I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 362 Miwa Masashi: I don’t understand, it’s pretty awesome, but it’s not suitable

Uchiha Yu regained his composure, and Miwa Masayo also came out of his epiphany.

As her consciousness returned, the white light traveling on the surface of the colorful giant tiger became organized, and converged on her head like all rivers returning to the sea.

Not long after, a circle of light appeared behind Miwa Masayo's head, emitting a soft white light like the full moon. Looking at it made people feel calm.

And her body size also began to shrink sharply, changing back to the appearance of Tora-chan, and then continued to change without stopping, until she became the long, straight black lolita that Uchiha Yuu is most familiar with.

The halo behind Miwa Masato's head seemed to be bound to her head, shrinking as her body size shrank. At this time, the size behind her head was still so appropriate.

Uchiha Yuu didn't know what beads were, nor what was the new power in Miwa Masayo's body, nor even what new power was created out of thin air when Tai Chi was running.

But he knew what the aperture behind Miwa Masashi's head was.

Uchiha Yu asked loudly and slightly exaggeratedly: "God?"

Miwa Masashi had just regained consciousness and when he heard the Taoist monk's shout, he couldn't understand the situation at all and could only shake his head.

Uchiha Yu suddenly felt inexplicably familiar, and blurted out again unconsciously: "Youkai?"

The little Loli woke up a lot, and this time she heard Uchiha Yuu's question clearly, and asked: "Yuu, what is youkai meow?"

The familiar feeling was broken, Uchiha Yu didn't hesitate, pointed to the aperture behind her head, and said: "Rika-chan, there is a aperture behind your head."

"In my memory, this is the aura of merit that only gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, great enlightened beings, and people with great magic power can possess."

Miwa Masashi stretched out her hand and touched nothing, but she also saw the illuminated hands and confirmed the existence of the halo behind her head.

Curiosity drove the little Loli to inquire about the merit aura.

Naturally, Uchiha Yuu would not hide it. He worked hard to recall and extracted information from the memories of his previous life, and told Miwa Masayo all about it.

In Uchiha Yu's mouth, the merit aperture is also called "spiritual light", "round light" or "body light". It is a concept first used in Buddhism and represents the light phase of one of the solemn dharma of the Buddha.

It is said that the Great Sun Tathagata was the first to possess round light.

As an ancient Buddha who controls immeasurable light and immeasurable darkness, He illuminates the three thousand worlds with his own brilliance, making believers in the rivers, sands and other Buddha lands have bright hearts and peaceful minds.

After that, the aura of merit became popular and was even recognized by the laws of heaven and earth.

Anyone who is powerful to a certain extent, has a bright mind, and does meritorious deeds in the world will have a halo of merit behind his head to show his honor.

Uchiha Yuu smiled and concluded: "In short, if Rika-chan has this, it proves that you are a strong and good person."

Miwa Masayo received the compliments from the Taoist monks and laughed happily, but retorted: "It's a good cat!"

"Yes, he is the best and kindest kitten."

"Ha ha."

After smiling happily for a while, Miwa Masashi also noticed the change in Uchiha Yu.

To be honest, compared to the aura of merit that she could not understand at all, the meaning of the Samsara Eye shocked the little Loli even more.

She opened her mouth wide, pointed at Uchiha Yuu's eyes, and exclaimed: "Rinnegan, this is Rinneyan, nya!"

Uchiha Yu touched the corner of his eye with his right hand and said with a smile: "It is indeed the reincarnation eye that has just awakened. This is nothing special."

Miwa Masayo couldn't agree: "This is the Rinnegan, wow, it's also a light golden Rinnegan, it's really beautiful!"

"The Samsara Eye is amazing, okay, nya!"

Uchiha Yu shook his head: "This is just the most basic Samsara Eye, it's really not worth making a fuss about."

"This is just a result I got after re-condensing the golden elixir. Compared with Li Huajing's aura of merit, it is not worth mentioning."

After hearing Uchiha Yu's words, Miwa Masashi remembered that he had neglected his duty.

Her face turned red from embarrassment, and white steam even came out of her head. She timidly apologized: "I'm sorry, Yu. I don't know what happened. Suddenly I couldn't control my power and entered a breakthrough state."

"Not only did I fail to protect you, but I also asked you to help me protect my safety. If it weren't for good luck, you would have been in great danger this time."

"I broke my promise, meow, woo woo..."

The little Loli was anxious and angry, and jumped up and down in fear.

She bowed to Uchiha Yuu with great strength, bent her waist at 90 degrees, and hung her head deeply.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "I'm so sorry!!"

"I will never make such a mistake again, I promise, nya!!"

Of course Uchiha Yuu wouldn't blame Miwa Masayo.

After questioning, he has figured out that Miwa Masayo's sudden breakthrough was precisely because she came into contact with the leaked natural energy.

The concentration of natural energy pouring out due to the cracking of the golden elixir is much higher than the natural energy in Miwa Masayo's body.

The concentration difference is the pressure difference. Even across the barrier, Uchiha Yu's breath was transmitted into Miwa Masayo's body, inducing the transformation of her body.

Well, the culprit is Uchiha Yuu himself, so how can he blame Miwa Masashi?

After Miwa Masayo's breakthrough began, the fourth and fifth tails quickly grew, gathering the tails of the five spirits.

After she possessed the natural energy of the Five Spirits, she immediately condensed the strange bead in her body.

Little Loli said excitedly: "When I spit out the bead, it was not a solid object, but only a spherical outline. If you wave your hand, it would disperse like smoke, and then reunite quickly."

"I broke the beads several times and they all recovered smoothly. It was very fun."

Uchiha Yuu was speechless: "..., Rika-chan is very lucky."

His five spirits condensed into beads, and Miwa Masayo actually dared to scatter them continuously without fear of not being able to gather them together again.

Miwa Masashi continued: "Then I entered the epiphany that Yuu said, and I didn't know anything anymore."

"Yu, what did I do next, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu replied speechlessly: "You transformed into the tiger sister form, used the tiger's roar to fight against the lightning, and cleverly placed the bead at the point of confrontation between the lightning and the tiger's roar sound waves."

Miwa Masayo's eyes widened and he looked at Uchiha Yuu at a loss.

She didn't doubt Uchiha Yu was lying, she just couldn't understand why she would do it.

Uchiha Yuu didn't wait for her to ask, and said: "Lightning and tiger roar are both products of natural energy. After the intersection with the bead, a qualitative change occurred, turning the bead into an entity and able to shine."

He looked at the aura behind Miwa Masayo's head and said with a smile, "My Rika-chan is so awesome now, she can shine everywhere."

Miwa Masayo gave him a roll of his eyes, felt it himself, opened his mouth and spat out the white bead.

As soon as the beads left the little Loli's body, they erupted with terrifying power. The pressure was like that of a giant beast in the wild, making Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

Miwa Masashi said in surprise: "It's so strange, nya, it has really become a substance, and it's so hard, nya."

Little Loli's surprise quickly turned into horror: "Meow, meow, meow? This, this feels so strange, meow, how can the world be like this?"

Uchiha Yu also discovered the strange state of Miwa Masayo. Her energy had actually shifted. The main body was still a little lolita, but the core of her power was transferred to the bead.

Through the white beads, Miwa Masayo's aura spreads farther, and blends in seamlessly with everything around her.

This feeling goes further than Uchiha Yu's "unity of heaven and man", almost becoming one with the nature of heaven and earth.

He couldn't help but ask: "Lihua Jiang, can you try to make the sand fly?"

Miwa Masashi said strangely: "How could I make the sand fly, nya? I don't have Magnetic Release..."

The sand flew up, following Miwa Masayo's will.

Miwa Masashi was shocked: "Hey~~! What's going on, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu looked at the sand with envy and continued: "Sure enough, heaven and man are one, and I am both heaven and earth."

"Pear jam, look at that half-cut stump and try to make it sprout."

"I don't have Wood Release... I'll give it a try, nya."

The tree stump sprouted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It even has showy flowers.

Miwa Masashi was shocked: "How come I didn't know that I had awakened the Wood Release Blood Succession Limit?"

Uchiha Yuu was overjoyed: "Heaven and man are one, I am heaven and earth! Rika-chan is really a genius!"

Miwa Masashi: "Meow? What is the unity of heaven and man, meow?"

Uchiha Yu: "Huh? Why did you think of Mu Dun?"

The two of them were speechless together: "..."

Then, the two of them spoke at the same time: "You should speak first."


Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yu burst into laughter because of their tacit understanding.

Finally, Uchiha Yu reached out and covered the little loli's mouth, and said first, "I'll say it first."

"You controlling the sprouting and flowering of tree stumps is not Wood Release, this is."

He pointed to the tree stump that had just sprouted and blossomed. With the injection of wood escape chakra, the wooden stump quickly grew into a towering tree with a clicking sound.

"The basis of the blood inheritance limit is chakra, which is the bloodline bred by chakra. The effect is extremely obvious and the power is considerable."

"The basis of the unity of man and nature is natural energy, and it is also the connection between oneself and the nature of heaven and earth. The most obvious thing is that you let the wooden pile sprout and bloom, without consuming any of your own power from beginning to end."

"It is the wooden pile that responds to your will, consumes its own reserves, and reacts instinctively."

"Heaven and Man Unity uses the power of nature, so the effect is not gorgeous, and the explosive power is even worse."

Miwa Masayo frowned and said: "Looking at the unity of heaven and man, it is far inferior to the blood successor limit nya."

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "No, the Oneness of Heaven and Man and the Blood Succession Limit are not suitable for direct comparison of strength. They each have their own advantages."

"The advantage of Blood Succession Limit is frontal combat, especially at the human level, the advantage is even greater."

"The advantage of the unity of nature and man is that it is subtle. It is particularly good at unknowingly setting off a general trend and crushing the enemy with the power of the world."

Miwa Masashi stuck out his tongue: "I don't understand meow, but it seems pretty powerful."

"However, I feel that 'harmony between man and nature' is not suitable for me, meow."

Uchiha Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Miwa Masayo was right.

The most suitable way to use the unity of heaven and man is to quietly, slowly and firmly leverage the power of heaven and earth until an irresistible trend is formed, thereby crushing the enemy.

In other words, it is very suitable for Yuu Uchiha and Sage of Six Paths, and for guys who like to hide behind the scenes and make plans quietly.

Uchiha Yu valued this skill because he had coveted it for a long time.

If Otsutsuki Hagoromo could master the unity of heaven and man a thousand years ago, the current ninja world would have become a toy in his hands.

He himself must have been transformed into the way of heaven long ago, and a thousand thunderbolts will respond to his thoughts, so there is no need to hide in the pure land.

The old silver coins pursue the unity of heaven and man and incarnate the way of heaven, but they suffer from not knowing how to achieve it and cannot touch the threshold at all.

On the contrary, the simple-minded Miwa Masashi clearly made a breakthrough by accident. Not only did he get promoted to two levels in a row, but he also achieved the state of unity between heaven and man in an ignorant manner, which really made Uchiha Yu extremely jealous.

He could understand that Miwa Masayo had acquired this magical skill because of his innocence, but he still couldn't accept it in his heart.

People who want it can't get it even if they fight tooth and nail, and people who don't want it and can't use it well just force it on them.

Isn’t this God bullying people?

When Uchiha Yu complained that God was unfair, Miwa Masashi tried to control the beads. She soon learned to control them and controlled the beads to fly around quickly.

But after all, I had just mastered it, and my proficiency was far from the standard. I accidentally hit a rock on the seaside.

But she was surprised to find that the impact of the white beads was silent and penetrated the reef directly, leaving only an extremely smooth round hole.

The power of the white beads was so great that even Uchiha Yuu was shocked.

As Miwa Masayo continued to practice and became more and more skilled in controlling the beads, she began to feel that the beads were part of her body, and even gradually had the illusion that the beads were herself and her body was nothing more than clothes.

She told Uchiha Yu about this feeling in detail.

A conjecture came to Uchiha Yu's mind. In countless ghost novels, there is one thing whose description is very consistent with the white beads, and that is the demon pill.

The demon pill is the core of the power of the demon cultivator, the foundation of cultivation, the residence of the demon cultivator's natal soul, and it is also a powerful weapon.

It can be said that the importance of demon elixir to demon cultivators far exceeds the significance of golden elixir to monks.

When human monks lose their golden elixir, they just lose their strength and die early like mortals.

When a demon cultivator loses the demon elixir, he will lose his wisdom and spirituality at the same time. From then on, he will become a beast without intelligence, controlled by survival instinct.

After having an idea and then verifying it, the more Uchiha Yuu looked at it, the more he felt that the bead was a demon pill, and Miwa Masashi's new power could be called demon power.

He said to himself: "The power of Miwa Masashi is demon power and demon elixir. Should the new power I obtained from Tai Chi movement be called mana?"

"Now I feel more and more comfortable with it. My path to immortality has not gone astray, which is great."

The great power of the demon pill comes at a price. Miwa Masashi only practiced controlling the demon pill for half an hour before feeling dizzy, having a headache, and wanting to vomit.

He could only swallow the demon pill back into his stomach and lie on the beach to rest.

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "Is the demon pill in your stomach?"

Miwa Masashi felt it and replied: "I can feel it, it is indeed meowing in my stomach."

"Isn't Yuu's golden elixir Meow?"

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "The golden elixir is in the dantian. The dantian exists between reality and illusion, so the golden elixir may be similar."

"At least I can be sure that the golden elixir is not in my body and cannot be spit out by me, but it can expand the golden elixir's virtual world."

As soon as he finished speaking, a spherical shadow spread from the center of Uchiha Yu's body, covering a range of several hundred meters.

Both Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu felt the changes keenly. Within the scope of this phantom, the laws of the world had undergone subtle changes.

Miwa Masato exclaimed: "It's so strange, I feel as if I am no longer in the ninja world, nya."

Uchiha Yu explained: "Rika-chan's feeling is right. Within the scope of the Jindan Realm, the six laws of cause and effect, time, space, death, life, and reincarnation that I understand have replaced the relevant laws of the ninja world. "

"Before the collapse of the Jindan Realm, I was the master of the world, the most familiar and adaptable to the world, while the enemy was the enemy of the world, and was rejected and suppressed by the world."

As he spoke, Uchiha Yu couldn't close his mouth. He was now even more surprised than the little Lolita, because the golden elixir world had existed for more than ten seconds without any sign of collapse.

How can it be so stable?

In the past, Uchiha Yuu deployed the Golden Core Realm more than once. This was an important means for him to feel the laws of the world.

After each expansion, the ninja world is like a cat frightened by a cucumber, immediately squeezing it with stronger and stricter rules.

It's as if the Jindan Mimikkai is a cancer in the ninja world and must be eliminated quickly.

Each time, in the shortest possible time, the Golden Core Realm collapsed in just a few seconds because it was incompatible with the world.

But this time it was different. The crushing of the laws of the ninja world was still fast and fierce, but the Jindan realm had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The re-condensed golden elixir is not only engraved with three layers, but the rules of each layer are reasonably configured, not only able to support each other, but even combined into one.

Therefore, the solidity of the golden elixir virtual world generated by the diffusion of laws is no longer the same.

However, the squeezing intensity of the laws of heaven and earth in the ninja world has not changed at all, and it can only slowly accumulate intensity at the same speed as in the past.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu was surprised to find that his Jindan Mimikkai persisted like this, from 10 seconds to 30 seconds, from 1 minute to 10 minutes.

In the end, he persisted for a full 17 minutes before collapsing under the increasing pressure of the laws of heaven and earth.

The long-term persistence resulted in a strong recoil force during the collapse, which seriously injured Uchiha Yuu on the spot. Not only were most of his bones broken, but his internal organs were also damaged in many places.

Of course, this level of damage is nothing to Uchiha Yu.

Since there is no large-scale death of cells in the body, and there is no continuous destruction by highly toxic substances or alien energy, these fractures and internal injuries cannot be considered fatal injuries, or even minor injuries.

In just two breaths, Uchiha Yuu recovered.

The Golden Core Realm that can exist for more than ten minutes is completely different from the one that can only exist for 10 seconds.

This is a qualitative change.

From then on, Bai Zetsu approached Uchiha Yu, and catching them was like catching turtles in an urn, with no chance of escape.

Even if Hei Bian accidentally fell into the Golden Core Realm, he would not be able to escape unless he paid a sufficient price.

But if the Immortal of Six Paths is trapped, what will be the consequences?

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