If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 100: Classmate Chen Yilang, are you free tonight?


Chen Yilang thought to himself.

Finally had the opportunity to try out the new pose of the mainline NPC girl.

But now is not a good time.

And at this time,

Zhang Weimeng, who was standing beside Chen Yilang, began to look a little more square.

Originally, his face was clearly angular and he still had a small flat head. At this time, his face looked more like the word "country".

"The long-legged sisters in the back are applauding me, right?"

"Yes, yes, it must be like this, right?"

After all, he couldn't see the scene behind him, and from his perspective, he couldn't see the specific appearance of Chen Yilang next to him walking forward.

But he firmly believed,

own pace,

Even if he didn't walk very well, at least he wouldn't be worse than Chen Yilang, a guy who exudes the smell of salted fish.

As a result, unexpectedly,

The next second,

Zhang Weiwu broke the defense.

"Brother Lang is awesome! It's a step up, it's really **** cool!"

"The shorter boy is amazing, I didn't expect him to walk so well!"

"Indeed, and the shorter guy looks much more handsome than the big guy..."

"That's right, compared to the two, that stupid big man's walking posture is like a strange one, I really want to slash the back of his neck with a knife!"



The applause is from Brother Lang.

What belongs to him is only the endless loneliness...


What are these guys talking about? !

Odd, odd line species? !

"Who the **** are you saying is a strange breed!" Zhang Weiwu roared in his heart uncontrollably.

My mind is a little broken...

But the problem was that he couldn't see Chen Yilang's posture clearly.

Doing this,

Now he doesn't even know where he died.

"Where the **** did I lose?"

Zhang Weiwu began to doubt life.

But soon he got the answer from the admiration of his classmates and the affirmation and approval of the coach.

——He did lose to Chen Yilang.


It seems more than that.

"Okay, this classmate, as soon as you walk out, it's completely different from what you looked like just now!" The instructor couldn't help but admire, "I'm sorry, what's your name? I don't remember."

"Report coach, I'm Chen Yilang from the fourth class in a row." Chen Yilang smiled.

"Praise Chen Yilang for four consecutive classes!"

The instructor turned around and said to the entire team, "Everyone standing here must learn from this classmate."

"I have taken so many military training sessions,"

"It's the first time I've seen a student who can walk so beautifully!"

The coach just finished speaking.

There was another commotion in the queue, and there was a chorus of admiration.

——This sentence from the instructor is already a very high evaluation.

And what the instructor said was indeed what most of the classmates really thought.

Because of Chen Yilang's positive steps,

Really did a great job.

When he took a step,

Even Xia Ling, who was originally very tall and straight,

At that moment, some of them were eclipsed.

"Boy, especially you."

The instructor walked in front of Zhang Weiwu.

Although not as tall as the latter,

But the air with which he spoke,

However, it is still not weakly superior to the latter:

"Never take your looks and appearance as your advantage."

"I said it before,"

"What this world lacks most is someone stronger than you."

"So now, I want to tell you solemnly."

"You do have good external conditions,"

"But if you want to be a flag bearer,"

"Compared to classmate Chen Yilang—"

"Your heat may be worse than just a little bit."

After hearing this,

Zhang Weiwu's face instantly became a little embarrassed.

If it was just a joke before,

Well, what the instructor said this time,

That's a real criticism.

Although the words are not heavy, but every minute makes people feel ashamed and find holes all over the ground.

【Ding! 】

[[lv9 Giant] received powerful mental damage from you! 】

[You got: Gold +876, EXP +654]

[You have acquired a new title: Giant Hunter! 】

[[Giant Hunter] wear attribute: Strength +2]



Chen Yilang was numb.

Obviously the person who criticized you was an instructor, so why is the source of the damage still me?

This is totally unreasonable!

However, Chen Yilang was quite happy.

Anyway, there are bounties and experience points to get, so why not do it?

But when he looked at Zhang Weiwu again,

But found this product,

It seems that he moved a few steps away from him intentionally or unintentionally...


This human being is too terrifying, we must stay away from...

However, Chen Yilang didn't have the time to keep an eye on him.

Because of his main quest, it was finally unlocked.

【Ding! 】

[You have unlocked a new main quest! 】

[NPC: Xia Ling's distress. 】

[Details: In the recent period of time, Xia Ling feels that her luck is very bad, and she always encounters some unsatisfactory things-for example, just now, she passed the role of the flag bearer again. 】

Ah this...

Chen Yilang was ashamed.

Strange, blame me...

[Details: She didn't know that she was already haunted by the [bad luck monster]. 】

[Goal 1: Raise Xia Ling's favorability to 20%]

[Target 2: Kill the [bad luck monster]! 】

[Reward 1: A lot of gold coins and experience. 】

[Reward 2: [Bad luck doll design drawing x1]. 】



Chen Yilang seemed to have seen something interesting.

【Unlucky Doll】?

It seems that some new poses can be played...

After browsing the details of the main quest, Chen Yilang looked at Xia Ling, who was standing on the other side.

At this time, he found in his sight,

There was a red little devil with wings, tentacles and sharp teeth, holding a small fork in his hand, and followed Xia Ling all the time.

However, the little devil's painting style is harmless to humans and animals. His round figure and Bling's big eyes are surprisingly cute.

[lv9 Unlucky monster: A monster that can parasitize on living things, and rely on the [air fortune] and [positive emotions] of living creatures to make a living.

The evil-hearted and mischievous mischief usually likes dark and damp environments and hates bright and gentle worlds.

The things they fear most are the happiness and positive emotions that come from the depths of the creature's soul. 】

[Remarks: The little devil like Luck is actually super fierce. If you don’t play with it, it will stab your **** with its prongs! 】


Chen Yilang subconsciously glanced at the little devil floating behind Xia Ling, only to meet it.


The little devil made a face at Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang: "???"

It's kind of awkward?

When I saw it, how did my brother take care of you!


"Then now, I announce that Chen Yilang will serve as the flag bearer of our phalanx team!"

The instructor said, "Do you have any objections?"

No one spoke, including Xia Ling.

"Okay." The instructor nodded, "Then I announce that from now on, Chen Yilang will be our team's standard bearer..."

"Instructor! Then, what should I do?"

Zhang Weiwu's expression seemed a little urgent.

"You're in a hurry, I haven't finished yet!"

Zhang Wei said, "Xia Ling will be one of our team's flag bearers."

"Student Zhang Weiwu, because your height is too prominent, it is indeed inappropriate to arrange you in the team."

"Then I...!?" Zhang Weiwu got a little excited.

"There's just one boy missing from the Flower Team, so it's just right for us to arrange you there." The instructor smiled, "Tomorrow you can report there~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After the instructor said,

There was a burst of laughter in the team.

Good guy, absolutely!

The so-called "Flower Team" is actually the atmosphere group that stands on both sides of the playground runway and is responsible for waving bouquets when the team enters the stadium.

Everyone made up the picture in their minds,

Then I thought of the middle of a large group of small flowers and grass,

Suddenly, this big tree of Zhang Weiwu suddenly entered the chaos...

Just thinking about the picture makes it funny, right?


Zhang Weiwu directly petrified on the spot.

After being stunned for a while, he said with a sad face, "Okay..."

This wave of arrangements completely broke the defense.

——Bengbu is here, brother!

that's it,


The Phalanx team's training schedule for the day has just ended.

Chen Yilang joined the phalanx team in a confused way, and became the flag bearer in a confused way.

Life is so full of surprises and surprises...

Chen Yilang got up, patted his butt, hummed a song, and was about to go back to his class to have a look.

"sorry for disturbance."

A melodious voice like a silver bell came from behind him.

Chen Yilang looked back—

It's Xia Ling.

Dressed in a military training uniform, with a good-looking face facing the sky.

A few strands of hair on the front of the forehead were stuck to the forehead because of the sweat during training.

Xia Ling tilted her little head slightly, and smiled lightly.

"Chen Yilang, are you free tonight?"

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