I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 355 Senju Tobirama apologized

The Third Hokage's insistence on going his own way will of course cause serious dissatisfaction.

Senju Tobirama guessed that it was Sarutobi Hiruzen's chaos that gathered the consensus of the Konoha ninjas and led to the launch of the "Konoha Collapse Plan".

Since the third generation pretends not to understand everyone's warning, then everyone will send you to death.

Therefore, in the most exciting final of everyone's exam, not a single ninja clan leader was present. Jiraiya was in the village, but he ran to the wall and abused the soldiers.

The only one who was willing to rescue, Metkai, was also held back by Kakashi Hatake. He said:

"Hokage-sama is not so easy to kill..."

"Because he is the... Hokage of our Hidden Leaf Village!"

From Senju Tobirama's point of view, what Kakashi Hatake said when he stopped Emperor Kai from rescuing the Third Hokage was not simple.

On the surface, it seems that Kakashi has absolute trust in the strength of the Third Hokage, but what about the situation at the time?

Because of the barrier, there was a master-disciple duel between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru. Isn't it clear at a glance who has the upper hand between the 69-year-old master and the 50-year-old disciple?

Therefore, the Third Hokage died, but Orochimaru, who had lost his hands, ran away. Except for a few incompetent ANBU ninjas, there was not even a jounin-level Konoha ninja to chase him.

Afterwards, Orochimaru was not retaliated by the Leaf Village. The Konoha ninjas focused all their attention on the fifth generation Hokage.

Even if Orochimaru kidnapped Uchiha Sasuke again, Konoha Village, led by the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, still did not organize a strong pursuit team and allowed Orochimaru to run freely.

After the death of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage, Asuma Sarutobi's life became difficult.

Without the special protection and arrangements of the Hokage, Asuma directly ran into Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Inakisaki. If Kakashi Hatake and Metkai hadn't come to the rescue, he and Kurenai would have received the lunch on the spot.

In the final analysis, Sarutobi Asuma's strength is still insufficient. No matter how powerful the previous publicity is, it cannot change the fact that he is just an ordinary jounin.

Before the Fourth Ninja War, because no other ninja offered their lives in exchange for information, Sarutobi Asuma was killed by Hidan of the Akatsuki organization in exchange for information for his disciple Nara Shikamaru.

The death of Sarutobi Asuma represented the decline of the Sarutobi clan, and Konoha Village was completely freed from the shadow of Sarutobi Hiruzen's rule.

Senju Tobirama glanced at Uchiha Yu and said with emotion: "Fortunately, Konoha Village is lucky. No matter which ninja world it is, Sarutobi Hiruzen's problem has been solved."

Uchiha Yu: "Well, Konoha Village is indeed very lucky. Every time it is in danger, there will always be ninjas who will stand up and save it at the risk of their lives."

Senju Tobirama sighed with emotion for a while, then suddenly turned his gaze to Uchiha Yuu and said: "Speaking of which, the Uchiha clan are all very simple idiots. Why did you grow up to be such a freak?"

Before Uchiha Yuu could say anything, Miwa Masayo was furious: "What is a freak nya? Yuu is the best ninja, the most powerful chef, and the most powerful immortal!"

The little Loli waved her two little hands with sharp nails and threatened: "Second Hokage, if you are rude to Yu again, I will beat you up, nya!"

The little loli is not tall, and her white fists are not big, but they are filled with high-intensity natural energy. In the eyes of Senju Tobirama, who can feel the natural energy, she is still very threatening.

Of course, it's also very cute.

The important thing is, how could Senju Tobirama argue with this six-year-old immortal over something as trivial as the choice of words.

It's really embarrassing to do this, and it's too cheap.

Under the "force" of the little lolita Hei Changzhi, Senju Tobirama's poker face broke for the third time.

He forced out a stiff smile very unskilledly and apologized to Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu, in exchange for Miwa Masayo's sweet smile.

Uchiha Yu held the little Loli in his arms and said with a smile: "What the Nidaime said is indeed the truth."

"My stupid people, some of them are cold, some are proud, some are inhumane, and some are shallow and irritable, but their hearts are full of love, and their eyes are full of clear... stupidity."

"But I am very knowledgeable, wise and steady. I am indeed different."

Qianju Tobirama nodded repeatedly, while secretly cursing in his heart.

[What is understanding the world, being wise and steady, isn’t it just being sophisticated, cunning and forbearing. 】

[In other words, it doesn’t smell like that. 】

His complaints were all heard by Uchiha Yu through Thunder Spirit and Heart Network, and he unknowingly laid a huge thunder for himself.

Senju Tobirama was unaware of the leakage of his inner monologue and allowed random thoughts to come and go. Suddenly an old thought popped up.

He couldn't help but bring up old things again: "Uchiha Yu, you are quite suitable to be Hokage, why don't you compete for the title of Fifth Hokage?"

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't want to be Hokage. With my strength, it's not impossible to be a hands-off Hokage like the First Generation."

"But Naruto does not rely solely on strength. He must also be recognized by the Konoha ninjas, or at least acquiesce."

"As you said, Nidaime, the Uchiha clan are all simple fools. Under the guidance of the Third Hokage, they have accumulated deep-rooted negative impressions over the past twenty years."

"Until the villagers and ninjas of Konoha change their stereotypes of Uchiha, no Uchiha can be Hokage."

"Just by relying on my strength to ascend to the position of Hokage, I will first have to face the dissatisfaction and hostility of the Konoha ninjas. This is a hundred times more troublesome than dealing with the Third Hokage."

"If I want to be a good Hokage, I must first make great efforts to rebuild my credit. That is a sinkhole dug by the Uchiha clan and the Third Hokage for decades of cooperation. This job is not something that can be done well."

"I have to be prepared to be exhausted and angry to death. How stupid must I be to find myself such a terrible job?"

"So I can only be the leader of the Uchiha clan. As the pioneer and changer of the family, I can pave the way for latecomers like Uchiha Shisui."

Senju Tobirama said regretfully: "Oh, I understand."

He smiled bitterly and said: "Speaking of which, this is also the trouble left by my choice to suppress the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Yu: "When Uchiha Madara was still there, Nidaime, you were right to do this. Only by suppressing the Uchiha clan can the fragile Konoha Village be maintained."

"But what I don't understand is, after he left, why did you continue to suppress the Uchiha clan?"

Senju Tobirama explained: "For balance."

"Konoha Village was jointly established by Senju and Uchiha. Our two families are too strong. The other ninja clans and civilian ninjas combined are not half as strong as our two clans."

"The balance in the village at that time was only the balance between Senju and Uchiha."

"When I pushed the Senju clan to integrate into the Leaf Village, no one in the Uchiha clan could understand it and refused to integrate into the village. Therefore, I must continue to suppress the Uchiha clan to prevent the split after the balance is broken."

Uchiha chuckled and said: "That was what you thought in the past, what about now?"

"Now?" Senju Tobirama shook his head and said, "Sixty years have proven that my understanding of Uchiha is wrong. Your family is all... idiots."

"You can entrust your idiot partner with your back, of course there is no need to check and suppress you."

Uchiha Yuu laughed: "Okay, okay, if the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama can say this, the hard work I have put in and the dangers I have faced are all worth it!"

"You can convince me that if Uchiha Shisui can run for Hokage after turning 20, there will be no insurmountable obstacles."

Senju Tobirama's eyes lit up: "Uchiha Shisui will run for Hokage after turning 20 years old. So the arrangement between you and Orochimaru is for him to be the sixth Hokage. Then who is the fifth Hokage?"

"Shisui is Orochimaru's disciple. Tsunade has no official disciple. I understand that the Fifth Hokage chose Jiraiya's disciple Namikaze Minato."

Uchiha Yu nodded: "He is indeed the second-generation Hokage with the strongest political power among all the generations. You guessed it right."

Senju Tobirama took a deep breath: "It turns out that you two have already made up your mind and made a plan to change Hokage every 10 to 15 years."

Uchiha Yu: "Yes."

Senju Tobirama praised: "It's really good. The two of you work together really well. Your plans for the future far surpass me."

"If I could know this earlier, I would be able to make more and better suggestions in the future Konoha Village in the ninja world."

Uchiha Yu sneered: "Put it down, Orochimaru and I didn't deliberately hide it. As long as you wanted to understand the second generation before the time travel, how could you not know this situation?"

"It's just that you believe in your disciple Sarutobi Hiruzen more. You don't like Orochimaru and I who overthrew him, so you preconceived that we had a conspiracy."

Senju Tobirama lowered his head: "..., I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

The Second Hokage was once the most intelligent person in the ninja world.

He has held this title for decades. Whether it is selecting talents, governing Konoha, designing ninja villages, developing forbidden techniques, or practicing sea escape, he has achieved an unparalleled level in the world.

As time went on, he naturally became very arrogant and looked at everyone and thought the other person was a fool.

Of course, he also has an elder brother who treats him obediently, both in terms of family affection and strength, so it is not so obvious.

When the first Hokage died of illness and Senju Tobirama succeeded him as the second Hokage, no one could suppress him and he was completely lost.

If he hadn't been too ruthless, how could he have ignored the biggest flaw in the Leaf Village system and allowed the Hokage to have supreme power?

If he didn't think too highly of himself and all the Konoha ninjas he saw were fools, how could he only select six young ninjas as his disciples?

If he didn't think it didn't matter, how could he casually tell his true views on the Uchiha clan ninjas?

The sentence "Uchiha are born evil" is the source of Konoha F4's hostility to the Uchiha clan and the starting point of the division within Konoha Village.

But Senju Tobirama wouldn't believe it at all. Instead, he doubted Uchiha Yu and Orochimaru, thinking that they killed the Third Hokage and messed up Konoha Village.

When Senju Tobirama saw the achievements of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, which not only reversed the decline of Konoha Village, but also returned to the height of crushing the four great ninja villages in a short period of time, he still did not feel that he was wrong.

Senju Tobirama believed that the prosperity of Konoha Village was natural, and its decline was due to the failure of the Third Hokage to do a good job. All he had to do was get rid of him, there was no need to kill people.

Until he traveled through time and arrived in the future without Uchiha Yu, and saw the great division and decline of Konoha Village under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the future world of Konoha Village, the fourth Hokage died, the third Hokage was restored, Orochimaru defected, the Uchiha clan was exterminated, and Konoha Village declined for a full 12 years.

In the past 12 years, Konoha Village has been on the verge of annihilation more than once.

But this is already the least bad outcome.

If the Uchiha clan had a normal ninja as the clan leader, if the two kaleidoscopes did not all turn to Hokage, and if Uchiha Itachi was not perverted, the Uchiha clan would have been forced to rebel.

The self-destruction of Uchiha will cause the decline of Konoha Village for 12 years, and their rebellion will inevitably lead to the destruction of Konoha Village.

Senju Tobirama also saw how Sarutobi Hiruzen played politics, saw how he blocked the path for Konoha ninjas to ascend to power, and how he held all power in his own hands.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's death was not simple. It was the result of a joint effort from inside and outside Konoha Village to see him off.

This shows that the Third Hokage has long since reached the point where everyone has rebelled against their relatives, but other than helping the "rebellious ninja" Orochimaru kill him, Konoha Village has no way to end his rule.

This is the blame that Senju Tobirama cannot shake off. It was the Hokage power structure he designed that made the Third Hokage "invincible" in Konoha Village until the end.

After the death of the Third Hokage, the fifth Hokage's difficult childbirth made Senju Tobirama sigh, and the fifth Hokage Tsunade's grievances when facing the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage made him deeply ashamed.

If it hadn't been for that yellow-haired boy and the last Uchiha, their strength would have skyrocketed in just a few days, and they would have jumped from a Kage-level ninja to a "god" surpassing the first Hokage.

After the Fourth Ninja War, it may be difficult for Konoha Village to escape the siege of the three major ninja villages. Even Sunagakure Village may replace its Fifth Kazekage and join in the carving up of Konoha Village.

In the face of such cruel facts, Senju Tobirama's pride was shattered, so he apologized to Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu naturally didn't take it seriously, accepted his apology, and then said: "Continue to talk about future information. This is your mission to travel through time."

Senju Tobirama nodded and continued to talk about the information he collected in the future.

He hid in Konoha Village and obtained a large amount of information through Konoha's intelligence system.

"According to your prompts, I secretly issued a mission in the name of Hokage and probed for a lot of key information."

Uchiha Yu interrupted: "Wait, Nidaime, have you exposed your identity?"

Senju Tobirama: "Of course not."

Uchiha Yu asked: "Then how can you issue a mission in the name of Hokage?"

Senju Tobirama said with a smile: "It's very simple. Enter the Hokage's office at night, take a piece of paper from the desk, write down the task content, fill in the correct task number and secret text, and then stamp the Hokage's seal, but there is no Any questions to the Hokage's orders."

"In the end, just put it into other piles of documents. When the next day, a ninja will naturally take away the task book, and the task will be automatically released."

Uchiha Yuu was stunned: "I know that this set was all designed by you. Although it is outrageous that the Hokage's secret code will not be changed for thirty years, I can still accept it. But after these tasks are completed, the feedback is in the form of task files. You How come Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, can't see it?"

Senju Tobirama suddenly blushed: "Tsunade saw it, but she... didn't find anything wrong with those missions. She didn't even take a good look at the intelligence obtained after the mission was completed."

Senju Tobirama felt very embarrassed. He had long known that Tsunade was not a qualified Hokage, but to be so careless was shocking.

"I couldn't hold it back at the time and made important notes on the document, hoping that Tsunade would pay attention to the information, but she ignored it all."

The Second Hokage sighed, feeling extremely sad about the failure of his education.

Uchiha Yu rolled his eyes: "Okay, I think I know how you were exposed."

Uchiha Yuu smiled, but looked at Senju Tobirama with unkind eyes: "Nidaime, please tell me, how many tasks did you release in the Hokage's office, and how many times did you highlight key information?"

Senju Tobirama heard that Uchiha Yuu meant that it was these tasks that led to his exposure.

But he didn't agree with this, and he didn't think there was a problem even under the gaze of Uchiha Yu.

But what is surprising is that he thought for a long time before replying calmly: "I marked the key information 14 times. As for how many tasks I sent, I can't remember..."

Uchiha Yu: "It seems that the Nidaime released a lot of missions. It's normal that I can't remember the specific number, but I should have an approximate number of missions, right?"

Qianju Tojian thought for a while and replied: "Seven to eight hundred pieces."

Uchiha Yu: "..."

He sighed: "You were caught by the Immortal of Six Paths, you were not unjust at all."

Senju Tobirama frowned and said: "How is it possible? I did it very carefully. No one else will find any flaws except Tsunade, the Hokage."

Uchiha Yu sighed and said: "You don't know, Nidaime, that in the eyes of me and the Sage of Six Paths, we don't even look at your forged Hokage mission statement."

"We are looking at the action trends of Konoha Village and the changes in the overall trend of attention of Konoha ninjas. No matter how much you disguise the details, such a general trend cannot be concealed."

Senju Tobirama's eyes widened: "So this is how you observe the world when you reach your level?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "Yes, because there are too many details and I can't see them at all. Since I have the ability to observe from an overall perspective, there is no need to ponder the details."

"The fifth Hokage, Tsunade, didn't see the tasks you posted. It doesn't mean that other people in the Leaf Village didn't see it. At least Nara Shikaku must have seen it."

"As the chief adviser of the Leaf Village, if he sees it, it means that the Leaf Village has seen it. He will naturally react accordingly, and then Bai Zetsu, who is monitoring the Leaf Village, will find the problem."

"As long as you act often enough, you will attract Black Zetsu's attention."

"And if Black Jue discovers you, the Immortal of Six Paths will know about it soon."

Qianju Tobirama's poker face broke out again, and he shouted in surprise: "What? Black Zetsu and Six Paths Sage are a group... No, that's not right..."

"It turns out that the Immortal of Six Paths is the last chess player and the controller hidden behind Hei Jue!"

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