I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 361 Two Immortals Breakthrough

[I can only confirm that it is good food, but it seems that it is inedible. 】

【……A little disappointed. 】

Uchiha Yu racked his brains and filtered the memories in his mind several times, but he still couldn't determine what the bead that Miwa Masayo spit out was.

Fortunately, his intuition determined that it was a good thing, so he felt a little relieved.

It is impossible to be completely reassured, because good things can also kill people.

For example, sugar is definitely a good thing. In disaster years when food production is reduced, and on the front lines where supplies are scarce, it is a life-saving treasure.

But in an era of abundant life, sugar is also a cause of weight gain, diabetes, and even vascular embolism.

Just by consuming too much, sugar turns from a life-saving treasure into a disease-causing nuisance.

But if you add an appropriate amount of sugar to a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal, well... it will be very loud.

In short, no matter how good something is, it depends on the specific usage and dosage. You cannot take it for granted that good things are always good things and are always beneficial and harmless to people.

Uchiha Yuu stared closely at Miwa Masashi and the bead suspended in the air, carefully sensing all changes and being ready to save people at any time.

Almost all of his attention was focused on Zhuzi and Sister Huyu, and the remaining little attention was also used to observe the surrounding environment and prevent enemies from approaching and sneak attacks.

Coupled with Uchiha Yu's lack of mental strength at this time, the pain in his head had not completely disappeared, so that he did not notice the changes in his body.

Uchiha's bloodline is what he calls the Taiyin spirit body, which is essentially based on the combination of Yin escape and mental power, resulting in the Sharingan and related eye techniques.

If the Taiyin spirit body wants to go further, it needs to merge with the Yang escape and life force to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang and breed new power.

According to the knowledge Uchiha Madara obtained from Black Zetsu, the new power is called the power of all things.

But the Taoist theory is not that simple: Wuji gives birth to Tai Chi, Tai Chi gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to Four Symbols, Four Symbols gives birth to Bagua, and Bagua gives birth to all things.

The distinction between yin and yang refers to the two yin and yang. The combination of yin and yang can indeed evolve into the four images and eight trigrams, and ultimately create all things. However, the harmony of yin and yang has more than one evolutionary direction, and it is also possible to condense into one, thus forming Tai Chi.

What is Tai Chi? It is the harmony of yin and yang without separation, the source of life and life, absolute movement and relative stillness, the first step from nothing to something, and infinite possibilities.

On the contrary, the myriad phenomena described by Hei Jue may be one of the myriad things that appear after transcending the Four Symbols and Bagua.

According to the laws of the development of the universe, we should follow the trend and move toward all things. That is the right path for the development of the world.

But why does Taoism do the opposite and say that if you follow the rules, you will become an adult and if you go against the rules, you will become an immortal?

Because human power is limited, even the power of immortals is limited. All things are natural, but they are not something that people can master. At most, they can only choose one from all things, which is great.

If the all-encompassing power Hei Jue said was true, it would not be something that one person could master, but a great power that only one civilization could master.

Perhaps the Otsutsuki clan, from which Otsutsuki Kaguya was born, is such a civilization that possesses great power.

But as an individual, he cannot master everything in the world, so Yuu Uchiha never thought about taking this direction from the beginning. There is no civilization in the ninja world that he can belong to.

He has tried to spread his own civilization. After all, he is already an immortal with unlimited lifespan and has enough patience to cultivate it from generation to generation.

He has tried the Cat Castle Ninja Clan, the Uchiha Clan, the ordinary ninjas of Konoha Village, the shrine maidens of the Demon Country, the ninjas of the Four Great Nations, and the samurai of the Iron Country.

He tried even the most despised civilians.

But all failed.

Including Uchiha Shisui, children who have been educated by Uchiha Yu from their ignorant days quickly mutate into neon spirits as they grow older.

Fortunately, Shisui gave him a good feeling, he was the kind of reasonable and best neon spirit.

Otherwise, Uchiha Yu might be tempted to slap him to death.

Among tens of thousands of people and non-humans, only Miwa Masayo believed in Uchiha Yuu wholeheartedly, and then accepted his three views and identified with that great civilization.

It can only be said that one person is nourished by the soil and water, and his personal efforts cannot change the influence of the general environment.

Thinking about history, the Han people who moved their entire tribe to grasslands and mountains to escape wars also gradually lost their original civilizational attributes after the dramatic changes in their living environment.

Those who entered the grasslands became Di, and those who entered the mountains became Qiang. This is a reality that human power cannot do anything about.

Since the road to civilization is blocked, Uchiha Yu can only give up the reconstruction of the Yanhuang civilization, and therefore has to give up the direction of developing the power of all things, and instead pursue the Tai Chi direction of the unity of yin and yang.

This is the direction that was determined last year and he has made a lot of preparations for it.

If the Uchiha tribe wants to achieve the harmony of yin and yang, they must seek the power of yang escape and integrate it into their own bodies.

Moreover, the power of the fused Yang Escape is very demanding. It must be equal to your own Yin Escape, including the quality and total quantity.

If the fused Yang Release is weak, it will be swallowed up by the Sharingan represented by the Yin Release, slightly enhancing the pupil power.

If the fused Yang Release is too strong, it will in turn suppress the Sharingan and make the Uchiha ninja's physique hot. Not only will their strength weaken, but their temperament will also become irritable and irritable.

The target Uchiha Madara chose was the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama because he awakened the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and reached the extreme in Yin Escape Chakra.

And the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama who has awakened Wood Release contains the ultimate power of Yang Release Chakra.

At the same time, Madara Uchiha is the host of Indra, and Hashirama Senju is the host of Asura. They both have divinity derived from the Sage of Six Paths.

Uchiha Madara's Yin Release and Senju Hashirama Yang Release are exactly equal, both in terms of quality and scale.

The most important thing is that the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama has infinite vitality. Even if it is separated from Senju Hashirama's body, as long as it is given sufficient nutrients, it can live forever.

In other words, as long as Uchiha Madara gets a piece of Senju Hashirama's flesh, it is equivalent to getting Hashirama's entire person.

Senju Hashirama is truly the perfect target for Madara Uchiha to fuse with Yang Release, comparable to Tang Monk Flesh.

Later results proved that Uchiha Madara made the right choice.

He successfully fused the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama. After the yin and yang merged, he gave birth to the power of all things, and awakened the Samsara Eye.

Uchiha Yu started thinking about the harmony of yin and yang last year. The first problem to be solved is how to obtain the power of yang escape.

Of course, the first thing he thought of was Senju Hashirama. Although there is no living First Hokage, he has a lot of Hashirama cells in his hands, and the effect is no worse than that of a living person.

But after Uchiha Yuu followed Madara's method, Hashirama's cells were devoured and digested by his body.

Even if he deliberately cultivates a large number of Hashirama cells, even to the extent that they can automatically aggregate into a human face, he still cannot avoid being devoured by his body.

Obviously Uchiha Yuu is stronger than Uchiha Madara, and Senju Hashirama's cells are not qualified to balance him.

He knew then that he was in big trouble.

It is not that there are no existences in the ninja world that are stronger than Senju Hashirama, but their power is not the ultimate of Yang Dun.

For example, Nagato and Otsutsuki Hagoromo, their powers are the Samsara Eye, and they have completed the harmony of yin and yang.

Another example is Otsutsuki Hamura. His power is Byakugan, which is also the ultimate Yin Escape.

There is no need to consider whether the strength of both sides is equal. There is no one in the ninja world who is above the sixth level and still maintains the Yang Escape attribute.

This is very embarrassing.

Fortunately, there is always a way out, and Uchiha Yuu has found the Yang Escape power that is most suitable for him.

That is his own golden elixir.

After selecting the target, Uchiha Yuu unexpectedly discovered that unknowingly, the harmony of his Yin and Yang had already started.

The world of Zifu is the expansion of Uchiha Yuu's soul, which is the core of his yin attribute, and the sun hanging high in the sky is the direct reflection of the golden elixir, which is the center of his yang attribute.

The golden elixir sun shining on the world of Zifu is the penetration of yang attribute power into yin attribute power. It can also be said conversely that the yin attribute is embracing and digesting the yang attribute.

In fact, they are all the same.

In short, with the determination of the Yang attribute power, Uchiha Yu officially began to think about how to speed up the integration of Yin and Yang, and how to adjust the development direction after the integration.

He wants to reversely evolve yin and yang into Tai Chi, instead of evolving yin and yang into the universe.

During the research process, he found that his golden elixir was actually at a disadvantage, being overwhelmed by the Yin attribute represented by the world of Zifu. Coupled with the assistance of the Mangekyou Sharingan, the gap became even more obvious.

For this reason, Uchiha Yucai took a risk last year and engraved the second layer of golden elixir when the conditions were not yet mature.

It was that adventure that exposed the flaw of Jin Dan's unstable foundation.

In the past year, Uchiha Yu did not dare to continue the engraving of the third level of the golden elixir, but the research on the golden elixir was carried out all the time.

At the same time, research on the harmony of yin and yang has not stopped. On the contrary, research in this area has progressed the fastest.

Not only did Uchiha Yu complete animal experiments and clone experiments, he even conducted many successful experiments on his own body.

He practiced it so many times that even his body had related memories.

And today, his efforts bear fruit.

The third level of golden elixir was successfully imprinted, which raised the level of yang attribute power to a new level, which is equivalent to the yin attribute power in the Zifu world.

As the natural energy continues to fill the golden elixir, the power of the Yang attribute continues to increase and begins to oppress the Mangekyō Sharingan, forcing Uchiha Yuu's pupil power to join the confrontation with the golden elixir.

Confrontation is also a kind of communication, and communication leads to integration.

When confronting the Golden Pill in the world of Zifu, the overflowing Golden Pill power merged with the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, taking the lead in completing the partial harmony of Yin and Yang.

Even if Yu Uchiha has not noticed his own changes now, without his active and direct control, the natural advanced evolution will follow the traces of training left in the past year and evolve in the direction of reverse Tai Chi.

Uchiha Yuu's eyes were fixed on Miwa Masashi, and the pattern of the Mangekyou Sharingan kept rotating. Without him noticing, the rotation speed continued to accelerate until it was completely blurred, and only the pupil in the center of the eyeball remained black.

Suddenly, Miwa Masayo's eyes glowed, he opened his mouth and let out the most violent tiger roar, and a spherical sound wave suddenly burst out.

The spread of sound waves was particularly similar to that of Shinra Tenzheng. The sand under Miwa Masato's feet was first affected, as if being blown by a strong wind, it spread outwards in a ring and flew out.

As the sound waves spread, trees and trees fell, and rocks cracked and shattered.

Corresponding to Miwa Masayo's tiger roar, the thunderclouds in the sky erupted into dozens of lightning bolts, all targeting white beads suspended in the air.

Lightning and sound waves happened to intersect on the beads, erupting into an unprecedented impact. The flashes and booms caused people to lose sight and hearing at the same time.

Under the strong light, Uchiha Yu's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip, the Mangekyō Sharingan stopped rotating, and the patterns shrank into the pupils, leaving only a pair of completely white eye whites.

The next moment, the whites of his eyes glowed with a faint golden light, and then rounds of dark golden rings spread out from the needle-like pupils, covering the entire eyes.

Uchiha Yuu awakened the samsara eye.

No matter how much he focused his attention elsewhere, such a big change in his body was enough to wake up Yuu Uchiha.

Especially with the awakening of the Samsara Eye, he instantly got rid of the blindness and could see more information clearly.

Uchiha Yuu was pleasantly surprised to see that Masayo Miwa was undergoing a new transformation.

All the natural energy, chakra, vitality, spiritual power, etc. in her body were actually converging on the white beads suspended in the sky.

All the power is centered on the white bead, and with the help of endless lightning, it merges into a new and strange power.

For a moment, Uchiha Yuu even felt that the bead was Miwa Masashi, and that Tora Mashiro's body was just an insignificant shell.

The new power after fusion did not stay in the beads, but returned to Miwa Masayo's body like flowing water.

When all the power was transformed, the white beads rushed into Miwa Masayo's mouth.

In Uchiha Yuu's feeling, Tora-san's body became Miwa Masayo again.

As the new power replaced all the previous power, Sister Huyu's body could not bear this powerful force. Her body began to swell again, and her hair became thicker, harder and more numerous.

In just a few seconds, the proud lady turned into a colorful giant tiger with a height of more than ten meters. The huge body easily accommodated the unfamiliar power, and had enough resources to change the body structure to adapt to this obviously more powerful force. Advanced new powers.

Uchiha Yu also noticed that Miwa Masashi lost his response to the outside world and seemed to have entered a wonderful state of enlightenment.

The epiphany made Miwa Masayo's transformation smoother and more natural. She could soon transform all her power independently, instead of relying only on the bead.

Miwa Masashi's original power was quickly transformed, but her body did not stop changing, so she began to draw natural energy from the outside world as a resource for transformation.

However, the natural energy in the surrounding environment could not meet the needs of the colorful giant tiger, and its huge body began to shrink.

Without thinking, Uchiha Yu immediately stopped absorbing natural energy and in turn exported his own energy to Miwa Masashi.

Uchiha Yuu is more efficient in absorbing natural energy, and he does not hesitate to extract the refined natural energy from the golden elixir, which finally meets the needs of Miwa Masayo.

At this moment, he simply thought about whether his golden elixir would be damaged as a result, and whether the third-layer golden elixir structure would collapse due to the extraction of power just after the imprinting was completed.

The body transformation of the colorful giant tiger went smoothly. Not only did the size become larger, but a dazzling silver light also appeared on the hair, making it more gorgeous.

What's even more terrible is that the power of the colorful giant tiger can directly affect the surrounding reality, causing air molecules to stimulate a faint white light, just like moonlight wandering on the surface of the giant tiger's body.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but praise: "Rika-chan is getting more and more beautiful. This light effect is really full of sacred and pure flavor."

"I want too."

After the white light filled the body of the colorful giant tiger, Miwa Masayo's body transformation seemed to be completed, and the speed of absorbing natural energy dropped significantly, returning to the level of normal "breathing".

After confirming that Miwa Masayo was no longer in danger, Uchiha Yu breathed a sigh of relief and began to look back at his own changes.

Upon inspection, he was startled.

Uchiha Yuu's body didn't appear to have changed much on the surface, but the physiological structure inside his body had changed drastically.

The first is the awakening of the Samsara Eye. For the Uchiha clan, this is a leap in the essence of life and a key step in transcending the realm of ninjas.

But for Uchiha Yu, it is just a slight improvement in strength, not a qualitative improvement.

Then Uchiha Yu discovered that his skull cracked a crack between his eyebrows, and a series of structures grew out from behind the bone crack and were connected to the pineal gland.

This location is so special, and this connection method is even more unique.

Uchiha Yuu guessed effortlessly that this series of structures was one eye and the third vertical eye.

Otsutsuki Kaguya has it, Otsutsuki Hagoromo has it, and Uchiha Madara also grew it after he became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and now he has it too.

But the biggest change is not these three eyes, but the harmony process of yin and yang in his body, and the power of Tai Chi that was successfully bred.

Uchiha Yuu made a circle with his hand, the air flow rotated, and the yin and yang fish eyes appeared. The slow rotation seemed to reveal the infinite mysteries between heaven and earth.

He laughed heartily as he watched the fading figure.

The most difficult step was actually succeeded without knowing it, which is really surprising.

Especially after the power of Tai Chi appeared, it effectively suppressed the conflict between Jin Dan and Zi Mansion, changing the relationship between Yin and Yang forces from conflict to simultaneous opposition and integration.

The operation of Tai Chi is still unceasingly yin and yang, turning extreme yin into shaoyang, turning extreme yang into shaoyin, and shaoyin and shaoyang breed extreme yin and extreme yang.

Uchiha Yu's power is moving and transforming in harmony, showing relative stillness in the eternal movement. In the endless cycle, new power can be born out of thin air.

That is not chakra nor natural energy, nor is it even transformed from chakra and natural energy, but is extracted and transformed from the void of the location, and belongs only to Uchiha Yuu's power.

He finally has two zeros that he can completely rest assured, and he no longer has to worry about his power being taken away by Kaguya Otsutsuki with a single thought when he fights Kaguya Otsutsuki.

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