I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 170 Ishigami was kicked out of Hayasaka Ai’s room

"What! You want me not to come next time?"

Ishigami Yu sat cross-legged on Hayasaka Ai's bed with his head propped up. He was originally waiting for Ai-chan to bring him dinner, but when he heard these words, his face immediately dropped to his crotch.

Good guy, this is only my second time here for lunch.

And I was the one who sent you back just now.

Just tell me not to come next time, woman, you are so cruel!

How do you say it out loud?

Ishigami will once again appear in Hayasaka Ai's room near the evening time. That's because he is lonely and feels ashamed that he has no one to accompany him.

As for Setsuna Kiryu's matter, it has already been settled. The current situation is that he has completely mastered "Pingshen" and serves as the leader of Ishigami's personal guard. Rounding it off, he is the captain of the security brigade. (That’s because there is no one around but Setsuna Kiryu, so he serves as both captain and team member.)

Ishigami has always had a good eye, and he has used Setsuna Kiryu's "By God" to cooperate with Erhu Ryu (I don't know why Setsuna Kiryu also has it. Ishigami guesses that he learned it when his memory was covered up by the insect organization.) There is also Fox Shadow. Liu, there is no one more suitable to be a bodyguard than him.

"Pingshen" has the same effect on human body's growth and liberation. Kiryu Setsuna's calculated liberation degree should be around 90%. It's equivalent to one punch, equivalent to two punches in normal times.

It can be said that with Kiryu Setsuna joining, even if Ishigami Yu goes on stage to fight, the safety of Ishigami's father can be guaranteed off the field.

After all, it is a basic principle not to underestimate the lower limit of your enemy.

The three days of isolation was not a long time, and it passed quickly. The students at Shuchiin have also been confirmed to be infected through careful and strict genetic testing, so they basically all went back to their respective homes.

Now that this fictitious biohazard incident has come out, even parents who don’t care about their children and are a bit insensitive will let their children go home. (Except for Iino’s parents, they are really busy and have no time.)

Xiaobo's father, Ishigami's unofficial father-in-law, who had basically no presence, came to pick up his daughter in person. Seeing Iino alone, he also asked to pick him up and go back together to have a meal.

In fact, Ishigami's car was just beside him, and he watched his wives being picked up with his own eyes.

There is nothing I can do, it really hurts.

There is no way, who told them to call it puppy love in this situation? It doesn't matter if it is three to five years later. If Ishigami really appears in front of his father-in-law at this time, it will be a shame.

Although Neon's parents are relatively open-minded, people who have been betrayed by marriage should not let their daughters experience unforgettable love early.

But if Ishigami Yu is now driving a will-o'-the-wisp, then the situation will be different.

So after picking up the lonely Ishigami, he originally wanted to go back directly, but he noticed Hayasaka Ai in the crowd at a glance.

After all, among the Shuchiin students present, the only one holding a large bouquet of roses in one hand and a trolley case in the other was Ai Hayasaka.

The bouquet of roses Ishigami ordered from the flower shop was for Hayasaka Ai. After all, Ishigami has always felt that he was indebted to Ai, although their feelings could not be fully disclosed because of Ai Hayasaka herself.

But it is true that Ishigami usually lacks companionship for her, and compared with other people, this is sometimes the case. Sometimes he didn't even get a chance to say a word to Xiao Ai in school, which sounded outrageous.

But this is very normal. The life circles of Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai have no overlap. Sometimes, we can only look at each other from a distance.

There was a time when Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai had lunch together, but that was too extreme. This girl is so workaholic that she wakes up at five in the morning, fixes herself, and goes straight to work. She is the one who coordinates all the work for such a big house.

She also had to prepare lunch with Ishigami. I imagined that someone who loved her would not let her be so tired, so Ishigami expressed her understanding.

On weekdays, Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai look at each other from a distance to confirm that they are safe, just like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, they seem to be only separated by a Milky Way (grade). But the distance between them would take a full twelve years to reach at the speed of light.

For this reason, even if you can't be with her, it's okay to give her some little surprises in life from time to time. Gifts will never be absent.

On the bouquet of roses Ishigami sent to Hayasaka Ai, he also wrote "To the one I love." The flower language of roses is fiery love, and ninety-nine roses represent eternal love.

Now this bouquet of roses is still intact on the bedside of Hayasaka Ai, and it is still blooming brightly.

So how could Ishigami not feel chilled?

This woman actually told him not to come next time.

After all, the feelings faded away. Ishigami stared at the roses without saying anything and sighed.

"I know our relationship has faded."

The whole person looked as if he had been frozen by the cold wind. At this time, the background music of "Snowflakes are falling and the north wind is blowing" was automatically played on the mobile phone, which was quite suitable for the occasion.

This desolate atmosphere can be felt by everyone.

Hayasaka Ai turned white and glanced at Ishigami who was completely self-absorbed and immersed in sadness.

"No, why are you in such a hurry?"

She stepped forward and grabbed Shi Shang's collar, pressed her lips to his, and separated after a long time.

"Do you still think our relationship is weak now? You idiot."

Ai Hayasaka, who hugged Ishigami Yu and kissed her, wanted to express her determination with a passionate kiss. At this time, a layer of blush appeared on her delicate and pretty face, and there was a bit of resentment in her watery eyes.

"You can't wait for me to finish what I said."

Ishigami, who was attacked by Hayasaka Ai, had a smile on his face, like a fat man weighing 100 pounds.

There are not many sincere hearts in the world, but the girl's blush surpasses them all.

"No, I knew you still loved me."

After Hayasaka Ai's explanation, Ishigami immediately became indignant.

"Huh? This "sword-biting tiger" is coming, and I have to give way to them, right?"

Hayasaka Ai prevented Ishigami Yu from climbing out of his window again, and the explanation he gave was that the family had sent the most elite annihilation force to the Shinomiya family's villa.

The "Sword-biting Tigers" are all experts in assassination and security. Ishigami can now enter the Shinomiya family's Tokyo villa unimpeded. From the side, it seems that there is a security loophole in this villa. In other words, what Ishigami can do, others can do with hundreds of millions of efforts.

The "Sword-biting Tiger" sent by the Shinomiya family is not someone else, but the master Hayasaka Ai serves, Shinomiya Kaguya, the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family.

As mentioned earlier, the Shinomiya family and the Insect Organization were really involved in the fight. Even the Shinomiya Group's largest new energy vehicle production line in Europe was shut down. How could they possibly swallow this breath of anger?

While Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai were chatting, the highly efficient "Sword-biting Tiger" had destroyed the Los Angeles branch, the largest branch of the Bug organization in North America. This was as serious as destroying the Neon branch in Asia. .

And not only that, the Shinomiya family's intelligence department also informed Interpol of the names of some of the already investigated members of the Insect organization who were buried in bases in some countries and replaced political officials. Some of the people who hated the Insect organization were quick enough to move. The country has dispatched special forces and drone bombings, and announced military exercises.

These two families no longer fight in secret, but openly.

The large-scale personnel changes of the insect organization cannot be hidden from the Shinomiya family's intelligence department. The Shinomiya family think tank analyzed that there is a 99.9% chance that the insect organization that cannot afford it will log into Neon's mainland with a high probability. Beheading important members of the Shinomiya family.

So Ishigami was driving on the road, and there were heavily armed special vehicles from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department patrolling the streets every kilometer. The situation in Kyoto is even more serious where the Shinomiya family is stationed. Forty percent of the country's police force has been specially deployed to station in Kyoto, although we don't expect them to have any effect.

After all, there may only be one monster like Aguya Kiyaki among all the neon police.

It is more about showing the majesty of the Shinomiya family. Capital can control the state machinery, which is quite scary.

The only thing left is to mobilize the soldiers from the military department, if we are not afraid of the negative impact on society. The cautious (fearful of death) Shinomiya family wanted to borrow a few tanks from the Ministry of Defense and station them in their mansion.

Now that the situation has reached such a critical level, it stands to reason that the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, who is studying alone in Tokyo, should return to her "main family" in Kyoto to be safe.

But, this is not possible.

Shinomiya Kaguya kept saying, "As a member of the Shinomiya family, what should I do?"

This is really not a joke

Every action of the members of the Shinomiya family represents the face of the Shinomiya family.

Shinomiya Kaguya's move from Tokyo to Kyoto was natural. If it was a call from the main family, it would be fine, but now the situation is special. At this juncture, in the eyes of those who are interested, it is like taking refuge, which is a manifestation of the Shinomiya family's insect-phobic organization!

Those face-hungry old diehards will do anything for the sake of the Shinomiya family's face, even the life of the clan (Shinomiya Kaguya) can be ignored.

Therefore, Shinomiya Kaguya cannot withdraw to Kyoto. She must stay in the Shinomiya family's villa in Tokyo and must always be there.

It is this kind of calm attitude that can show that the Shinomiya family is not afraid of the insect organization, and is nothing more than a group of ants.

But even if you think about it with your buttocks, you know that the Tokyo villa where Shinomiya Kaguya is located will inevitably become the primary target of the insect organization's attack.

Then rebuilding the security of the Tokyo villa became a top priority. After considering the safety of the Shinomiya family, they directly dispatched two of their most elite "Sword-biting Tiger" troops as the main force.

There are two troops codenamed "Dark Crow" and "White Ling". Each troop consists of a team of six people, for a total of twelve people.

The establishment of "Sword-biting Tiger" is divided into twelve groups, and they will also be ranked internally.

The top three, collectively known as the "Tian Group", basically take no action and are responsible for the head of the Shinomiya family. The other nine units of the "Sword-biting Tiger" are active and famous in the outside world.

The fourth-ranked "Tiger Hunter" single-handedly destroyed the Los Angeles branch of the largest insect organization in North America with just six people, while "Dark Crow" and "White Ling" ranked fifth and seventh.

The trigger from the beginning was "Dark Crow"!

In order to teach the insect organization a small lesson, the Shinomiya family dispatched the "Dark Crow". But feeling that the boss was making a fuss out of a molehill, the "Dark Crow" dispatched only one person to massacre the branch of the Bug Organization in Lao Lao. That was the deputy leader who had lost the bet.

The leader of the "Dark Crow" ranks tenth among the members of the "Sword-biting Tiger". This is a rule that only the top twenty people can serve as the leader of the combat annihilation force.

The same is true for the team leaders of "Bai Ling", they are all strong men who are unique among ten thousand.

Such specifications are already an extraordinary configuration for Shinomiya Kaguya, an illegitimate daughter with no backing. These unimaginably powerful twelve people only protect one person, which is basically considered the next heir of the family.

Some clan elders were still unconvinced and sent two combat troops of the "Sword-biting Tiger" to protect a little devil. Isn't this a waste? It is only reasonable that it should be used to protect people like them who have "worked" for the family for most of their lives.

One of the heirs of the same family, Shinomiya Kaguya's nominal guardian, the third son of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kumohawk felt that they were annoying and just yelled.

"If you have any opinions, go and tell the old man!"

Just shut up these old guys who were afraid of death.

Indeed, this was a direct order from the Governor of the Shinomiya family to immediately let the "Dark Crow" and "White Feather" stationed in the Tokyo villa.

Protecting Shinomiya Kaguya means protecting the majesty of the Shinomiya family!

And that's not enough. The wealthy Shinomiya family directly selected ten trustworthy security companies from overseas, and also stationed them in the Tokyo villa to become a security force.

These are used as "cannon fodder", but they can't handle the large number of people.

Therefore, in the next few days, the place where Shinomiya Kaguya lives will inevitably become a traffic-controlled area.

However, the school activities of the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family and Ai Hayasaka will not be affected. After all, they are all students and going to school is a daily activity.

These many security companies and the two combat annihilation forces of the "Sword-biting Tiger" restructured the security force of the Tokyo villa and turned it into a fortress.

So if Ishigami still wants to go to Hayasaka Ai's room, it means that he must defeat or bypass all these guys in front of him.

Only then can you meet your own Ai-chan.

So Hayasaka Ai specially reminded a certain "heart thief" who always crawled into the lady's room in the middle of the night to pay attention. This is not a place where you can do evil in the future.

Watch your butt, bullets don't have eyes.

"Oh, doesn't this make people look forward to it even more?"

Hayasaka Ai didn't expect that she had to remind her for a long time, but she only got this sentence in exchange

Small head, big doubts.


Ishigami smiled and explained.

"Imagine there are people patrolling outside, and I am sleeping with my wife under the quilt. It would be better to say that I sleep more peacefully."

Hearing Ishigami's words, Hayasaka Ai threw the doll in his hand over and said angrily.

"How come you know you're not serious all day long!"

"Because I like you, hahaha."


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