I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 184 “Survivors”

The dazzling night sky was different from the neon lights that used to be illuminated by the bustling city. Even the bright moonlight was tainted with a strange red color.

The scarlet blood moon looks quite charming, but even so, I don't want to continue to overlook this cruel human world and it is voluntarily obscured by thick clouds.

"All flesh is like grass; the flowers wither and the grass withers." This sentence comes from the Old Testament and is very suitable to describe this scene.

Behind every passing minute now, a fresh life is dissipating. Human life is worthless, harvested wantonly by the God of Death.

The "Symphony of Hell" dedicated to the demon named "Slaughter" is still playing and cannot be stopped.

An unknown corner of the port area seemed quite quiet and deserted in contrast to the brutal blood and bullets and fire in the distance.

It's ironic to say that this inconspicuous corner is just one of the alleys that can be seen everywhere in Tokyo. The dirty ground is covered with not only cigarette butts but also broken beer bottles, but it has become a rare pure land.

Against the wall, there is a large stainless steel trash can with rollers that was originally used to store non-recyclable garbage. It doesn't look like there is anything wrong with it.

There are still a few rats in the trash can looking for food, and they are busy climbing up and down.

But suddenly they seemed to be frightened and immediately climbed out of the garbage bin. Without looking back, he turned around and ran into the darkness in the distance, probably back to the sewers. (However, the sewers have exploded, and the mice have no home and can only wander.)

So what is the reason why the rats are so panicked?

If you look carefully, you can see that the ground under the trash can is shaking inexplicably.

It seems that something underground is pushing hard against the ground with brute force, trying to break out of the ground.

With frequent tapping, the ground that had been covered with thick dirt and dust over time slowly began to show traces of a square grid!

And judging from the size, it should be able to accommodate an adult.

I only heard a very small and crisp sound of "bang" coming from the darkness, and the cover was opened with the support of one hand.

Thick dust fell from above and fell into the dark passage.

Even so, the owner of that hand is still very careful, and has not made any unnecessary noise except for the sound of forcing the door open just now.

He seems to be afraid of being discovered and tries his best to hide his traces. Just poke your head out slightly to observe the surrounding environment.

And the guy who poked his head out was wearing a rather strange electronic instrument with five camera-like things arranged neatly on it, and underneath were goggles that fully covered his eyes like a motorcycle helmet.

This strange device would definitely attract people to stop and look at it during the day, but it is not so obtrusive under the cover of the trash cans above and the darkness, and it is impossible to find it.

The guy just glanced around a few times, and then used his other hand to make a safety gesture towards the passage where he was.

No, so fast

It seems rather perfunctory and unserious.

But it wouldn’t be surprising if you knew the function of the strange electronic instrument on your head

The power of technology and instruments specially used for detection are particularly effective in the dark.

This is the fourth-generation military night vision device EN-VGB currently in service by the Yingjiang Army. It uses VR template 4K high-definition imaging technology. Even in the dark, it is very clear as daytime, and the thermal imaging mode in reconnaissance mode can be worn through wall.

Those who are closer will directly appear human figures, while hostile forces beyond a hundred meters will have nowhere to hide as long as they exist, and a white human-shaped outline will appear on the display.

It is a powerful weapon for night fighting and street fighting. You can see the enemy troops inside through the wall, and the other side has already started shooting before they notice it.

So this area is safe for now

Following the safe gesture from above, a sound of relief and relief suddenly came from the dark passage.

After confirming that the surrounding environment was safe, the person wearing military night vision goggles held the lid with one hand, while the other hand slowly moved the iron roller trash can that served as a cover.

With his efforts, the trash can above was moved to the right to once again serve as a bunker at the corner, and the unknown black passage was completely exposed in the alley with the door wide open.

With just a slight jump, the whole person ran out of the passage. But he did not relax his vigilance. He took out a military thorn from his side as a weapon and would take action immediately if there was a threat.

Judging from the burly figure, he should be a strong man. He was wearing a light black combat uniform that looked like it was made of thick fabric at first glance. In fact, this is not the case. This is first woven into a cloth-like material with an extremely fine metal fiber and then several layers are pressed together. Use thicker and more elastic fibers to shape tops and trousers, and finally determine each person's combat uniform specifications based on different combat uniform models.

"It's safe, come out."

The voice of the man wearing night vision goggles sounds particularly steady, which can give people a sense of security in this extremely dangerous environment.

He leaned against the wall at the entrance of the alley, using the instrument on his head to constantly monitor the surroundings and look out for the next people.

The people inside felt relieved after hearing these words, and slowly and orderly crawled out from underneath.

Soon, three people emerged from the narrow passage. They were the group of "Kaguya Shinomiya" who was the number one target that the "Insect Organization" wanted to kill most at the moment.

Hayasaka Ai, and her nominal cousin, Shinomiya Kaguya's personal bodyguard "Hayama Hayato" in school.

The place they just came out of was a passage specially opened when the Fourth Palace Villa was built. It was regarded as an emergency escape passage and could prevent air raids.

The exit of the air-raid shelter dug out under the villa is a full two kilometers away from the Fourth Palace villa. The intricate pipelines inside are enough to make people who have never been here get lost.

The three of them were all very embarrassed, with spider webs stuck to their bodies, and their clothes were dirty.

Hayasaka Ai, who was wearing the same school uniform as Shinomiya Kaguya, was holding a handbag in one hand, no different from usual.

"As expected, there is no signal."

She took out her phone and took a look

It was around 2:40 in the morning, and there was a no service sign displayed above.

Hayasaka Ai speculated that this area has been controlled by the enemy using large-scale signal shielding equipment, and no rescue news can be sent out.

There was no signal in the air-raid shelter just now, but there was a special encrypted phone that could be directly connected to the Shinomiya family to request support.

But no one got through.

It is very likely that they are also under attack over there, and there is no time to take care of them.

After coming up, Hayato, like the man, held a sharp blade in his hand and looked around closely, carrying a large package on his back.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was wearing school uniform, now looked like a phoenix in trouble. Even with the dust on her head, she no longer looked like a wealthy daughter.

She ran out of the passage with a look of shock on her face.

"Thank you, Hayasaka."

When she saw the bottle of water handed over by Hayasaka Ai, Shinomiya Kaguya took it and whispered thank you. She unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip. The tasteless mineral water was a little sweet.

"Maybe this is what the president said."

Shinomiya Kaguya, who had replenished a little water, smiled to herself.

"Tap water is as sweet as cola."

It was actually in this environment that I understood what the president said before.

There were clear gunshots not far away, and explosions could be heard from time to time.

Shinomiya Kaguya really felt unsure of herself and didn't know if she could survive this difficult night.

Noticing Miss Kaguya's gaffe, Hayasaka Ai looked at her worriedly

"Miss Kaguya"

Hearing Hayasaka's worried voice, he followed her gaze to Shinomiya Kaguya and realized that his hand holding the water bottle was trembling uncontrollably.

"Am I afraid?"

"I am Shinomiya Kaguya."

But despite the dazzling aura of being the eldest daughter of Shinomiya, Shinomiya Kaguya is just a second-year girl in the upper division, living a peaceful daily life.

I never thought that this daily routine could be so fragile and so easily broken.

The shadow of death is actually so close to me.

"If it weren't for Hayato-kun"

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at "Hayato" next to him and recalled his previous experience in the air raid shelter. Even if you are in an absolutely safe bunker, you can still feel the explosion above, which is so strong and deafening that the huge kinetic energy forces the walls to crack.

If she were still sleeping in the room, Shinomiya Kaguya would feel shuddering.

The dust on her head came from staying in the air-raid shelter. The ceiling was constantly shaking in the huge explosion, and the dust and dust on the ceiling were shaken off from time to time.

The Shinomiya family distributed instruments for real-time detection of vital signs, and a total of 445 security personnel.

When the first wave of impact hit, one hundred and twenty-four people's work badges changed from green to red.

This means that they lost their lives in the explosion.

The red number on the screen is still rising at a rapid speed. It will probably reach four hundred before long. Now it is almost within the data range of three hundred and ten.

Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya were able to avoid this fatal murderous intention, thanks to "Hayato".

At that time, Hayasaka Ai was comforting Shinomiya Kaguya who was tired of crying, but she really couldn't coax her.

Chika Fujiwara ranks first in grade, who can break the defense?

Of course, it was Shinomiya Kaguya who had been under the president for a long time and wanted to avenge the shame of being ranked second in the grade. She was well prepared, but her opponent was indeed very strong.

It was unexpected that the president was very strong, and not just any cat or dog could climb on her head.

Fujiwara-san, who was synonymous with "idiot" in her eyes, began to rub his nose and face and crawl on her head.

Aren't you worse than an idiot?

The unwilling Shinomiya Kaguya had been holding Hayasaka and crying for most of the day because of this incident, even during the period before going to bed.

xs, couldn’t sleep at all.

Shinomiya Kaguya called Hayasaka Ai over, hoping that Hayasaka could coax her to sleep.

Hayasaka Ai, who said she disliked Miss Kaguya for being troublesome, doted on her more than anyone else and treated her like her own sister.

After complaining slightly, he still dragged his body after a tiring day to Shinomiya Kaguya's room.

Then "Hayato" suddenly broke in, nervously opened the door of Miss Kaguya's room, and suggested that they take refuge as soon as possible.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

The two of them followed him into the air-raid shelter without asking any questions.

That's what happened before.

It didn't take long for the splendid Fourth Palace Villa to become history in the explosion.

"Hayama Hayato" is the person in charge of an area. At specific times, his patrol officers will report their location and whether there are any abnormalities, including the kind of snipers who squat on high-rise buildings overnight.

Although the vital signs of his sniper looked normal from the main station, Hayato still found him suspicious.

The wind on the rooftop is very strong, especially when reporting to Hayato from high-rise buildings, it will be accompanied by noisy wind.

Not this time!

Hayato suddenly had a bad premonition, so he hurried to Miss Kaguya's room and hoped that Miss Kaguya could be transferred as soon as possible.

The good news is that "Hayato's" premonition came true, and Miss Kaguya escaped the enemy's attack.

The bad news is that all the security defenses they built were destroyed by the enemy's first attack.

There are only so many people left

"Miss, we should go."

The burly man with a night vision goggle on his head, who had vaguely become the backbone of the team from the time he was on alert until now, spoke.

"It's very dangerous to stay in one place for a long time."

They were not in a hurry just now because Miss Kaguya and the others were just ordinary people, and this was a safe place for the time being.

Unlike underground confined spaces, breathing fresh air and properly hydrating can provide temporary psychological comfort.

In the next action, you can perform better.

But the enemy is not a fool. When they discover that there is an air-raid shelter underground in the Fourth Palace Villa, they will expand the search area.

That would put them in danger.

It's time to move

"Okay, Mr. Heron."

Shinomiya Kaguya heard the man's voice and immediately responded

"Let's get going."

The "Heron" she refers to is the guardian stationed near the fortress's large electric engine unit.

From the beginning, it was assumed that the enemy would destroy it from within, so personnel would be stationed at key locations.

"Heron" is the seventh-ranked "White Ling" deputy leader of the "Sword-biting Tiger", so he can serve as a guardian in a place like the power supply.

The generator set is located in the underground air-raid shelter of the Fourth Palace Villa, supplying energy for the entire base.

"Heron" who was meditating heard "Hayato"'s report and couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to activate the alarm immediately.

But the bells of destruction sounded more swiftly than the alarms of their own people, far beyond expectation.

It was really miserable, and in the end there were only four people left.

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