I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 337 They are all cold-blooded animals

"End of summer festival! Sounds great!"

As soon as Fujiwara Chika heard Ishigami Yu's words, she immediately stood up and reconciled, with a grin on her face.

"Let's go together! Let's go together!"

“Target shooting, marshmallows, and fireworks!”

Ishigami Yu noticed that every time Chika-senpai said a noun, the eyes of Shinomiya-senpai next to him lit up a little more!

Especially when she heard the fireworks, Shinomiya-senpai's eyes shone brightly, with a look of longing on her face.

"Miss, she is actually a fireworks lover."

Hayasaka Ai secretly said to Ishigami Yu

"She gets very excited when she hears the key word fireworks."

She helplessly looked at Kaguya Shinomiya, who was holding her reddish face with both hands, intoxicated in her own world, and whispered

"So, the eldest lady is definitely thinking about watching fireworks with the president."

"Go ahead, I'll go!"

"The whole student union will go together then!"

"Fourth Palace."

Shirogane Yuxing looked at the longing expression on Shinomiya's face, and there was really no way to tell them the news that he might not be available.

Because there are really a lot of things to do about "Music Notes", the schedule has been scheduled for half a year, but it is impossible for President Shirogane to not learn. He has been working as an assistant here, and he just wants to stand up for the last shift.

Just when President Shirogane was in trouble, Ishigami Yu saw the hesitant look on his face and suddenly thought of something. According to the itinerary, President Bai Yin should be in Canada during that time.

"Senior, it's okay. I'll ask Mr. Highlander to give you a holiday when the time comes."

Yu Ishigami sent a private text message to Chairman Shirogane

Obviously all you have to do is say something to me. Note Yuedong is a company founded by Ishigami Yu. It only takes one word to ask the interns to stop their internship.

"It's time for you to express your stance, President!!"

President Bai Yin looked at the new message that popped up on his phone, smiled and said

"Well, it's agreed that everyone in the student union will watch the fireworks together."

"The summer festival is on August 24th. I will go back to Neon before that day to free up this whole day."

"Then I'll clear that day up too!"

Hearing what President Shirogane said, Shinomiya Kaguya was as excited as a rocket, and the smile on her face never stopped for a moment.

"That's right, I'm OK too."

Yu Ishigami raised his hand in agreement and turned to look at Chika Fujiwara, who had started to sweat inexplicably.

"Where's Senpai Chika?"

"Why haven't you spoken since just now?"

When I heard my name being called,

Every time Yu Ishigami said a word, Chika Fujiwara, who was so uneasy that her body was shaking, became a little more panicked, her face turned pale, and she bit her lip for a long time without saying anything.

The sweat on my head is even more unstoppable.

Seeing the guilty look on Senior Chika's face, Yu Ishigami couldn't help but want to scare her. After all, he hadn't seen her for a long time.

"No way, no way, no one will be unavailable that day."

"Haha, how could it be?"

Chika Fujiwara smiled awkwardly

"I hate it, Yuu-kun."

But when the eyes of Kaguya-classmate and President Shirogane fell on Fujiwara Chika, they originally wanted to tell lies with their eyes open, but finally gave up.

"Sorry, everyone."

"I seem to have something to do that day. According to the schedule, I should attend the Tomato Festival in Spain."

Yu Ishigami himself is fine, but judging from the performance of Chairman Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya, they definitely have a mental breakdown.

"Fuck you, you bastard!"

While President Bai Yin remained calm, the pen in his hand had been broken into two sections.

"How good are you at traveling! I obviously flew back from abroad, why can't you do it!"

"Oops! My heart is broken."

Because Fujiwara Chika is unpredictable, Shinomiya Kaguya does not have any expectations for the round when she is present.

But because the pancake painted by Fujiwara Chika was so delicious, Shinomiya Kaguya was accidentally brought into it. When the pancake could not be realized, Shinomiya Kaguya collapsed. She looked like she didn't dare to grow her mouth. believe.

"Then why did you talk so much before?"

Chika Fujiwara's self-destruction made President Shirogane and Shinomiya Kaguya fall apart as if they had been hit by a train.

"Are you really going?"


Although Shinomiya Kaguya's tone was a little forced and very small, it was no less than a bolt from the blue to Fujiwara Chika.

He had a sad face and round tears rolling in his eyes.

"Are you three really going to leave me and go overboard to attend the Summer Festival?"

"Then let's meet there at seven o'clock that evening."

But being accustomed to Chika Fujiwara's actions, President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya ignored her tears and discussed as if nothing had happened.

"Yeah, that's true."

That is to say, it was in the face of the common "enemy" Fujiwara Chika that President Shirogane and Shinomiya Kaguya shared the same hatred.

"How come? President, Kaguya-san."

Chika Fujiwara, who did not expect to be "betrayed", had her mouth so big that it was about to split from the middle.

"Senior Chika, you can go to the Tomato Festival next year, but if everyone from the student council goes out to participate in the Summer Festival together, this might be just a chance."

Ishigami Yu told Fujiwara Chika very pertinently.

"Although I'm still a freshman, next year I'll be a sophomore as well."

"So next year the seniors will be in the third grade, and they will be reviewing for the exam next year. There will be no time to have fun like this summer."

"Maybe this is the only year I can have fun with my seniors."


But unexpectedly, Yu Ishigami's behavior made Chika Fujiwara cry.

She was already feeling aggrieved, but she was educated by her junior disciples, and the truth of the matter was revealed to be her own ignorance, not the cold-bloodedness of President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya.

Also, Chika Fujiwara felt quite sad when she thought that she would be separated from everyone in the student union in the future.

"Yu-kun, you idiot!!"

After saying this, the video of Chika Fujiwara, who was crying, went black.

This time it was Ishigami Yu's turn to be stunned, feeling the long-lost feeling of screwing up, and feeling inexplicably in his heart.

Is it because I have been with a bunch of big men recently that my persuasive ability has become weaker?

"I'm sorry, I made Qianhua-senpai cry."

"No, what you said today is to the point. It hits the nail on the head."

In the picture of President Shirogane, he is giving a thumbs up to Ishigami Yu

If he hadn't been far away in France, Chairman Shirogane would have put his hand on Yu Ishigami's shoulder at this moment.

"That's what it should be said."

"I think so too, Ishigami-kun."

So now only Shinomiya-senpai's hand is placed on Ishigami Yu's back.

"President, Senior Sister Shinomiya."

The comfort of the two people made Ishigami Yu feel much better.

But surprisingly

"Hey, hey, hey, you guys are going too far! Woohoo, I'm still here."

Although the screen on Fujiwara Chika's side was black, the small green microphone was still flashing, picking up the tragic voice of the protagonist there in detail and sharing it with the other three people present.

The smiles on everyone's faces stagnated

It turned out that this guy just turned off the portrait, and he didn't leave. He was still in the conference room.

"Pfft, didn't you run away?"

President Bai Yin blurted out in surprise.

"How is it possible that Yujun didn't say the end of today's meeting?"

Chika Fujiwara was sobbing when she spoke, very sad.

"The president is a cold-blooded animal, and so is Kaguya-san. All of you are cold-blooded animals."

"For people like you, we should have been together sooner! Woohoo."

Chika Fujiwara is offline.

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