I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 347 The fireworks display will never end (Part 2) End

"Dong dong."

A servant knocked on the door and opened the door to the room.

The room was very quiet, even the lights were not turned on, and the night breeze blew the curtains with a huffing sound.

The housekeeper looked at the figure standing in front of the window with her back turned, and said in a respectful tone

"Miss Kaguya, dinner is ready."

After a long time, "Shinomiya Kaguya" answered with a cold tone.

"No, I'm watching the fireworks."


The housekeeper hesitated.

"Kaguya Shinomiya"'s tone became even colder

"Are you not even allowed to let me see it?"

At this point, the housekeeper sighed and no longer pressed her. She bowed and slowly exited the room.

"I see."

When she heard the room door being closed, the girl standing in front of the window still looked at the fireworks in the sky with her blue eyes, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

If someone looks at the scene outside the sky, they will find that this person is not Shinomiya Kaguya, but another person with the same hair style as Shinomiya Kaguya.

"The time when we can't see each other will accumulate love, and the love that continues to accumulate will simultaneously trigger both parties to move forward."

Hayasaka Ai grabbed the window sill's hand,

"The courage that is unleashed at this time can overcome any difficulty."

Speak slowly into the headset

"Be careful on the road, Miss Kaguya."

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was wearing a kimono and was running under the moonlight, smiled when she heard this.

"Yeah, I know."

After saying this, the signal from Kaguya Shinomiya was interrupted because it was too far away.

Because she herself slipped in from the back door of Shinomiya’s house, where Hayasaka Ai had slipped in before, and slid directly to the slide with the rappelling rope in her hand.

This point needs to be made clear. In fact, Kaguya Shinomiya's physical fitness was not inherited from her mother. She was so good that she couldn't say anything. The strength of her wrists alone can crush the president who does hard work during the holidays.

"Fireworks display?"

Hayasaka Ai looked at the fireworks that continued to burn and illuminate the sky. The gorgeous lights and fires were beautifully depicted with the sky as the curtain.

It is a pity that such a splendid scene can only be enjoyed by one person.

She stood in front of the window for a long time and opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she just sighed softly.

"Have fun tonight, Kaguya."

On the other side, Shinomiya Kaguya stood on her clogs and landed steadily from the air.

Not even two steps into the street, there was already a black S680 car waiting there.

When he saw Shinomiya Kaguya looking around, the car's engine started and the lights flashed twice in succession, signaling her to stop looking around and come over quickly and quietly.

Because this area is the territory of the Shinomiya family, it is better for the young lady who kidnapped their family to keep a low profile and wait until she came over, opened the car door, and got in.

"Fourth Palace"

President Shirogane sat on the passenger seat and took the lead in saying hello to Shinomiya.


Ishigami followed closely and said hello to Shinomiya Kaguya. After their group got off the helicopter and obtained the location of Shinomiya Kaguya, Ishigami Yu drove Shirogane in a car prepared by his men in advance. The president and senior Qianhua came here.

When seeing members of the student council whom she had not seen for a long time, Shinomiya Kaguya had inexplicably mixed emotions and was a little choked up.

For her, this summer vacation was inexplicably very long. After almost parting with everyone in the struggle with the insect organization, Shinomiya Kaguya felt even more emotional.

"Everyone, long time no see."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Kaguya-san."

A pink figure immediately rushed over with tears in her eyes, and she rubbed against Shinomiya Kaguya's body.

"I haven't seen you for a whole summer. I miss you so much."


Shinomiya Kaguya can’t stand the enthusiasm of Fujiwara Chika


"Okay, everyone is here."

Ishigami Yu looked at the information on his phone and called up the navigation.

"It's now 7:50 in the evening. I found out that the tour near Tianlin Temple in Genjing District, 40 kilometers away, has been postponed to today due to heavy rain a few days ago."

"The fireworks display there won't start until ten past eight."

"on a stone."

After President Shirogane received the message from Ishigami, he felt much more relaxed.

"Yes, President."

"That means we have a high probability of being able to catch this fireworks display."

"Great! Kaguya-san."

Excited Fujiwara Chika grabbed Shinomiya Kaguya's hand


Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Yu Ishigami with a trace of hesitation on his face.

Because she remembered Hayasaka's solemn tone in her mind, and she didn't know where to start.

"Miss Kaguya!"

"Absolutely, absolutely, you can't tell Mr. Ishigami about me. I ran out secretly."

At this time, Ishigami Yu said

"Everyone, fasten your seat belts, I'm about to start the car."

It takes 20 minutes to cover a distance of 40 kilometers, which is normal if it is on a high speed, but this is no less than a fantasy on urban roads.

[Switching operating mode, Comfort changes to Sport]

Watching the dashboard mode switch

So Yu Ishigami became serious. He looked back at his seniors and smiled with a kind smile.

"Seniors, I have to speed up."

This smile always feels like a premonition that something bad is going to happen, as if something big is going to happen.

Yu Ishigami's driving skills are the eighth most bizarre story in the city, the rear taillight that can never be seen.

"Well, it's okay for Ishigami to be slower..."

President Baiyin's tone was a little forced.

"No, President."

Ishigami Yu fastened his seat belt and said seriously

"Didn't you tell me, "Please, Ishigami, I must take Shinomiya to see the fireworks." "

"President, from the moment the commission is established, it cannot be changed."

Hearing Ishigami's words, Shinomiya Kaguya in the back row suddenly widened her eyes and a blush appeared on her face.

"President, he really said that."

"Ishigami you, me"

President Shirogane was a little embarrassed when Shinomiya Kaguya looked at him, and there was also a little bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Okay, let's start quickly."

"Then let's go!"

Ishigami Yu looked at the awkwardly shy pair, and stepped on the accelerator as he helplessly laughed.

The S680 uses the same V12-cylinder engine as Pagani's "Zonda". It can instantly explode and pump out 850 horsepower, and can accelerate from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers in 4.1 seconds.

Therefore, the three of them, who had never seen Ishigami Yu's violent driving, experienced the feeling of push on the back and centrifugal force.

Yu Ishigami's amazing reaction speed allows him to make extreme judgments. Coupled with Ellie's constant re-planning of the optimal route based on traffic flow, the accelerator pedal under his feet really never stops for a moment, and he drifts directly when cornering. Accelerate in a straight line.

The top speed soared to more than 260 kilometers per hour, compressing the 40-kilometer urban road limit to less than 11 minutes.

Until we reached the last 1.5 kilometers, we finally stopped driving. Because there are cars ahead, most people are waiting to go to the parking lot.

At this time, regardless of the invisible rear taillights or the horsepower, as long as it cannot reach the sky, it can only wait in line like the third aunt on the road in front of it.

Ishigami Yu looked at the endless red taillights and sighed.

"Seniors, please go down. There is still about a kilometer to go."

"It's faster than here anyway."

"how come."

We were almost at the fireworks display, Fujiwara Chika murmured.

"Ishigami, us."

"It's okay, President."

Yu Ishigami interrupted President Shirogane and looked at him.

"There may be more important things at this time."

Stand up like a man!

Looking at Ishigami Yu's eyes, President Shirogane finally realized what he should do.

"I see."

He unbuckled his seat belt, turned to look at the two girls behind him and said

"Shinomiya, Secretary Fujiwara, let's get out of the car."


Shinomiya Kaguya naturally followed her husband, and with full mobility, she dragged Fujiwara Chika away, who seemed reluctant to pack up with Ishigami Yu.

"Okay, Fujiwara-san, let's get off the bus. Don't let Ishigami-kun's kindness down."

"Yu-kun, the car will be parked later and you will come find us."

"Yeah, I understand, Senior Qianhua."

From the lowered car window, Ishigami Yu looked dumbfounded as Chika-senpai was crying miserably and was pulled away by Shinomiya-senpai.


Ishigami Yu saw Shinomiya-senpai pushing Chika-senpai forward with one hand, and with the other hand she took out an old-fashioned flip phone and put it behind her back to type blindly, as if she was sending a text message to someone.


Yu Ishigami took out his phone and took a look at it, and found that it was a new message from Shinomiya-senpai.

"For me?"

In other words, the person she blindly typed just now was Ishigami Yu. Is it necessary to hide it like this?

Ishigami sent out a message, and there were only a few words on it.

But Yu Ishigami's expression suddenly changed.

And coincidentally, there was a message from Hayasaka Ai

"Brother-in-law, I'm sorry, my sister spent the night at a friend's house today and won't go home."

"Don't miss me~"

Between these two corresponding text messages, which one is a lie and which one is the truth?

Yuu Ishigami doesn’t know

"Okay okay"

"You're playing this with me, right?"

After saying that, Ishigami Yu didn’t forget to send a thoughtful message to Hayasaka Ai.

"I know, have a good time with your friends."


Under the moonlight, Hayasaka Ai was sitting alone on a chair looking at the lonely night. She glanced at the text message sent by her younger brother Jun and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"That's good."

But what Hayasaka Ai didn't know was that Ishigami Yupo had started to shake people.

"Hey, I'm in XXX area."

"Send someone to prepare a Kawasaki H2R for me. Yes, the one called Land Aircraft. Just drive over."

"By the way, help me drive this S680 to the parking lot."

Without letting Ishigami wait for ten minutes, a black and white Kawasaki H2R motorcycle arrived. After getting off the motorcycle, Ishigami gave the key to the S680 to the person who responded, and he took the person's helmet.

Putting on his helmet, Ishigami Yu turned the accelerator and turned his head gracefully in the eyes of passers-by with surprise and envy.

"How dare you lie to me."

Ishigami Yu put down the helmet visor

"Next, it's time to teach that liar a lesson!"

Yu Ishigami turned the accelerator, and suddenly the huge roar of the motorcycle resounded throughout the street, and he flew away like an arrow from a string.

Even just twenty meters after starting, the entire front of the Kawasaki H2R was lifted due to the excessive power. Yu Ishigami pressed down on the front of the car with both hands and returned to the ground.

The tires make a squeaking sound against the ground


The high-pitched sound of the engine tore through the night sky, and this time even the rear taillights were invisible and disappeared into the night.

Passing vehicles only felt something swipe past beside them, and they couldn't even react. The random speed test points on the road are all maxed out, and the red alarms are constantly blaring.

"What the hell? 395!"

No one at the Road Police Department could believe that this was data detected by a machine.

"My dear, we drive 395 kilometers per hour on this kind of road!"

Why is this motorcycle called a land aircraft? It accelerates from 100 kilometers per hour to 100 kilometers per hour in 2.8 seconds, and only takes 26 seconds to reach the top speed of 400 kilometers per hour. It is really terrifying when you think about it.

This time it was even more brutal. It had taken him 11 minutes before. With a small vehicle that could freely shuttle through traffic, Ishigami spent 440 seconds (a little over six minutes) to complete the walk.

Ignore the traffic lights, because Ishigami Yu takes various straight lines instead of the main road.

Speaking of which, Yu Ishigami is really handsome in a black kimono and riding a motorcycle.

Finally, Ishigami Yu took off the accelerator and slowly stopped in a small alley. The exhaust pipe turned a bit hot orange. He turned off the engine and walked towards the Shinomiya Headquarters.

"Kaguya-san, Brother-kun and the others should be having a lot of fun now."

In the dim room, Hayasaka Ai curled up on the chair, bent her knees and hugged her legs, staring blankly at the lonely night sky.

The fireworks have ended, and the cold wind has brought a slight chill.

Hayasaka Ai shrank and sighed.

"It's really a bit lonely."

"It would be nice if I could be held by him at this time."

The more alone you are, the easier it is for your thoughts to wander, and you feel lonely and cold.

However, this is all Hayasaka's choice to love herself.

Feeling sleepy, Hayasaka Ai slowly closed her eyes and just listened for a while.

But suddenly Hayasaka Ai felt herself surrounded by a pair of gentle arms. This familiar and peaceful temperature unconsciously made her sink into it, and her little head was rubbed.

"Hey, if you want to sleep, don't sleep sitting on a chair. Your waist is not good to begin with."

The last time Hayasaka Ai's cyber class disintegrated, she had the sequelae of falling on her back.

A familiar voice came to her ears, causing Hayasaka Ai to suddenly wake up from her sleep.

"Am I dreaming? My brother should be at the fireworks display at this time."

Hayasaka Ai felt that she was getting up violently, and she reached out her hand to pinch the face of the person in front of her, but she extended her hand halfway and then continued to close her eyes and started to sleep as if nothing had happened.

But the trembling eyelashes, are they really asleep? It's obvious that the girl just doesn't know how to deal with it, so she tries to hide it.

"Okay, this is not the way to pretend to be confused."

Seeing her cowardly look, Ishigami Yu's anger was reduced by half, and he suddenly felt angry and funny. He gently hit the head of the girl in his arms with his forehead to tell her to stop pretending.

"Hey, exposed."

Seeing that she couldn't hide this, Hayasaka Ai had no choice but to open her eyes. However, she didn't dare to look at her younger brother Jun. She only dared to peek with her peripheral vision and whispered.

"How will you be here?"

"I also want to ask you, where are your friends, who did you agree to go out to play with?"

"The big liar, he even lied to me."

Speaking of which, Ishigami Yu felt angry again. It would be better if he didn't come. In this case, when he came in, he saw Hayasaka Ai, who was as lonely and lonely as a puppy abandoned by its owner.

If he doesn't come, will he have to stay here all night?

Hayasaka Ai, who was scolded by her brother-kun, suddenly felt guilty, and she was even more embarrassed to see him, so she simply lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

"Oh, I don't accept it."

Ishigami Yu sneered and came to the bed that belonged to Shinomiya-senpai. There was a soft mattress underneath and he was not afraid of Hayasaka Ai getting hurt.

"For you, I didn't even see the fireworks."

He threw the girl down, then skillfully covered her with the quilt so that only her head was exposed, then picked her up again and brought her to the window sill.

"Unless you watch the fireworks with me again."

"But isn't the fireworks display over?"

Hayasaka Ai just wanted to say why there is still a fireworks display if the fireworks display is over.

"Ah? It's over, who said that."

"Without my consent, the fireworks display will not end."

Ishigami Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number

"Hey, it's me, you can let me go."

As soon as the words fell, ten gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the dark night sky. They were blooming that could only be described as spreading. The moment they bloomed, the sky was lit up.

"It's not bad. These are ten large magatama worth five million yen."

"It is said to bring good luck to anyone who sees it."

Ishigami Yu hugged Hayasaka Ai and introduced the fireworks to her, but found that the little face looked at him instead of a person.

"Don't look at me, look at the fireworks."

Ishigami Yu spent a lot of money to buy this, but she didn't think it was a loss of blood.

Being valued by the one she loves, which girl can withstand this kind of test.

Even with the endless sound of fireworks in her ears, Hayasaka's heart was filled with a strange emotion, and she couldn't move her eyes away from the side of his face.

"What should I do, brother-kun?"

Two hands stretched out from the quilt and hugged his younger brother Jun's neck, and the quilt on his body slowly fell to the ground.

"I realized that I love you so much."

"You little fool, it sounds like I don't love you?"

Ishigami Yu looked at the girl close at hand and touched her head

"It's cold at night, so put it on quickly."

But Hayasaka Ai shook his head. He had been putting it off for so long, but there was still no result.

as said before

The time when we can't see each other will accumulate love, and the love that continues to accumulate will simultaneously trigger both parties to move forward.

Hayasaka Ai just wants her younger brother to feel her same passionate love and awareness.

she wants to go further

When the love heats up, it will happen naturally.

Feeling the girl's clumsy movements, Ishigami Yu grabbed her wrist.

"Idiot, you keep going like this."

"But it can't be over."

"And isn't this Shinomiya-senpai's room!"

Ishigami Yu always feels that something is wrong

But Ai Hayasaka, who was wearing Shinomiya Kaguya's kimono, couldn't care about that.

"All right."

"Wait, are you confident in helping me put on my kimono?"

Soon Yu Ishigami couldn't speak because his mouth was blocked by the pink belt.

"Idiot, don't say such disgraceful words."


On the other side, Chika Fujiwara, who was eating candy apples and fishing for goldfish with Kaguya Shinomiya, also temporarily forgot about someone.

The King of Fist Wish-Tauren Warrior (Volume 1) is over.

Continued from Volume 2: Soul of Omega

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