I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 348 A new semester

"Ha ha ha ha."

On a luxury yacht in the Pacific Ocean, two men wearing sunglasses were lying comfortably on the deck, sunbathing.

One of them was a man with a blond back. Under the sun, his explosively strong muscles showed an alloy-like sheen, and he was quite strong.

His muscular lines are sharp and angular, making people intimidating just by looking at him. Under his sunglasses are his iconic black eye whites and white pupils.

He is a member of the Wu clan and has foreign features. It is not difficult to guess that he is a member of the Zhengxi faction among the three branches of the Wu clan.

Moreover, this is a wanted criminal on the Interpol wanted list, with a very high reward, and he is also the sworn enemy of the Shinomiya family.

He is also the one with the most terrifying strength among all the Wu clan.

The leader of the Western Conquest Faction, Edward Wu.

He was laughing cheerfully at someone

"It's really embarrassing, Idemitsu."

"I heard that you have completely withdrawn your company from Neon. And haven't you always claimed that you are the number one entrepreneur in Neon?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

"Long talk, Edward."

Hearing the unabashed ridicule from the other side, the man he called Idemitsu had an even more ugly face than if he had eaten shit.

Although this guy doesn't have as many muscles as the big guy next to him, he is still a very strong man. He has two tattoos on the left and right of his chest.

"The boxing club that has existed for thousands of years has ceased to exist in name only. What can I do?

"Neon is basically dominated by that group of people. If I don't withdraw, will I wait for them to unite and beat me?"

Neon was originally made up of three major forces, vying for the throne, including the Boxing Club, the four major families headed by the Shinomiya family, and the Toyota family, which has been keeping a low profile in recent years and secretly transferred domestic assets overseas.

The person who was wantonly ridiculed was Toyota Group, who boasted that he was the number one neon entrepreneur, Toyota Idemitsu.

After the Boxing Club completely changed its appearance and changed its surname to Ishigami, the head of the Toyota family keenly sensed something was wrong and immediately sped up his escape.

When Daisuke Ishigami, acting president of the Boxing Club, announced the establishment of the Neon Economic Alliance, the Toyota family had already withdrawn from overseas.

"And you, Edward, aren't you also doing things in Europe too hotly?"

"Did you just run to the high seas to avoid pursuit?"

"If I hadn't put you on the boat, you might still be riding a whale right now."

"Tch, this is not an organization asking me to take a break."

Edward Wu curled his lips


A kind (and dangerous) smile appeared on his face.

"I'll take people to blow up that headquarters."

"Don't do anything unnecessary. I don't want to be spotted in this situation."

Idemitsu Toyoda had a troubled expression on his face, hindering Edward Wu's behavior.

"What are you going to do next?"

Edward Wu shook his head, he just mentioned it.

"Probably to America."

Toyota Idemitsu raised the corners of his mouth slightly

"I have already thought about it. I want to form an organization similar to the Boxing Club in America."

The organizational form of the Boxing Club must be unique if it can last for thousands of years, and the "operating model" of free America and bloody violence will be made more exciting, more popular, and more open by neon.

"The name is 'Purgatory'."

"I dug up one of the old man Katahara's "Meetang's Fangs"."

"How's it going? It's pretty good."

"Come help me, Edward."

The most important thing is that money is the real power in America, and money can override the rules.

"Sounds good."

Feeling a little bit of interest, Edward Wu took off his sunglasses and stared at Toyota Idemitsu beside him. His pale pupils looked quite penetrating.

"What about when Purgatory is complete?"

"Of course it's Zhaoquanhuihui. No, now we should ask the Neon Economic Complex to settle the accounts."

A murderous intent appeared on Toyoda Idemitsu's face, and he said murderously

"How dare you kick me out? I must make them look good."

This yacht on the other side of the ocean leads to the other side of the sea, Free America.

"Purgatory" is also beginning to take shape.

Ishigami Yu opened his eyes at the same moment, and the first thing he saw was something very close to him that looked a bit like a big black briquette.

He slapped it unceremoniously, and after a sudden meow, he remained indifferent.

"Are you a serious cat when you point your butt at your master?"

"Come down quickly, Torataro."

This big black meow is Torataro. What was once a small cotton ball has grown up to become a big cotton ball.

I don’t know how Xiaobo and Iino took it to travel next door.

Because Yu Ishigami was free recently, this cat was brought back from Kobo. Fortunately, the summer vacation has passed, and Torataro is still so close to Yu Ishigami.

"It's been a long time since I went to school."

Summer vacation has passed and now is the new semester.

It had been a long time since I had slept so tiredly. Ishigami Yu felt that all the cells in his body were sending sleepy instructions.

"You don't have to go to school, why did you get up so early?"

Ishigami Yu came to the sink, and Torataro followed him. His furry tail kept rubbing Ishigami Yu's ankles, and he was still making meowing sounds.

"Meow meow"

"I understand, I'll have breakfast for you later."


Ishigami Yu's cell phone vibrated, and he glanced at it from the corner of his eye with the toothbrush still in his mouth.

"It's the president."

"Everyone in the student union, please take care of me in the new semester! Let's work together!"

Shirogane Goyuki sent out greetings for the new semester in the Shuchiin Student Union group as usual.

"Ding, ding, ding,"

Soon, a few more were sent.

This time it’s Chika-senpai and Shinomiya-senpai

"New semester blah blah blah, yeah! ヽ(*≧ω≦)"

"I wish everyone in the new semester good health and academic progress."

Looking at the speeches of the seniors, a smile appeared on Yu Ishigami's face.

I also edited a greeting for the new semester and sent it out.

Yu Ishigami took the phone in his hand and walked out of the bathroom.

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen you all for a long time since the last fireworks display. This summer vacation has been really long, in every sense of the word.

Especially for Ishigami Yu, who could have imagined that he would drive a Gundam and ride in the sky during his summer vacation.

He also won the title of King of Boxing Wish.

But that is a title that belongs to the Minotaur warrior and has nothing to do with Ishigami Yu.

"The clothes are OK, the hair is OK."

"Look after the house, Torataro."

After finishing dressing, Ishigami Yu walked out.

"Let's go, new semester."

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