If I Don't Die Soon, I'll Really Become Invincible!

Chapter 246: Nangong Liangren Is Such A Big Baby

Chapter 247 Lover Nangong is such a big baby

Ye Ning?

When it comes to Ye Ning's name, it is impossible for Fang Qingxue to say that there is no response. After all, once upon a time, Ye Ning was the person she hated the most.

But now when others mention Ye Ning, he finds that his hatred is not as big as he imagined.

Could it be that the past grievances have been written off?

of course not.

Just because she has a lot more in-depth understanding of the world.

In the past, if you looked at the world from the perspective of Xianmen, you would find that the world has only one side.

But now she realizes that the world is complex, not just in one face, but innumerable.

If she went back a few months, she would never have thought that she would be ruthlessly abandoned by Xianmen.

She would never have imagined that when she was most down and desperate, the person who offered her a helping hand turned out to be an "ant" that she had never seen before.

Because of experience, it will mature.

Now that she's mature, she's used to seeing the warmth and warmth of the world. When she mentioned Ye Ning again, she found that her hatred had faded a lot.

"Master Ye, what did he do?"

Fang Qingxue asked in a deep voice.

In the past, she never cared what Ye Ning was doing or thinking.

She only knew that Ye Ning violated the interests of Xianmen, so he should be damned.

But now, Xianmen's interests have nothing to do with her, she tried to look at Ye Ning from another angle.

"Master Ye has done too many things, and he kept us all alive."

When Xiao Cui mentioned Ye Ning, she seemed very excited.

She had a thousand words to say, but after all, she was just an ordinary peasant woman in the countryside, with a stupid mouth. When she wanted to say too much, she didn't know what to say.

It was Chen Dashan who had seen the world and said it in an orderly manner.

"Master Ye suppresses the nobles of the aristocratic clan and seeks welfare for the common people."

"He reformed the official system, made small officials officials, and the yamen no longer harmed the people, but really began to do things for the people."

"He reformed the military system. Veterans like me who are old and have only a young son in the family let us retire. Before leaving, he also distributed a large amount of retirement payment."

"He lowered taxes and gave people a chance to breathe."

"He encouraged agriculture and industry, promoted the status of artisans, and created many jobs in Bingzhou."

"He also opened schools in various counties, counties and towns so that the children of the common people could also study."


As soon as Chen Dashan said it, he was as eloquent as a river, talking endlessly.

Fang Qingxue listened quietly.

She could clearly feel that when Chen Dashan mentioned Ye Ning, there was light in his eyes.

It was a light that although he had never seen it before, as long as the other party gave an order, he would die for it.

Through Chen Dashan's remarks, she could feel Ye Ning's help to people like Chen Dashan.

It's just that her feelings are not profound.

This is because her fingers do not touch the spring water, and she has never experienced the life of the people at the bottom in her life, so she can't clearly understand what Ye Ning's actions can bring to the people.

Because she did not understand, she did not express her opinion, but silently decided to observe and observe the lives of the people in secret.

She lowered her head and drank the soup from the bowl.

Sheep soup is not delicious. Of course, the soup cooked at home by the mountain people lacks many seasonings. In the past, Fang Qingxue must have dismissed it.

But at the moment, drinking it, it feels warm.

There was a warm current surging in her body.

She decided to stay in Hutou Village.

Xiaocui welcomes her very much and treats her as a Little Sister.

Although Fang Qingxue was a little colder, he did his best to show his enthusiasm.

She went to work with Xiao Cui, cooked together, and fetched water together...

During these 550 processes, she did not use any power, and even suppressed her own strength.

Because she really wanted to understand the lives of the people at the bottom in this world.

Then after understanding, she found that it was really suffering.

too bitter.

Watching Chen Dashan go into the mountains to hunt, he was scarred.

Watching Xiaocui sweat like rain every day, facing the loess and turning her back to the sky.

Her mind changed.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Although Chen Dashan and Xiaocui are vulgar, they can be said to be a life-saving grace for her.

In the past, with her cool and arrogant temperament, she might not admit this kindness.

But now, after experiencing Xianmen's abandonment of her, she already knows how precious this kind of interpersonal kindness is.

So in her mind, she has recognized Chen Dashan and Xiao Cui, and regards them as her own big brother and sister-in-law, the last relatives in this world.

If people who knew her knew about this change, they would definitely be surprised.

Because someone like Fang Qingxue, one day, can accept "ants" from the bottom of his heart, which is really incredible.

Especially now that she is not saying that she has no strength, on the contrary, her strength has almost recovered.

But she just integrated into the life of the villagers, not only integrated, but also empathy.

Therefore, she was angry.

"The villagers' lives are so hard, what kind of good governance is this? You keep saying that Ye Ning is good, but I don't think he lives up to his name!"

Fang Qingxue said angrily.

She couldn't take it anymore.

This exhaustion is nothing to her.

But for Chen Dashan and Xiaocui, it was a heavy burden.

Especially people like them are not a few, there are thousands of them in Bingzhou alone.

It turned out that these people lived such a life!

Fang Qingxue was very angry.

She felt that this was Ye Ning's problem. As the supervisor of the Overwatch Council and the shepherd of Bingzhou, the people under your control were suffering so much, but you didn't hear it.

Is this not negligence?

But these words frightened Xiao Cui.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense!"

She was frightened at first, looked around and saw that there was no one, then she breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately showed anger.

"How can you talk nonsense? Lord Ye is so kind to the people, how can you scold him?"

Xiao Cui couldn't understand Fang Qingxue's sudden anger.

Instead, it pissed her off.

Fang Qingxue frowned and said.

"This is also considered a kindness as heavy as a mountain? The life you live is simply, it is simply inferior to a pig and a dog!"

Fang Qingxue's words were a little awkward.

This is related to her lack of social experience.

These words obviously hurt Xiao Cui.

"Better than pigs and dogs?"

She laughed twice and said.

"You come with me."

She put down her hoe and led Fang Qingxue to the hillside behind the village.

Fang Qingxue glanced at it, her eyes narrowed.

"This, what is this?"

At a glance, it turned out to be a grave.

On top of the raised soil bags, there were sticks of wood.

"These are the villagers who died in the previous drought."

Xiaocui wiped away her tears and said.

"You must have been a child of a rich family in the past, you don't know the suffering of the people, I don't blame you, but


You should never blame Lord Ye. "

"You think our life is very bitter now, but you don't know what kind of life we ​​lived before Lord Ye came, that is the real pig and dog, living without dignity, like a roadside Like weeds, if you offend a squire casually, you may lose your life, and in this world, no one will avenge us and call the shots for us. The feeling of being ignored and cared about is the real pain...you I think farming is very hard, you must not know that the biggest wish of all the people in the world is to have a piece of land that belongs to their own. I work hard every day, and it seems exhausted, but I am happy because I know that what I planted Most of the food belongs to me, and what I cultivate belongs to my own land..."

"You think it's dangerous for the boss to go hunting every day, but you will never know that in the past, when you went out to hunt, you would either return empty-handed, or get injured or even lose your life. In the past, the danger was far greater than it is now. Why? Because in the past, no one could have enough to eat. When they were hungry, they went out to hunt. That was not to improve their life, but to gamble their lives! When encountering hares and pheasants, they could not eat enough food, and when encountering beasts, they were powerless. Fighting, hunting in the past, every time I went out, it was like parting from life and death, but now? The head of the family led the team out every day, and led the team back every day. Although there were injuries, at least no one lost their lives. Why is this? Because they If you can eat enough, you have the strength, and you can deal with many beasts. Because you can eat enough, you don’t have to fight the beasts. Sometimes they find the traces of the beasts. Instead of gambling their lives, they can choose to leave... "

Xiao Cui looked at the sluggish Fang Qingxue, her voice softened, and said slowly.

"Before Lord Ye, there has never been anyone who treated the common people as human beings. When I say being human, I am not shouting slogans, but truly giving us the power to be human. We are no better than bowing to the gentry. We are at least in terms of personality. , the same as them, you, understand?"

It is rare for Xiaocui to say so much.

This shows how excited she was just now.

Fang Qingxue fell into a great shock.

In her opinion, the current life of the villagers is extremely difficult, but in Xiao Cui's eyes, this is actually a happy life.

So what kind of life did the people live in in the past?

It's hard to imagine.

She glanced at the surrounding tombs, and seemed to have vague answers.

"I was wrong."

Fang Qingxue said.

This is the first time in her life that she has admitted a mistake.

Since she was wrong, Xiao Cui didn't care about her.

She didn't tell anyone about this conversation, not even Chen Dashan, who shared the same bed.

Fang Qingxue understood that this was for her sake.

Once the rumor that she scolded Ye Ning spread out, it would definitely attract a lot of criticism.

The kind Xiao Cui is naturally reluctant to mention these things.

This kind of kindness in subtleties moved Fang Qingxue even more.

She gradually began to use her own power.

Certainly not evil.

Instead, use spiritual sense to observe the lives of everyone in Hutou Village.

She seems to have two identities.

The first stage identity is a villager in Hutou Village, and together with the Chen family and his wife, they experience life together.

The second stage identity is a bystander, she is observing everyone's life and contrasting with her own life.

With this observation, she discovered an astonishing fact.

Xiaocui did not lie, everyone is satisfied with their own life and has a strong sense of happiness.

This kind of difficult life, in their opinion, is already a good day that they dared not imagine in the past.

Furthermore, they have a blind admiration for Ye Ning.

There are even many people who have a statue of Ye Ning in their homes and burn incense every day to worship. In this way, they express their gratitude.

In Fang Qingxue's view, this is an unimaginable thing.

There are countless villages like Hutou Village in Bingzhou.

Certainly not only Hutou Village does this.

In theory, every household can be said to be Ye Ning's most staunch supporter.

This level of support is somewhat beyond imagination.

Besides, what shocked Fang Qingxue the most was the attitude of the people towards Xianmen.

They showed extremely strong hatred for Xianmen.

They believe that Immortal Gate is the source of chaos and their worst enemy.

According to Fang Qingxue's inference, this hostility comes from two aspects.

The first aspect is the oppression of Xianmen for countless years.

But in the past, people actually felt that this kind of oppression was reasonable. They were weak and humble, so not only Xianmen, but many big men would bully the people.

This is normal.

But now it's different.

Ye Ning awakened their consciousness and made them no longer numb. After they had their own independent personalities, they gradually began to hate those who exploited them in the past.

For example, there is not much difference in essence between the aristocratic family, the squire, and the fairy gate.

The second aspect is also the biggest aspect. ,

It comes from Xianmen's attitude towards Ye Ning.

The people all know that Xianmen is going to fight Ye Ning.

This is the root of why they have such great hostility towards Xianmen.

In their opinion, anyone who opposes Ye Ning is their enemy!

This thought is firm and enthusiastic.

Even Chen Dashan is like this.

"I hate it. If I were ten years younger, I would definitely not be discharged from the army. I would definitely follow Lord Ye, fight bloody battlefields, and fight to the death with those bastards in Jin!" (bfdh)

Chen Dashan roared after drinking.

There were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and killing intent was exuding from his body.

Not only him, but also the young people in the village.

They knew that Xianmen was about to help Jin to attack Zhou, which made them uneasy and angry.

If they can, they are more eager to go to the battlefield than anyone else.

It's a pity that Ye Ning refused to recruit troops.

"I am afraid that the thirteen sects of Xianmen join forces to attack Zhou. If you go, it will be difficult to survive. What will happen to Sister Cui'er and Xiaohutou?"

Fang Qingxue asked.

Xiaohutou is the son of Chen Dashan.

It can be said that Chen Dashan can have a son at this age. It can be said that it is a big happy event. He attaches great importance to this son.

But after hearing this, he said without hesitation.

"Master Ruoye really needs me, it's nothing more than a life, and if you give it up, as for your wife and children, you can only say that if there is an afterlife, be a bull and a horse to make up for them!"

Chen Dashan's attitude is very firm.

Hearing this, Xiao Cui did not have any dissatisfaction, but said with a smile.

"You don't have to make up for anything. If you can really fight for Lord Ye, even if you die in battle, our mother and son will be extremely glorious. In the future, Xiaohutou will be proud of having a father like you when he grows up."

Chen Dashan laughed a few times, and pricked his sleeping son with a beard like a steel needle, causing his son to burst into tears, and then wiped his wet eyes.

"Unfortunately, Lord Ye doesn't want me."

This grief pervades the entire Hutou Village.

Xianmen came aggressively, and the day seemed to come.

They knew in their hearts that this time, Ye Ning was in danger.

If Ye Ning were to die, their good days would be over.

But what can they do?

With a glimmer of hope, they took out all the meat they had finally hunted these days and enjoyed it with the whole village.

It was as if the last supper was being held.

Fang Qingxue knew that this was them saying goodbye to this world.

This grief deeply shocked her.

It made her realize for the first time that what Xianmen did would make so many people feel pain.

"Why can Xianmen be so high?"

"As a human being, whose life is lower than whose life?"

"If Ye Ning dies, the world doesn't know how many people and how many families will suffer."

Fang Qingxue, who had integrated into the villagers and deeply empathized with them, felt grief at this moment.

She looked at the gray sky, and a thought suddenly came to her mind.

Would this world be a better place without the fairy gate?

This idea is like a seed, which grows in her heart, and then quickly takes root and sprouts.

She could clearly feel that she had changed.

He is no longer the Fang Qingxue he used to be.

She even wanted to do something for people like Chen Dashan.

But she found that she couldn't do anything.

She could feel that there was an earth-shattering killing intent that was rushing towards the eastern part of Bingzhou with overwhelming momentum.

That is the killing intent of Xianmen.

The immortal gate arrived, the war began, and when Ye Ning died, life was ruined.

"This time, I hope you don't die."

Fang Qingxue muttered to herself.

She felt funny when she said this.

Ye Ning is her enemy.

But she, one day, would hope that Ye Ning would not die.

How ridiculous is this?

But this is precisely her most real thought at the moment, she just doesn't want the Chen family to be hurt like this.

It's just that she knew in her heart that Ye Ning's hope of surviving in the face of the combined forces of the thirteen immortal sects was infinitely close to zero.

So she secretly came up with an idea.

"If Xianmen really wants to kill them all, then I will do my best to protect you!"

She looked at the Chen couple and the villagers in Hutou Village and made a promise.


The Zhanghe River is surging.

The army of the Jin State had already arrived.

When the army came, it was mighty and mighty, and the footsteps were one after another, with earth-shattering might.

But that's nothing.

The big week side didn't care about them.

Their eyes turned to the top of the Jin army.

It was a continuous sea of ​​clouds.

Above the sea of ​​​​clouds, there are densely packed people from the Thirteen Sects of the Immortal Sect.

Ordinary immortal disciples, holding various Magical Items, stood at the forefront.

Fengshen is handsome, standing alone.

Behind them, there are Xianmen Powers one by one.

They rode on rare mounts such as dragons and cranes, exuding a powerful aura.

There are also thirteen Celestial Immortals Powers. Although they are self-proclaimed Cultivation Bases, they are far stronger than Earth Immortals cultivators.

At this moment, thirteen people are in the sky, and they can't see their faces clearly, like thirteen suns, standing on the sky.

The sea of ​​clouds is vast, and I don't know how many edges are hidden.

The thirteen sects of the Immortal Sect appeared together. Such scenes are rare in the world.

On the big week side, countless people changed their faces.

"Is this the true strength of an immortal?"

"The thirteen sects of Xianmen join forces to be so terrifying."

"It seems that this battle is about to be defeated, but even if it is defeated, it will be a battle, and we must not retreat!"

It can be said that at the moment when Xianmen appeared.

The military's heart fluctuated.

This is the inevitable situation.

Although it is said that everyone is not afraid of death, and has made sufficient psychological preparations.

But when Xianmen actually appeared, they still discovered a terrible thing.

That is, they have overestimated Xianmen as much as possible in their hearts, but when Xianmen really came out, they realized that they still underestimated Xianmen.

Not to mention anything else, just the mounts that Xianmen rides are a powerful force when they are released.

Not to mention those immortal artifacts floating in the sky that exude powerful fluctuations, even ancient immortal artifacts.

** Mortal fetus, after all, it is difficult to fight against Xianmen.

It is normal for people to have fluctuations in their hearts due to the strong momentum.

But that doesn't mean they are afraid.

Before they came, they knew that this battle would be lost.

It can be said that the people who came here never thought that they would be able to go back alive.

So, it's a death both horizontally and vertically, so what's there to be afraid of?

There were bloodshot eyes in many people's eyes.

Before the war began, they had already become mourners. -

Compared with ordinary soldiers, Practitioners, great Confucians, and experts from the Overwatch Council are the ones who are most stressed.

Because of their strong strength, they can more intuitively experience the horror of Xianmen.

"Xianmen really looks down on us, fighting to fight."

"Why is this?"

"It's too late to retreat now, everyone, since you already have the will to die, let's die heroically, let our blood dye the water of Zhang River red!"

Everyone whispered, smiling in despair.

This is already intended to be martyred.

After seeing that Xianmen used such a huge background, they have lost the last trace of luck.

There is no chance in this battle.

Even Mr. Nangong showed doubts at this moment.

Xianmen used too much power.

Of course he would not have thought that this was because Tianjizi suddenly appeared and made a plan for Xianmen.

This put a lot of pressure on Xianmen for no reason.

Therefore, it was decided to double the firepower.

After the information is lost, it can be accumulated again, but Ye Ning must be destroyed directly today, and he must not be given any room to make a comeback.

"Looks like I'm running out of gas."

Ji Mingyue laughed miserably.

At this time, she didn't expect anything.

Even if Ye Ning had a backer, he would definitely not be able to fight Xianmen.

The power used by Xianmen is indeed a bit exaggerated.

She was not afraid of anything, she just felt regret.

It's a pity that Da Zhou has just had hope, and there is only despair left.

Regrettably, the New Deal is just in its infancy, and it will be irreversible.

Of course, the biggest regret is Ye Ning.

She glanced at Ye Ning, and there seemed to be thousands of knots in her eyes.

If there is an afterlife, can I still meet you?

The little mute grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Under this terrifying pressure that seemed to overturn the world, she couldn't do anything.

In her eyes, there was only the figure of Ye Ning standing at the front.

Mo Li cowardly took a few steps back.

to be frank.


want to run.

But looking at the little mute and Ye Ning, she still didn't run.

Where can I run to?

Ye Ning died, and the world became the world of Immortal Ascension.

She is a demon and will be discovered sooner or later.

It can be said that everyone at this time has the intention of saying goodbye.

Only Ye Ning burst out with unprecedented joy.

"It's good to come!"

Ye Ning trembled with excitement.

How do you say this time?

Can I still roll over?

Immortal Sect used such terrifying power, my buddy must surely die!


And no backstab dogs!

This time, buddies, wait and see how you backstab me! .

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