I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 365 The beheading sword broke as usual

Cardo's arrogance angered all the Konoha ninjas. Even Kakashi, who was used to seeing misery, frowned, and his fingers didn't know when to hang a kunai tail ring.

But he didn't throw the kunai out, nor did Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. Even the most impulsive Uzumaki Naruto didn't really get angry and hurt anyone.

Even though his face was filled with anger and the veins on his forehead were bulging, he still controlled his hands and feet. He didn't want to be a rebellious nin, he still wanted to be Hokage.

In the peaceful and orderly environment of Konoha Village, Konoha ninjas are trained to be accustomed to rules and discipline, but not all ninjas are like this.

Especially those guys who have become traitorous ninjas.

Suddenly a big hand appeared on Kaduo's head, grabbing his white hair and pulling it up hard.

At least half of the hair was uprooted, but the remaining half was enough to support a person's weight, so Kado was hung up.

The severe pain in his scalp made him scream. He turned half a circle to face Zabuza and saw Zabuza's evil face. His screams became even louder in fright.

But no one expected that the severe pain could not stop Kado from speaking out: "You bastard Zabuza, you dare to hit me, I will kill you!"

"No, I won't kill you, I will chop off your limbs and let you live like a dog!"

He also loudly ordered the rogues: "Are you all dead?"

"Hurry up and save me, catch this ninja, I will cut off his hand with my own hands!"

Cardo's shouting gradually stopped, because he saw that the Rongrants around him were slowly slipping, but only the upper body was slipping.

Blood spurted out like a fountain from the severed lower body, and the smell of blood instantly filled the air, turning even the air into a light rose red.

The surviving Ronins had never seen such a bloody scene. All eighty or ninety people were so frightened that their feet were shaking. Let alone drawing out their swords to attack, they couldn't stand at all and they all collapsed to the ground.

At least a dozen of them had become incontinent, and the smell of blood added an unpleasant stench.

Mochi Zabuza frowned in disgust, and jumped more than ten meters away with Kado in hand, avoiding the stench.

The high-speed movement brought about high acceleration, and a small half of Cardo's hair was torn off. Blood flowed down from his scalp and all over his face.

But at this time, he gritted his teeth and did not dare to scream again.

After all, he was a big businessman who had seen the world. A dozen ronin were cut off at the same time, which finally made him realize that Zabuza's strength was extraordinary.

The dozen or so unlucky ones who had been cut in half were not dead yet. They were all screaming wildly. Some were trying to put their lower bodies back on, while others were trying to stuff their leaked internal organs into their stomachs.

Kado looked at this scene and knew that Zabuza who was pulling his hair really dared to kill people. How could he dare to make a sound?

He has a lot of money, a lot of money, and he doesn't want to die.

The terrifying scene frightened Cardo, and the Rongrants who were close at hand were completely frightened. At this time, a few brave guys had slowed down and ran away rolling and crawling.

Zabuza laughed ferociously, threw Kado to the ground, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Water Escape·Water Continuous Bullet Technique

Water mist rose from the sea, gathered in Zabuza's hands, and turned into water bombs as big as a human head, which were launched at high speed.

The water bullets traced arc-shaped trajectories and accurately hit the heads of the ronin, causing their heads to burst open and their white brains to scatter in all directions.

With just one round of water bomb technique, Zabuza wiped out hundreds of armed ronin.

Including the dozen or so ronin who were screaming on the ground, not a single one was left out, and the scene instantly became quiet.

Zabuza's calm and understated attack fully demonstrated the strength of the ninja and proved how fragile ordinary armed forces were in front of the ninja.

The reactions from the Konoha ninjas varied.

Hatake Kakashi silently pushed up his forehead protector, revealing the three Magatama Sharingan eyes, staring at Zabuza with a solemn expression, full of doubts in his heart.

After only two weeks of not seeing each other, how could Momochi Zabuza's strength increase so much?

Uchiha Sasuke also noticed the abnormality and subconsciously opened his Sharingan. He also took out a kunai and steel wire in his hand, and was cautiously on guard.

Haruno Sakura was shocked by the death of hundreds of people and did not notice the change in Zabuza's strength at all. In other words, she did not know how powerful Zabuza was.

Only Uzumaki Naruto was different. After getting rid of the control of his companions, he pointed at Zabuza and asked loudly: "How can you kill people indiscriminately?"

Momochi Zabuza turned to look at the blond carrot-headed man and sneered: "I am Zabuza, the 'demon' of Kirigakure Village. Isn't it normal to kill someone?"

As he spoke, the decapitating sword had already fallen to the ground, splitting Kado into two pieces with his eyes rolling around.

Zabuza looked at Naruto provocatively: "Look, I killed someone again."


Uzumaki Naruto was furious, but didn't know what to say.

Cardo is not a good person, but a damn arrogant bad guy. He is also a big evil person who is protected by the rules and cannot be harmed by Uzumaki Naruto.

To be honest, Uzumaki Naruto was very happy when Zabuza killed him.

But he didn't know why, but he firmly believed in his heart that it was wrong not to kill anyone else.

Quite contradictory.

Suddenly, Zabuza's momentum burst out, mixed with violent murderous intent, and pressed towards everyone.

He has a lot of momentum and murderous intent, but this kind of momentum attacks are mainly based on surprise and are not suitable for dealing with experienced veterans.

The three little ones present didn't have much experience, but they gained experience from Orochimaru, and they were able to withstand Zabuza's momentum.

But the people in the Kingdom of Waves behind them couldn't help it.

They were already frightened by the ronin, then frightened by the bloody massacre of hundreds of people, and oppressed by Zabuza's momentum, they all trembled and fell to the ground.

Then an inexplicable strength emerged from the body, and everyone ran onto the bridge crazily and fled towards the other end of the bridge.

Zabuza raised two fingers and said with a smile: "Although my genjutsu is not very good, I still have no problem dealing with ordinary people."

"Now that no one will bother us anymore, it's time to end the feud between us."

Kakashi Hatake pulled out a kunai: "How dare you challenge a team of four from Konoha Village by yourself?"

Zabuza pointed the sword at Kakashi: "I'm not stupid, my target is only you."

"As for the three genin, of course someone will help me hold them back."

Uchiha Sasuke snorted coldly: "Your companion must be the fake ANBU ninja who deceived us. Let him come out. I am just trying to get revenge on him."

Uzumaki Naruto also took out a kunai: "No matter who stops you, I will beat you up today."

Haruno Sakura cautiously took two steps back: "You two, don't mess around. You should cooperate with Kakashi-sensei in fighting to gain the greatest advantage."

Secret Technique: Thousand Kills and Water Soaring

A large number of ice senbons shot at the four ninjas in Konoha like a torrential rain. The three genin who had no tacit understanding each dodged and immediately distanced themselves.

Zabuza took the opportunity to charge at the weakest Haruno Sakura with a sword.

Without the protection of the formation, a single genin could not compete with a jounin. Hatake Kakashi had to turn halfway, blocking Zabuza in front of his students.

The exchange of kunai and the decapitating sword was silent, and Hatake Kakashi almost dodged to his waist because of the excessive force. He looked at Zabuza in surprise: "You are trying to get me out..."

A huge force suddenly came from the sword, which made Kakashi interrupt his words and fight with all his strength.

The wrestling between the two sides lasted for several seconds, but Zabuza was the first to withdraw his strength, and the two separated and turned into a confrontation.

"'Konoha Technician' Hatake Kakashi, I didn't expect that you are famous for your Sharingan and ninjutsu, but your physical skills and strength are also so outstanding. You are indeed the new generation of ninja in Konoha Village."

Momochi Zabuza wielded the decapitating sword and drew a sword, fully demonstrating his effortless skills: "I am lucky to have the opportunity to win or lose with you."

[In my time and space, the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru's desire for revenge is too strong. Even if it is for Kirigakure Village, I would not dare to hand a knife to the ninjas of Konoha Village. 】

【I must have enough fun in this time and space! 】

[You just have to be careful not to kill him, otherwise you will be disliked by Lord Uchiha Yuu when you go back. 】

[Tsk, this is worse than being remembered by Orochimaru. 】

[It’s so annoying, why doesn’t Kirigakure Village have the protection of a strong person like Lord Uchiha Yu? No, we can’t even choose the Sixth Mizukage. 】

[The people of Konoha Village are really lucky. 】

Momochi Zabuza looked at Kakashi Hatake in front of him. The more he looked at him, the more jealous he became. The ninjas of Konoha Village were protected across time and space. He was so jealous.

Jealousy can change people beyond recognition, and jealousy can also make people's fighting power explode.

"Hatake Kakashi, you lucky bastard, give me a good death!"

Momochi Zabuza was ignited by the raging jealousy, roared and rounded the sword, and rushed towards Hatake Kakashi.

Hatake Kakashi: ..., you bitch, listen to what you are saying?

When did the word lucky bastard become associated with white-haired Kakashi?

Is it lucky for a young man to lose his father? Is it lucky to have killed all my teammates before I reached adulthood? Is it lucky that the teacher and his wife died together when they were just adults?

Is it lucky that all the people close to me are dead? ? ?

Hatake Kakashi was indifferent to Zabuza's attack, but his words "lucky bastard" aroused his overwhelming anger.

【Kill you. 】

Hatake Kakashi threw the kunai with red eyes, and then quickly formed a seal.

Thunder Release Chidori

As he separated his hands, powerful thunder chakra gathered on his hands, dazzling electric light flashed, and high-frequency electronic sounds were like the annoying chirping of a thousand birds.

Hatake Kakashi followed the thrown kunai, brought out two bright light belts, and rushed towards Momochi Zabuza.

Mochi Zabuza laughed strangely, and the decapitating sword in his hand suddenly changed its direction, from a cleave to a diagonal slash.

Because the axis of rotation was not on the handle, but on two-thirds of the blade, the slashing speed was astonishingly fast, hitting Kakashi Hatake's left hand one after another.

Orochimaru and Uchiha Yuu worked together to pacify the ninja world for two years. Although the Kirigakure Village did not elect a new sixth generation Mizukage, they accumulated war experience in a peaceful environment and developed numerous ninjutsu, taijutsu, and sword skills.

Half-body turning back and slashing is one of them.

Converting one's own rotation from a full-blade slash to a heavy chop naturally has a special effect of acceleration, so the speed can be doubled out of thin air, but the skill requirements for the user are also doubled.

Momochi Zabuza needs to exert force in advance, and after a period of brewing, the sword force can suddenly change. This requires the ability to accurately predict the target position.

Moreover, he does not have blood inheritance limits such as Sharingan or Byakugan. When using the return slash, he cannot see the path of the knife at all and relies entirely on the feeling generated by practice to control it.

Although it is difficult to use, the increased speed is really easy to use. Although Hatake Kakashi can see the path of the knife clearly with his Sharingan, his body is not that fast. He can only move his hands reluctantly and use Chidori to resist the decapitation sword. attack.

There were two crisp explosions, and the two elite jounin passed each other. The decapitating sword in Zabuza's hand was broken into two parts as usual. A knife mark appeared on Kakashi's cheek, and a small section of his mask was cut open. .

Kakashi looked at Zabuza in surprise, and saw that he casually threw away half of the sword, and began to move his wrists and neck, assuming a melee fighting posture.

Hatake Kakashi finally confirmed that the previous one was by no means an illusion. The strength of "Ghost Man" Zabuza has made a huge leap in the past two weeks, even more than his three students.

In the past, he could deal with it casually, at most using his Sharingan to assist, but now he had to use all his strength to achieve a draw.

The strong enemy inspired Kakashi's lifeless fighting consciousness. The anger in his heart did not disappear, but his whole person had calmed down and his emotions could no longer interfere with his judgment.

The figures of the two jounin disappeared. Their speed was too fast, completely beyond the range of ordinary people's visual perception.

The only one who could see clearly, Uchiha Sasuke, was trapped by a cage made of ice mirrors.

Not only him, Haruno Sakura's feet were frozen by a simple ice crystal, and Uzumaki Naruto was also accidentally scratched by more than a dozen ice shurikens all over his body.

Wearing a mask, a bun, and wearing the ANBU costume of Kirigakure Village, Haku showed a jounin strength that was not inferior to Zabuza's before, easily crushing the uncooperative Konoha Team 7.

He said to the three genin: "Don't move, and no one will die."

Hearing this gentle voice, Haruno Sakura felt comfortable and quieted down.

Uzumaki Naruto recognized Haku from his voice. This "big sister" who was extremely gentle to him, willing to train and fish with him, and was willing to listen to his innermost thoughts. He had a great affection for her... turned out to be an enemy!

Naruto's heart was hit by ten thousand points, and his mind was in chaos. He looked at the mask at a loss, but in his heart he hoped that the face behind it was different.

Uchiha Sasuke, the only normal ninja in the seventh team, would not listen to his enemies. Seeing that the narrow space was not conducive to him, he formed the seal without hesitation.

Art fire escape ho fireball

A huge fireball blew out of Sasuke's mouth and hit the ice mirror in front of him steadily, making a huge roar when the two sides came into contact.

The flames and storms were not able to tear the ice mirror apart. The flames produced greater destructive power in the small space. Uchiha Sasuke was almost killed by his own ninjutsu.

If Shiro hadn't immediately created another ice mirror, isolating Sasuke to a corner of the ice mirror formation, he would have definitely been miserable at this moment, at least it wouldn't have been just his hair scattered.

Bai suppressed all the Konoha genin, and then said: "Stop moving, I don't want to kill anyone."

Uchiha Sasuke sneered: "How ridiculously kind. Are you the ones attacking us and asking us not to move because you don't want to kill anyone?"

"I never thought that the Kirigakure ninja, who is always known for his cruel killings, would be so hypocritical."

He pointed at Bai Zhi and asked: "Do you dare to say that their purpose is not to harm us?"

Bai was silent for a while and then said: "It's true that I won't kill people, but I still need to be seriously injured."

Uchiha Sasuke laughed angrily: "That's great, what a shameless statement!"

Bai looked at him and said: "Please believe in my sincerity. With your weak strength, it is useless to resist with all your strength. Instead of resisting without overestimating your capabilities, it is better to wait for the end of your Jonin battle."

Being treated like a weakling, Haruno Sakura didn't react at all, but Sasuke and Naruto were both angry.

Sasuke, who was locked in the ice mirror cage, stared with red eyes and shouted: "Don't you underestimate Uchiha!"

He quickly formed seals and completed his second best fire escape ninjutsu.

Fire Release·Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique

Uchiha Sasuke believed that a single fireball could not break the ice mirror. Perhaps dense flames could, as long as he could emit enough flames.

In an instant, the ice crystal mirror exploded and burst into flames, obscuring Sasuke's figure.

Uzumaki Naruto on the other side also stood up, his anger defeating his doubts and confusion.

He took an offensive stance and yelled: "Don't underestimate me, I am the man who wants to be Hokage!"

Uzumaki Naruto crossed his fingers and roared: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

A trace of orange light flashed from his body, and huge chakra surged out like a tide, instantly exploding into white smoke all over the place.

Hundreds of Uzumaki Naruto were crowded and noisy. Some rushed directly to Shiro, some surrounded Haruno Sakura, and some stretched out their hands to pull the huge ice mirror.

There were so many Uzumaki Naruto that Shiro, who was inexperienced in combat, didn't know how to deal with them. He first retreated far enough back, and then formed a seal to perform ninjutsu.

As a ninja who has awakened the blood barrier of ice escape, he is also good at water escape and wind escape.

Water Escape·Thousand Needles of Rain and Dew

The white mist in the sky condensed into clouds, and the white clouds gathered to block the sunlight and turned into dark clouds. In the dark clouds, there was heavy rain. The raindrops were full of chakra, and the water formed into needles and poured down towards the battlefield.

Bai used too much force in his panic, and the Rain and Dew Thousand Needles actually brought everyone into the coverage area. Even the previous battle between the two Jonin was affected, disrupting their fighting rhythm.

The one who fell behind was Hatake Kakashi.

As a member of the Kirigakure Village, Momochi Zabuza is good at fighting in the rain, and is even more familiar with fighting under this type of water escape ninjutsu. His body can even automatically slide away from the water condensation senbon without being affected at all.

Hatake Kakashi, on the other hand, was not used to fighting in this environment. His movements were slow due to distraction, and he was put at a disadvantage by Zabuza.

Zabuza took the initiative to step back half a step and began to form seals, using the same lengthy seal technique.

Unable to show weakness, Kakashi dodged the rain while simultaneously forming seals.

The battle escalated.

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