I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 364 26-year-old Zabuza: Listen to me, thank you! !

Zabuza recalled carefully that he had fought against two Konoha Genin.

During the battle, the genin of the Uchiha clan performed extremely well. Their physical skills, ninjutsu, and reactions all exceeded the genin level, and their overall strength almost reached the chunin level.

Another golden-haired Konoha genin was doing okay, except for being a little flustered at first, but soon joined the fight.

By the way, the golden retriever boy seems to be very resistant to beatings. He was hit hard and screamed in pain, but he continued to fight alive.

At that time, the original body's attention was all on "Konoha Technician" Hatake Kakashi, and he ignored these abnormalities and didn't pay much attention to them.

Now that Momochi Zabuza thought about it carefully, he discovered that the two genin behaved abnormally, and they were indeed dangerous people who should not be underestimated.

But, this is still not right.

The two special Konoha genin are indeed different, but together they are not at the level of chuunin. They are not qualified to be compared with Zabuza, a jounin, or with the long-famous elite jounin Hatake Kaka. The gap is even greater in the west.

Why can the two of them get such a high reward, and it seems like one share for each of them.

Momochi Zabuza had very strong doubts and successfully activated the [System].

With the increasingly familiar "ding——!", Zabuza concentrated his attention and waited for the follow-up.

The [System] indeed answered his question.

[Konoha Genin Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Konoha Village, the legendary "Child of Destiny", and the current host of Asura, the second son of the Sage of Six Paths. 】

[Konoha genin Uchiha Sasuke, the orphan of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi's favorite younger brother, and the current host of Indra, the eldest son of the Sage of Six Paths. 】

[Note: Defeating them may cause unpredictable dangers, and there is a very small chance that the Six Paths Sage will appear to take revenge. 】

[Special reminder: Konoha ninjas are different. Jonin fights over pots and pans, while genin fights destroy the world. 】

The new information left Mochi Zabuza completely confused, but he also discovered key information.

Zabuza pretended to be calm and disdainful and said: "Tsk, one is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and the other is Uchiha Itachi's favorite brother, and they are both the sons of the Sage of Six Paths, haha!"

"The Third Hokage of Konoha Village is so courageous. Even the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki dares to release the village without fear of being killed."

"Well, although I didn't notice it, there should be ANBU ninjas from Konoha Village following them, secretly protecting this team."

"With Kakashi Hatake here, even the Fourth Mizukage can't kill them instantly. At least they can hold on until ANBU ninjas can support them."

"The second mission is indeed not easy. I have to defeat the 'Konoha Technician' first, and then I have to complete the mission before the Konoha Anbu arrive. Finally, I have to face the revenge of Uchiha Itachi and even the Six Paths Sage?"

"Six Paths Immortal? It's really an exaggeration, but His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven doesn't need to say anything. He says it is."

Momochi Zabuza suddenly discovered a blind spot: "Wait a minute, the... Third Hokage of Konoha Village?"

"It's Konoha's 60th year now. Hiruzen Sarutobi is already 65 years old, and he still holds the position of Hokage. What a greedy old man."

Zabuza didn't care about the affairs of the Leaf Village. He quickly forgot about the Third Hokage and worried about whether to complete the second mission.

He scratched the tangled hair on his head. The reward for the mission was very tempting. The two water escape ninjutsu were both incredible techniques. Mastering them would definitely improve his strength significantly.

For the ninjas of the five major ninja villages, mastering a powerful ninjutsu at the genin stage can greatly improve their strength.

At the chunin stage, the battle is not about individual ninjutsu, but whether the many ninjutsu mastered can be effectively combined.

After being promoted to jounin, learning a few ninjutsu often has no obvious effect.

For example, "Konoha Technician" Hatake Kakashi has mastered thousands of ninjutsu by relying on Sharingan copying, but his strength has not been significantly improved.

The two mission rewards of [System] can improve Momochi Zabuza's strength, which is very rare.

Especially the two water escape ninjutsu rewarded in the second mission, even if a Kage-level ninja learns them, they can effectively improve their strength.

After all, it was the Water Release developed by the Second Hokage.

Zabuza estimated that if he could learn these two techniques, he should be able to steadily become a Kage-level ninja.

The rewards are very tempting, but the problem is that the consequences are not small.

Regardless of the fact that the Sage of Six Paths is somewhat illusory, Uchiha Itachi is a very real threat.

This guy should only be 17 years old this year, but he is a true shadow-level ninja. He is also the best among all shadow-level ninjas, and can even be ranked in the top ten.

His strength is no nonsense, it is accumulated with bloody human lives.

In the original time and space, Uchiha Itachi was still a little kid, but in this time and space, he graduated at the age of 7, was promoted to Chuunin at the age of 10, and single-handedly destroyed his own family at the age of 13.

Momochi Zabuza obtained this information from the original memory, and he did not believe the authenticity of this information at all.

In this time and space, it is an indisputable fact that the Uchiha clan was exterminated. It is impossible for Zabuza not to believe the fact, but it is too fake for Uchiha Itachi to commit genocide by himself.

That was the Uchiha clan, the family that gave birth to monsters like Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Yu. It had a population of more than 6,000, a total of nearly 300 ninjas, and more than 30 jounin.

Even in one battle during the Great Ninja World War, more than 300 ninjas may not die, let alone thousands of ordinary clansmen.

Even if Uchiha Itachi kills one person every second, he can't kill the Uchiha family in an hour and a half.

What's more, the intelligence said that when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, there was no big movement in Konoha Village.

Either a large number of ninjas surrounded the Uchiha clan and separated the inside and outside with a barrier, or the Uchiha clan members not only did not resist and escape, but instead actively gathered and lined up, allowing Uchiha Itachi to queue up and kill them.

Momochi Zabuza chose to believe in the first possibility without hesitation.

Although the story of genocide is false, Uchiha Itachi's terror is not false.

He must have participated in the Uchiha genocide, but he was not silenced by Konoha Village. This means that Konoha Village, the largest ninja village in the ninja world, cannot take down a 13-year-old boy.

He was already a Kage-level ninja four years ago. After four years of rapid growth, how terrifying must the 17-year-old Uchiha Itachi be?

Zabuza shuddered just thinking about it.

Not to mention what he is now, even after receiving three rewards and becoming a true Kage-level ninja, Zabuza knew that he was definitely no match for Uchiha Itachi.

There is no comparison between the two sides at all.

Unless he can complete the third task and successfully master the magic of immortality, he will be qualified to compete with this ruthless man.

But don't think about it this time.

Zabuza struggled for a long time and suddenly figured it out: "Haha, what am I struggling with here? I don't want to live in this world permanently, I just came to complete the task."

"I completed my mission and went home. No matter how serious the disease is, it cannot affect me. It is a problem that the unlucky people in this world have to consider."

26-year-old local Zabuza: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Listen to me, thank you! !

Momochi Zabuza drank fish soup every day, and his injuries improved quickly.

He was recovering from his injuries and exercising at the same time. He spent more than two weeks improving his strength, and he didn't care about the task of preventing the bridge construction that Cardo gave him.

In fact, he didn't care at all.

The situation in the ninja world where Zabuza lives has long since changed. Under the example of Orochimaru, the fourth Hokage of Konohagakure, the ninja class has overthrown the aristocratic class and has become the master of the family.

The ninjas didn't have to deal with businessmen and nobles at all except for their own shadows to issue tasks.

On the contrary, underworld businessmen like Cardo are the direct targets of the ninjas.

Any businessman who does not have the support of a big country can only live in darkness. If any ninja can be encountered, it will be great luck.

Both the Kirigakure ninja and the Konoha ninja would chop off Cardo's head without hesitation, plunder all of his property, and then divide it 50-50 with the village.

This is a rare windfall, and you can earn several years of income at a time.

Mochi Zabuza had already thought about it. After completing the first two tasks, he would take off Kado's head and loot his property as compensation for the consequences.

Two weeks later, Momochi Zabuza completely recovered his health and was able to adapt to his new body without any flaws. His training had reached a bottleneck and it would be difficult to make significant progress in a short period of time.

He said in dialogue: "It's time to seek revenge from Hatake Kakashi."

Shiro had had a lot of interactions with Uzumaki Naruto recently when he was fishing and collecting wild vegetables.

The two fished together, picked wild vegetables together, and chatted while resting together. Bai liked this sunny boy very much.

So Haku, who was infinitely obedient to Zabuza, asked for the first time: "Mr. Zabuza, do you have to fight the Konoha ninja? Does Cardo's mission have to be completed?"

Zabuza sneered: "Kado is nothing, his mission is nothing!"

"My current mission is to defeat Kakashi Hatake and those two Konoha genin. It has nothing to do with Kado."

Shiro was surprised to find that Zabuza didn't talk about killing, and asked curiously: "Is it just defeating, not killing?"

Zabuza nodded: "The mission requirement I received is to defeat the two genin. The two genin need to be seriously injured. The mission does not require killing, so I will not kill anyone."

"Great, but it's too tiring to challenge a ninja team alone. Let me fight with Mr. Zabuza this time."

Shiro smiled, a smile so gentle and sweet that it made Zabuza's heart skip a beat.

He snorted coldly to cover up: "Hmm, okay, don't hold me back."

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Zabuza, Haku is also very strong."

"You will help me contain the Konoha genin later so that I can defeat Hatake Kakashi with all my strength."

"Okay, Mr. Zabuza."

Two weeks have passed and the construction of the cross-sea bridge is nearing completion.

The protection provided by the Konoha ninjas was very powerful. In the past two weeks, the people sent by Cardo to sabotage were repelled. Not only was the bridge undamaged, but no one among the construction workers was injured.

This made the people of the Country of Waves feel at ease, and with victory right in front of them, everyone was excited. They became more energetic when working, and the construction speed became faster and faster.

After Dazna fixed a bridge pier, he suddenly found that there was no sea water under his feet. He raised his head and looked around, only to realize that he had landed on the coast.

He was silent for a long time, then slowly raised his hands tremblingly, and shouted with a choked voice: "We are here, we are on the other side, the construction of the bridge is completed, we, we are victorious!"

People participating in the construction also cheered and shouted excitedly: "Victory! Victory!"

"Hail, success!"

"No more being controlled by Kado!"

"Hahahaha, it's so ridiculous that a bunch of idiots think they have won."

With the blessing of ninjutsu, the wild and evil voice in turn suppressed the cheers of hundreds of people, leaving everyone stunned.

Suddenly, hundreds of armed thugs armed with various weapons appeared from the shore. Their leaders were each short, wearing black suits and round sunglasses, and their white hair exploded back like an explosion.

It was Cardo, a wealthy merchant from the Country of Waves.

Hatake Kakashi sighed: "It turns out it's this bastard, and now he's in trouble."

Uzumaki Naruto didn't recognize him, so he jumped up and asked, "Asshole, who are you?"

"I am the president of Cardo Shipping Company." Cardo leaned on crutches and looked around at the workers in the Kingdom of Waves. "I think everyone here in the Kingdom of Waves should know me."

Naruto Uzumaki pointed at Cardo and shouted loudly: "So you are the bad guy Cardo, let me beat you away!"

But Uzumaki Naruto's fist was grabbed by Kakashi and he was thrown behind him forcefully.

Naruto's eyes were dazed after being thrown, but he still asked: "Kakashi-sensei, why did you stop me from hitting him?"

Kado laughed loudly: "What a stupid ninja. Your teacher is protecting you. If you hit me in front of so many people, you won't be able to become a ninja!"

Uzumaki Naruto jumped up: "I am here to protect Tazuna and the bridge, why can't I hit you?"

This time it was Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura who stopped Naruto together. Sasuke explained with a serious face: "Our mission is to protect Dazuna from completing the construction of the bridge. Now that the bridge is built, our mission is over."

Haruno Sakura then explained: "During no mission, ninjas cannot take the initiative to attack ordinary people, otherwise they will be regarded as traitorous ninjas and will be hunted down and punished by ANBU. This is an iron law in the ninja code."

"Naruto! Do you want to become a rebellious nin of Konoha Village?"

Uzumaki Naruto was dumbfounded. The strength of his struggle disappeared and he murmured: "But, but..."

Cardo smiled triumphantly and said: "Haha, I didn't expect it. As long as the bridge is built and your mission is over, I can do whatever I want."

"But this is all the fault of this good-for-nothing Zabuza. He boasted loudly, but he was easily defeated by you."

"The key is that he never came back. He made me so angry that he sent his men time and time again to stop the bridge construction. He was really out of his mind."

"But I, Kado, calmed down. As the smartest person in the Kingdom of Waves, I immediately thought of a solution to the problem."

Cardo raised his crutch, pointed it at Kakashi Hatake, and asked: "Lord Jounin of Konoha, are you going to stop me from recovering my assets now?"

Kakashi was stunned: "Take back your assets? Are you not going to burn bridges?"

"That's right!" Cardo said proudly: "I have figured it out. There is no need for me to demolish the bridge. Although I have a shipping company, adding a bridge company is also very good."

"Through this bridge, I can transport goods with high value and long transportation time requirements, which can greatly expand my business."

Dazna roared: "Don't even think about it!"

"This is the bridge that I and everyone worked hard to build. My children even sacrificed their lives for this bridge. It does not belong to you, Kado!"

Kado sneered: "Dazna, you are such a fool."

"I admit that this bridge belongs to you now, but..."

"Do you owe me a lot of money?"

"You were extremely poor in the past, and I graciously allowed you to continue to owe debts without repaying them. But now that you have this valuable bridge, shouldn't you give it to me to pay off your debts?"

"Poor devils, it is only right to pay back debts!"

"If you don't have money, you should pay me the bridge, and I will generously forgive all your debts."

"Look, am I very generous?"

Cardo's laughter became more and more rampant, unscrupulously mocking the people of the Kingdom of Waves who were working hard.

Dazna was stunned and speechless, not knowing how to respond.

Everyone behind him was also dejected, feeling that all their hard work was in vain, and even their last hope was completely shattered.

The three genin of Konoha Village were also stunned, not knowing what to say, let alone what to do.

Kakashi Hatake lifted his mask up and sighed helplessly.

There is really no way around this situation. Cardo is a vicious party, but he relies not on force, but on the loopholes in the rules, forcing the Konoha ninjas to be unable to fight with force.

Seeing that his words left the Konoha ninjas speechless and made everyone in the Land of Waves cry in despair, Kado went crazy with pride, feeling that he was truly omnipotent.

This idiot actually thought it was pointless to laugh at ordinary people from the Kingdom of Waves, so he targeted the Konoha ninjas.

He pointed his cane at Uzumaki Naruto, who was glaring with anger, and said contemptuously: "A ninja is nothing special. Look at the clothes you are wearing. They are all rubbish. You can buy two for 300 taels. It shows that you can earn money by being a ninja." Not much money.”

"Look at the swordsmen behind me. The clothes they wear are all worth thousands of taels, and the weapons in their hands are all custom-made fine products. Each one is worth more than ten thousand taels."

"If you can't even earn this little money, it seems that the power of a ninja is just that."

"Now I am going to take back my property. If you are sensible, just watch in accordance with the rules. If you dare to stop me without a good eye, I will beat you to death too!"

The Ronin behind Cardo heard this with excitement, waving their weapons and shouting wildly, as if they could really defeat the ninja.

In fact, both Cardo and the ronin present were countrymen who had never seen the power of ninjas.

They dominate the corner of the Country of Waves and shout and kill all day long. In fact, they are just bullying those honest fishermen and workers.

Another reason why Cardo looked down on ninjas was that when the wandering ninjas he supported heard that they were going to fight the Konoha ninjas, they all ran away without saying hello.

Coupled with the fact that Zabuza never came back, he felt that all ninjas were bastards who took money and did nothing, or that ronin with a sword was more reliable.

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