I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 303 Live up to the name of the tooth!

The main event is here!

"That's right, I've been waiting for this game for a long time."

In the VIP room at the top of the Boxing Arena, Katahara Mitou was still as skinny as a dry branch, with a proud smile on his face.

The two bodyguards, Wang Senzhengdao and Takayama Minoru, stood upright, one on the left and the other on the right.

"You must be looking forward to it too."

Katahara Mitou looked at Daisuke Ishigami and a man in a red suit with a watermelon head and single-frame glasses. He was Hisashi Atami, the president of "Tokyo Ignorance TV", Naoya Okubo's employer, and said

"Daisuke-kun, Atami-kun."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." X2

This old man still has the final say in this boxing club. As members, Daisuke Ishigami and Hisashi Atami also agreed very well.


Katahara Mitō stroked his gray beard and said cheerfully

"That's right! I'm looking forward to it."

There were still thunderous shouts from the audience

"The Tooth of Destruction!"

Katahara Mitou's heart, which had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but burst into blood.

"I really can't wait!"

"What, he's a popular bastard again."

Naoya Okubo, who was bare-chested and showing off his thick muscles, heard the same shouts from the fanatical fans when Gaolan entered the venue, and he shook his head helplessly.

It's true, people are more infuriating than others.

Popularity is so bad

But Okubo Naoya didn't expect it when he appeared on the big screen.

The combatants in the lounges around the field, such as Yu Lei Ling, Wu Lei'an, Kuroki Xuanzhai, etc., all had a thought in their minds.

"This guy must be very strong!"

Sure enough, only insiders know the ropes

I can't help but feel a little gloating about my misfortune.

Ishigami Yu also understood very well that although Okubo Naoya was not a formal person on weekdays, he was indeed the most outstanding one among his group of brothers.

Maybe he can really be evenly matched with the "Fang of Destruction Hall".

"Since his first race, he has been breaking records."

"Achieving one hundred and fifty-seven games without defeat in the Boxing Conference, he set a new record, and the bodies piled up under his feet."

"Now he's going to enter the arena!"

"Tall 2.01 meters tall and weighs 120 kilograms."

"Acquired the net assets of the company, 7,706,883,000,000 yen."

"Playing on behalf of Little Neon Bank, with the tooth of destruction - Ghana Jaw!!!"

"Oh oh oh!"

When everyone saw a dark figure gradually coming out of the smoke in the flames that filled the sky, the atmosphere on the venue instantly reached a climax and everyone was cheering.

"Tooth! Tooth! Tooth!"

"We must win! We must win! We must win!"

There is no false person under the great reputation

Garner Jaw showed the composure of a top fighter just from his appearance. He wore a pure black tights that perfectly displayed his strong muscles, and his facial features were like knives.

Garana, with a slicked back hair and a cold expression, appeared in the duel arena with a loud voice. There was a heavy sense of oppression when he walked, and every step he took made the surrounding spectators breathe a little bit more suppressed.

But for Okubo Naoya, who has become such a strong opponent, there is no pressure at all. He is still a heartless Reten faction.

"Oh my gosh, you're so strong."

Naoya Okubo looked up and down the Kanana jaw as if he was seeing a rare animal, and said provocatively.

"You can tell just by looking at you that you are extremely strong."

"You don't look like a human being at all."

The joke was not enough, Naoya Okubo continued.

"If it were a role-playing game, you would definitely be the big devil waiting for me at the last level."

"But you know what?"

Okubo Naoya suppressed the playful smile on his face and said seriously

"Only humans can defeat monsters." (Of course Naoya also knows that Lao Niu is an exception)

He changed his folded arms to high fives with one hand and said with great momentum.

"And I am the strongest human being!"

"Sa, let's fight quickly."

But it was completely different from what Okubo Naoya thought, Kanana still looked cold and unmoved at all.

"demon king?"

There was a hint of doubt in Ghana's cold expression, and he said in confusion

"Why didn't I know there was a fighter with this name?"


Ishigami Yu smiled and shook his head, not everyone agrees with you.

He has also investigated the origin of Ghana Jaw, but there is nothing in the past about this guy's birthplace, and no valid information can be found. It's like it popped out of the ground, very weird. (It is something that pops out of the ground)

The only thing I found was that he really spent all his time improving his strength, entertainment time? There is no such thing at all.

Sleeping is the only way to regulate himself

Yu Ishigami also specifically checked his phone number, but it was not bound to anything other than social software.

Now hearing Kanana's answer to Okubo Nao, I am even more sure of Ishigami Yu's thoughts.

"Hey, hey, you're not joking, are you?"

Okubo Naoya was not calm at all now, and looked at Kananaja with the eyes of an alien.

But the straightforwardness in Garner's words already showed that he was definitely not joking but was asking seriously.

"What style does this great devil you speak of use?"

"Did you make a mistake? Hey, it's really hard for you to communicate."

Okubo Naoya must have broken his guard. He was so excited that he even spoke his hometown dialect.

"Oh my God, he is completely out of touch with the real world."

He actually doesn’t even know the game.

Obviously, even an old antique like Lao Niu has played the popular Elden Ring, IPAX and so on with me.

Fortunately, Ishigami Yu didn't know that Naoya had planned this in his mind, otherwise he would have been trained well.

Looking at Kanoja Okubo Naoya, who seemed to want to ask for information about the "Great Demon King", he sighed and touched his big, round head.

Maybe this is the sense of oppression he can exude." It is definitely the reason why he is at the level of the Great Demon King. Without entertainment, it is better to let Okubo Naoya die.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore."

Okubo Naoya realized that he could not disturb the other party with words, so he chose to keep his mouth shut.

"I will definitely defeat this guy and show Lao Niu and Ah Liang a good look."

Then the sacrifices of Lao Niu and A Liang will not be in vain!

With this thought, Okubo Nao also assumed a mixed martial arts stance, placing his fists up and down in front of him, keeping his body in a straight line, jumping back and forth from side to side.

Kanoja was in an aggressive posture that lowered his defense, with his hands spread out. He looked like he was on guard against Naoya Okubo's attack in advance and was adopting a defensive posture.

correct judgment

The most famous move of Naoya Okubo's mixed martial arts is the hug and throw. His hitting and fixation skills are quite superb.

Before the "Tauren Warrior" gained the power of arrogance, he could only beat Naoya by one move and a half. Of course, this was just a modest statement.

If he showed overwhelming strength from the beginning, would Naoya still be willing to fight the "Tauren Warrior"?

Anyway, during that immature period, Ishigami Yu always treated Naoya as his experience baby, polishing his attack and martial arts skills.

Ishigami Yu’s evaluation of him is

Although he is an idiot, his strength is indeed quite good.

Watching Okubo Naoya and Kano Jia compete with each other, Ishigami Yu could vaguely see that their momentum began to collide, and violent friction broke out.

The two ferocious beasts, incompatible with fire and water, kept roaring. Both sides looked at each other fiercely, waiting for an order to tear the other to pieces immediately.

The current calm is just the prelude before the storm. Both sides are already in their positions.

"I really want to know soon."

The referee swallowed and raised his hands. In his career, the quality of both fighters in this fight was very high, which was rare.

"Who is stronger!"

The referee's heartbeat accelerated a bit. He took a deep breath, and then shouted as if he wanted to expel all the air in his lungs.


This roar announced the start of the game

Naoya Okubo, who was already eager to try, made a quick decision and immediately rushed towards Kananaja at an extremely fast speed.

Sure enough, it was Naoya who attacked first!

Ishigami Yu's eyes are fixed on the field, and no changes on the field can escape his eyes.

At the beginning of the game, Okubo Naoya showed his amazing explosive power. As soon as the word "start" came out, he had already rushed directly in front of Ghana's jaw.

It came up with a straight punch that seemed to hit Kananaja's face hard. When Kananaja put his hands in a defensive posture, Okubo Naoya smiled and made a direct move with his straight fist.

Immediately start from the upper step and punch straight, quickly lower the center of gravity and prepare to feint and dive down to hug him.

As long as Okubo Naoya hugs the waist and completes the hug and throw action, even Ghana's jaw, which has amazing defense, will be injured.

Diving and throwing together with fake moves, the combination of the two is quite good.

The straight punch from the upper step was just a cover, and all Naoya Okubo's actions were for the purpose of hugging him.

But Kanoja is not a vegetarian, and he cannot just let Okubo Naoya complete the wrestling action.

Okubo Naoya's movements of diving down and throwing him were particularly smooth, but he could not resist Kanoja, who had already predicted Okubo Naoya's movements with his superb combat awareness.

Okubo Naoya, who had already wrapped his hands around Kanana's waist and was about to throw him down, suddenly found that he was being hugged from above.

Because Kanoja's way of dealing with Naoya Okubo's diving attack was to take the lead in pressing his whole body on Naoya Okubo who was rushing towards him, while grabbing his muscles with both hands to control Naoya Okubo's further movements.

This is to press down and prevent falling. When Okubo Naoya rushed over, Kanoja's legs did not compete with him in physical strength, but also slid backwards simultaneously. This was to alleviate the impact and further deepen the impact on Okubo Naoya. Control.

Quite astonishing, this is the first time that someone other than Lao Niu has been able to predict Okubo Naoya's attack so well, and even made him, who was the first to attack at the beginning of the game, fall into decline.

Because once the pressure-down anti-fall is formed, Nao Okubo will become the one who is hugged and thrown, and he will be completely passive.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to resist immediately while being pinned down.

However, Ghana Jaw's skills are also quite good, and he immediately responded to Okubo Naoya's resistance.

He kneeled Okubo Naoya who was trying to get up, and the huge force directly hit Okubo Naoya's nose.

The connection of this set of movements is also very smooth, because changing steps and pushing the knees is the follow-up movement of pressing down to prevent falling.


The nose has always been the most painful organ in the human body. It will hurt even if you rub it with a little force, not to mention that it was a knee strike from Garner's jaw.

It's unbearable pain.

Okubo Naoya's nose was almost dented by this blow, and a huge amount of blood was sprayed in the air.

However, Nao Okubo was not that easy to knock down. The pain only made him more awake, and he regained his balance within 0.5 minutes after the kick.

At the same time, in order to prevent Kanana from kicking again, Okubo Naoya blocked his hands in front of him.

But his prediction was wrong again, or perhaps Garnerjaw had seen through him.


There was a sound of collision between flesh and bones, smashing together solidly.

The pain made Okubo Naoya take a breath, and the attack area immediately turned purple-black, and even became red and swollen.

Because this time it was Kanana's jaw that feinted, he pretended to wave it with his hand, and Okubo Naoya tied his arms tighter. But don't forget that this is a feint, not a real attack.

The real purpose of the Garner Jaw is to sweep the legs low and lower the center of gravity while stepping up, using the extremely hard calf bones.

The kick hit Okubo Naoya's thigh muscles, and the huge sound was like the air being kicked. It was extremely expressive, so Okubo Naoya showed a look of pain.

The defense of his arms was relaxed, and his face was wide open. Kanana immediately opened his body, waving powerful fists, left hooks, upper straight arm punches, and his left and right hands were constantly taking turns to attack Okubo Naoya. attack.

Anyway, Okubo Naoya's pressure increased dramatically. If he accidentally got hit by Kanana's jaw, his head would be buzzing.

But it's not just punches, it's also connected to the legs, and then a whip kick hits Okubo Naoya's right foot and right arm, and then there are several fierce knee strikes to Okubo Naoya's abdomen!

The series of attacks made Okubo Naoya unable to defend himself. He instantly lost the opportunity to fight and could only defend passively.

But is the truth really what the audience sees?

In Ishigami Yu's eyes, Okubo Naoya's defensive posture is remarkable. He leans over and keeps retreating, which can make the opponent's attack range larger and larger. In short, he wants to hit you. Originally, he only needs to You can reach it by bending your arms, now you have to punch straight.

The essence of this sliding step is to constantly adjust the position with the opponent. Every time he punches, Kanoja has to adjust his posture and constantly shorten the distance with Okubo Naoya.

Therefore, even with that swift attack, Okubo Nao was only hit, and he tried to reduce the angle of friction from the attack as much as possible, greatly reducing the damage.

At the same time, Okubo Naoya is not just stupidly getting beaten, he is also looking for an opportunity to hug and throw his opponent.


There was a trace of panic in Okubo Naoya's eyes, because Kanoja used his body as a cover and hit his right arm with a high sweep kick.

He was startled by the sudden kick from Garner's jaw, and the pain hit him the next second.

Just like the thigh muscles, purple-blue bruises immediately appeared on Okubo Naoya's arm muscles, which became swollen immediately.

The force of Kanana's kick was so heavy that Naoya Okubo even felt it was harder than when he was sparring with Lao Niu. (Nonsense, that was a friendly match!) This moment made Okubo Naoya lose his mind.

Naturally, Ghana Jaw would not miss this opportunity. He stretched out his hands and grabbed Okubo Naoya's shoulders, using his strong arm strength to press his center of gravity close to the ground.

What followed was a series of heavy knee thrusts.

This is a standard neck and knee hit

With several rounds in a row, Kanana's jaw hit Okubo Naoya's abdomen mercilessly.

Fortunately, Okubo Naoya's reflexes are equally astonishing, and he understands his opponent's intentions the moment he completes the front-end action of neck-and-knee collision.

Immediately use both hands in front of him to block and defend, otherwise these solid kicks would be enough to end the game early.

Moreover, as of now, Yu Ishigami’s count has only been twenty-four seconds since the game started!

This kind of commanding power on the battlefield really lives up to the title of the strongest fang.

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