If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 247: There Are More People Walking, And The Road Is Formed

Chapter 248 The road is formed when there are more people walking

Great Zhou Taizu's life or death is uncertain, Martial Dao is getting weaker day by day.

He was still worried, because Ye Ning has always been invisible to people. Since he dares to stay in Bingzhou and take over this battle with only one hand, then maybe he has some great cards.

The brilliance of Martial Dao brought countless luck to the Practitioners, so the Practitioners practiced the "Martial Classics" taught by the Taizu and rose to become one of the characters.

Without him, because he will protect Ye Ning at all costs!

Otherwise, Xianmen would not be so panicked.

If nothing else, in the entire Confucian sect, there is only one sage, Ye Ning, which explains the problem.

With a flash of his figure, he flew out directly from the vast sea of ​​clouds, standing on the surging water of Zhanghe River, and then looked towards the Great Zhou side and said.

"In the end, if Dayu's side has the strength, we can see that Ye Ning will know, if he is self-assured and does not say anything, then we have filtered it out. If he is righteous and assertive, neither humble nor arrogant, then we have to be a little more careful."

This changed the expressions of many people.

So Practitioner, Xianmen is not To put in one’s eyes.

"No, it's easy for him to go out like this."

His bad luck must have affected me.

That is to say, even if Xianmen didn't call out the formation, Ye Ning would find an excuse by himself and call out the people from Xianmen first.

Ye Ning is very angry.

The name of Tianjimen was not acquired by Tianjizi alone, but was passed down from generation to generation and accumulated from generation to generation.

They are the last strength of Xianmen.

A person like Ye Ning who can become a semi-holy in his twenties is unique.

But it doesn't matter.

But at this moment, the people of Xianmen came to the front, and at first glance, they showed disdain.

Wang Dao said lightly.

"When the two armies are fighting, there is always a chance to speak, so be safe."

Even after a few hundred years, it will be difficult to become a climate.

Today, he is the commander-in-chief of the three armies and has absolute authority. Even if Cai Xianggao is in a hurry, it is impossible to persuade him any more.

"It seems that Ye Ning is really an idiot. The world is really blind. When he is a hero and a savior, can there be such a stupid hero and savior in the world?"

As for the team that gathers the military soul, it is not to say that there is no one. Looking at the Dazhou camp, there are still three or five teams, such as the Shenji camp and Tianlongwei. Much stronger than before.

"That's a bad statement. Even if Tianjizi can make a mistake, it's not so outrageous. In my opinion, we still can't take it lightly. The lion fights the rabbit, and we have to use all our strength."

Sure enough, it will kill the people around you.

Since Saint established Confucianism, Confucianism and Taoism have been passed down for countless years, and it is enough to explain many problems.

What a painful realization.

Because Confucian sages are difficult to become, this is common sense.

This is enough to show that he has great trust in Tianjizi.

In addition to using dozens of Earth Immortals in the thirteen sects of Immortal Sect, each sect also dispatched a Celestial Immortals.

The great Confucians discussed it.

Look at Da Zhou's side, it's really weak and pitiful.

But when I saw it today, I realized that there was no trump card at all.

He seemed a little reckless, but his heart was already smiling.

Still not on the table.

"You can go at ease."

Why do you suddenly have an itchy nose and want to sneeze?

Am I being watched by someone? superior.

The outcome of this war may be in favor of Xianmen.

Ye Ning is so confident in Xianmen,

That is to say, on the big week side, only Confucian disciples can barely enter the eyes of Xianmen.

In other words, Mo Haoran did not find him.

"What should come will always come. There is no way to hide. The two armies are facing each other. He has already called out. If I don't go out, doesn't it mean that I am afraid?"

He was a little puzzled.

On the big week side, I felt that Xianmen did this, and it was a big problem.

So at this moment, although the thirteen Celestial Immortals have come, they are all people in the town.

He may be the most burdened person.

These ordinary armies do not condense the spirit of the army, so the damage to practitioners is limited.

Before the battle, a voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Ning felt that it was a wise decision to bring along Nangong.

In Ye Ning's view, there is only one answer, and that is the influence of Nangong's beloved.

Now is the time of Martial Dao's decline, and a powerful Practitioner cannot be born at all.

"What time is it, and what are you talking about? In my opinion, he must have lost his mind and made a miscalculation. It made some timid people suspicious and made such a big battle." Jue's words are hard to hear, and the words are full of irony: "Now the two armies have begun to confront each other, everyone has eyes, you only need to take a look, you should know that the day is full of chickens and dogs, no That's all, it's enough to show that Tian Jizi got it wrong."

Prosperity must decline.

It was actually the broom star who spoke.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it proves that she is the right party.

It made his heart heavy.

According to the words of Xianmen, it is a bit evil. The road this guy is going to take is really difficult to figure out and cannot see through.

But that doesn't matter anymore. The Xianmen attacked this time, and the Great Zhou side had no strength to resist it. It was alone and had strong self-confidence.

"It seems that we have thought too much. Da Zhou is still very weak. Looking at the Zhou army, the strongest is still Ye Ning. Under him, he is just a group of great scholars, and it is not a climate."

But right now, the heat is still clearly lacking.

If Wang Daoshen really wants to take action against Ye Ning, then Nangong's beloved promises that the person who died must be Wang Daoshen, not Ye Ning!

Is this normal?

Her character has always been arrogant, and no one can enter her eyes.

She never put Ye Ning To put in one's eyes.

Nangong Liangren looked at Ye Ning who was walking towards Zhanghe, and a look of persistence flashed in his eyes.

Ye Ning said lightly.

If Ye Ning really died, then it would be nothing more than that everyone died together.

"is it necessary?"

This is clearly not normal!

Ten thousand years ago, when the Practitioner was dispatched, Xianmen would also weigh it.

In the past, Confucianism did not say that it was brilliant, but it was definitely an existence that Xianmen had to pay attention to.

Although they came here, it seems that they want to participate in this battlefield, but this is only an illusion.

Who can understand the pain in his heart?

Throughout the ages, when it comes to the Heavenly Secret Gate, it has always been broken, and it is extremely accurate, and there are very few miscalculations.

This was exactly the scene he had dreamed of.

"Master Ye is too reckless!"

Xianmen himself, even more so.

This is no less than the existence of Celestial Immortals.

She never felt that it was necessary to put up such a big battle against Ye Ning, but everyone gave Ye Ning to Shinhwa, and he thought too much about him, which made Gu Jue brooding all the time.

In 99% of cases, the power of other people in Xianmen can easily crush Da Zhou.

He dies outside so everyone else can be safe, and when he becomes Heavenly Emperor, he returns like lightning.

Because there were too many failures, he had a deep-rooted idea in his heart.

Practitioners are often recruited by the Overwatch Council, and I have to say that the number is indeed quite large.

Ye Ning is in the eyes of Xianmen, but he is the reincarnation of Power in the upper realm. Such people often have great luck and are difficult to kill.

This is the rule of the world.

Celestial Immortals are beings that should not be accommodated by the laws of this world.

But Ji Mingyue was much calmer than them, she said lightly.

"Go, sir, and you will be safe."

So he walked out first.

Just as he was speaking, his eyes glanced at the camp on Da Zhou's side.

Because it was him who went to look for Tian Jizi and asked him to take action to make calculations for this Jin State's expedition.

Hearing this, Gu Jue frowned and said impatiently.


This time, Xianmen is really too Giving face, using a huge background.

"Okay, let me borrow your blessings."

Mo Haoran of Ascension Gate spoke up,

Dude just want to die, is this difficult? Is it too much? Why is the whole world blocking me?


"Adults can't go!"

That's how hard it is for me to die.

Because that was the peak of Martial Dao.

to his will.

Now Xianmen took the initiative to start calling the formation, that's just right.

Xianmen felt depressed because he didn't kill Ye Ning several times. Isn't that the case with Ye Ning?

Gu Jue of Qunyu Pavilion sneered and said.

What Ji Mingyue showed was unconditional trust and determination.

People's hearts are different, Wang Dao Shen's eyes flashed, but he said.

Every time they wake up, it is not a trivial matter.

Chiyang Daoist frowned, he instinctively wanted to refute.

A broom star is a broom star.

If the power used by Xianmen was not strong enough, then Ye Ning felt that 80% of the time he would not die.

This toxic world really brought too many "surprises" to Ye Ning.

It's a pity that Confucianism and Taoism imprisoned themselves and fell into decline because of the ideological struggle of the sub-sages, and then they were sealed by Xianmen.

The Da Zhou camp is definitely not so weak, at least he knows that there is a good person Nangong has not appeared.

Cai Xianggao raised the stakes.

They have the status of retired elders, but they hardly appear in the world. Only when Sect encounters problems that cannot be solved can they be awakened.

Liangren Nangong wants to restrain his breath and not be discovered, so many people in Xianmen have not discovered that he is a strong man.

Lonely against them, they lacked recognition in the first place, and now they feel that they are vain and not worth mentioning.

I so want to die!

According to her idea, what nonsense is still there, just crush it directly.

But Ye Ning will never die.

Ye Ning is very confident. No, to be precise, this is not called self-confidence, but he is very confident in Xianmen.

They still call themselves Cultivation Base, the thirteen people closed their eyes, and the Lotus Position sat in the sky, with a frightening and terrifying aura circulating around them.

Besides, Ye Ning is different from the Confucian sages in the past.

In addition to this, there is the Practitioner.

But only barely.

But it was rejected by Ye Ning.

Now even if there are backstab dogs, Xianmen can definitely handle it.

Confucianism and Taoism are definitely on the same level as immortal Taoism.

In the face of Mo Haoran's reminder, there are few people who agree with the Thirteen Sect of Xianmen, but there are many people who disdain it.

The gods are babbling, so they are mysterious.

If nothing else, why did Xianmen dispatch such a big battle this time?

Wang Daoshen suddenly touched his nose.

But that is a thing of the past.

But what if it wasn't a miscalculation?

They are like a flag and an insurance.

From a distance, it looks like thirteen suns across the sky, with a strong sense of deterrence.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Star Sect Head Teacher said slowly and deeply.

But Ye Ning thinks, this is good, it should be like this!

That's fine.

But freezing three feet is not a day's cold, Confucianism and Taoism have been degenerated for too long, and it is impossible to restore vitality in such a short time.

If there is another accident this time, it will be the turn of thirteen Celestial Immortals.

In Xianmen's plan, the thirteen of them did not have to take action.

"No, I'm going!"

But if someone takes a closer look, they will definitely find that their physical state is still infinitely close to dormancy.

If it was the peak Tianlongwei and Shenjiying under the Taizu that year, it would indeed make Xianmen have to look at them.

The Great Zhou Taizu rose in the wilderness, relied on fists and feet to suppress the world, one person attained Taoism, and chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.

"Could this be Xianmen's conspiracy?"


However, there are more than one million people below, and Nangong Liangren hides in the crowd, which is really inconspicuous.

It is impossible for Xianmen to give them the opportunity to continue to grow. In this battle, all hidden dangers must be eliminated, otherwise such a big battle will be wasted.

What a secret, a secret door.

"Where is Ye Ning, Supervisor of the Overwatch Council? Dare to come and talk?"

This kind of mental preparation, he has already done it.

Chief Chiyang said.

Judging from the overall strength, the Confucian sect is not a climate at all.

Ye Ning has always felt that Nangong's beloved is his treasure.

Although Ye Ning slashed the seal with his sword, Confucianism and Taoism were revived.

Ye Ning said without hesitation.

The louder the disturbance, the more likely it will attract the attention of the laws of heaven and earth. Once the Celestial Immortals are forced to burst out, it will be over, and the immortal light will appear immediately and force them to the heavens.

"Things may not be so simple, don't forget, the result calculated by fellow daoist Bu."

In this regard, he is 100% confident.

Confucianism and Taoism are difficult to achieve, but once they are achieved, they are often outrageously powerful.

Therefore, the Celestial Immortals of the Thirteen Sects of the Immortal Sect are their last and greatest heritage.

Cai Xianggao reminded him.

Looking at the current Xianmen's battle, Ye Ning felt that he must have come to the end of his life.

The truth is that they are awakened, but not fully awake.

It is impossible for Chiyang Daoist to speak the vernacular in empty words. He only looks at the big week. Obviously, there is no trump card that makes people stand out.

Liangren Nangong is such a big baby.

But so what?

The gentleman does not stand under the wall of danger, and the way of thinking of the literati is still biased towards rationality.

"Be careful and deceitful. If he wants to harm the lord, and the lord makes a mistake, the military will immediately collapse."

Who cursed me so much?

He turned around to look, but found that it was Mr. Nangong who was speaking, so he laughed angrily and said with a smile.

He just wanted to go out alone, so if Xianmen wanted to deal with him, it would be much more convenient.

Obviously, he is looking for the figure of Nangong's beloved.

Immortal Dao cultivation is nothing but the accumulation of power, Confucian Dao cultivation requires more things.

So if there is no accident, in most cases, they are trying hard to reduce their sense of existence and not be noticed by the Heavenly Dao Law.

If you don't believe it, you definitely won't do it.

The army of millions, put aside, don't need to care at all.

There will always be variables.

"We are already on fire, how bad can the situation get? Now that Ye Ning has made a decision, let him go."

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