I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 322 The nightmare of waking up underground

"Everyone, it's time to kill."

Hayami Katsumasa, who was holding champagne, looked at the hundreds of "guardians" in white suits and holding various weapons in front of him, and the corner of his grinning mouth showed a rather ruthless arc.

Hayami Katsumasa's face was filled with ferociousness

You are unkind, don’t blame me for being unjust!

Because the strength of the fighters participating in this boxing competition was too terrifying, it directly cut off the possibility of him ascending to the throne through gentle "coup" means, and he had gone completely crazy in despair.

Especially that "Tauren Warrior", the strength shown by that guy made Katsumasa Hayami feel that his entire private army of "Guardians" might not be able to win steadily.

Not crazy, not live.

Hayami Katsumasa, who was forced into a desperate situation, said that since I can't be the president of the Kenkai, then you can't even think about it.

Obviously, sitting on the huge economic strength of "Tokyo Electric Power", which ranks second in the boxing club, and the overall size of the armed force "Guardians" that is no different from the regular army, Hayami Katsumasa has the capital to overturn the table.

"Hmph, if it explodes like this, you will die if you don't die."

Hayami Katsumasa looked at the Kengan Kaikai Hall, whose entire structure had completely collapsed into a pile of ruins, and showed a proud smile.

"The "Tauren Warrior", the "Fang of Destruction", the "Magic Spear", it's all bullshit."

With just a few moves, Hayami Katsumasa was able to crush every single one of these "strongest" fighters into ruins weighing hundreds of tons.

Of course, Hayami Katsumasa also had regrets, that is, he could not see the despair on his face when his mortal enemy, the old guy "Katara Mitou" was defeated by him.

No matter what, Hayami Katsu was pouring the wine in the glass on the ground.

"Katahara Mitou, just go."

He had an expression on his face that looked like a weasel that had stolen a chicken, and he was quite happy.

Smiling from ear to ear

"Hahaha, I am the future of the Boxing Club, don't worry."

Hayami Katsu turned to face the "Guardians" behind him and ordered

"Leave no one alive on the island, kill them all!"

"Don't let a fly go."

The terrifyingly powerful fighters are all inside the Boxing Club. The only people outside are the staff and some dignitaries who don't like the crowded environment in the Boxing Club.

In terms of security strength, their group of country chickens and dogs are really not powerful enough to kill Hayami Katsumasa's elite "guards".

This is the final finishing touch

Hayami Katsumasa, who still had a trace of sanity left, also knew to cut off communications with the outside world in advance and kill all witnesses on the island.

Afterwards, all Hayami Katsumasa had to do was fake his death, and the only option was to add one more person's name to the list of victims. He would change his identity and escape, and then he would directly integrate the leaderless Fist Club as a whole. Then he would be the next president of the Fist Club. Hayami Katsumasa!

Due to this sudden change, the entire Yuanliu Island has turned into a mess.

Alarms, cries, shouts, and painful moans all mixed together.

I wanted to contact the outside world to request support, but all communications were cut off.

The Boxing Club Hall, which was brightly lit one second, was shrouded in huge flames the next second and turned into a complete ruin.

"Enemy attack?"

Uzi, who was eating instant noodles, heard the sound and ran out immediately, with instant noodles still in his mouth.

"Well, this is really quite remarkable."

The person holding the military high-power telescope is Willy. He is dark-skinned and wearing glasses. He is the team's "Eight Eggs" (bomb) consultant. In short, he is the "Demoman". He murmured

"It's a big deal. It looks like it was blown up with explosives made of "Otokkin"."

This substance is more powerful than TNT, but is expensive (the cost of the same quality is 15 to 20 times more expensive than TNT). It is usually used in ballistic missile warheads and nuclear weapon detonators that attack high-value buildings or fortifications.

"Big dog" Katsumasa Hayami not only obtained this kind of military explosives, he also used a large amount of them. He was really wealthy.

This safe and stable high explosive explodes with such force that the earth trembles violently.

It is absolutely impossible for a small force to destroy the settlement by boiling explosives using the earth-moving method. After all, ordinary earthquakes will not cause the Boxing Club Hall to look like it blew up.

Willy reflected and said to Uzi with a serious face.

"War, war has begun!"

"Hurry and prepare your weapons for war!"

"Be prepared to cover Mr. Rem and the others."

Located on the slopes of the only volcano on Genryu Island, there is a simple but pleasantly arranged small camp.

This place is the safe house that Ishigami Yu asked his private army member Uncle Rem and others to build.

Far away from the crowd and remote enough, the location chosen by the anti-reconnaissance experts was quite hidden, but the resort built for the purpose of hosting the Fighting Fighting Tournament was clearly visible.

It combines functionality, concealment and safety. Most people will not find them as long as they don't come up.

"Ah, trouble. The boss guessed it, and those people will make big moves."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Rem took out several parts from his suitcase and assembled the assault rifle in less than a minute. The bullets were loaded with a crisp "click".

"Ladies, the outing is over."

You can see the huge smoke outside without even looking, and the place where the violent explosion occurred is in the direction of the Boxing Club Hall.

Something happened, and it was something big.

Emergency plan activated

As the gun was loaded, Rem's cold aura of a professional soldier was revealed. He said to Hayasaka Ai, Ji Piti, and Garuda.

As for Ryo Himuro who was seriously injured, Mokichi Robinson and his sister Elena were sent off the island to Neon Mainland yesterday for further treatment.

"I'll give you ten minutes to prepare. We have to break out of the resort and join our people outside before sunset."

"Miss Aige, please take cover and shoot when the time comes."

Aige nodded, hugged the heavy sniper rifle tightly and agreed.

The best place in the surrounding commanding heights is naturally the hotel, but since the enemy has appeared, it cannot be ruled out that the hotel has been controlled by the enemy.

They could only settle for the next best thing. Ai Ge needed to constantly shuttle between tall buildings to adjust the sniper position and provide fire support while Rem and the others were moving.

The high-explosion nail gun made it possible for Ai Ge to maneuver flexibly while carrying the 32-pound Barrett anti-material sniper rifle.

The white-haired mouthless loli sniper and Rem are partners this time. Their purpose is to send these three people to a safe place in case of any accident.

Ishigami Yu's parents are protected by Setsuna Kiryu, don't worry, "Guardians"? Under normal conditions, he can use his Rakshasa Palm with all his strength to kill dozens of people in an instant.

If "Kishin" is turned on, Setsuna Kiryu has the power to scare Ishigami Yuto.

Because the first round of the competition was quite brutal, and most of the powerful fighters were seriously injured, there was no way to kill them all in one fell swoop than to attack the Boxing Hall.

For safety reasons, as early as the end of the first round of the match, Ishigami Yu had not allowed the three of them to enter the boxing hall and let them watch the live broadcast of the match in a villa in the suburbs.

Except for not being able to see their younger brother Jun during the day and having to order takeout for the rest, the three sisters were living a pretty good life.

It is also said that preparation actually means asking them to bring a small amount of personal belongings, wear bulletproof vests, and prepare small weapons such as grenades and pistols. I've rehearsed it beforehand, so I don't have to panic.

This Hayasaka Ai has experience. She replaced Miss Kaguya and became the target of an attack by a terrorist organization in "The Night Tokyo Sinked".

That night she pulled the trigger for the first time, killed someone for the first time, and had a brush with death for the first time.

"There should be a problem at the Boxing Club. Let's move quickly so as not to cause trouble to Uncle Rem and Miss Aige."

After hearing Uncle Rem's arrangement, Hayasaka Ai took the hands of Ji Wanmei and Garuda and walked into the room.

"What's wrong."

When Hayasaka Ai was tidying up her things, she suddenly saw Ji Wanmei and Garuda looking at her strangely, and asked with some confusion.

"Ai-chan, aren't you worried about Mr. Wei Mingyu?"

Ji Weili hesitated and asked, after all, there was someone at the Boxing Club that the two girls next to her missed.

If Ai-chan hadn't grabbed Garuda-chan just now, she would have rushed to the scene of the incident due to her impatience.

"Mo, pity-chan."

Hearing this question, Hayasaka Ai laughed.

Don't think of me as that heartless woman

"Is the reason why he is a "tauren warrior" enough?"

My younger brother is a "Tauren Warrior", and his strength is so terrifying that Hayasaka doesn't need to worry at all.

"I don't think it's possible if we can deal with him so easily by relying on trivial means that can't be put on the table."

"So speaking of Xing Ming, he is absolutely fine."

"In addition to trusting him, what we can do is not to use him as a weapon for the enemy to deal with."

If Hayasaka Ai and his party are caught by the enemy, they will definitely be taken as hostages and then turned into weapons to deal with the "Tauren Warriors" and force them to submit. Apart from trusting her brother-in-law, Hayasaka Ai has no other choice.

"Come on, sisters."

Hayasaka Ai took out two bulletproof vests from the cabinet and handed them to Ji Wanmei and Garuda, and said

"Time waits for no one, we must leave as soon as possible."

Hayasaka Ai looked out the window with a very solemn expression. There seemed to be sparks of bullets in the house in the distance. If nothing unexpected happened, the enemy's cleaning had already begun.

Hayasaka Ai and her group are conducting a planned evacuation. What is her younger brother Jun, who has high hopes for her, doing?

"Is this a ghost place?"

I don't know how long it took, but Ishigami Yu gradually became conscious. He felt as if there was a heavy weight on his body and it was a little difficult to breathe.

"I seem to remember being submerged by the reinforced concrete around me. Yes, I was buried."

Suddenly Ishigami opened his eyes suddenly, and he suddenly woke up.

"Oops, now is not the time to lie down here."

When he woke up, his first reaction was that it was dark. It was really dark. Everything he could see was darkness.

Yu Ishigami smashed the gravel on top of him with a casual punch, freeing his legs that were pressed to death.

It finally became easier and less restrictive.

"Master, you finally woke up. I was almost scared to death when you passed out."

Suddenly, Airi's familiar voice sounded from Ishigami Yu's pocket, her tone was very anxious.

"Ahem, how long have I slept?"

Yu Ishigami, who had just woken up, was still a little groggy. Hearing Ellie's voice finally made him feel a little better.

"thirty minutes."

Ellie replied

It took about thirty minutes for the owner to wake up after losing consciousness due to the violent shock of the explosion.

Ishigami Yu wanted to cough up the dust from his lungs, but ended up spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"How am I doing now, cough, cough."

Now in a pitch-dark environment, Yu Ishigami, who was so dizzy, had no way of knowing his physical condition.

"The blood oxygen is low, the heart rate is too fast, the blood pressure is super high, there is some slight concussion, the lungs are severely congested after being pressed under the boulder for a long time, and the left hand is slightly fractured."

Ellie accurately reported Ishigami Yu's physical indicators and injuries, with an indescribable distress in her tone.

"The comprehensive health index is 73, and certain treatment is recommended."

The watch worn by Ari Ishigami can monitor his body indicators in real time and also has a small scanning function.

"Not bad, within my acceptance range."

Ishigami Yu looked at the various unknown building materials surrounding him and said optimistically.

Although I was injured, it was within control, and there were no other problems. Relying on the triangular structure in the fighter's passage, Ishigami Yu was only suppressed and half of his body was buried in the soil. The Boxing Club has become like this, and others don't know what to do.

Thinking of this, Ishigami Yu's face turned gloomy and asked

"Naoya, are Achun and the others okay?"

These people are all his good brothers and they are indispensable.

"It's okay. Their heartbeats are within control, and their lives are not in danger."

Fortunately, the information collected by Ellie was all good news, and Yu Ishigami was not disappointed.

Naoya, Sekibayashi Jun, Achun, Kaixiong Mingzao and others all wore bracelets, and Ishigami Yu was relieved to learn that they were still alive.

Unfortunately, now is not the best time to save them. Ishigami Yu himself is trapped at the bottom. If he forcibly digs elsewhere, it may cause a secondary collapse above, not only for other potential survivors and his brothers. Their irresponsibility caused them a devastating blow.

"How far above the ground am I now?"

Although Yu Ishigami himself can rely on the fluctuations of murderous intent to sense the surroundings, he should not waste his precious blood here now.

"Two hundred and ten meters"

Ai Li hesitated for a moment, but still reported this somewhat desperate number.

Yu Ishigami was buried deep underground by incredible building ruins. The underground oxygen was quite thin and turbid, filled with toxic miasma and dust left over from various combustions.

"Two hundred and ten meters, it's not bad, it's acceptable."

Ishigami Yu pulled off his sleeves and simply bandaged the scratched wounds, but he was a little eager to try.

"That's right, Ellie."

"Inform them to deliver my MK-II armor, I want to use it."

Because Yu Ishigami establishes communications using his own satellites, he is not affected by signal interference in local areas.

"Copy that, Master."

Being pinned underground, he was filled with anger, and Yu Ishigami urgently needed a chance to be released. The blood vessels on his arms were bulging, and his eyes were red with the desire to bleed.

It looked like a terrifying beast, opening its eyes in the darkness, already ready to tear the enemy into pieces.

"You little bastard above, wash your neck and wait for me!"

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