I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 292 Sentenced to death, executed immediately!

"If everything goes as you expected, why don't you force me to abstain before the game!"

A furious voice came, as if questioning someone.

"This can also save the fighter's physical strength, isn't it better!"

"You're fucking kidding me!"

Yamashita was preparing to have lunch with Touma Ouma, but when he walked through an unfamiliar corridor, he heard someone arguing about something.

One of the voices sounded familiar, but Yamashita didn't recognize it, but the second voice

Um? And the voice seems to be that of President Nogi


Originally, Yamashita thought he had heard wrongly.

The result is the following sentence

"You really don't understand anything?"

Hearing such an innocent idea, the serious voice immediately scolded him.

"The combatants are just our flags. Only by seeing the flags fighting can we know which chess piece is stronger."

It’s President Nogi, it’s really President Nogi!

"If you win, then I will spare no effort to support your business."

As the voice spoke, he was amused and chuckled.

"Haha, but in the end, I will force you to identify me as the president of the Boxing Club."

Yamashita is now really sure that only President Nogi would say such heartless words, why would he regard a fighter as a flag?

It was because he was such a person that he was able to abandon Mr. Ouma, who at that time was no longer capable of fighting, without any pressure.

This also led to the relationship between Mr. Ouma and him being like fire and water, and he is the person Mr. Ouma hates the most now.

I worked hard for you and ended up with a disability. In the end, I couldn't even get treatment. I was kicked out of the hospital just after I was lying on a mobile hospital bed.

Maybe it's understandable because of the businessman's idea of ​​making the best use of everything and throwing away the useless things, but as a human being, he is definitely not qualified.

Therefore, Mr. Yamashita still had some complaints about President Nogi, but he did not dare to say anything because of the huge social gap between the two.

Mr. Ouma's strength is completely different from before. Yamashita has no doubt that he now has the strength to kill President Nogi under heavy protection.

This is how a man gets angry and his blood splatters three feet.

Mr. Ouma looks very calm now, but in fact, his emotions can easily get out of control, and he can explode into an irrational beast at a moment's notice.

It wouldn't be too bad if these two people met.

Yamashita was startled by his own thoughts, and he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat whenever he thought about the scene where the two were at war with each other.

If the boss, Mr. Ouma, beats President Nogi to the hospital, then Mr. Ouma's career as a fighter will be over.

This must never happen

Thinking of this, Yamashita pretended to be nonchalant and said to Ten Ghost Snake King Ma

His tone was trembling very much

"Mr. Ouma, I seemed to have left my wallet on the seat just now. By the way, let's go back and get it together."

It might be more convincing if Yamashita could wipe away the sudden profuse sweat on his head, or stop his stooped body from inexplicably becoming straight.

"Oh, people have poor memory as they get older. I was really careless."

Please, Mr. Ouma, just cooperate with me at this time and pretend you don’t see President Nogi!

"Huh? Mr. Yamashita, what are you talking about? Isn't your wallet still with you?"

Ten Demon Snake King Ma single-handedly pointed to the bulge in the lining of Yamashita's suit, where the guy usually kept his wallet.

Yamashita said

"Money and other things are still close to the heart, which is more reassuring."

This leads to the fact that even though I have known Mr. Yamashita for only a few months, even Juuki Snake Ouma, who lacks common sense, knows that his obsession with money is not simple. How could he put the same lifeblood on The wallet was casually thrown on the seat.

In other words, Yamashita was lying, but now was not the time to find out what was wrong with him. Because Ten Ghost Snake King Ma heard it, it was the voice he hated most.

How annoying it is, the kind that I will never forget until I die.

"Go say hello"

The lips of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse were slightly raised, as if a predator was very happy to see its prey.

"Ah, no."

Yamashita, who was still thinking in a hurry, hurriedly explained but did not notice that the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was drifting away.

"Yes, this is my notebook. There are so many powerful players in the competition, and I specially wrote down their special moves."

By the time he reacted, Mr. Ouma was already gone.

"Listen to me, kid."

Nogi Hideki, who had no idea that the Ten Demon Snake Ouma was approaching, took a puff of the cigar in his hand and slowly exhaled the smoke on the face of Yoshitake Nori who was kneeling on the ground and was deeply shocked.

He said with a condescending look.

"You and I were not on the same level from the beginning."

Hideki Nogi has been making arrangements for the president of the Boxing Club for nearly ten years.

Yoshitake Qirou went through all the trouble to find the "faceless man" not to compete for the throne of the president of the Boxing Club, but actually just to regain the lost face with Nogi Hideki.

Comparing the two, the gap is almost like that between a father and his son who has just learned to walk.

So it’s no wonder that Yoshitake Kihiro can only be completely manipulated by President Nogi.

Before the Hatsumi Izumi game started, President Nogi sent an "assassin" to attack Yoshitake Kairo. This simple and weak "assassin" was subdued by Yoshitake Kairo three times and given a severe lesson.

Just now, this innocent guy said he was going to report President Nogi to President Katahara.

The reason used was to maliciously attack members of the Boxing Club with the intention of modifying the results of the game.

It's a pity that Yoshitake Qiro himself stepped into the trap prepared by Nogi Hideki.

Because President Nogi revealed the identity of the "assassin" very thoughtfully, Qirou Yoshitake's legs weakened and he fell to the ground on the spot.

The guy dressed as a mercenary is actually a new member of the Boxing Club.

This will be a big trouble

The reason I just used to attack the enemy was used as a reason to attack myself.

The iron rule of the Quan Yuan Association is that no one can pose a threat to the life safety of the members of the Quan Yuan Association. Violators will be expelled from the Quan Yuan Association.

Although everyone knows that these rules are bullshit, whoever believes them will be stupid, but at least you still have to respect them. After all, they are the rules of the Boxing Club that have existed since ancient times.

So on the surface, everyone abides by the rules, but secretly, everyone is in a relationship where you and I are stabbing each other, and it's not a happy one.

Sending a member of the Boxing Club to fight with another member of the Boxing Club is such a despicable method that leaves people speechless.

Nogi Hideki is really a complete bastard, and he spontaneously devised a trick in order to get the handle he wanted from Yoshitake Keiro.

But it's really good. It would be impossible for President Nogi to use conventional methods to obtain the information in Yoshitake Qirou's hands. After all, he was afraid of being cheated on weekdays.

Now President Nogi's plan is presented to Yoshitake Qirou at once, and he naturally cannot accept it after learning that he is just a clown.

After saying that, Hideki Nogi's mood improved and he snorted coldly. When he left, ignoring the soulless Yoshitake Noirō on the ground, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

He immediately turned his head and saw

A seaweed head suddenly appeared in his line of sight, with a rather nasty expression, staring at him with a fierce look.

Ten Ghost Snake King Horse opened his mouth and started spitting out fragrance.

"Hey, Mr. Former Employer, good afternoon."

Especially the word "before", Mr. Wang Ma did not forget to add an accent when saying it, as a reminder.

"It's been so long since we last met and you're playing that despicable trick again. It's really hard for a dog to change and eat you. -"

Immediately, Nogi Hideki's face became very ugly, as if he had eaten ten pounds of cake, and his face was ashen.

The good mood before was gone, he looked at the uninvited guest coldly and said

"Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, what are you doing here?"

For this uninvited guest, Nogi Hideki was full of vigilance. It was a miscalculation. If I had known that Chu Jianquan had been taken with him, no one knew what the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma would do now.

I don't know why this bastard's strength has become so terrifying. When I first saw Quan, I almost asked my employer why he let such a powerful fighter go.

"What are you doing? Relax, my former employer."

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma walked to a place only one step away from Nogi Hideki. He patted this guy on the shoulder and sneered.

"My structure is much bigger than that of you, a self-righteous guy who goes around scheming people. In daily life, it's just a conspiracy."

"You are too weak. I don't even bother to deal with you. Pointing my fist at you is an insult."

"The weak should be dominated by the strong, but you are not qualified. You are not even qualified to accept my iron fist."

"How's it going? I'm pretty strong, but your vision is shit."

You don’t even need ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses to prove it.

In fact, Nogi Hideki himself suspected that there was something wrong with his ability to see people, so he let Hatsumi Izumi and the "faceless man" engage in hand-to-hand combat.

As he said before, only by witnessing the battle between fighters can one confirm their strength.

Originally, this arrogant man could usually classify fighters into three, six, nine, etc. based on first impressions and data analysis. Is there any value in using him?

Therefore, Nogi Hideki is now giving his fighting skills two chances to fail, instead of once in the past. Just like "Komada" and "Ten Demon Snake Ouma" both suffered defeats, they were kicked out of the club mercilessly by President Nogi.

Leaving aside the fact that the newbie Juuki Ouma didn't make much contribution, Komada was a veteran fighter under Nogi. Even when a certain bastard didn't want to participate in the competition, he continued to participate and made great contributions.

But President Nogi showed no mercy when he failed. It is said that after eighty failed interviews, Komada is currently working as a cargo porter in an air-conditioning company. (Although labor is the most glorious thing, I never expected that a fighter who was admired by thousands of people would reach this point.)

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma was lucky enough to meet Mr. Yamashita, and his perseverance gave him the opportunity to be reused by the Minotaur warriors.

It's really fun to be laid off and re-employed, and then make disgusting moves in front of my former employer from time to time. Jugui Snake Ouma's performance became more and more outstanding in Kenshujutsu. For his mistakes that led to missing such a powerful fighter, Nogi Hideki deeply felt that he had missed a hundred million.

"Your boxing will last forever!"

Touma raised his right hand. Under Nogi Hideki's cold gaze, the burning cigar that was held in his mouth just now was taken away by Touma, and the place where this guy just bit was cut off with a knife. .

Then he took a deep puff and blew out the thick smoke directly at the livid-faced old man.

"I will end it myself."

After saying this, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma immediately felt a lot more at ease in his heart. The only thing he was dissatisfied with was that the cigarette he lit for an old man like me was still too weak.

After taking this puff, Ten Ghost Snake King immediately put out the still burning cigarette and threw it away casually.

Saying hello is enough.

"The rest will be decided in the fighting arena!"

"Mr. Ouma, where have you been!"

At this time, Yamashita's belated arrival finally arrived, and he saw his former leader looking at Mr. Ouma with a livid face as if he was constipated, while Mr. Ouma looked relieved.

For a moment, he didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid that he would ruin the hard-won peace by talking too much.


Nogi Hideki, who kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything, saw Yamashita's face getting darker because he remembered again that he had made a decision that went against his ancestors.

That day he asked his secretary

"Mr. Yamashita, do you realize your mistake?"

The secretary's tone was a little forced

"No, Mr. Yamashita seems to have taken refuge with others with the Ten Demon Snake King Horse."

Knowing this news at that time almost made Nogi Hideki angry. He thought that Yamashita Fu, who had no way to go, would return to him, but he never thought of surrendering to the enemy.

Nogi Hideki closed his eyes and didn't look at these two people. He just left alone.

There is nothing he can do if the situation is stronger than that of others. This is how he was able to intimidate Yoshitake Qiro just now.

"Damn you little devil!"

It's just that he didn't expect that the person being beaten would become himself. Nogi Hideki felt uncomfortable and immediately disappeared here.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma didn't say anything, but just grinned ferociously.

"Yamashita, this is the power of strength."

"Mr. Ouma."

I don’t know if it’s Yamashita’s misunderstanding, but I always feel that Mr. Ouma is very strange and far away from him.

The outside world didn't know that a martial artist who had been abandoned by his employer showed off in front of his employer.

"Then it's my turn."

In an operating room with flashing lights, there were bloody footprints on the ground. Dr. Yingchu took off his bloody surgical clothes and said easily

"You must be executed this time."

At the same time, in a basement that had been transformed into a special cell, a thin old man in a suit stood in front of a huge prisoner who was bound by chains as thick as a child's arms, with his limbs and neck fixed. .

Behind the old man were several soldiers with live ammunition, protecting him closely. They all aimed their guns at that figure.

"Bando, it's time."

The old man with gray hair and squinting eyes said with a smile.

"Don't forget the agreement I made with you."

"Of course."

Upon hearing this, the old man made a gesture to the bodyguard behind him, and immediately a frightened man came forward with the key.

The man who was concentrating with his eyes closed opened his eyes and said coldly

"It's enough for me to do it myself."

After saying that, all the thick iron chains above were broken into pieces. The expressionless Bando Yohei crushed the giant metal collar around his neck into pieces.


The most vicious criminal in the history of Neon is about to face his own judge.

Happy 520 holidays, love you all

Thanks to Ye Yu, drink a thousand cups and get 20 monthly passes

Thanks to Lightning Silver Wolf for 2 monthly passes

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