If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: [Fat House] Activate the skill: [Passion is on the shelves! 】

December 10, 2021 at 12:00 noon.

Fei Zhai's "If Reality Gamified" will be officially launched on ~www.wuxiamtl.com~!

As a cute young author, at this moment in the fat house, the whole person is stunned.

Um, what should I say?

In fact, the purpose of this book "Gamification" written by Fei Zhai is very simple. It just wants to tell everyone a truth-

When you regard life as a game, at a certain moment, you will find:

"Oh! So life isn't so boring!"

Well, that's probably what it means.

So with this idea in mind, Fat House wrote this story.

I also hope that it will be a story full of positive energy, relaxed, happy, and warm, one that can make you laugh happily and occasionally touch...a story.

Most importantly, I also hope it's a story you like.

After talking about the original intention of creation, Fei Zhai also wanted to talk about some of his thoughts.

I still vaguely remember,

When Fat House officially wrote the book, it was at the end of his sophomore year.

When I first started writing the book, my only readers were the dog sons and good brothers in the dormitory.

Besides, the real wild readers can be counted on both hands.

The book I wrote later finally had some small achievements, but when I wrote it later, I couldn't stabilize it all the time because of the lack of skill... Sigh.

but then,

Things seem to be getting better.


Fei Zhai felt that when he was writing something, he seemed to feel a little bit.

There are follow-up readings, rewards, and tickets.

Until now...

She even gave Sanjiang Niang, hehe.

Frankly speaking,

Since the day I started writing online articles,

Fei Zhai never thought that one day I would be able to achieve the results I have now.

As its name,

The fat house is just a very pure,

It's just a dead house who likes and loves words.


here today,

Fei Zhai would like to express to all the friends who have been supporting Fei Zhai all the way.

Sincere thanks!


【Ding! 】

[lv666 Fat House] has activated skills for you: [Crazy confession and thank you manually]!

【Ding! 】

[lv666 Fat House] hits you two consecutive hits: [Three-hundred and sixty-degree Thomas-style spiral bow]!


Without you, there would be no old fat house today!

You gave me the motivation and courage to code!

At the same time, I also want to ask you for a wave of subscriptions.

Please subscribe!

Please subscribe!

Please subscribe!

Of course important things have to be said three times~

Because subscriptions are really important for authors!

This is not only bread, but also the most sincere, warm and straightforward recognition of a work!

But on the other hand,

What Fei Zhai also wants to tell everyone is,

It's really not that the fat house is short and powerless!

The company that Fei Zhai is currently working for has a daily 996. Recently, he has not even given it on Sundays. Last week, he was engaged in team building, the next week for the whole training, and the next week for a business trip...

In short, there are all kinds of tricks, and it is difficult to do things in a fat house... QAQ.


In the case of such high-intensity work and codewords,

After a few months of hard-topping the fat house, it was finally Bengbu.


Fat House has a bold idea...

Yes, many people may have guessed it.

You can not have it both ways.


After thinking about it for a long time, Fei Zhai,

Decided to make a choice.

--full time.

Even if you are not full-time, at least you have to stay away from 996 and seek a job where you can slow down and enjoy life and write novels that you have always loved.

So, Fat House promises here.

If the first order of this book can meet the expectations - the fat house will immediately carry the bucket!

If specifically expected,

According to the current data of Fei Zhai's book, Fei Zhai hopes to have 1,800 books.

If there are more than 1800 orders - the fat house will immediately carry buckets.

——The bucket in his hand is ready to move!

According to the tradition of the starting point, it seems that there will be a burst of updates on the launch day.

So Fei Zhai deliberately took a leave from the company, put up a wave of manuscripts at home, and gave the brothers a blast, trying to be big enough to satisfy, hehehe...

At the same time, if it can exceed 1,800, every 100 more orders will be added to the fat house, and the flag will be raised as an oath!


I love you all.

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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