In the bright room, there was a man with rough blond hair who was about 1.99 meters tall and wearing a red Jiuzhouquan costume that exposed his rather strong arms. He yawned lazily and straightened his hat.

He is none other than Xia Ji, whom he has not seen for a long time, the head of the "Chong" Neon branch. Xia Ji's current posture is quite comfortable, leaning on the sofa like an old man with his feet resting on the coffee table.

There were many people on the screen in front of Xia Ji. Some of them were in suits and ties, others in tatters. They were men, women, old and young, covering basically all groups.

And there is a common characteristic that countries jointly request arrests and are listed on the international wanted list.

A sound that sounded like an electronically synthesized sound came out, which made Xia Ji, who was originally lazy, look serious.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting."

"The first topic is about the destruction of the Laowo and Guatemala branches by Interpol."

This is an internal high-level meeting of the "Insect" organization. The tentacles of "Insect" have already covered most of the economically developed areas of the world, and even the seeds they planted exist in backward countries.

But a big tree attracts trouble, and some branches that are not very strong can easily be destroyed directly as a violation of performance. The branch in Laowo is a good example.

Usually when a branch like this is destroyed, a joint meeting will not be held. What is important is the power and representative significance behind this incident. Interpol is just a cover to enjoy the results.

A symbol that looked like a white saber-toothed tiger with open fangs painted in blood soon appeared on the screen. As soon as this symbol appeared, it aroused a lot of discussion, and even some senior officials of the insect organization began to show fear.

Moreover, there is a vivid blood-black centipede mark on the bloody fangs, which means that the centipede was hunted by a saber-toothed tiger.

"What an ugly face. It's just a little kitten that scares you like this."

Xia Ji ate a piece of popcorn with helplessness on his face. The kitten in his mouth sounds cute, but the full name of this thing is "Smilodon".

It has nothing to do with cuteness, but is filled with a terrifying and chilling aura. The "Saber-toothed Tiger" is almost unknown to everyone in the other world. It is feared and known as the "Death Brigade".

But only a few people know that this ghost army is actually the most elite fighting force under the Sigong Group. It is quite mysterious and the number of members is unknown.

This force has the same nature as the "Guardians" of Neon Bank's chairman of the board of directors, Katagen Mitō's private security force. It is a private armed force directly under the Shinomiya family to protect the family.

He is usually quiet and low-key, but once he receives an order from the Shinomiya family, he will turn into the sharpest knife and stab into the enemy's chest without mercy.

Then why did the symbol of the Shinomiya family's strongest elite force appear at the internal high-level meeting of the insect organization.

Because the destruction of these two insect organization branches is inseparable from the "Saber-toothed Tiger". Inside the ruins of the base, many saber-toothed tiger symbols with fangs spread were painted on the walls with blood, for fear that the people in the Worm Organization would not know that the destruction of the base was closely related to them.

This was the Shinomiya Group's warning to the Bug Organization. They regarded Ishigami's accidental transformation as the mastermind of the poisoning case within Shuchiin as the work of the Bug Organization, because this organization is indeed very knowledgeable in biochemical, bacterial and viral weapons.

Moreover, the two families had a long-standing grudge and would release viruses on campus, which was indeed the indifferent style of the insect organization.

So without much thought, the Sigong Group held high the banner of "Insect Organization, you have done all the bad things, you have no heart." They directly destroyed the two unlucky branches that had already been exposed.

"We haven't attacked you yet, but you attacked me first."

The Insect Organization was in such a furious state, so just two hours ago, the top leader of the Insect Organization, the "Contacter", personally issued an order to dispatch the "Zhengxi Faction" to destroy the Shinomiya Group's largest new energy vehicle manufacturing plant in Northern Europe. , the annual production capacity of those production lines can reach 800,000 units, which can bring billions of euros in revenue to Sigong Group.

You can imagine how the Sigong Group would be furious when they received this bad news.

"If you destroy my branch, I will directly cut off your financial resources."

This unscrupulous way of revenge is indeed the style of the insect organization.

It can be said that the Sigong Group's losses can reach tens of billions of dollars throughout the year due to the targeting of insect organizations. Therefore, the Shinomiya family is happy to do anything that can attack the Earthworm organization.

This incident is just a microcosm of the increasingly fierce struggle between the Bug Organization and the Sigong Group, but this time it is really a real fight.

The Insect Organization has already begun to gather the strength of all Asian branches and is preparing to start attacking the Shinomiya Group.

Subsequently, in this meeting, because it was the end of the year, we continued to discuss some budget issues of various branches around the world, as well as the reconstruction of the hometown and Guatemala branches, and personnel dispatch was discussed as an issue.

"Then this concludes today's meeting."

As the machine sound ended, everyone present, including the carefree Xia Ji, all looked solemn and shouted, "Everything is for the contacts." Then they all exited the online meeting.

But Xia Ji didn't turn off the screen to have a midnight snack as usual. Instead, he fiddled around on his phone and joined a new online meeting.

I have to say that the current online meeting APP is really good. It's very convenient for them to have online meetings. The Zong organization uses the internal version of Penguin TX conference to fully protect the privacy and security of the conference.

The number of people attending this meeting was greatly reduced, with only a handful of people.

But they are all heavyweights

Wu Edward, the traitor of the Wu clan and the leader of the "Zhengxi Faction", Xia Yan, the leader of the Insect organization, Ten Ghosts Snake and Two Tigers, the independent partners of the Insect organization, Xia Ji, the head of the Neon branch of the Insect organization, and finally The mysterious contact-Shen Wulong.

It can be said that these people are the true senior leaders of the Worm Organization. Regardless of how many people there were before, those are all existences that can be abandoned when necessary.

The people who appeared on the screen, except for the basically faceless contact person Shen Wulong, were all SSS-level wanted criminals in various countries.

And except for the Ten Ghosts, Snakes, Two Tigers and Wu Edward, the other two people all bowed to the contactor.

That is the fear and taboo of contacts.

Speaking of which, Xia Yan, the leader of the Insect Organization, and Xia Ji are brothers, and Xia Ji is the elder brother.

The connector has always been an existence that is superior to the entire insect organization. There may be an upper-level organization above the insect organization, and the connector is the person who connects the insect organization and its upper-level organization.

The liaison can directly command any soldier in the insect organization, whether it is the highest-level cadre directly subordinate to the soldier or the appointment and dismissal of cadres.

Even the leader of the insect organization was resigned to his fate. Both brothers have faced the Contactor directly, so they know how terrifying that man is.

Undoubtedly "god-level"!

The current fifth-generation Ghanaian would never be able to defeat Edward Wu.

If Edward Wu's combat ability is the ceiling, then this man is the one who is the best.

No one knows how old the contact person is, and what the young Xia brothers looked like when they first saw the contact person. Decades later, this is still the case. (Pianyuan Mietang also met Shen Wulong when he was young, but he didn't know that this man was the contact person.)

Even across the screen, Xia Ji, who was carefree just now, was already kneeling in front of the screen, not daring to go any further.

You must know that when Xia Ji talks to Edward Wu in private on the phone, they always call him "Little Ed".

The electronically synthesized sound just now was produced by Xia Yan, and was released completely according to the instructions of the contact person "Shen Wulong".

The person in charge of this meeting is the contact person - Shen Wulong. Different from the majestic voice in the imagination, his voice is very friendly, soft and magnetic.

"Xia Ji, how did you do with the task assigned to you?"

Xia Ji heard the contact person call his name, big beads of sweat fell from his forehead, and his tone was trembling as he replied

"Yes, I have done everything you asked me to do."

The reason why Xia Ji looked lazy and unable to wake up was because he had planned all his sleeping time.

Don't dare to neglect at all.

Because Xia Ji is the leader of the Neon branch of the insect organization, and the headquarters of the Sigong Group is also in Neon. He must ensure that when any party launches a general attack, it will be a decisive blow to the Sigong Group.

That's right, the Bug Organization no longer plans to play house with the Sigong Group. They are going to unilaterally deal a big blow to the Shinomiya Group. At that time, they will directly assassinate all members of the Shinomiya family. No, it is more appropriate to call it "execution".

By "executing" all the lives of everyone in the Shinomiya family, their lives must be used to demonstrate the strength of the insect organization.

"This is the result of fighting against the insect organization."

Taking into account the Shinomiya family's direct force, the "Saber-toothed Tigers", and the Shinomiya family's fist-fighting fighter who has not made a move for decades, the "Scarlet Tyrant" who is known as Neon's most powerful fighter in the modern era. "The presence.

These two special factors

Shen Wulong will naturally consider

At that time, some particularly powerful combatants will inevitably be dispatched to ensure that all the blood of the Shinomiya family will be executed, whether they will use poison or not.

"That's good, thank you for your hard work, Xia Ji."

"No, it is my honor to serve you."

Xia Ji kowtowed in Shen Wulong's direction, looking very pious.

Contact person Shen Wulong no longer wants to see the Sigong family running around in this world. Only the dead Sigong family members are good Sigong family members.

"Erhu, your people will come too."

Although Shen Wulong's tone was suggestive of discussion, his undoubted tone clearly made it a certainty that the ten ghosts, snakes, and two tigers would contribute.

The ten ghosts, snakes and two tigers with white hair on their heads showed a ferocious smile.

"That's natural. How come there are so few of my people in this kind of killing feast?"

For the Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers, their subordinates are nothing more than tools. To test the fighting techniques he developed, the kind of experimental data needed was in actual combat.

"Speaking of which, Neon's upper-level organization seems to have touched our taboo."

A chill flashed through the eyes of the ten ghosts, snakes and two tigers, which was the light of bloodshed.

The Zombie Organization has brought together a large number of cutting-edge biotechnologists, and they have already figured out through artificial means what "liberation" is, what "ghosts" are, and what the working mechanism of "depending on God" is.

They are all caused by a type of cells called "miracle" cells, which give the human body the power to break genetic locks.

These are not results achieved overnight. They have been studied by insect organizations for decades.

Regarding the forced cracking of the "god"'s power, the mechanism of God's punishment has long been clear. Even how to inhibit this special cell activity has been figured out.

It's just that there is no need to give it to the soldiers. Senior officials like them have already been immune to the erosion of "miracle" cells. Unless you risk your life, you must forcefully unlock the "miracle" cells and unleash your power at ultra-high frequencies.

Shen Wulong sneered.

"It doesn't matter, do you understand with their level of research?"

According to the news coming from the nails buried in the upper mechanism of Neon, basically all the researchers there are dead.

"This is not a field for mortals to tread."

Just as they were discussing specific matters, Ishigami on the other side was also stepping into taboo territory.

They had already met during the day when they arranged for Mingzao-ge to be arranged, so the arrangements for Jiexiong Mingzao to become a combat artist of the Soryuin family should have been finalized.

He had to do another thing when he got back. While this guy was still unconscious due to serious injuries, he could do a lot of things.

Ishigami is now wearing a blue suit that is more breath-holding than a surgical suit, more like a protective suit, and there is a man lying on the operating table who has a vaguely handsome and feminine appearance.

But this man seemed to be seriously injured. Almost his whole body was covered in plaster, and his arms and legs were basically wrapped in it.

This man was Setsuna Kiryu who was beaten into a human shape by Ishigami, but was rescued by Dr. Yingchu's terrifying medical skills.

"Ellie, are you ready?"

Ishigami, who was wearing an airtight mask and completely wrapped in clothes, said to Ellie on the screen beside him.

There was a small chip on the table beside him, and a well-wrapped thing that looked like a petri dish, which seemed to be emitting a bright red light.

If what Ishigami was going to do to Setsuna Kiryu was known to the outside world, he would definitely be criticized as inhumane.

Even anti-human.

Because he wants to turn Kiryu Setsuna into one of his own, so the issue of loyalty requires a little transformation.

The main reason was that he took a fancy to Setsuna Kiryu's talent. That guy was actually quite strong. If Ishigami hadn't come up and hit him instantly, it would definitely not be that easy to take down Setsuna Kiryu.

The chip, which is so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye, is the tool used by Ishigami to control him. Proper black technology, processed by Aili. According to her working principle, it should release special electromagnetic waves in the cerebral cortex. You can change your memory and make him your own.

Ishigami, who was absolutely at ease with Ellie, believed that she would not come up with any inferior products to fool him. But this time, Ishigami was just helping Ellie. After all, brain surgery still requires minimally invasive surgery.

As for the thing in the petri dish, it was the "oracle cell" matrix that once caused Ishigami to become unconscious. He wanted to transplant this cell into Setsuna Kiryu's heart.

It further enhances Kiryu Setsuna's strength, allowing him to activate "Pingshen", because this is part of the oracle cells in Ryukui's heart.

Ishigami wants to give Kiryu Setsuna new life!

Say it in advance, Happy New Year!

Dear readers, we met in 2022, and we will walk hand in hand in 2023!

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