If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 140: 【Heaven and Earth】

"Damn it, absolutely, I didn't expect that old man to be so thin and so strong?"

"It's too strong, I thought there was no suspense in this game, but it turned out to be a go-ahead for me on the spot?"

"It's too good. If this wave changed me, I would already be lying on the ground waiting for an ambulance..."

The people who eat melons are talking a lot.

[lv9 Siamese Monster] The two of them were stunned.

After a while, the petite woman said angrily: "Look at how other people's boyfriends do things, you are so stupid!"


The big man was bewildered.

That's not what you told me just now, my little darling...

"I do not care!"

"Go home and kneel on the washboard, hum!"

The petite girl felt that she couldn't hold back her face, so she threw away the big man, turned around and walked away from the crowd...

Under the strange gazes from all around, the big man had no choice but to leave the scene in despair, chasing the petite girl and running away.


【Ding! 】

[You used [Sticking Mandarin Ducks] to break the [bonds] of [lv9 Siamese Monsters]! 】

[You killed the [lv9 Siamese monster! ]]

【You get: Adhesive x10】

[You have completed the trial: Wanren Tianya! 】

[You got +3999 gold coins, +4444 experience! 】

【You have gained a new achievement: Fearless Climber! 】

[Fearless Climber: Toughness +1, [Climbing] Skill Level +1]

【Your level has been improved! 】

[Character level: lv10→lv11]

[You have unlocked a new skill: lv1 detection]



A new pose?

Chen Yilang was about to do some research, but at this moment a big baby was stuffed into his arms by the staff.

"Congratulations, this is your championship reward." The other party smiled.

Chen Yilang looked down and saw that it was an extra-large cat doll.


Chen Yilang tried the new skills directly.

【Ding! 】

[Skill [lv1 Detection] has been activated. 】

[Information: A cute doll that is very popular among girls. 】

Chen Yilang was stunned, "Is this gone?"

But think about it, it's just a doll, how much information do you want?

"Hey." Chen Yilang turned around and stuffed the doll into Xia Ling's arms, "This is for you."

"Eh? Really?" Xia Ling stared blankly at the doll in her arms.

"Yes." Chen Yilang said, "Don't you like cats?"


In Xia Ling's eyes, he saw the shining eyes like stars...

【Ding! 】

[NPC Xia Ling's favorability has been improved! 】

[Favorability: 44%]

[NPC Xia Ling's courage value has been improved! 】

[Courage: 52%]


All right.

It seems that this information still has a little effect.



After playing around the amusement park,

A happy day is coming to an end.

Twilight closes, and the setting sun closes the heavy door.

The light of the sky gradually dimmed, and the liveliness of the day disappeared without a trace.

The two walked on the way back, speechless for a while.

Xia Ling hummed a song that she couldn't understand, and skipped every now and then.

At this time,

Under the bleak sky, a colorful light suddenly lit up.

"Hey!" Xia Ling said in surprise, "It's a Ferris wheel!"

Chen Yilang turned his attention to the front.

Not far away, there is a tall Ferris wheel.

At this point in the evening, all the neon lights on it turned on, and it began to show the mountains and dew under the sun.

And this time,

There are already some tourists waiting here in advance and lining up.

[Information: A romantic resort that often appears in idol dramas, there are often [Siamese monsters] haunt, please pay attention! 】

Chen Yilang thought to himself that [Siamese Monster] is a der, he just killed one a second ago, he will continue to pick up troubles, if he dares to come to a pair, he will take out a pair.

"Let's sit here."

Chen Yilang made a suggestion, "I heard that at 8 o'clock in the evening on weekends, there will be a fireworks show at Fang Ni Amusement Park."

"At that time, we happened to be on the Ferris wheel, and we could see it clearly."

"Well, I know this too!" Xia Ling said, and then sighed regretfully, "But... I'm a little afraid of heights."

"Fear of heights?"

"It doesn't count, but I'm afraid... I was very naughty when I was a child. I almost fell from the balcony, and there was a little shadow." Xia Ling said.

Chen Yilang was stunned.

No wonder Xia Ling never dared to look down when she was climbing today.

If you think about it like this...

This Ferris wheel seems to be a good opportunity to increase Xia Ling's courage value?

"But don't you want to watch the fireworks on the Ferris wheel?" Chen Yilang said, "Fannie's Ferris wheel doesn't open every day, and there must be more and more tourists coming to queue later."

"I..." Xia Ling was a little confused.

At this time,

On Xia Ling's head, the [Courage Point] logo began to flash again.

[The NPC's courage value is low and has entered the [hesitating] state. 】

see this,

Chen Yilang felt that he had discovered some details.

The last time when the courage value was insufficient, the system prompt was [No].

And this time, it was [hesitation].

As a player in the canyon.

Chen Yilang knows a truth.

Hesitate and you will lose!

"Let's go!"

Xia Ling was startled, but before she could react, she was already pulled onto the Ferris wheel by Chen Yilang and sat down in the cockpit.

While Xia Ling was still thinking nervously, the Ferris wheel had already started to run.

No choice yet.

Chen Yilang's gaze turned to Xia Ling.

from this angle,

He could see the latter pair of straight jade legs that were put together and swayed slightly in front of the seat.

Her big eyes looked left and right, and her hands seemed to be unconsciously pinching the hem of her denim shorts.

[Intelligence: An excited and excited girl who fills in various novel plots in her mind. 】

Chen Yilang: "-_-||?"

Come on, so you obviously look forward to it!

It made him almost feel guilty just now...

The Ferris wheel slowly rose.

The two chatted one after another, and slowly opened the chat box.

All day today, the two of them were playing in all kinds of nonsense, and they didn't have a good chat all the time.

Until now, Chen Yilang felt that he slowly began to understand Xia Ling, a girl.

Her home is in a small coastal town.

It's not as prosperous as Nanxuan, there are only slow carriages and mails.

There is no subway in that city.

People who go to work like to ride the tram slowly, and go for a walk by the beach in the evening.

They love listening to gentle waves and watching lazy sunsets.

Only then did Chen Yilang understand why Xia Ling was always so slow.

She's not really slow.

She was just a stranger.

The Ferris wheel spins very slowly.

Until the sky has completely darkened, it still has not reached the highest point.

The city crawling at the feet of the two,

Gradually, the lights began to come on.

The dots of light began to converge into a river.


Xia Ling overlooked the gradually shrinking city in sight, and unconsciously made a low voice in her throat.

And this moment,

The logo above her head,

It also turned into [Fear].

【Ding! 】

[NPC Xia Ling's courage value is declining...]

Chen Yilang took a deep breath.

It seems,

this chick,

I'm really a little afraid of heights.

But from beginning to end,

She never complained to Chen Yilang about this.

Xia Ling is really like a well-behaved cat.

As long as you recognize the Lord, wherever you take it, it will really follow you wherever you go.

At this time,

The guilt of being late finally emerged spontaneously in Chen Yilang's heart...

Damn it!

Sure enough, is he still too sloppy...

It's no wonder that my cousin Liu Shiya always complained that he was a dead straight man and didn't understand the brain circuits of girls at all.

At that time, Chen Yilang only thought that I really knew a hammer. If I could understand this thing, I would have already passed the 150th math test...

"It's eight o'clock!"

Xia Ling raised her head slightly,

Suppressing the fear of heights in my heart,

Looking at the starry sky, there is a little expectation:

"Fireworks are coming soon!"

Chen Yilang looked down at the time,

Eight o'clock is still a minute away.

The two stared at the time and silently began to count down.









The minute hand moved forward a little.

The hour hand came to the exact eight o'clock position.

Chen Yilang swallowed his throat subconsciously and looked up at the sky.


Nothing happened.

Don't talk about fireworks.

on the empty sky,

Even the shadow of the starlight is particularly dim.

"..." The two looked up at the sky, in a daze at the same time.

How is this going?

What about fireworks?

Chen Yilang noticed that something was not right, and there was always a cooing feeling inexplicably.

Looking at the scenes in other cockpits through the glass,

He found,

Those [Siamese monsters] also seemed to be very puzzled.

No one knows what the **** is going on.

But no one is going to get to the bottom of why.

after all……

This really isn't anything to mess with.

Isn't the firework thing just to see the mood of the amusement park administrator?

If you are in a good mood, I will give you a romance, if you are not in a good mood?

You go to the sky to blow your hair.

But anyway...

This fireworks, it really did not come.

And three minutes passed.

In the present situation,


The little cuties on the Ferris wheel are mostly played by the amusement park.

Hey, didn't expect it!

For fireworks,

Chen Yilang himself doesn't care.

After all, the purpose of taking Xia Ling on the Ferris wheel was to increase her courage.

But when he secretly glanced at Xia Ling,

He saw the loss in the girl's eyes, which he couldn't hide.

[Status: Depressed]

[In this state, the target's mental attributes are greatly reduced, the intensity of [negative energy] increases, and there will be a certain chance to breed [bad luck monsters]. 】


It's the [Monster of Luck] again?

Too much.

Thinking of the scene where Xia Ling was haunted by the [Monster of Luck] before, Chen Yilang broke into a cold sweat.

You know, they are now on the 100-meter-high Ferris wheel, if something goes wrong...

Chen Yilang would never allow such a thing to happen.

And, not only because of this.

The most fundamental reason is...

He also blamed himself.

After turning a girl who was very afraid of heights but was looking forward to gorgeous fireworks on the Ferris wheel, she told her "I'm sorry, I will definitely next time"...

Who can stand this?

People with a slightly twisted mind might bury TNT under the Ferris wheel the next day...

"It's alright." Xia Ling swayed her legs and began to hum a song again, "Looking at the lights and the night, it's also very happy!"

Chen Yilang thought that the status symbol on your head was not so big, but I almost believed it...

And your blood bar seems to be still deducting blood!

Brother Lang fell into deep thought...

As an excellent [player].

Chen Yilang knew very well,

In this situation,

He couldn't wait any longer for the system's prompt.

In doing so, the situation falls into a state of complete passivity that will only make it worse.

He must...

Take the initiative!


A brain in motion,

Finally brought him a new inspiration.

——Isn’t there just no fireworks?

If I give it a whole one, it won't be over!

Chen Yilang quickly opened his panel.

Open [Synthesis Furnace]

His eyes quickly glanced at the backpack list,

Some operations, as fast as a tiger.

- There is not much time left for him!

The Ferris wheel is about to reach its highest point,

He must grab this critical juncture and complete his wave of bold ideas.

Extreme and exciting.

It didn't take long for Chen Yilang to find all the materials he wanted.

Need fireworks, right?

Add a little [Flame] dropped by [Hot Beast]!

Fireworks barely count as flowers, right?

Then put two [Petals] from [Flower Fairy]!

I heard that fireworks need to be bright enough and cool enough?

Sprinkle some more [Glittering Golden Light] from [Crazy Trench Troll]!


Might also need gunpowder to explode?

Then pour two more drops of [Fuel] of [Oil Bucket Monster]!


In order to prevent the top of the synthesis furnace from directly creating a mortar for him, Chen Yilang also strictly controlled the amount of materials.

After everything is ready,

Chen Yilang put all the materials,

directly into the furnace.

【Ding! 】

[The synthesis furnace is starting up...]

【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

[You have obtained: [Flower Dance x1]]

[Flower Dance: A rare level consumable, after using this item, you can create gorgeous fireworks special effects in a wide range. Note: If you are artistic and like to do things, you can also try DIY firework shapes. 】


see this.

The corner of Chen Yilang's mouth finally raised slightly.

At this time, Xia Ling,

Standing in front of the glass of the cockpit, staring at the night view outside the window in a daze.

There are probably no fireworks or something...

Not really sad or anything.

Even though we are just freshmen, we are all adults.

This little loss is nothing compared to the suffering of life.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is also a kind of beauty.

"Do you know why there are no fireworks today?"

Chen Yilang's voice suddenly interrupted her mind wandering.


After warming up the reflex arc for a while, Xia Ling came to his senses slowly, shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

"Because I did it." Chen Yilang said.

"Ah?" Xia Ling was stunned again, not understanding what Chen Yilang meant for a while.

"I told him to come later."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ looked at Xia Ling and said solemnly:

"Because I told it."

"There is a girl who is afraid of heights. In order to have a look at you, she boarded a very high Ferris wheel."


"I want it when the Ferris wheel is at its highest point..."

Chen Yilang said leisurely: "Appearing in front of you."

The voice fell.

call out.

A bright light suddenly rose from the ground, pointing towards the night.


Accompanied by the explosion of gunpowder.

The whole night was instantly ignited by the overwhelming fireworks.

Bizarre, adorned with the sky.

Can if heaven and earth.

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