I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 336 Summer Festival is the correct look of summer

There are two members of the student union on the computer screen. They are no longer in Neon and are abroad. Only the Internet can bring these people thousands of kilometers apart to meet again.

After such a long time, everyone talked again in a hurry, and then gradually got to the topic.

"Then the first online meeting of the Shuchiin Student Union begins now!"

Yu Ishigami took the microphone and asked

"The summer vacation is already halfway through. Are you satisfied with your summer vacation life now?"

"In that case, let me start first."

Ishigami Yu said

"I'm quite satisfied with the development so far during the summer vacation. I've made many different friends, made a lot of new toys, and won at least two competitive games."

"And because my father is so ambitious, I, the second son of the Ishigami family, am almost as valuable as Senior Sister Shinomiya."

"What the hell happened at Ishigami's house."

Hearing Ishigami Yu's speech, President Shirogane's eyes widened. To him, the Ishigami family is rich, and the Shinomiya family is super rich.

There is a big difference between being rich and being super rich, especially since President Shirogane is currently participating in an internship where he is dealing with all kinds of rich people.

The more he understood, the deeper he understood, and President Shirogane realized that rich people are also divided into three, six, and nine classes, and that crossing classes is almost as difficult as it is for ordinary people to become rich.

The Shinomiya family, where Shinomiya is, is undoubtedly the top, super-first-class family, the top of the food chain, while the Ishigami family is firmly in the second tier, with two bottomless gaps between the first-class and super-class families.

So what happened can jump two levels at once and achieve a class leap.

Facing the president's shocked gaze, Ishigami Yu didn't explain too much. It was far more difficult to keep a family than to start a business. Ishigami Yu was already preparing a private army belonging to the Neon United Economy. He served as the chief instructor and Yamashitao served as the adjutant.

"Then I'll be next, hehe."

In the picture, Fujiwara Chika, wearing a swimsuit and showing off the strength and status of her main battle tank in front of Shinomiya Kaguya's millet and rifle, took a large sip of coconut juice with a satisfied look on her face.

"My family and I have been vacationing in Hawaii. The summer here is much more comfortable than in Neon. The sky is also very blue and it is really comfortable to be in the sea."

"It's just that the sun is a little bit intense, so I need the best protection. Overall, I had a great time during the summer vacation."

"Wow, I always feel so angry coming out of this person's mouth."

The thought of being busy until late at night while this man was spending his days cheerfully made President Shirogane inexplicably full of hatred for the rich.

"Evil capitalism!"

But after just a little bit of complaining, President Shirogane recovered in an instant, and he coughed seriously.

"My summer life is still mainly about working, but it's different from before. My job is not in a izakaya or moving water."

"Thanks to Ishigami's help, I am now a trainee assistant to the CEO of a company. I am currently on a business trip in France and have learned a lot of things and management experience."

It was really busy, and the transportation for work was completely upgraded from bicycles to airplanes, flying from one country to another to discuss regional agent issues.

"The president is so awesome. He can actually be the secretary to the CEO of a company or something."

"No, my job is very simple."

President Shirogane raised his head and said to Chika Fujiwara calmly.

"Even if Secretary Fujiwara is left to handle it, it will be done well."

This was a lie. Chika Fujiwara's compliment made President Shirogane happy. It was obvious that he was quite useful.

Of course, it would be better if Shinomiya could also look at him with admiration.

How about it, Shinomiya, I’m pretty awesome.

As a newly hired assistant, I have not made any mistakes so far.

But when he glanced at Shinomiya next to Ishigami, President Shirogane's hard-earned pride was instantly shattered.

Because to President Shirogane's surprise, Shinomiya seemed to have no intention of praising him at all.

Instead, he was thinking about something with his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes were cold, revealing a kind of CEO temperament that President Shirogane had only experienced from his boss.

"That's right, hehehe, Shinomiya has so many companies in his family, how can he look at my little assistant with admiration?"

Shinomiya Kaguya crossed her arms and leaned on the sofa, thinking about the president.

So that's the case, no wonder there has been no news about the president recently, and he suddenly turned into a company assistant.

Ishigami-kun, are you paving the way for the president?

Shinomiya Kaguya immediately saw that her younger brother's idea was to let President Shirogane accumulate experience in business operations.

In this case, why not hand over the two companies under me to the president?

She was still thinking about the feasibility, but then she noticed that everyone was focusing on her and realized that it was her turn.

"In my case, because of a slight change in my concept, I also began to take over part of the family business."

Shinomiya Kaguya said in a relaxed tone, like it was a trivial matter.

"Generally speaking, it went smoothly. I completely defeated the competitors who stood in front of my company within a month, and the opponent's company also became mine."

"Hey! Kaguya-chan, that means you have become the CEO!"

"It's really an exaggeration, Fujiwara-san. They are two small companies with no more than 5,000 employees. They cannot afford to be a CEO."

"5,000 people!"

"No, no, Kaguya-san."

"Isn't this awesome!"

Chika Fujiwara watched as her best friend quietly turned into a superior CEO, this change of status.

This idiot, who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, also felt a sense of crisis.

Should I also go to a company for an internship? . .

"Damn it! What a complete defeat."

President Shirogane's face was full of reluctance. While he was still proud of being his assistant, Shinomiya had already become the president of two clubs!

How can this gap be bridged?

For a moment, it was clear that he was sharing whether he had enjoyed the first half of the summer vacation, but because of the unconscious Versailles of a wealthy lady, he became extremely depressed.

I feel like I wasted my time during the first half of the summer vacation.

"Okay, everyone."

"Don't make comparisons in strange places. We mainly talk about whether we enjoyed the first half of the summer vacation."

Before the direction of the meeting gradually changed, Ishigami Yu spoke directly and wanted to turn the front of the car back.

"If you are unhappy, you can still have a chance to make up for it in the second half of the summer."

"Our summer vacation shouldn't be just about work, right?"

"There are still festivals and fireworks!"

"Let's go to the end-of-summer festival together, with everyone in the student council."

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