If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 147: Form [New Forces]!

Chen Yilang chose [Yes] without hesitation.

To know,

In order to pass this main quest,

He has been busy since he was a freshman until now!

Not to mention the ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships, it can be considered exhausted from the tossing.

But fortunately, it was all worth it.

After all, at this moment, Chen Yilang experienced that long-lost happiness again.

When I stayed up late for a few days of crazy liver games, I finally got through a level that was extremely difficult, so hard that everyone in the game circle burst into liver and vomited blood. That kind of happiness!

Not to mention, he is still leveling up in real life!

If I had to describe this feeling, it would be double the joy.

【Target: Chen Yilang】

[Target Status: Upward]

"Let me be healthy, what else is more exciting?"

Brother Lang subconsciously licked his lips.

【Ding! 】

[You have accepted the second-stage main quest! 】


[The main task of the second stage: the battle of the heroes! 】

[Details: The wheel of history is moving forward with vigour and vigour. Under the unpredictable situation, there are monstrous waves surging up from under the sea one after another...]

[This is the best of times and the worst of times! 】

[Look at you in all directions! The kind of new force that grows crazily in the sun or in the quagmire! 】

[If you don't want to be a grain of sand in the tide of the times, then it's time to become strong and become an unshakable solid rock. 】

[Conditions for reaching the second stage: Choose one of the first and second goals as your goal and achieve it! 】

[Goal 1: Join a faction in the school, and the influence of the faction must be above 1000, and become the mainstay of the faction! 】

[Note: The difficulty is moderately low, suitable for novice players. 】

[Goal 2: Create a new force of your own, recruit troops, strategize, rebuke Fang Qiu, and increase your influence to 1000! 】

[Note: Difficulty is on the higher side! It is suitable for veteran and **** players who love challenges and jump out of their comfort zone. 】

[Please make your choice! 】


Chen Yilang touched his chin and began to think.

He soon discovered the slot of this [Phase 2 main line].

MMP, as if this [game] has veteran players?

This year, who hasn't become a human for the first time?

Unless you hold the [Rebirth System] in your hand, how can it be...


Chen Yilang suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

Good guy, I'm a little scared when I think about it...

Could it be that this [game] can really be [restarted] after playing it?

Chen Yilang shook his head and put the thought behind him again.

No, no, no.

Young man, your thinking is a little dangerous...

after all.

A person.

I finally came to this world, no matter what time I should go all out to live.

Pin your hopes on [Life Reopening]?

It is neither realistic nor behavior that puts the cart before the horse.

The only things that can really place hope are the blood and tears that I have shed, the dreams and love I have experienced, and every choice I make in my life.


After thinking quietly for a while.

Chen Yilang made a decision.

【Ding! 】

[You have selected [Target 2]! 】

[Phase 2 goal officially opened! 】

[Player Chen Yilang, I wish you good luck! 】

[Progress: Within the range of map points, form a new force that belongs to you! 】

The system's voice gradually subsided in Chen Yilang's mind.

And on the game board in front of him,

There are also new game modules.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have unlocked new functional modules! 】

[New function module: Your power]

Chen Yilang browsed for a while, then clicked [View]

【Your power: none】

[Tips: Please join or create a new faction! 】

Chen Yilang scratched his head.

Just now, he started the most difficult main quest, then create his own faction.


Brother Lang, who has no way out, no longer has to think about joining others.

He had no thighs to hold, so he could only be his thickest leg.


Chen Yilang took a deep breath.

It feels like a new chapter has begun.

"In that case."

"Then let's open a treasure box to celebrate!"

Chen Yilang thought to himself, then opened his backpack and found the [Bronze Treasure Chest].

This thing is the only reward he got after completing the main quest of 2000 reputation just now.

Logically speaking.

Such a difficult task should not be rewarded for such a thing.

So Chen Yilang can make a reasonable guess.

That's what's in this treasure chest, it's not simple!

【Ding! 】

[You used consumables: Bronze Treasure Chest! 】

[Countdown time for treasure chest opening: 71h59m59s…]

"..." Chen Yilang.

Well, as expected of you.

Then wait three days.

After turning off the system panel, Chen Yilang sat at the table and began to silently think about his further plans.

As for the matter of setting up a [power]...

Do it, definitely do it.

But how exactly are you going to do it?

If you really want to do it, where do you want to start, and how much effort you need to do.

Chen Yilang really didn't have much clue.


The first question is how to define the word "power".

This is a rather vague thing.

Chen Yilang has played many online games.

The thing "power",

There are many divisions in the game.

As small as a few buddies set up a team of relatives and friends to play, or even a dungeon team that a few passersby make do and gradually get together.

So big that they can be all-powerful in the game world, and there are many famous guilds in the world rankings.

Going up to the top level, a professional team competing in the e-sports arena...

It seems that they can all be called "power".

Then, the most important question comes next.

Within the scope, what kind of organization can be called "power"?

After thinking quietly for two minutes,

Chen Yilang only thought of two things.

First, the student union.

The second is the interest community.

Looking at the whole [Nanxuan University],

Within the scope of this [map],

The only thing that their student group can come into contact with, something that is closer to "power", is probably only these two things.

As for how the leaders and teachers above play...

That's not what he's interested in.

Also, he doesn't need to know.

"Old sage!"

Chen Yilang shouted without looking back.

And it's loud.

He is well aware of Li Zixian's urination.

If there are no surprises,


At this time, he was still mostly paralyzed on the bed.

As for why...

Just look at the logo on the top of his head to know.

【lv9 Salted Fish Elite】

[The Salted Fish Elite: The leader among the salted fish monsters! 】

[Different from other low-level salted fish monsters, salted fish elites have comprehended new skills: ! At critical moments, it can play a stronger and more powerful battle than ordinary. 】

After Feng Tian,

This **** Li Zixian also completed the evolution when Chen Yilang unknowingly.

And all these goods have one thing in common, that is, the upgrade speed is also **** **** fast...

This gave Chen Yilang a wonderful premonition.

It always feels like a bunch of terrifying monsters are going to be born in the 414 dormitory...

However, Chen Yilang was not panicking.

After all, they've been together for so long, Li Zixian has already been pinched to death by him.

Chen Yilang even came up with a strategy for fighting monsters without a teacher, and that is the [warm water boiled monster] method.

Let's fatten up Li Zixian's [Old Salted Fish] first, and slaughter it directly when he's in a good mood... Hehehe!

"Hmph? Brother Lang, are you calling me?"

Li Zixian made a pig-like sound again, turned over on the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up, looking at Chen Yilang with a confused expression.

didn't notice it at all.

Sitting in front of him, this man named Brother Lang has any bad thoughts about his ass.

"When will the recruitment of our club start?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Well... I don't understand." Li Zixian yawned and said, "You know, I don't care about this kind of activity."

"You ask me, Brother Lang!" [lv9 Warrior Wolf] Feng Tian interjected, "I know!"

Chen Yilang thought about it for a second, and it seemed that he was too.

Feng Tian's favorite thing to do is to strike up a conversation with girls, so he must be very interested in all kinds of activities related to communication.

"Then tell me." Chen Yilang said.

"According to reliable relevant news, this year's situation is a bit special, and the club's recruitment activities are estimated to be postponed to next month." Feng Tian said.

"Isn't it, next month?" [Keyboard Man] Zhang Jian also asked curiously, "Isn't that the day lilies are cold? Didn't the freshmen start soon after entering school?"

"That's why I said that the situation is special!" Feng Tian said, "I heard from my goddess that there is a lot of movement in NTU this year... It seems that the student union of the school is planning to rectify the atmosphere of the club, so it was postponed. old."

"Rectify the society?" Chen Yilang frowned, "What to rectify? Why?"

"Brother Lang, you ask me, who am I going to ask?" Feng Tian shrugged helplessly, "I'm not from the student union, and I don't know anyone from the student union... Anyway, these are the world of the bosses, we freshmen cannot participate.”

Chen Yilang nodded and didn't answer.

What Feng Tian said really makes sense.

In the eyes of everyone, the freshmen who just came in are not only tender and juicy [fresh meat], but also green and vigorous [leeks].

Want to join the game of the bosses and become a boss by the way?

Hey, hey, then come over and let the brothers bully you first!

You have never been bullied before, you still want to take the lead?

"Brother Lang, why did you ask this all of a sudden?" Li Zixian asked curiously while stepping on the ladder to get out of bed, "Which club do you want to join?"

"Brother Lang, follow me to the e-sports club!" Zhang Jian said excitedly while typing on the keyboard, "I have been following our college's 'Magic Hand Club' for a long time, as long as it starts recruiting new students, I will rush it. !"

Chen Yilang logged into the campus forum and searched the list of clubs.

The "Magic Hand Club" mentioned by Zhang Jian happens to be at the top of the popularity list.

This is also the only community in NTU that gathers mobile game and e-sports enthusiasts, no matter what mobile game you like to play, you can join.

And NTU's first and only "League of Kings" school team was also formed from this community.

Seeing this, you probably don't need to wonder why Zhang Jian yearns for this place so much.

Although the main attack is the talent of [Keyboard Man], but Zhang Jian is the type who likes to play all kinds of games, naturally including mobile games.

At this time,

When Chen Yilang was still browsing the corporate culture of the Magic Hand Club,

A new message popped up on the system panel in front of him.

[Detection target: Magic Hand Club]

[Detection intelligence: One of the dominant companies on the campus of NTU, active groups: ,,,,...etc. 】

【Location of power: unknown】

【Other Information: Unknown】

【Influence:? ? ? ? 】

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

The information [detected] this time can be said to be quite real.

This sense of substitution was so strong that he subconsciously wanted to click the mic key.


I can tell.

Most of the [Influence] of this [Magic Hand Club] is not very low.

Because Chen Yilang noticed,

[Intelligence] The value displayed above seems to be four question marks.


He made a completely bold guess,

The real value of this influence is a four-digit number, which is well beyond the minimum value required by the system.

He casually flipped through the information of other clubs,

I also found that there is a dance club called [The Waves of the Sea], and the value of its influence is only three question marks.

Chen Yilang knew something about this society.

Because when Xia Ling formed the cheerleading team, a large part of the team members were members of the [Sea Waves] club.

And he vaguely remembered,


Although this club called [Sea Waves] is not as famous as [Magic Hand], UU reading www. But uukanshu.com is definitely not a small community organization.

But even so,

The [Influence] of [Waves of the Sea] in NTU has not yet reached four figures, that is, it has not exceeded one thousand.

In other words.

If inferences are made by means of comparison and reference.

Then he must form an organization whose scale and popularity are completely above [Waves of the Sea], in order to achieve his [Second Stage Main Quest]!


After getting this result,

Chen Yilang unconsciously took a deep breath.

At this moment, Brother Lang's young mind was greatly shocked and hit.

The difficulty of this main quest is higher than he imagined.

And it's not even a single star.

High enough to explode, the kind that blows through the sky!

"It's time to hurry up and start taking action."

Chen Yilang said silently.

This task is quite arduous.

Right now, he is in an urgent state.

"So, Brother Lang, which club are you going to?"

Seeing that Chen Yilang ignored him, Zhang Jian asked again curiously.

"Oh." Chen Yilang came back to his senses, "Not yet."

After thinking about it, he added:


"Do you know how to start a society?"

The voice fell.

The entire dormitory suddenly became quiet.

The three monsters around, at the same time cut out a pair of eyes that seemed to be looking at a fool, and looked at Chen Yilang in unison:

"Brother Lang."

"Your brain, don't you have a fever?"

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