

Chen Yilang frowned and suddenly remembered something.

Today, it seems to be September 29th, right?

The 30th, isn't it tomorrow?

Chen Yilang felt that he had discovered something important.

Maybe some hidden questline...

However, due to the fact that Chen Yilang's [Detection] level is still too low, the information about the calendar ends here, and there is no way to go into more details.

Chen Yilang held his cheeks and fell into contemplation.

At this time.

A gust of wind just came in outside the window.

With a bang, the calendar was flipped to October on the next page.

Chen Yilang took a closer look.


He got the answer he wanted.


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