I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 302 It’s time to fight the little monster!


Okubo Naoya patted his thigh and looked at Rito, who had a bruised nose and swollen eyes, laughing.

Naoya just came out of A Liang's ward and felt relieved when he saw that all his indicators were stabilizing. As a result, I passed by a ward and suddenly heard a familiar voice cursing, which was very unpleasant.

What "You cursed me to death even though I'm not dead."

As soon as he opened the door and walked in, he saw the furious Rito, who has become what he is now.

"Li Ren, you are really lucky."

Okubo Naoya and Rito got to know each other very simply, they just had "similar smells". When they first came to "Wishiliu Island", they worked together to find a beautiful girl, but when they saw the two of them looking so vulgar, they couldn't even run away.

It's really a "bad fate".

Okubo Naoya walked up and patted Rito on the shoulder, teasing him with a look like "You're a lucky kid."

"I was able to snatch my life back from Santuchuan from the hands of that "magic gun"."

Naoya Okubo is right to say this. After all, the guys who have seen the "Magic Spear" standing in front of him (all of whom are the targets of mission bounties) are basically dead, let alone fighting him.

Not many characters survived the fight with the "Magic Spear". The relatively weak Rihito did survive, but it seems that it was also thanks to the "Magic Spear" not killing the weak.

"Okay, Naoya."

Ishigami Yu opened the door and walked in, holding Ryo Himuro's medical records in his hand.

Because A Liang's life was saved, Ishigami Yu planned to move his ward from the official medical room of "Fist Wish Club" to the medical room of "Tauren Warrior", where both medical equipment and security are available. It's hard to compare.

Mud, that old man Hayami Katsumasa still has some back-ups he hasn’t used yet.

Ishigami Yu didn't believe that those parallel imports would be Hayami Katsumasa's back-up, since they weren't enough to feed Katahara Mitou's "guardians".

It is estimated that the more than 300 people were smoke bombs released by Katsumasa Hayami to cover up something.

But what exactly it is, Ishigami Yu doesn’t know.

The entire surface of "Wishiliu Island" and the surrounding area of ​​100 nautical miles are within the monitoring range of Ishigami Yu's satellite. If there is any change, Ishigami Yu will definitely be the first to know.

The enemy is hidden in the dark. How can Ishigami Yu feel free to leave Himuro Ryo, who has completely lost his ability to resist, here alone? It is simply unrealistic.

To be honest, he wanted to transport Ah Liang away from the island and receive treatment from outside.

But considering that when A Liang woke up and saw himself at sea, how depressing it would be if none of their good brothers were around.

Therefore, for the time being, Ishigami Yu considers placing Himuro Ryo in his own treatment room for the time being and observing him for a while.

"Stop teasing others, you should take good care of yourself."

"If the Bodhisattva does not cross the river, he will not be able to protect himself."

"Oh, please forgive me, old cow. I rarely want to forget those things."

"After all, my opponent is that man, so I'm under a lot of pressure."

Okubo Naoya scratched his head, smiled and said

Although Okubo Nao also said so, there was no hint of nervousness in his tone.

"That's pretty much it, Lao Niu."

Okubo Naoya patted his knees and stood up from his cross-legged position.

"It's time for me to play. It's time to fight the "big monster"."

"What do you mean? What kind of monster."

One moment "Clay Bodhisattva", the other moment "Fighting Monsters", it makes people confused and confused, and they can't even understand it.

"Huh? You didn't even read the battle sequence?"

When Yu Ishigami heard Rito ask in confusion, "Huh? Do you have that thing?"

Ishigami Yu stopped talking halfway through, which made no sense at all.

Because this guy is a complete idiot with only one brain.

Ishigami Yu has always been very tolerant of fools. He pointed at Naoya Okubo who started to stretch his body.

"It's so simple. Naoya will be the next one to participate in the Kengan Zetsumei match."

"And his opponent, well."

"That's it, Mie Tang Fang."


Li Ren blurted out his surprise

"It turns out that idiot is you!"


Naoya Okubo had already thought about what to say from this guy's mouth: "You are so awesome that you picked "Miedo Noga" as your opponent."

But I didn't expect that this guy would say, "That idiot is you."

According to the logic of rational people, "Mei Tang Zhi Ya" is absolutely the same as the guy who just joked about playing doctor games.

"I'm just trying to fight!"

Okubo Naoya said with a blushing face.

"Come on, Kuonongya."

Although Li Ren was beaten so hard that his teeth were leaking, he still responded not to be outdone.


Ishigami Yu watched as the two of them started to quarrel whenever they disagreed, and they started quarreling over something as trivial as who was the idiot.

What's there to argue about? Aren't you two idiots? Only idiots can quarrel over such a trivial matter.

And Yu Ishigami understands, no, one thing is certain, that is, idiots will attract each other.

Normally Naoya is the only idiot, but now there is another one.

However, the idiot Naoya still has some skills. He knew that Riren was seriously injured and did not actually take action.

Ishigami Yu just came here to pack his belongings, not to listen to the quarrel between these two idiots.

"Okay, Naoya, let's go."

"Hey, hey, don't pull my collar, old cow."

"Old Niu, don't I want to lose face?"


Ishigami Yu ignored Naoya's struggle, grabbed Okubo Naoya's collar with one hand and walked out the door.

"Oh, right."

Naturally, Ishigami Yu is very meticulous in his work. If he does not take over the treatment of Li Ren, then the corresponding doctor will be arranged by the Boxing Club.

Private medical team? Managers don't have that luxury. His SH Freeze only has one general manager and two vice presidents.

"I've already called the doctor for you. You'll be here in a moment."


Without waiting for anyone to say thank you, Ishigami Yu kicked Naoya out of the door and walked out.

Li Ren felt uncomfortable as he looked at the closed door and the quiet ward again.

But it's not because there is no one to accompany me, it's because of this cruel reality. Big tears fell on the scarred hands, soaking the bloody bandage.

"Did I lose?"

"Ke Suo, I clearly promised that I won't lose. I made an appointment with my friend."

"But why."

"My points are the lowest"

The manager knows very clearly in his heart the real unlucky guy, the so-called blaming head

Actually it's him

The number of points won is less than that of all the presidents present.

It was the lowest in the game, so he was the last one to choose the order of the battle. This left the manager with no choice and wrote his name in the "Motorhead" company column.

Unexpectedly, the opponent he encountered was so powerful that he had no power to fight back.

"That uncle is so strong."

When Yu Ishigami and Naoya left the room, they also heard slight sobbing inside.

Okubo Naoya opened his mouth to say something, but Ishigami Yu just shook his head calmly. Seeing this, Naoya sighed softly and could only close his mouth.

Seeing Naoya's rare honest appearance, Ishigami Yu didn't say anything else.

Some things can only be done by oneself, and there is nothing you can do if you are not as skilled as others.

It's that simple. If you're not convinced, there's no place to look.

Tanaka Ichiro's defeat was an inevitable and normal defeat among martial artists.

No matter how many replays he watched, it was useless, so what Li Ren complained about was his own strength.

On the way to the fighter preparation room, Okubo followed Yu Ishigami. Naoya rarely kept silent and made no sound, just walking slowly.

The dark lights flickered on and off, giving people the inexplicable feeling of a point of no return.


"What's wrong, old cow?"

"Don't imitate Liang, just take it easy."

"Hahaha, Old Niu, are you worried about me?"

"I just have you brothers"

"Ok, I know."

It's because of your kindness to us that we really want to push you to the "strongest" throne.

A trace of recollection appeared on the face of Naoya Okubo, who was jumping away, and his expression was quite gentle.

Ah Liang must have thought so too.

"Don't worry, old cow."

"I am the absolute king of mixed martial arts, Naoya Okubo!"

These words refer to noodles and portions.

"So don't worry, even if it's the Mie Tang Zhiya, I won't lose."

"Then I'll look forward to it, Naoya."

"Well, if Lao Niu wins, please treat me to a drink."

"Hey, don't say such unlucky words before a battle."

This is equivalent to setting a flag, and it is naturally unlucky to say such things. I can drink it on a regular basis, so why would I drink after a game? It’s weird.

With this interruption, the solemn atmosphere in the air disappeared.

"Mina-san, the game is about to begin."

There was a hint of trembling in Katahara Shenxiang's tone, which was because she was so excited that she couldn't control herself.

"It's finally our turn, the last game of the first round is about to begin!"

This means that the strongest man in their Katahara family is about to appear.

"Oh oh oh oh!!! Mie Tang Fang!"

People on the field were shouting wildly, and this scene seemed familiar.

It was very similar to the time of "Tauren Warrior". The whole venue was shouting one person's name loudly. In uniform movements, they all stomped their feet heavily.

The strongest one is the "Tauren Warrior", which is completely different from the appearance of "The Tooth of Destruction".

So some guys who are fans of "Tauren Warrior" are now shouting other people's names.

This is the charm of "Meeting the Tooth"

"what happened"

Gaolan-Unsad was in the lounge of the special care unit when he suddenly felt the ground shaking.

Literally, the entire backup arena is shaking! Fans responded with crazy responses and this effect was unexpected.

Yu Ishigami, who didn't know that he had also been bullied, was now standing talking with Samurai Wakatsuki and Seki Hayashi.

"The audience is waiting for the appearance of "Medang Ya" and others, and everyone thinks that the next game will be the victory of "Medang Ya".

Samurai Wakatsuki crossed his arms and said coldly

"It's very bad for his opponent, it's a very bad situation."

"No, when he faces this situation, Okubo Naoya might be even more moved."

Of course, Ishigami Yu has confidence in Okubo Naoya. No matter what difficult scene he faces, he will answer the call.

"No, we should still face reality."

That is to say, only your own family will support you unconditionally. This gap in strength makes Samurai Wakatsuki and Jun Sekibayashi have to face reality.

If the "Tauren Warrior" appears, then reality will not be defeated.

The strength of the "Mie Tang Fang" is still unprecedentedly powerful.

"Oh, I still understand me."

Okubo Naoya's voice drifted slowly and leisurely from the fighter channel at the rear, and his powerful voice showed no fear at all.

Even if his opponent is the former king of the "Fist Wish Club", "The Tooth of Destruction" Kananaja.

"You two uncles really don't understand me at all."

"Whether the opponent is Gaolong or Ghana Jaw, I will never lose."

Apart from anything else, Okubo Nao passed the test with this high fighting spirit. If you are afraid of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, then what else are you cooking?

"I will take off the head of Mie Tang Fang, I will definitely!"

"I'll give you a piece of advice, don't think of the "Meeting Tooth" as a human being."

The Wakatsuki warrior with serious eyes said to Okubo Naoya with serious eyes.

"That was Kong Wuli's violent disaster!"

"It sounds like a monster. It's so scary. But if the "Mie Tōga" is a monster, then I'll call it a monster."

"The hero who defeated the monster."

Naoya Okubo didn't even look back as he strode out of the fighter entrance passage.

But Okubo Naoya still didn't explain something because he was afraid of being beaten.

"I'm not even afraid of old cows, so I'm afraid of him?"

"Okay, Mr. Samurai,"

Ishigami Yu said to Wakatsuki Samurai and Sekibayashi Jun

"Let's go to the auditorium and watch. It will be clearer there."

Fighting King "Okubo Naoya" walks straight into the stage where Kengan will die!

"The combatants from both sides enter!"

"This fighter is known as Rocky from Osaka. He is now the most famous and powerful opponent in the mixed martial arts world."

"This neon fighter is known as the "King of Fighters" and his punches are unrivaled.

No one can escape his locking skills,

And his fixed skills can make people unconscious

Extremely strong in every aspect

Twenty-six wins in mixed martial arts, zero defeat!

A legend in the world of mixed martial arts is about to enter the boxing club

Height is one hundred and ninety-five and weight is one hundred and twenty-five.

""King of Fighting" Naoya Okubo appears!"

The honest and strong man on the screen is greeting the audience.

Although Naoya usually laughs and laughs, this man is 'truly' powerful. As far as mixed martial arts is concerned, I can't find anyone who can compete with him all over the world.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a long wait."

As for the fighter's explanation that followed, Katahara Sheuka took a deep breath, quite solemnly.

"Finally that man is about to appear!"

Thanks to book friend 20201014190414423 for his twelve monthly tickets

Thank you to the solo reader for your monthly ticket

Thank you for the monthly ticket for flowers blooming in late summer and autumn coming

Thanks to Gugao Gun for the two monthly passes

Thanks to book friend 20200816180149292 for your monthly ticket

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