I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 354 It’s all Sarutobi Hiruzen’s fault

When Uchiha Yuu saw this extremely thick causal line, he immediately understood the trick of the Sage of Six Paths.

The causal line that he cut off a month ago was Otsutsuki Hagoromo's test, and it was also his fake move to cover up this causal connection.

He is truly worthy of being the Immortal of Six Paths.

Through the transfer of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, this cause and effect has the characteristics of parallel time and space and the present world at the same time.

Uchiha Yu cannot use the power of time to cut off cause and effect, nor can he kill the object of cause and effect to cut off cause and effect, because the other end of the cause and effect line is the Sage of Six Paths in the future of parallel time and space.

If you want to solve this problem of cause and effect, you can only go to that future parallel time and space in person, sweep the entire ninja world, turn out the Six Paths Sage, and completely eliminate him.

Uchiha Yu gritted his teeth: "Okay, that's great."

"You figured out the laws of cause and effect so quickly, and you were able to play tricks under my nose and connect yourself to me."

"It seems that I feel that I can't understand the power of time. I need to use the natural connection of cause and effect to help me understand and master time."

Uchiha whispered with murderous intent: "This is forcing me to kill you, Otsutsuki Hagoromo!"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo must have extracted detailed intelligence and discovered Uchiha Yu's advantage in traveling through time, lest he use the advantage to grow into an irresistible and terrifying existence.

That's why he worked so hard to study the power of time, not only to eliminate Uchiha Yu's advantage, but also to launch a counterattack.

This is in line with the behavior of the Sage of Six Paths, but his actions in turn threaten Uchiha Yu.

This made Uchiha Yu's originally ample time suddenly become tense.

Senju Tobirama saw the change in Uchiha Yu's expression and asked worriedly: "Is the situation serious?"

Uchiha Yu gritted his teeth fiercely, but at the same time smiled and replied: "No, it's not serious."

"It just cured my procrastination."

After speaking, he raised his hand and drew a circle in the air. Using this circle to communicate with the Phantom, he calculated the distortion rate of time and space caused by the time dislocation barrier.

After getting the accurate data, Uchiha Yu held his palm upright, pushed forward slightly, and the three people disappeared.

The next moment they appeared in the World Tree Hall in Loulan Secret Realm.

"It's still the most comfortable in the secret realm." Masayo Miwa cheered and jumped away: "I'll prepare tea and snacks for you."

Senju Tobirama took a deep breath and said with a smile: "The environment here is really good. Even a dead person like me feels a lot more comfortable."

As the strength of the time-displacement barrier in Loulan Secret Realm increases, the control over the natural energy of the dragon's veins continues to increase, resulting in an increasingly high concentration of natural energy.

The current Loulan Secret Realm has surpassed the three major holy places in terms of natural energy density, completing the process of quantitative change to qualitative change.

Qian Shu Feijian was unable to practice immortality when he was alive, but in the secret realm of Loulan, he actually felt the natural energy with his body of dirty earth.

After traveling through time, his body was almost broken and on the verge of collapse, but under the nourishment of natural energy, he felt much more comfortable.

He took a few deep breaths and asked again: "But you brought me here not just to make me feel comfortable, right?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Well, mainly because the secret realm is the safest. No matter what we do here, no one can peep. Even the Sage of Six Paths and Black Zetsu will not know about our free speech."

"Nidaime, I can tell you now that you have been tampered with by the Six Paths Sage of the future ninja world. I cannot release you from your filthy earth reincarnation and release you back to the Purple Mansion world until I am sure it is safe."

"Now, tell me about what you encountered and what you did in the future."

"And most importantly, detailed information about Konoha in 64 years."

Senju Tobirama nodded and said: "Okay, the time I arrived after traveling was the beginning of Konoha 64, and I happened to land in the Land of Fire..."

Senju Tobirama kept in mind his mission, which was to obtain as much detailed information as possible during this time period.

There are many ways to obtain information, but the best way is definitely not to inquire on your own, but to use existing intelligence systems.

As the second generation Hokage, Senju Tobirama's first thought was Konoha Village.

So he sneaked into Konoha Village and wandered around the Hokage's office, ANBU, Intelligence Department, Torture Department and other agencies involved in intelligence.

As a dead person, Senju Tobirama doesn't need to eat, drink or have sex.

He also knew Konoha Village very well, and he was not discovered by anyone from beginning to end, and quickly obtained a large amount of information.

But Senju Tobirama's success did not make him happy, but made him angry.

How could the Konoha Village in Konoha 64 be so bad?

It had been almost forty years since his death, and the key security measures such as the barrier of Konoha Village, the seal of the Hokage's office, and the secret sentry guards of the Intelligence Department had not changed.

No, it's not just that there has been no change, it's obviously the old-fashioned way, which has led to even greater flaws.

Damn it, obviously in his time and space of Konoha 47 years, these have changed greatly, and they have made great progress compared to when he died.

What exactly went wrong?

After a simple search, Senju Tobirama knew that it was the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

There was no such annoying Uchiha Yu in this time and space. As a result, Sarutobi Hiruzen lived well until the 48th year of Konoha before he retired and became the Fourth Hokage... Namikaze Minato?

Back then, Konoha Village was attacked, the Fourth Hokage... was killed, and the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki was also killed. So unlucky?

And then Hiruzen Sarutobi returns to the position of Hokage?

Orochimaru defected?

The Uchiha clan was wiped out...

Qianshou Feijian was speechless and his defense was broken.

His poker face suddenly turned into the face of a subway man, and he looked at the collected history with an expression of disbelief on his face.

When Uchiha Yu heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "The second generation, you finally know how bad the third generation is, right? You no longer have any doubts about me killing him, right?"

Senju Tobirama let out a long sigh: "I never expected that Sarutobi Hiruzen would be so greedy, and his control of power is outrageous."

"It's not as good as Danzo Shimura..."

Uchiha Yu immediately interrupted him: "Don't! Don't talk nonsense! If Danzo Shimura becomes Hokage, Konoha Village will definitely be destroyed."

Senju Tobirama smiled bitterly and said: "I know, I found out later, Danzo Shimura was even worse..."

"I am really a bad teacher. The students I teach are either useless or black sheep."

"How could my vision be so bad? The heir I chose from thousands of people turned out to be a greedy power monster..."

Before Uchiha Yuu could say anything, Miwa Masashi said in a daze: "Nidaime, you are wrong, nya. It has nothing to do with the students you teach, nya."

Senju Tobirama: "Huh?"

Miwa Masashi explained: "I have been told that power is the most terrifying thing in the world. It can corrode people's hearts, making those in power increasingly greedy and vicious, and eventually become beyond recognition and become monsters enslaved by power."

"Yu said it is almost impossible not to be corrupted by power, especially for an absolute dictator like the Hokage of Konoha Village."

"Either you are lucky enough and the Hokage you choose is a moral saint who is rare to see in a thousand years. Just like the first Hokage, he doesn't care about power at all."

"Either, don't let people serve as Hokage for too long, and replace the Hokage in 10 to 15 years. Just like you, the Second Hokage, replace him as soon as possible before he is corrupted beyond recognition by power."

After listening to Miwa Masayo's words, Senju Tobirama lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and then said with emotion: "So that's it, it's really a good idea."

"But in this way, the inheritance of Hokage will be separated from the inheritance of master and disciple."

Uchiha Yuu said with a smile: "That's right, it needs to be staggered, that is, the succession of Hokage cannot only occur in the so-called Hokage line."

"As it is now, whether you are qualified to become Hokage will be determined when you graduate at the age of 12. Such a selection range is too narrow."

"There are only a few disciples of the Hokage. If they are the only ones who can run for the Hokage, there will not be enough backup candidates, and accidents will easily happen."

"Forget it about accidents like the Uchiha Mirror. Accidents like the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato are the real fatal problems."

Senju Tobirama sighed: "Yes, Kagami's death disrupted all my plans, and in the future world, the death of Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage, is indeed a major problem."

Uchiha Yu clapped his hands and said: "Look, if you don't limit your candidates to the Hokage's disciples, why would the best choice be Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

"How could it happen that after Namikaze Minato died, Konoha Village couldn't even elect a fifth Hokage and had to hold its nose and accept the restoration of Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

Senju Tobirama felt that he was wronged, but his tone remained calm: "You can't blame me, it's all Sarutobi Hiruzen's fault!"

"It was because he failed to manage Konoha Village well, and it was also because he failed to restrain his selfishness and greed, which caused the decline of Konoha Village's elite."

Yuu Uchiha: "Shimura Danzo contributed a lot to the decline of Konoha Village, but the main reason was that Hiruzen Sarutobi failed to manage him well. And the main reason why Hiruzen Sarutobi became the third Hokage was because you chose him."

Senju Tobirama was even more speechless: "Sarutobi Hiruzen was the best choice at that time."

[I'm almost dead. I can only choose the least stupid one among the six idiots. I don't have time to train new people. 】

Uchiha Yuhehe: "Hehe."

Senju Tobirama: "I think you mean to give the Uchiha clan the opportunity to become Hokage?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said, "That's what it means."

"Hmph, Uchi is born evil...ah, Abba Abba..."

Under the half-smiling gazes of Yuu Uchiha and Masato Miwa, Senju Tobirama could not finish his mantra.

Senju Tobirama glanced at Uchiha Yuu sideways. The reason why he couldn't continue was because he, the Uchiha junior in front of him, had contributed too much to Konoha Village.

In order to save the Leaf Village, Uchiha Yu did not hesitate to kill the Third Hokage, but instead of taking the opportunity to cause trouble, he promoted the most suitable Orochimaru to the position of the Fourth Hokage.

Later, as the leader of the Uchiha clan, he assisted the Fourth Hokage in solving problems such as the Uchiha clan's monopoly on the security department and the alienation from the Leaf Village.

Now, as the strongest ninja in the world, Uchiha Yu quietly leaves the Leaf Village, does not interfere with the Fourth Hokage's management of the Leaf Village, and provides military support when needed.

This all proves his love for the Leaf Village and his selfless character.

He, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, must show the greatest respect to such an Uchiha ninja, at least he cannot say "Uchiha is born evil" in front of Uchiha Yuu.

This is so rude.

It's definitely not because he, Senju Tobirama, can't beat Yuu Uchiha.

It's even less likely that it's because his soul lives in someone else's territory and relies on someone else to get out of his state of death.

Absolutely not!

What Senju Tobirama didn't know was that all his mental activities were exposed.

He is a dead man, and the body he uses is the reincarnated body of dirty earth. Before the sacrifice is consumed, the body of dirty earth has unlimited recovery power and endless chakra.

However, the body of dirty earth is dead after all. Although it looks like a living person, when there is something wrong with the body, I cannot notice it.

Perhaps because of being "tortured" by the Immortal of Six Paths, Thousand Hands Tobirama now loses the shielding of the bioelectric field, and continues to emit brain waves, and the signal is extremely strong and clear.

In Miwa Masayo's perception, Thousand Hands Tobirama is like a large light bulb, shining brightly and conspicuously.

But in Uchiha Yuu's feelings, Senju Tobirama was chattering endlessly about what was in his heart. His whole person was as transparent as there was no secret at all.

Contrary to Senju Tobijian's poker face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, his inner activities are exceptionally rich.

Comparing the two, it is even more fun.

In order to prevent himself from laughing out loud, Uchiha Yu could only bite the flesh of his cheek with his molar teeth to prevent the corners of his mouth from rising.

Senju Tobirama swallowed back the mantra heartily, but still explained to himself: "You can't blame me."

"When I was alive, the Uchiha clan was in disgrace. There was no ninja like Uchiha Shisui who was worthy of being entrusted to the younger generation."

Uchiha Yu asked: "Isn't Uchiha Mirror in your shadow guard? He can't do it either?"

"Mirror?" Senju Tobirama replied: "Uchiha Mirror is excellent both as a ninja and as a disciple, but he is the first candidate I eliminated as Hokage."

"Oh why?"

Senju Tobirama: "Uchiha Mirror is too pure and upright, and cannot accept any darkness at all. But the Hokage's duty is to face danger and darkness, and sometimes even tolerate darkness. Only in this way can the danger be blocked in Konoha Village outside."

Uchiha Yu sighed: "In front of me is the abyss of darkness, and behind me is the prosperity of the prosperous age."

Senju Tobirama's eyes lit up: "Well said, this is the Hokage's duty."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen is a fool who turns his back on darkness and faces light, but he is much better than Uchiha Mirror who cannot accept darkness and does not even believe in the existence of darkness."

He sighed: "What's even worse is that this idiot Jing doesn't know how to protect himself at all. He is completely unsuspecting of his companions and can speak out his innermost thoughts and secrets calmly."

"How can I recommend a fool who can't even protect himself to be Hokage and leave the fate of Konoha Village in his hands?"

After hearing Senju Tobirama's words, Uchiha Yuu fell silent.

The Uchiha mirror he learned from the plot was completely consistent with the family rumors, so he didn't think carefully about whether the information he had was too one-sided.

Uchiha Kagami is indeed a good person, but he is a simple good person. A good person is not suitable to be Hokage, not even a clan leader.

Uchiha Yuu agreed with Senju Tobirama's judgment, just think about Uchiha Shisui.

If Shisui had not received Uchiha Yu's influence and dragon-slaying education since childhood, he would have naturally grown into the second Uchiha Kage.

Becoming that confused idiot, being deceived by the Third Hokage, being played around by Shimura Danzo, even being sneak attacked, eye-gouged, and hunted, he still considers the good people of Konoha Village wholeheartedly.

In the end, his kindness resulted in the complete annihilation of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, a good person really cannot be Hokage, unless he is the protagonist who was tricked by the Sage of Six Paths himself.

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "I didn't expect that Uchiha Kage could be such a simple and good person. You are right, Nidaime. Uchiha Kage is indeed not suitable to be Hokage. At most, he can be the captain of the ninja team."

Senju Tobirama: "The Uchiha mirror is not suitable, Koharu and Mito Kato are incompetent, Danzo Shimura is stubborn and unwise, Akimichi Kaifeng is simple and has no desires."

"I chose Sarutobi Hiruzen as Hokage because he was already the best solution."

Uchiha chuckled and said: "Haha, the reason is very legitimate, but this pot is still your second generation's goal."

"It's okay to choose Sarutobi Hiruzen as the third Hokage, but what about the subsequent checks and balances?"

"I actually don't care about Uchiha Mirror, or even whether Uchiha Shisui can become Hokage, but I care about whether the Uchiha clan is among the candidates for Hokage."

"When the third Hokage came to power, he started to create a family world and promoted the concept that 'only the Hokage can be a Hokage'."

"He was not satisfied with this, and then secretly changed the concept and defined the 'Hokage line' as his disciples and descendants of Sarutobi Hiruzen, excluding Shimura Danzo and others."

"If it weren't for his son not being able to take the stage, do you believe that the 'Hokage line' would further become the descendants of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Sannin of Konoha would not be among the candidates?"

Senju Tobirama couldn't refute, after all, Sarutobi Hiruzen even did something as outrageous as restoration. The first thing he did after restoration was to appoint his eldest son as ANBU minister.

If he hadn't died accidentally in the line of duty, he would probably have become the Fifth Hokage.

A Hokage who is not the strongest ninja in Konoha Village, or even a Kage-level ninja, is really ridiculous.

Uchiha Yu even speculated that the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen's eldest son was not simple. Perhaps it was a tacit arrangement by the ninjas of Konoha Village as a warning to the Third Hokage.

But after the death of his eldest son, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually refused to give up.

He continued to use his methods to bring his second son back from the City of Fire, and gave him and his girlfriend six ninja heirs as students to cultivate his wings.

The Third Hokage was the best at publicity. For his last son, he spared no effort to package Sarutobi Asuma as the strongest Jounin of Konoha.

For a while, Konoha ninjas believed that Asuma was stronger than Kakashi and Emperor Kai, like "the strongest Hokage in history".

And this kind of insistence may be the inducement for the "Konoha Collapse Plan" to start.

Since the third generation pretends not to understand everyone's warning, then everyone will send you to death.

When Senju Tobirama said this, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's all Sarutobi Hiruzen's fault."

Guoying cried with joy: Finally, it’s not all my fault anymore.

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