I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 293 Super Soldier! (Thank you to me for becoming the first ally in this book!)

"Really or not, the doctor is also going to appear?"

Garuda, Elena, and Ji Weili, who had just come out of the ward to visit the patients, suddenly noticed that Dr. Yingchu appeared on the screen in the corridor, and their eyes widened.

"And that doctor, as opponents, the size difference between them is too big."

Dr. Eichu's opponent was nearly two meters tall just by visual inspection. The doctor was only 1.74 meters tall and stood several heads short of such a "Bando Yohei" giant, like a "dwarf".

“Some people call him ‘Doctor Death’, others call him ‘Doctor Murder’.”

When Katahara Sheuka was introduced, she felt a little scared.

"This doctor cloaked in death is notorious. He has led countless poor patients to hell."

"How rude."

Katahara Sheuka's words were obviously derogatory, but Dr. Yingchu couldn't see any displeasure on his face and instead grinned in a strange arc.

"I have saved a few lives anyway. Don't tell me that my medical skills are particularly poor."

But in fact, he was right. The medical records of the patients saved by Dr. Yingchu were almost as high as others.

However, most of his patients are thugs who lick blood on the tip of a knife, so it has no effect on Dr. Yingchu whether he saves him or not. Saving him or her is just another addition to his resume, and maybe he is still alive. Get rid of harm for the people.

Then there will be no psychological burden at all.

"Participating on behalf of Teito University"

"Yingchu, who is known as the "Anatomy Demon"!"

Doctor Eichu suddenly thought of something, took out a small iron box from his pocket and handed it to Katahara Sheka

"Hey, for me?"

Katahara Sheka was a little surprised

"Well, these are my special lozenges."

Doctor Yingchu nodded,

"Miss Katahara's work is very hard. Taking one pill every day can effectively protect your throat."

"Thank you! Doctor Yingchu!"

Katahara Shenxiang smiled and stretched out her hand to take it. She didn't expect that there would be someone who cared about her in the arena.

It was impossible for Katahara Sheuka to doubt the authenticity of this lozenge. Although few people knew it, Dr. Yingchu was affiliated with the 13th Department of Neon's upper-level organization. He was a member of his own family with an innocent background. She will harm the "Katahara eldest daughter" who is the leader of the financial world.

Then accept this kindness.

"He actually cared enough to give me throat lozenges. This doctor is so kind."

In response to Katahara Sheka's thanks, Dr. Eichu just smiled and said nothing more. He just gave the lozenges as a casual gesture.

The only word "execution" left in his mind now was that he had saved too many people recently, and Yingchu almost forgot that he was also known as the "Execution Demon".

Then do something that the "Anatomy Demon" should do, such as using these hands to tear the opponent's body into pieces and make it tattered.

Dr. Yingchu stared at Bandō Yohei, whose hands and feet were still locked by electronic shackles, and looked up and down as if to see where to insert the knife. (What was previously broken was the shackles of the Ten Kings' Communication, but now it is the electronic shackles of the Fist Club for security reasons.)

Because Bando Yohei has a special status, he is a vicious "murderer", so he was not allowed to walk through the fighter passage on his own. Several "guardians" locked him on a cart and pushed him there. of.

"It's really noisy outside."

Bando Yohei glanced at the week indifferently and said coldly

"It's still clean inside the prison."

"There is no precedent in the history of neon crime, a serial killer with bare hands."

So Katahara Kabuto had to wait until the security personnel removed Bando Yohei's restrictive measures before introducing him.

"Thirty years later, this murderer actually entered the fighting arena of the Boxing Club."

Katahara Sheuka was a little emotional. Although she was not born at that time, the incident really made people panic.

"What?! It really makes people feel the wonder of fate." (For a man who cannot be hanged for thirty years, the only death penalty is hanging.)

"Ten Kings Communications Belongs!"

"Bloody Ivory" Bando Yohei! "

Dr. Yingchu looked at Bando Yohei, and Bando Yohei naturally looked at Dr. Yingchu.

Katahara Sheka is entering the key to open Bando Yohei's electronic shackles.

Bando Yohei shook the wrist that had been tortured just now and rubbed the discomfort before returning to normal.

"So what should I do with you?"

How do you cook it?

With such a skinny cartilage, Yohei Bando could kill him with one punch and turn him into a pancake.

Is the opponent a little weak this time?

Faced with the fact that Bando Yohei unabashedly regarded himself as a piece of fish on the chopping board, Dr. Eichu didn't care. He himself regarded this man as a guinea pig for experiment.

"Hmph, a man who can't hang himself is really strange."

"I'm looking forward to your bone structure and I'm going to dissect you myself."

"It seems that you are not a simple person."

Bando Yohei was keenly aware that Yingchu seemed to be the same type of person as him to a certain extent, and both were calm lunatics.

"Well, but I don't seem to be qualified to say such things."

"Everyone is on your place! Are you okay?"

The referee came to Dr. Eichu and Bando Yohei and was about to announce the start of the game, but suddenly found that there was no movement between these two people as the game was about to start.

"Why don't you move!"

Doctor Yingchu still put his hands in his pockets coolly without making any movement.

The same was true for Bando Yohei. Regardless of the Eichu in front of him, he twisted his neck as if to warm up.

"Huh? Oh, I'm not a fighter."

Suddenly realizing what the referee meant, Dr. Yingchu waved his hand and didn't care at all.

"Even if you ask me to stand or something, I can't do it."

"I feel the same way, so I'll stick to the stance I'm most familiar with."

Bando Yangping said coldly without raising his head.

The referee opened his mouth without knowing what to say, and in the end he could only sigh.

"It's up to you, let's start the fight!"

"I don't like this kind of thing very much, but I have no other choice."

After finishing his warm-up exercise, Bando Yohei slowly walked over. He came to Dr. Eichu who was still standing there, and slowly stretched out his hand as if he wanted to chop Eichu's head with a knife.

Next, it will be fine as long as Bando Yohei destroys this fragile skull as before.

"I will complete my mission if I kill you."

After saying that, Bando Yohei's right hand was in the shape of a tiger, and he was about to hit Dr. Eichu's head with an extremely powerful blow with the knife. There was no doubt that the force could crush a human skull in one blow.

But Doctor Yingchu still just stood there without moving, indifferent to this kind of attack that could easily kill someone.

Just when his palm was about to hit his head, Dr. Yingchu moved.


Bando Yohei's unruffled pupils suddenly fluctuated.

After yawning with his right hand, Dr. Eichu raised his left arm very quickly to block. No, it was not a block. Instead, he waited on the path and grabbed Bando Yohei's hand.

"Grab the wrist!"

Although Dr. Yingchu said that he did not understand fighting, his subconscious actions proved that this was just a lie.

Then, while the audience was stunned, the thin doctor Eichu realized that the action he just performed was just a dismantling technique. He pulled Yohei Bando back with his backhand and used a move to grab his wrist and break his arm.

The huge Bando Yohei's right hand was controlled by Dr. Eichu and he held it behind his back, then twisted his waist, bent his right leg and kicked Bando Yohei.

A set of smooth movements, under the great strength of Dr. Eichu, Bando Yohei was unable to resist.

The heavily damaged ground was filled with spiderweb-like cracks for a while, and Bandō Yohei's entire body was embedded in the ground under such huge force. His face was full of horror.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I'm sorry, because you scared me and I accidentally hit you a little harder."

There is no way to go out and hang out without mastering some power these days. It is not safe to do anything.

Dr. Yingchu opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were no longer blue but rather a very attractive red. There was also a black vertical pupil in it, like a bleeding beast.

There seems to be something wrong with his voice. It sounds quite hoarse and very uncomfortable, or it can make you feel chilly in your heart.

"You won't be defeated by me so easily, right? Little mouse."


Seeing Dr. Yingchu's appearance, Yamashita was so shocked that he didn't even notice that he dropped the water bottle in his hand.

"Isn't this the same as Mr. Ouma?"

"Xiaowu, is this your highest masterpiece?"

Even Katahara Mitou was looking at Eichu on the screen in surprise at this moment, and asked Fujiwara Chika's grandfather Fujiwara Shingo, who was also the Prime Minister of Neon, next to him.

"This is really incredible."

"Well, Mr. Yingchu is a product of the "Super Soldier Project"."

Fujiwara Shingo nodded with serious eyes.

"It is the most proud work."

The only survivor was the loss of quite a few experts and a laboratory that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and this success cannot be replicated.

Continue to Small Theater

Act One: White Swan

"What a disgusting guy!", "Why does he still have the nerve to come to school?", "Don't get too carried away."

wrong! Obviously I did nothing wrong?

"How disgusting. Such a person is actually my classmate? It's really terrible."

"You are the strange one!"

No, I didn’t do anything wrong at all!

"Why don't you die?"

No, you are so weird?

It's obvious that he was at fault, so why are you blaming me?

"Disgusting. Go to hell" xN


A roar broke the tranquility of this dark room

It's hard to believe that the guy who made such a loud voice is this young man with short hair and a pretty face. He suddenly got up from the bed and frantically breathed in the fresh air, like a fish that almost suffocated out of water, with a ferocious look on his face.

"It's a dream."

The curses from my classmates in the dream still echoed in my ears, and my nerves were tingling like needles.


After he regained consciousness, he saw the numbers on the electronic alarm clock beside him showing "Twenty-one forty-five" and suddenly realized that it was just a dream.

The room was dark, and except for the faint sound of low sobs that could be heard from time to time, everything else was quiet.

The boy in the dark covered his eyes with his palms. Something, whether it was sweat or tears, slipped from his face and dripped directly on the quilt, showing that its owner was in an extremely bad mood.

The room was still completely silent, so it was impossible for anyone to respond.

This time the boy did not stay on the bed, but silently walked out of the bed and changed his clothes that were soaked with sweat.

He looked at his face in the mirror, which looked gloomy because it was obscured by the hood of his sweater. He smiled in the mirror, but instead showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"My smile will definitely make the girls in the class cry."

"However, he should be a "former classmate"."

"After all, I am the notorious Ishigami Yu"

The boy shook his head and pushed away the heavy bag, diving into the bustling night market filled with neon lights and feasting.

"He is a problem student who is about to be expelled from Shuchiin."

Ishigami Yu walked aimlessly on the street. Although it was a working day, there were many people on the road, but it was better than staying in a suffocating room. He was temporarily suspended from school and did not have to attend classes, so he said he was not in a hurry to leave at night.

This city felt strange, and Yu Ishigami didn't know where he was going. In the end, he stopped at the door of a store by accident.

"White Swan?"

Ishigami Yu hesitated for a moment and then walked in. After all, he was already a punished person and it seemed that there would be no problem in memorizing one.


The moment Ishigami Yu opened the door, he felt that everyone inside was looking at him, and his body suddenly stiffened subconsciously, making him appear particularly reserved.

Avoiding those scrutinizing eyes, Ishigami Yu took a deep breath and went straight to the bar and said to the bartender who was wiping glasses there.

"A glass of whiskey, thank you."

The place where Ishigami Yu came was a bar, but it was a clear bar. It was just for drinking, not a nightclub for dancing. Ishigami Yu pretended to be familiar with this kind of shop and ordered a glass of wine.

"Okay, guest."

After hearing this, the bartender raised his head and stared at Ishigami Yu, and was stunned for a moment, then nodded politely.

He motioned to Ishigami Yu to sit on a seat above the bar and wait.

"Please sit here first and wait a moment."


After ordering drinks and sitting down, Ishigami Yu seemed to finally have confidence and no longer be so reserved.

He began to look around the surrounding environment. The place was fresh and elegant, and the air was filled with a pleasant fragrance. Maybe it was not the time yet, and there were not many guests. There were men and women chatting and laughing in small booths.

The only difference is that Yu Ishigami found someone who shouldn't belong here like him. She was a pretty beauty.

Her pink hair was worn casually. Tonight she was wearing a black dress with suspenders and lace, revealing her delicate and slender collarbones. She had light makeup on her face and her eyes were as bright as stars in the sky.

This girl is tall, so wearing such a skirt reveals her white and tender legs in the night. She is full of the vitality of a young girl, but she seems to blend into the night perfectly.

She is breathtakingly beautiful.

The only flaw was that there were seven or eight empty beer cans stacked up in front of her like an "old drunkard".

A bit disgraceful

Ishigami Yu subconsciously said

"Senior Sister Zi Anyan?"

Suddenly hearing her name in a trance, the girl turned her head in disbelief.

When those eyes filled with astonishment and tears were staring at him, as well as that unusually haggard face, Yu Ishigami's heart twitched violently.

"Senior, why is she crying?"

Thanks to Beijiaojiao for becoming the leader of this book and 4 monthly passes.

Thanks to Nuoyu for 6 monthly passes

Thanks Juejiyuan for 2 monthly passes

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