If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 141: You cried and told me that fairy tales are all lies...

When I was young,

Xia Ling was on TV,

Listen to a bright man sing a song called "Fairy Tale".

The man had 37/30 hair, and his voice was sad and melancholy, telling her that "fairy tales are all lies."

So, is this true?

The young Xia Ling tilted her head again in a troubled way.

However, at this moment,

Standing in the cockpit looking up at the sky, Xia Ling,

There seemed to be some answers in my mind.

Whether fairy tales lie to children is not important anymore.


The greatest significance of fairy tales is to make people believe that fairy tales exist.

And this moment.

Xia Ling felt that she believed it.


under night,

Gorgeous and bright fireworks,

Still blooming.

Colorful fireworks splashed ink recklessly on the scroll-like night sky.


two uppercase English letters,

It slowly appeared above the sky.


——Xia Ling's name starts with the first letter.

This is the power of the rare special effect consumable [Flower Dance].

A real, 100% free DIY!

Just a second ago,

Chen Yilang was still imagining the shape of fireworks in his mind.

And the next moment,

It actually turned the fantasy into a real reality.

like a **** dream...

"If I had known it earlier, it would have been a little more bells and whistles just now."

Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

at the same time,

Xia Ling, who was tragically by the side, has stayed where he was.

She raised her head and looked at the sky in a trance.

Gorgeous fireworks illuminated her face slightly.

From this angle, her profile looks like a girl who came out of a manga.


Chen Yilang pointed to the letters in the sky and smiled, "It's greeting you."

【Ding! 】

[You used [Romantic Flower Dance], which caused a great spiritual shock to [NPC Xia Ling]! 】

[[NPC Xia Ling's favorability has been improved! ]]

[Favorability: 49%]

[Details: Unexpectedly, Chen Yilang seems to be a very interesting person...]



Chen Yilang took a deep breath.

good guy.

Didn't he just set off a fireworks?

It actually increased by 5 good feelings directly?

So do NPCs that are so easy to attack really exist...

after all,

The main purpose he brought Xia Ling to Fangni today,

Or to brush the courage value...

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

When Chen Yilang just started to struggle with this,

You will hear a beep from the system.

【Ding! 】

[[NPC Xia Ling]'s courage has been improved! 】

[Courage: 68%]

[Details: The courage that has been hidden in the girl's heart for a long time seems to be awakened at this moment. She started to try, to take the step that she had been hesitating deep in her heart...]


Is that so?

see here,

The heart that Chen Yilang had been hanging on gradually relaxed.

In this way,

So everything seems to be going smoothly.

The duration of [Flower Dance] is not very long.

After all, it's nothing more than a firework.

The splendor in an instant is their mission in this life.

"Although I don't know where you learned magic from, but..."

Xia Ling turned around, raised his head slightly, looked at Chen Yilang, and smiled:

"Thank you anyway!"

"Ahaha, why are you so serious all of a sudden..."

Chen Yilang touched his nose and smiled uncomfortably, "Anyway...you just like it."

Xia Ling took a deep breath and suddenly said seriously, "I've made up my mind."


"I figured it out, I'd like to be the cheerleader."

Xia Ling said seriously, "Although I have no experience in cheerleading, I will still do it seriously."

"Tomorrow I'll call up the previous dance team and mobilize them to join our All-Star Game."

"After all, the All-Star Game is also an opportunity for our freshmen to prove their strength."

"Although our girls don't have the chance to play, we still hope to do something for everyone."

"Okay!" Chen Yilang laughed loudly, "Just waiting for your words!"

After speaking, Chen Yilang habitually stretched out his hand

And this time,

What he did not expect at all was that,

Xia Ling actually held his hand without hesitation:

"You have to cheer up too!"

Looking at the confident and bright smile on her face,

An inexplicable sense of relief suddenly rose up in his heart.

this girl...

It seems that he has really changed a lot.

If it was normal, she must have hesitated for a long time, right?

At this moment, Chen Yilang suddenly had a feeling as if he had developed a game and cleared a certain bottleneck.

At least so far,

Among so many NPCs,

Xia Ling is already the one with the highest favorability of Chen Yilang.

Not surprisingly,

Soon, there should be a new plot trigger, right?

But, whatever.

What if not?

Anyway, going out to play with Xia Ling is a very happy thing.

that's it,

The two stepped on the night and returned to Nanda University talking and laughing.

After sending Xia Ling back to the dormitory,

Chen Yilang walked slowly towards Xindongyuan.

Before walking far, he received another message from Xia Ling.

[Xia Ling: I am very happy today, thank you. ]

[Xia Ling: It's a little late, be careful when you go back. ]

Chen Yilang replied the message casually, then whistled and quickened his pace.

Life and [games] seem to be getting more and more interesting.




After a week.

After five boring and bald workdays,

Saturday at 4pm.

In the NTU Gymnasium, it was crowded with people.

——Today is the day of NTU’s annual All-Star basketball game.

Fanatical students took their seats in the auditorium early, waiting for their games to start and their favorite players to appear.

Some leaders at the school level, as well as the officers in the school's student union, have already taken their golden seats in the first row.

Various media and organizations in the school have already selected the best shooting locations in various locations within the stadium, and are always ready to produce a very hot news report.

all in all,

The atmosphere was very warm.

"I feel that today's freshmen are very active."

"That's right, I just looked at the sign-in list, and there is a large section of students in the class of 2021."

"Have you seen the group of students in the auditorium opposite? It seems that they are all freshmen who have teamed up. I don't know why they are so active this year..."

"You don't understand this, right? I heard that in this year's All-Star Game, almost all the popular characters from the freshman side came to participate in the game."

"Especially from the business school, there are two boys named Lan and Lang... They are about to leave the school."

"Wuhu! Wouldn't that be interesting? Let me see which one of them can win the right to choose a spouse for four years in college..."

The audience in the seats, as well as the student council officers in the front seat, were all talking.

It can be said,

The popularity of this year's All-Star Game is a bit unprecedented.

At least,

Even the Minister of Sports, Han Lesheng, did not expect the scene in front of him.

As the minister and the general manager of the competition, Han Lesheng is in the front row.

On the left and right sides, there were teachers or leaders sitting... which made him a little restless.

——Han Lesheng had an ominous premonition.

He was worried that something was wrong with the game.

Always felt,

This game does not seem to be as simple as he imagined.

And the most terrifying thing is... His hunch has always been accurate.

"Forget it."

"It's useless to think so much."

Han Lesheng shook his head and left his thoughts behind.

At this time ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ in the stadium,

Suddenly there was a huge wave of cheers!

This posture really startled him a bit. When he looked up, he realized that it was only the two teams that started to enter the field.

If you listen carefully,

It seems that most of the voices came from the auditorium of the freshmen...


Han Lesheng seems to have found something cute again.

Because when he listened carefully,

He found that the voices of the freshmen were surprisingly one...


All shouting the same voice--

"Brother Lang!"

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