I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 323 People sitting on the powder keg

Under the scarlet sunset, the rich aura of death summoned countless crows to hover in the sky. They couldn't wait to swoop down to greedily enjoy this gluttonous feast.

"How many have you killed?"

The two people talking were men in suits. The white suits on their bodies had already changed from white to dull reddish brown.

The "Guardians" are all elites under Hayami Katsumasa, and their strength is generally at the level of a second-tier fighter. Ordinary people are no different from weak babies in front of them.

They were so good at killing people that it was quite normal for them to wander among the ruins and chat like they were taking a walk.

The boss didn’t say what time work would end.

"Not many, just a few dozen."

"You bastard, did you see the beautiful woman unable to walk again?"

A, who understands B's character, has similar strength. A himself has killed nearly 150 people, so B is definitely taking advantage of the situation.

"Guardian" A immediately joked

"Hahaha, you better understand me. I found a movie star in the private room who just won some award."

"Guardian" B made various moves towards "Guardian" A as if to show off, trying to describe the experience he had just enjoyed as much as possible.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that taste."

Still not satisfied

"Guardian" A bumped "Guardian" B with his arm and said in an envious tone

"Sooner or later you will be folded here."

"Oh, it would be a punishment from God if you don't enjoy it when it is delivered to your door."

"Hold it for me"

"Guardian" B checked his pants and handed the big knife still stained with blood to "Guardian" A.


He pointed to a big raised rock over there and said

"I'm going to go there to relieve myself. How about we compete to see who has the most kills later?"

"Guardian" A took the knife and asked with interest.

"Where's the bet?"

"You can't wait until you have no profit, you kid."

"Guardian" B hit "Guardian" with his fist and laughed and cursed

"Brother, I'll catch the good ones later. How about I let you do it first?"

"How about it? It's fun. I don't mind being the second one, so I'll use what you've used before."

"Who cares?"

"Guardian" A said this, but his next sentence clearly agreed with this rather sideways gameplay. Although B's character is not very good, we cannot doubt his taste.

"Then it's settled."

"Guardian" B rolled his eyes at this guy who clearly wanted to build a memorial arch but turned around and walked behind the big stone to go to the toilet.

"By the way, do you think there are any fighters from the Fist Wish Club alive under our feet?"

"Guardian" B shivered when the cold wind blew, and he couldn't help but feel a little creepy thinking that there were at least tens of thousands of people buried under his feet.

"Of course, if such a big building collapses, there will naturally be a lot of space underneath."

"Guardian" A replied

"But when the master's plan is finally implemented, no matter how strong this group of combatants is, they will not be able to overturn the world."

"And don't talk so much and go to the toilet quickly."

When he mentioned it like this, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body when he thought about how furious they would be if the group of people blocked below ran out and saw the numerous crimes committed by these "guards".

But when I thought about the giant screen weighing tens of tons, which was blown up by these people and fell down, hitting the center of the Boxing Club and the audience seats, plus the overall mass of the Boxing Club itself was filled with hundreds of tons of garbage. Who the hell can climb out from up there?

Thinking of this, "Guardian" A felt relieved.

But after waiting for a while, the bastard still didn't come out, so he walked over slowly, a little impatiently.

"You don't want to be small, why haven't you healed yet?"

He thought with malice that he might have used that thing too much and that he would be in need of urination. But when he got there, he found that his good partner had disappeared without knowing it.


The playful expression on his face turned serious, and he immediately took out a big knife to alert the surroundings.

But before he could react, a strong hand emerged from the ground and grabbed his leg, pulling him down hard and driving him into the ground with his body.


The second before Guardian "A" lost consciousness, he only saw a pair of red lights flashing towards him in the darkness.

A big living person evaporated from the world.

It was still this ruin, but no one thought that this land had swallowed up two powerful "guardians".

After sensing that there was no other living creature other than him two hundred meters outside, the culprit finally emerged from the ground.

The huge body jumped up as nimbly as plucking onions on dry land. He was dressed in tatters like a beggar, but his scarlet eyes were enough to make anyone who stared at him feel chilled in their hearts. A pair of ruthless iron hands were stained with the blood of the two unlucky men just now, flowing continuously onto the gray ground.


This gray-headed guy was none other than Ishigami Yu. He climbed straight up from the underground ruins buried two hundred meters deep with his bare hands, and even easily defeated two enemies.

Ishigami Yu squinted his eyes at the setting sun, which was like blood. Since my eyes have adapted to the darkness after staying underground for a long time, the sunset is a bit dazzling.

"The situation is far worse than imagined."

As far as he could see, the entire majestic Boxing Club Hall No. 2 and the under-repair Hall No. 1 in his impression had been turned into various ruins stretching for hundreds of meters.

The resort in the distance was also burning with fire in the sunset, looking like it was in ruins.

The mastermind behind the scenes wanted to destroy everything on the island. Ishigami Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this scene. The once elegant and beautiful "Yanliu Island" has turned into scorched earth, and he hates these culprits even more in his heart. . The number of enemy firepower is unknown, and they may have sneaked into "Wishliu Island" before the boxing match.

"Ellie, how long until my equipment arrives."

High-density special alloy armor and ship-cutting knife are his most powerful weapons against this group of thugs, and are the necessary force to annihilate evil.

"Master, MK-II has entered the high seas and is expected to arrive in ten minutes."

Ali's voice came from the watch. At this moment, you can see from the satellite cloud image that there is a black shadow flying at an ultra-low altitude above the rough sea level at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The jet of flames cut a slit into the sea water, like a cloud-piercing arrow whizzing from a distance.

Speed ​​450 kilometers per hour

Why did Yu Ishigami climb out of the ground with his bare hands but the things that were supposed to come have not yet come? That's because Yu Ishigami's equipment was ejected from Tokyo Bay and traveled across the ocean to find him.

So it's very slow

"It's too slow. Speed ​​it up a little bit."

As one of the designers of this small aircraft, Yu Ishigami knew that this thing could be driven faster and more violently if the secondary life of the small aircraft was not considered.

"Follow your will, Master."

Ali immediately modified the program from the background

"Countdown to three seconds, three, two, one, enter violent mode!"

As Ali counted down, the red flames ejected from the tail end of the aircraft thousands of miles away became thicker, and in the end, it changed from red to the color of day.

The fuselage was shaking violently and looked like it was about to fall apart, but the speed was indeed a notch faster, full-speed violent mode.

"Estimated arrival in three minutes!"

"Well enough."

After saving seven minutes, Ishigami nodded. He sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes to rest. Instead, he set out to contact his own camp, which was established on the slopes of the volcano.

"Hey, it's me."


Yu Ishigami heard the voice of the message from the communication and immediately judged that it was the blaster of his team.

"It's me, boss. It's great that you're okay, boss."

Willy lifted his glasses and wiped his tears.

"Willy, you're exaggerating."

Hearing the sobs coming from the other end, Ishigami Yu smiled helplessly. When I took the psychological test, I knew that this guy was a very emotional and thoughtful man. It’s normal to be so happy that you cry when you hear your boss is safe.

"Boss, I'm so happy."

"I understand, thank you for your concern, Willy."

Yu Ishigami asked

"Tangyuan, are they back?"

Tangyuan is a code name, which means that Hayasaka loves the three of them.

Willy calmed down the expression on his face and said seriously

"Mr. Rem has entered Linhai with glutinous rice balls. Uzi, Mao and others have all gone down the mountain to meet them."

"We should be going up the mountain soon."

"That's good."

Hearing the good news from Willy, Ishigami Yu was obviously relieved.

Don't underestimate the comprehensive combat qualities of decades-old veterans. Uncle Rem can play a huge role on the battlefield. It is really condescending to use him to lead Xiao Ai and the others to retreat.

Also, the confidentiality of the area where Hayasaka Ai and the others are located is quite high, otherwise Hayami Katsumasa's people would have come to the door a long time ago and held them hostage, allowing Ishigami Yu to identify him as the president of the Boxing Club in the end. Katsumasa Hayami shouldn't do too many such disgusting things.

"Give me a signal when you meet Tangyuan later."

"Willy, I have another question."

Willie was an expert when it came to bombs.

"If a bomb with enough yield can wake up a volcano from sleeping to waking up?"

The two unknown "guardians" talked about how if the adults' plan succeeds, all the truth will be buried.

The only way to do this is to completely dismantle the island, sink it to the bottom of the sea, or bomb it with bombs, but it's not that simple.

Judging from what exists on the island itself, the problem should lie in the volcano.

Volcanoes are extremely destructive things and are often compared to the wrath of nature, symbolizing ultimate destruction.

There is a volcano on Ganliu Island, which is a dormant volcano. It is said that the last eruption was during the Edo period (about 400 to 300 years ago.).

If the volcano on the island erupts, the high-temperature magma can indeed destroy the entire Yuanliu Island, and all crimes will be covered by the hot magma.

In the more than an hour of massacre on the island, no matter whether they were people or anything else, everything was destroyed.

Including the people who were pressed underground by the Boxing Club. The worst thing they could do was not only be buried and crushed, without water or food, but in the end they would be roasted by magma and turned into fossils and the like.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it the darkest day for the collapse of the Boxing Club. So Ishigami asks Willy if it's possible for a bomb to wake up a sleeping, dormant volcano.

"Using bombs to catalyze volcanic eruptions?"

Willy repeated the boss's question and pushed up his glasses.

When it came to bombs, he was an absolute expert.

There is no better blaster than Willy. Whether it is directional blasting or directional blasting, he is good at it.

Willy pondered for a moment and replied

"Theoretically, this depends on the geological survey map of the volcano. It is a bit difficult but not impossible." As a bomb expert who has served in the US military for nearly ten years, he always speaks with facts. At the same time, don’t speak too harshly, leaving room for leaders to interrupt.

To find the geological survey map of Yuanliu Island, you only need to log in as a member on the Quan Yuan Club website and then query.

It’s not that difficult to get it

In order to detonate a volcano and make it erupt in anger, a nuclear bomb with a considerable yield cannot be achieved.

For example, the Yellowstone super volcano in the United States, unless it erupts actively, would be impossible to wake up even one of the volcanoes if all the nuclear warheads in the warehouse in the United States were detonated in Yellowstone Park.

But if you want the magma in the volcano to flow out, you only need to blow a hole out of the mountain structure. In other words, a hole is opened at the foot of the volcano to allow the magma inside to flow out continuously.

This must be what Katsumasa Hayami thought, covering the entire island with magma to kill Yu Ishigami and others, and pushing all the evidence to the volcano for destruction.

Although these are just Ishigami Yu's speculations, I am afraid of the possibility.

"Willy, tell Tangyuan and the others not to go up the mountain and repair them on the spot in the forest."

"And you can help me investigate and use your bomb knowledge to find where the bomb may be buried."

Yu Ishigami has asked Alli to send the geological survey map of this volcano, hoping that Willy will go and explore it.

to see if there were any bombs at the sites where he thought they could destroy the volcano. This can prove whether Hayami Katsumasa has this intention.

"Willy, please."

Allowing Willy to explore alone reduces the amount of activity and risk of exposure.

The camp was originally chosen as the camp site halfway up the volcano. It was a vast area with few people. No, there were no people at all. But now I found out that this old guy is very cruel. In other words, Yu Ishigami and the others finally built the base. Don’t be afraid. It is located on top of a powder keg that is about to be ignited.

If they return to the "safe" base and the enemy presses the detonation button, they will be in trouble and will definitely be affected.

"Remember Willie, your mission is only to detect, not to dismantle."

Ishigami Yu warned him

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