I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 171 Our lives must be in our own hands

"The sky roars for me, the earth boils for me, and the sea becomes silent for me."

Hayasaka Ai said to Ishigami seriously

"This is the sharpest sword of the Shinomiya family, the internal training of the "Sword-biting Tiger" that has been passed down for hundreds of years."

The way the Shinomiya family selects "sword-biting tigers" is partly from orphans adopted from all over the world, and the other part from the vassals of the Shinomiya family (similar to the relationship between the Soryuin family and the Ishigami family, but Ishigami The family is not as cruel as the Shinomiya family and does not treat people as human beings.)

As one of the vassals of the Shinomiya family, the ancestors of the Hayasaka family have some Irish blood, which are the descendants of the Vikings who swept across Europe in the 11th century and made countless nobles fearful.

Therefore, this family has the ancestral "blood of violence" in their blood, and they are born warriors. Part of the reason why the Hayasaka family was annexed by the Shinomiya family was because of their family blood.

Hayasaka Ai was also forced to participate in the "Sword-biting Tiger" selection when she was a child. It was a brutal selection. It is said that there is a selection method that was inspired by the "Insect Organization".

Hayasaka Ai knew that there was a way to lock ten selected children in a cellar with no food or fresh water. Everyone would be qualified if they survived for a month with only a switchblade in their hands.

But this is just the beginning, there is still training with an elimination rate as high as 90%.

But luckily, Hayasaka Ai was spotted by Shinomiya Huangguang before being sent for selection. As a little spy, he serves as the bodyguard of his youngest sister Shinomiya Kaguya, otherwise it would be a dead end.

"Oh, please be serious."

Hayasaka Ai hoped that the description of "sword-biting tiger" in her mouth would be as strong as possible, otherwise this guy might actually be interested and try it out.

When the time comes, how will it end will be a question?

"Hi, hi, I got it."

Ishigami yawned boredly and muttered in a low voice.

"It's better than shouting slogans, who can't?"

"Besides, if this tiger is so powerful, why hasn't the Shinomiya family unified the world yet?"

The artificial intelligence "World Snake" of Ishigami's allies, the Hekmedia family, chanted the slogan "Swallow the five continents, drink up the three oceans" when he was born. This is no better than the youngest son, "the tiger bitten by the sword" powerful.

Combat effectiveness is the best criterion for reviewing annihilation troops.

Everything else is just empty talk, it's not that Ishi looks down on the Shinomiya family. With their condescending attitude of not treating people as human beings, what they have trained is nothing more than tool men who know how to follow orders.

A person is a real person only if he has his own thoughts.

"Anyway, after today, Yu-kun, you can't climb on my window sill anymore!"

Mentioning this point, Hayasaka Ai felt outrageous. Brother-kun treats her room as his own home. Although Hayasaka Ai can fly over walls to a certain extent, it is not as easy as Brother-kun can do. With a "swish", he jumped into the air from the ground and jumped into Hayasaka Ai's room.

To be honest, this kind of little surprise between lovers is not bad, but no matter how happy Hayasaka Ai is about opening the door to her room and showing up with the person she loves, it can only end.

Because after today, full martial law will begin tomorrow, and there will definitely be people guarding every corner of the Shinnomiya Tokyo Villa.

"Okay, just finish these things and put them aside. I'm going to get busy."

Although she also wanted to stay in the room and live a two-person world with her brother Jun, but work made it impossible.

"Xiao Ai, where's your dinner?"

"I'll just eat this."

Hayasaka Ai quickly finished the sandwich in her hand and smoothed out the wrinkles in her maid uniform. Ever since she received the order from the Shinomiya family, Hayasaka Aina, who returned to her Tokyo villa, has been extremely busy until now.

That is to say, during the meal, I could take a break for half an hour to spend some time with my brother Jun.

We still need to discuss the specific matters with the eldest lady.

"Okay, then go and do your work."

Ishigami knew that what Hayasaka Ai said was true and that he was really busy, so he cursed again.

"The evil Sigong family makes Xiao Ai so busy every day!"

Hayasaka Ai smiled when she saw Ishigami sulking like a child, walked up and hugged him with her arms, and then she kissed her brother Jun gently on his forehead.

"Forgive me, brother-kun."

"Let's talk about it later"

Ishigami sighed and waved his hand to let her go. This scene and conversation reminded him of what a certain brother in a certain anime often said to his younger brother because he was always busy and had no time.

"By the way, brother-kun, please bring a change of clothes."

"You can take a shower if you want."

Hayasaka Ai suddenly warned me

"You don't have to wait for me to come back. After all, I don't know what time I will be back."

"Ah, exposed."

Ishigami was suddenly exposed by Hayasaka Ai and felt a little embarrassed about his little thoughts. He did have the intention of spending the night here.

I even brought a change of clothes with me, thinking I could get away with it. As long as he stays late enough, the soft-hearted little love will definitely not drive him away.

Hayasaka Ai rolled his eyes at Ishigami and snorted coldly.

"How can I know what an old pervert like you thinks?"

Ishigami shrugged angrily.

But just when Hayasaka Ai was about to walk out of the room, Ishigami stopped her.

"Wait, little love."

"What's wrong? What's wrong with Sese's brother Jun?"

Hayasaka Ai stopped and said helplessly

"Sister, I'm going to work."

"Xiao Ai, what is your computer password?"

Hayasaka Ai answered without hesitation

"The password is my birthday and your birthday, just put them together."

"If you want to play, just play, it doesn't matter."

Then she walked out of her room, looking very calm.

It's like she feels relieved about her younger brother, because Hayasaka Ai has a good habit of deleting those subtle browsing records after reading them, so she won't die due to a sudden attack.

The door was gently closed and locked by her, leaving only Ishigami in the empty room.

Ishigami sighed

Then he got off Hayasaka Ai's bed, came to the desk and turned on her computer.

This computer should have been provided by Xiao Ai himself, because Ishigami saw the RTX 4090 TI in the computer mainframe in the open air, and four gas stoves were placed neatly together inside.

Don't be too ridiculous, it's so scary

You must know that one 4090 is enough to play all the games on the market. Xiao Ai who has four cards is really outrageous.

Since Xiao Ai said the password is her birthday and my birthday, the password should be 04020303.

After Ishigami entered the password, he passed it once.

Looking at the rows of various files on the computer desktop, my heartache for Xiao Ai has reached another level.

Unexpectedly, she was also in charge of the financial accounting aspect of this villa. Well, Ishigami also saw the salary slip written by Hayasaka Ai in a folder. The salary in December was 600,000 yen. It seemed that the neon yen exchange rate was low and inflation caused the salary increase. (originally five hundred thousand yen)

Ishigami turned on Hayasaka Ai's computer, not because he wanted to try out what it would be like to stack the four most powerful graphics cards together on a whim, but because he wanted to program an artificial intelligence for Ai's computer.

It doesn't need to be multifunctional, as long as it can help her handle some daily tasks.

This computer with all the configurations is just right as a carrier for the birth of artificial intelligence. As for the transfer from computer to mobile phone, it is convenient, as long as there is an Internet connection.

The reason why Ishigami finds it so troublesome is because who knows how many people are coming tomorrow, and it would be great if they can help Xiao Ai. He almost wondered if Xiao Ai would have to stay up all night today. After all, she was the logistics supervisor.

Making money is not easy, but it is better to make money from the Shinomiya family, which is the leader in capital.

Ishigami thought while typing on the keyboard

"This little money is not enough to pay for Xiao Ai's mental damage."

But he did more than that. Ishigami also asked Ellie to deliver something using a drone.

On the other side, Shinomiya Kaguya was under the same roof as Ishigami, only a few dozen meters away.

She had been isolated in the military headquarters alone for the past two days, and it was only today that she met Hayasaka Ai for the first time.

It was shameful to say that when she was unconscious on the stone, Shinomiya Kaguya thought that it would be great if she could be isolated in the same room as the president.

But the reality was that she was in a luxurious single room, and she returned to her cold home without even being able to meet the president. Hayasaka was still locked in the hotel.

Shinomiya Kaguya originally wanted to pick up Hayasaka to go home, but Hayasaka said it was not you, Miss, who told her to keep a distance in front of the students in the school.

The car Shinomiya Kaguya has been riding in has been marked with her personal label, and it is difficult for others to know about it. (It seems that Shinomiya Kaguya’s car does not have a spare car. The Shinomiya family on Kuaikuosou.com prepared only one for her.)

This resulted in her not even having a reason to pick up her good sister early, so she could only stand at home helplessly hoping that Hayasaka would come back soon.

This scene seemed familiar, as if Shinomiya Kaguya had done this before.

Looking forward to Hayasaka coming back soon.

Finally, Hayasaka is back

The awkward Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't say anything caring. She looked at her face with a spring breeze, holding a bouquet of bright red roses and a trolley suitcase in her hands, just like Hayasaka who returned from her honeymoon with her husband.

Even Shinomiya Kaguya felt that she was redundant, so she just asked dryly.

"Haasaka, are you back?"

Hayasaka slowly returned the maid salute and replied in a cold tone.

"Well, I'm back, young lady."

So the master and servant were back together again. Shinomiya Kaguya was unsure at first, but now she has confidence.

Now she was walking with Hayasaka Ai and asked other servants to change the red carpet in the hall.

"The color of this carpet is dull. Replace it with a new one."

Things like this that are just simple decorations are available in the warehouse. There is no need to go to overseas companies to order them again. Besides, there is no time.

After all, Shinomiya Kaguya only knew two hours before Hayasaka Ai that the family had sent the rumored "Sword-biting Tiger" of the Shinomiya family to protect her.

The person who informed Shinomiya Kaguya was her third brother. It's a pity that it's not her old father, Shinomiya Kariya.

But no matter who they are, as long as they come to Shinomiya Kaguya's Tokyo villa, they are all guests.

"The lobby is the facade. Don't let guests feel that the Shinomiya family is nothing more than this when they first come in!"

So satisfying the guests from the details is the basic requirement. Tonight, she will also inspect the hardware facilities of the entire villa with Hayasaka.

Don't be rude

Thanks to Shinomiya Kaguya's spirit of excellence, it was almost one o'clock in the morning by the time Hayasaka Ai dragged her tired body back to her room.

Usually at this time, Hayasaka Ai has already fallen asleep under the influence of the decompression video. But today, she has just come back.

She opened the locked door, like a social animal who had just returned home. She wanted a sense of ceremony but was afraid of waking up her family, so she had to whisper something inside.

"I'm back."

But soon, she smiled

"That pig must have gone to sleep."

Zhuzhu naturally refers to Ishigami. After all, that guy likes to sleep very much, just like a baby sleeping.

But to Hayasaka Ai's surprise, she received a response when she whispered "I'm back".

"Welcome back, little love."

Wearing anti-blue light and anti-fatigue glasses, Shishang’s head popped out from the corner.

"No, Yu, aren't you asleep yet?"

Hayasaka Ai walked forward with a look of disbelief on her face and touched Ishigami's face.

"Don't do it, isn't this waiting for you!"

Although his eyes were looking at Hayasaka Ai, his hand did not stop typing three lines of code for one second.

But it has indeed reached the final stage. After another tens of seconds, as Ishigami finally hit the Enter key on the keyboard, he gave this artificial intelligence a quite meaningful name.


The name comes from an ancient book on the other side of the sea, which records that the chief ear is a strange monster that specializes in eating tigers. They are picky eaters and do not eat humans.

"Xiao Ai, look what I have prepared for you?"

Ishigami demonstrated to Hayasaka Ai how smart this newly released artificial intelligence was. Its algorithm intercepts part of Ellie's core algorithm, which is why Ishigami was able to complete it so quickly.

"Leave all the tedious work to it in the future."

"I am more than happy to serve you, two masters."

A cute little golden lion appeared on the computer screen, greeting him in a naive manner.

"You've been busy doing this all the time."

I have already seen that, just by inputting a command, in a few seconds, the work that Hayasaka Ai had to do alone could be completed for half an hour. It was simply magic, which greatly improved her efficiency.

Hayasaka Ai looked at Ishigami's sleepy eyes, but he still tried his best to explain to her and couldn't help but choked up.

But Ishigami didn't do more than that that night. He picked up a small black toolbox for Hayasaka Ai like a treasure.

"There's more, Xiao Ai, look at it."

Ishigami opened the box and showed it to her

There were several small, toy-like things lying inside, and they didn't look threatening at all.

These things are the things Ishigami asked Airi to transport from the base using a drone.

It is a small pen, but the tip of the pen is a transmitter, which can instantly release high-voltage electricity that can electrocute two adult men.

It looks like a compass-like piece of stationery. As long as the lid is twisted, the poisonous spikes inside will pop out. It is a melee weapon suitable for use when being controlled.

But the most attractive thing here is the white card gun, although it looks like a toy. However, the ammunition capacity is much larger than that of ordinary magazines, and the lethal accuracy is also high, and it also has a silencer effect.

The most important thing is that these things can be easily inserted into the skirt pockets of female high school students, which is quite convenient.

"Our lives still have to be in our own hands, are you right?"

Ishigami placed a finely crafted cross in the mezzanine and handed it to Hayasaka Ai.

"Little Love."

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