I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 185 The disappeared head of the Shinomiya family

In order to make it easier for them to do bad things, the "worm organization" took the initiative to cut off the entire power supply system in this small area of ​​​​the port area.

Except for the loud sound of gunfire that was still heard in the center of the explosion, the surrounding area was pitch black and lifeless, like a ghost town.

So imagine, on this wet and cold night, it would be even better if there was a small bonfire to warm up the cold and eat a bowl of Cup Noodles.

Just like these two, it's very comfortable.

Three M4A1 submachine guns were casually leaning against the wall, and three special-material bulletproof helmets with night vision capabilities were also casually placed aside.

Oh, there was also a rocket launcher, which looked like it was an anti-aircraft Stinger missile, so it was thrown on the ground.

Judging from the fact that they are well-equipped with weapons and so unscrupulous that they are not afraid of being discovered.

He should be one of the insect organization's own people

There was a simple bonfire in the alley, burning green belt plants that could be seen everywhere on the roadside, and the pot was burning instant noodles bought for zero yuan from a convenience store.

"Instant noodles are so delicious. Speaking of neon big cities, they are different from small places like ours."

A dark-looking man with a big beard picked up a spoon and scooped out a bowl, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Bill, why don't you take off your clothes and blend in with the crowd, then you can just settle here."

Another rugged man with a tanned complexion made a joke after hearing this.

Most of the troops dispatched by the insect organization came from the East Asia branch, and these few people came from the Mianbei branch.

I am used to living a hard life, and this time I am going abroad for a rare business trip. Wages paid by insect organizations are paid by each branch according to its own conditions.

But Mianbei is poor, and the wages of lower-class soldiers are about twice as high as the income of local residents. If they wanted to make some extra money while staying at the base, they had to swindle a few unlucky people out of their pockets.

So with just this little money, it’s really hard for them to do things.

It's better to have a bowl of instant noodles here and warm yourself up comfortably, and leave the limelight to those brothers who want to make meritorious deeds.

"Stop joking, have you forgotten the consequences of betraying the organization?"

The bearded man warned Bronze, some words are not something you can say casually.

Crazy, don't kill me.

If they were caught fishing for money, it wouldn't matter if they just deducted some money, but discussing betrayal of the organization would be very risky.

"Sorry, it's cold weather, so I wanted to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere."

Bronze took a sip of hot soup and nodded, apologizing in a helpless tone.

"Speaking of which, Cole is so slow to go to the toilet."

"There won't be any accidents."

The bearded man gave a "tui" dissatisfaction, indicating bad luck

"What can happen to an idiot! Our current position is almost on the periphery."

"There are still a large group of brothers like us inside. How can we let anyone out alive under tight security?"

At first, the three of them also participated in the sweep with the large army, but they suffered from occupational diseases.

Really heartbroken (greedy)

So many people have just died, how many fresh kidneys can be eaten, and how much money can be made.

But in front of all my colleagues, I really can’t let go of that face.

Being out-of-sight and out-of-mind, they might as well take the initiative to take out the anti-air Stinger rocket launchers and go out to fish in an open and honest manner.

"Don't think too much. This kid probably got confused when he saw the unattended shop and wanted to bring some souvenirs back."

The bearded man was attentive and immediately thought of what that kid might have done.

"Let's eat and leave him alone."

"It's his loss if he doesn't come. His face is almost lumpy."


Little did they know that the Cole in their mouths had received the lunch box two minutes ago and turned into a cold corpse.

Then it was their turn.

There was an inexplicable draft passing by in the alley, and the two of them couldn't help but feel a slight chill in their hearts.

Even the smoldering bonfire began to tremble uneasily and seemed to begin to extinguish.

"Something's wrong."

There seemed to be needles piercing his back. The bearded man who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground now stood up and wanted to pick up the guy next to him.

"Huh? Something's wrong."

I just thought it was windy at night, and the heartless Bronze added some more noodles to his bowl to eat more to keep him warm.

"Didn't you say that before...well..."

Just as I was about to take off my chopsticks, I heard a very small and strange screaming sound coming from my ears.

Then the bronzer felt a burst of warm liquid splash directly onto his face, which was hot.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the bearded man who had been chatting and laughing with him just now had a clearly visible blood line on his neck.

The bearded man still had a look of disbelief on his face, but soon because the cut surface was so smooth, it quickly slid down like melted ice cream under the influence of gravity.


The head separated and fell to the ground.

There was only a headless corpse left, and the blood from the wounds was almost like a fountain.

The fragrant seafood-flavored ramen held in the bronze hands, and the milky white soup are stained with this bright red.

The astringent taste of rust in the mouth is immediately conveyed to the brain. The delicious ramen in front of me has turned into noodles mixed with human blood.

Only then did he realize that the liquid that had just spurted out was actually the blood in his companion's body!

Knowing that he was destined to die, Bronze wanted to immediately pull the emergency button on his body to notify the troops of the enemy's location, but he immediately followed in the footsteps of the bearded man.

There was also a clearly visible blood line on the guy's neck, and soon there were two terrifying headless corpses on the ground.

The blood sprayed red liquid all over the ground and the surrounding walls, making it look extremely strange.

I don't know when the bonfire that was originally burning has started to drift into blue-black smoke, and the alley that was originally full of life and warmth has returned to silence again.

Only two white feathers firmly embedded in the wall witnessed the killing just now.

"The danger is over."

"Sa, let's go, Miss."

It took less than two seconds to stand at the entrance of the alley and kill the two "work brothers" without anyone noticing. It was the strongest of the two remaining bodyguards of Shinomiya Kaguya." Heron" out of hand.

He used an unknown hidden weapon in the shape of an egret feather, which was extremely concealable and sharp.

"Heron" took the lead and walked in.


Shinomiya Kaguya agreed, and she subconsciously wanted to glance at the scene in the alley before leaving.

As Hayasaka Ai stood aside, she quickly covered Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes with her hands to prevent her from looking.

"There's nothing to see, Miss."

"Just two dead people."

"Oops, I know"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was confused, was carried away by Hayasaka Ai, and she patted Hayasaka's arm.

Afraid of causing too much noise, I just spoke in a very low voice.

"Don't pull me, Hayasaka."

"I can walk by myself."

But Hayasaka Ai still didn't seem to hear, and temporarily acted as Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes.

"Miss Kaguya, there is a piece of wood in front of you. Please take a long step and be careful not to step on it."

"Yes, that's it, okay."

Hayasaka Ai didn't let go of her hand covering Miss Kaguya's eyes until she pulled Shinomiya Kaguya so far away that she couldn't even see where she was.

She couldn't help but frown as she recalled the scene just now.

As early as at the entrance of the alley, she could clearly see the tragic situation in the alley through the sporadic light of the newly extinguished fire.

I don't know if it was Mr. Lu's bad taste, but the two heads lay flat on the ground and stared at the four of them at the entrance of the alley.

There was fear on his face, and his eyes were wide and unyielding, which was very scary.

Seeing such a harmonious scene in a horror movie, the only girl who can remain so calm is Hayasaka Ai.

So it was unbearable to watch from a distance, not to mention that the master and servant were taking such a path.

Hayasaka Ai just reminded Shinomiya Kaguya very thoughtfully to pay attention to the wood under her feet and be careful where she steps.

It was not wood at all, but the arm of a headless corpse lying in the middle of the road.

The blood is still oozing out from it.

Oh, Miss Kaguya

Hayasaka Ai glanced at Kaguya Shinomiya, who was still pretending to be calm but was actually still very scared, and shook her head.

The eldest lady looks very fierce, but in fact she is just a show-off. She is no different from an ordinary girl. It’s better not to show her these scenes that restrict bloodshed.

If you see it, you will definitely not be able to accept this horrific scene.

Hayasaka Ai shook the handbag in her hand. The hard feeling brought by this thing in her hand could give her a little sense of security.

Along the way, Mr. "Heron" was actually at the front, responsible for reconnaissance and bypassing some enemies on guard. If you really can't go around, you will kill it with very little movement.

Hayasaka Ai noticed that every time Mr. "Heron" took action, he would throw out two small white lights in a very short period of time. They should be hidden weapons.

As for taking Miss Kaguya down the alley that was comparable to a horrific murder, there was no other way. We had to take this path.

The two food brothers chose the place to eat so that they blocked the only way they could pass.

Their current destination is to head towards the direction closest to Tokyo Bay.

This is Mr. Heron's suggestion.

With the land route being blocked by the enemy, the only way to survive is to take the water route secretly.

Time waits for no one. The gunfire in the distance has stopped and the battlefield is being cleaned.

Presumably, they will find the hidden underground air-raid shelter located in the Fourth Palace Villa. Although the passages inside are complicated, they don't know how long they can be blocked.

"Oh, what a terrible future there is."

Hayasaka Ai looked at the moon in the sky and shook his head. The night was still very long.

Kyoto, a full three hundred kilometers away from Tokyo, is often regarded as the "hometown of the soul" by neon people, and has the titles of "thousand-year-old ancient capital" and "Heian Kyo".

The headquarter of the Shinomiya family is located here and has been there for hundreds of years.

"No matter how prominent your family background is, it has a glorious history."

On the battlefield against the Shinomiya clan, Xia Yan, the leader of the insect organization, served as the supreme commander.

He stood on a hilltop ten kilometers away from Shinomiya's family, surrounded by soldiers directly under his cadres.

"Only when the war breaks out will you realize that all this is like a dream."

Xia Yan stretched out his hand and held the place where the fire was soaring into the sky in the distance, holding it in the palm of his hand like a bright pearl.

"The Shinomiya family, you guys think you are superior."

Finally, he gave the Shinomiya family a hard squeeze, as if he had completely crushed it.

"Looks like a clown to me"

"It's actually nothing."

Unlike the second battlefield of the Fourth Palace Villa, which was cleaning up the battlefield, this place was still in a white-hot stage.

After all, it was the Shinomiya family that was quite powerful and had been running the territory for hundreds of years.

Even if dozens of large trucks loaded with TNT were prepared to form a self-destruct truck, it would only catch the peripheral security personnel who were unprepared.

The Shinomiya family is divided into the first district, the second district and the entire twelve districts, with thousands of combatants.

Under the fierce artillery fire from both sides, the ceiling above the air raid shelter continued to shake.

The rich and wealthy family of the Shinnomiya family in Kyoto is different. Even the underground air-raid shelters are built like palaces on the ground, magnificent.

The combatants above were fighting a bloody battle, and the ones serving as protectors were the old, weak, sick and disabled. They were all elders of the Shinomiya family. Every tremor from above would startle them, and they would tremble with their eyes fixed on the ceiling, as if they were afraid that the air-raid shelter would not be able to withstand the pressure from above.

A thin old man with age spots all over his face, trembling on crutches. But he has an aura that only comes from someone who has been in a high position for a long time, which shows that he was a famous big shot when he was young.

This old man is the president of the Shinomiya Family Elders Association, and his status in the family is second only to that of the Governor of the Shinomiya Family, Shinomiya Kaguya's father, Shinomiya Enan.

He is old and suffers from various serious underlying diseases. He relies on customized medicines from the Shinomiya family's medical company to stay alive.

The pampered old guy knew that he would have a heart attack if he got angry, but it was too much.

"That brat from Yan'an actually abandoned us and ran away."

Yes, so the Shinomiya family now has a group of elders who are pests to the Shinomiya family, waiting to die here.

But based on this information, they had just learned that the heir to the Shinomiya family was also from Yanan's lineage and had completely abandoned them and escaped on his own.

And I don’t know when it happened, but the confidentiality work was done very well.

The enemy came to seek revenge. By the time these clan elders found out, it was too late and the building was empty.

With no way to go to heaven, they can only hide underground like rats in the sewer.

So where did Sigong Yanan go?

On the sea a hundred nautical miles away from the coast of Kyoto, amid the rough and turbulent waves, as if it were flat ground, is a giant white steel ship.

It is the facade of the Neon Ministry of Defense Navy

The code-named Maya-class heavy guided missile destroyer has a length of about 169.9 meters, a width of 22.2 meters, a draft of 6.4 meters, a speed of about 30 knots, and a full-load displacement of about 10,250 tons.

Equipped with the Aegis missile defense system, it is one of Neon's most powerful and best-performing destroyers in existence.

Wearing a blue military uniform, Daiki Fujioka, one of the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, is the captain of this guided missile destroyer.

He stood in front of the door of a room, straightened his collar, and then knocked on the door

"Come in."

Only when he heard the majestic voice inside did Fujioka Daiki walk in.

If it weren't for a guided missile destroyer, just judging from the decoration style, it would just look like a Japanese-style tea room.

There are also calligraphy and paintings of "meditation" hanging on the wall.

There were four people inside, sitting around a burning tea cauldron.

If Shinomiya Kaguya were here, when he saw these four people, he would probably lament that these were his three good brothers and his dear father!

The fourth palace is Yan'an, the fourth palace is yellow light, the fourth palace is green dragon, and the fourth palace is cloud eagle.

All four of them are here!

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