I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 167 Gods also have their moments of rage

The reason why Jie Xiongming became the new martial artist of the Soryuin family was not because of random readings on the stone, nor was it because of the invincibility of the comic character.

It was simply a request that Jie Xiongming made himself. In fact, this guy's strength is far less than what he reveals on the surface. The master of Jie Xiongming is the current boss of Ami's largest security company, and the spokesman for the international superstar and muscular tough guy Hanold Doganjorg.

It can be said that he is the leader of the Ami underground world, and this big guy likes to make movies, so he has turned himself into an international superstar.

And Kaixiong Mingzo is the only disciple and heir of that man who is like a muscle terminator.

When the two of them went to visit the doctor that day, Jiexiong Mingzo looked at the still unconscious Ozu Toshio who had a plaster on his neck, and asked Ishigami a question.

"Youjun, can you tell me what fist wish is?"

Without waiting for his answer, Kaixiong Mingzo continued to speak in a lifeless tone.

"What magic power does this game called Boxing Wish have that makes me willing to risk my life?"

In fact, as good buddies who often work out together, Kaixiong Mingzo knew that this was not the first time that Ozu Toshio suffered such a serious fatal injury.

There were many situations where my life was hanging by a thread, but I still returned to that stage.

Finally one time, Jie Xiongming couldn't help but asked him if it was worth it?

But Toshio Ozu, who was all bandaged, even though he was injured, showed a rather shy smile and replied.

"Mr. Naruzou, you will know when you actually stand in that place."

When he answered, Toshio Ozu's eyes shone with a burning fire that could not be extinguished.

It is the martial arts spirit that blends the desire for victory and the pride of being a fighter.

But, is this really the case?

Kai Xiong Mingzo also watched Toshio Ozu's game, but it was just a form of venting violence.

"Fists collide with fists, muscles fight with muscles, and after you fully release your hormones, in the end you just look at the emptiness of your injuries."

"Nothing has changed."

Ishigami could see Brother Mingzao's confusion, but Fist Wish was something that could be understood by thousands of people.

He couldn't give a suitable answer either

Some people believe that this is the main culprit that leads to the destruction of families. Some people think this is pie in the sky and use it as a tool to make money.

But no matter what people think about boxing wishes, this thing has existed here in Xiaozhi for thousands of years. It is a tool for countless careerists to realize their ambitions. It has reached the point where killing people does not require a knife, but relies solely on fists.

Fist wish gave birth to countless new chains of hatred. The current president of the Boxing Club is old and has allowed the evil trend of laissez-faire to grow for too long.

I lost the courage I had back then and didn’t make corrections.

High emotional intelligence: I’ve been doing this position for too long and it’s a bit boring. I’m just looking for fun.

Low emotional intelligence: I don’t want to care about it when I’m old.

Judging from the frequency of opening the boxing wish in the boxing wish club, there is a problem. How could it be done like this? Even if you are dissatisfied with the company's internal equity distribution written in the will, you can apply for a boxing wish. Several of the heirs of the good guy sent out their strongest fighters to fight to re-determine the distribution rights.

Anyway, members of the Boxing Wish Club, if you feel something is not going your way, just start a boxing wish. I don't think about how to make my own business bigger and stronger. I think about other people's good things all day long. I want to use my fists to snatch the good things from others.

If things go on for a long time, big problems will arise. We must know that finance has always been the hematopoietic machine of the entire country. If there is a problem with the hematopoietic function, a new financial crisis is not far away.

When the ceremony comes, everyone can no longer contain their excitement. All kinds of things started happening, and champagne was opened at halftime. If Ishigami were to take the fist wishing club into his pocket, the first thing to be cut off would be this meaningless and endless dispute. Otherwise, the mechanism of the Boxing Club will eventually be destroyed by one's own hands due to infinite expansion of ambition.

Ishigami shook his head, what a bunch of careless adults. If high school students are to come forward to save the world, only Neon can do such an immoral thing.

Without Ishigami's grand wish, Kaixiong Mingzao just wanted to expose himself to a whole new world.

"So, I want to see if I will change my current thinking when I really get on that stage."

Just like at that time, Jie Xiongming decided to enter the world of fitness. He hoped to experience the magic called boxing wish.

This time the Soryuin family submitted to the Ishigami family, it was a good opportunity for Jie Xiongmingzao.

A chance for him to enter the inner world from the outside world.

I signed up from Ishigami, hoping to succeed Toshio Ozu as the fighting master of the Soryuin clan.

Ishigami was very happy to hear that Naruzo wanted to take the initiative to enter the world they were in.

But the fights in the Boxing Club are not the kind of TV shows that can be clicked to the end. There are basically no rules.

Whether it's eye-poking, or more serious, beating a chicken with an egg, or any other despicable means are allowed.

In this situation without the protection of rules, Brother Mingzao, a layman, would suffer a big loss if he entered this field rashly. Even Ishigami can't guarantee that he can be injury-free on the field.

After all, those who are combatants are more or less villains, and there are many bad and powerful guys.

Toshio Ozu, who was still lying in the hospital bed and still hadn't woken up, was a good example. If Ishigami hadn't been treated in time, he would have been in a vegetative state.

"But Brother Mingzao"

Ishigami hesitated to speak. He glanced at Toshio Ozu and then looked at Jie Xiongmingzao.

"I understand your worries, it's okay, Yu-kun."

With a generous smile on his face, Jie Xiong Mingzao gave a thumbs up to Shi Shang.

"I used to train you, but now our positions have to change."

"Youjun, please turn me into a qualified fighter!"

"Oh, I really can't do anything about you, Brother Mingzao."

Ishigami really didn't expect that one day he would become the teacher who guides Kai Xiongming.

he smiled

"I will be as strict as when you guided me."

"Be mentally prepared, Brother Mingzao."

"Yeah, I know so it's okay."

Jiexiong Mingzao patted his chest with his hand, and then said meaningfully

"Yu-kun, it seems like the two of us have never had a serious fight."

Ishigami was stunned for a moment, as if he had never had a real fight with Brother Mingzao. But in the duel between breath and wrist strength, Ishigami has already competed with him.

It seems that if he relied solely on his wrist strength, Brother Mingzao would probably be ranked among the top four among active combatants.

After all, Ishigami definitely defeated Naruzao at that time, and he did it only when he was arrogant.

But the battle cannot be ended with just the strength of the wrist. Without technical coordination, it is no different from swinging a wooden stick.

Combat skills, combat awareness, rhythm control, physical strength, combat experience, etc. are all decisive factors in combat.

Although they had known each other for many years, Ishigami realized that he had no idea about the strength of this smiling man.

Jie Xiongming opened his eyes provocatively, exuding a strong fighting spirit.

"Would you like to fight with me now, Teacher Yu?"

"Let me, a layman, see how powerful the top fighting power of the Boxing Club is."

There was no fear in Jie Xiong Mingzao's tone, as if he was quite confident in his own strength. Because these muscles that have been tempered for many years will not deceive him.

Moreover, Jie Xiongmingzao also wanted Ishigami to judge which echelon his strength was.

"Okay, Brother Mingzao."

Ishigami nodded.

"In this case, I won't hold back."

Both of them came to the eighth floor of the Wandai Building with a chance to give it a try.

This large arena was once the place where Ishigami fought with the "Tiger" Wakatsuki samurai. The difference between the soft earth floor and the walls made of military-grade titanium alloy steel still vaguely shows the brutality and far superiority of the last battle. The destructive power of imagination.

Although he didn't know what kind of strength Kaixiong Mingzo was, Ishigami still regarded him as his strong rival.

So with its ultra-high tensile strength, toughness and fatigue resistance, this place is undoubtedly the best place for the two of them to fight freely.

Who would have thought that in such an unknown corner, the aftermath of the collision between the two people would be detected as a shock wave caused by a small earthquake by instruments from the Tokyo Geological Hazard Survey Research Institute.

According to Wandai's staff on the day, the building felt like it was shaking all the time that afternoon, and it felt as if it was dangerous and about to collapse.

As for Ishigami, who is at the center of the storm, he can be said to have treated Kaixiong Mingzao as a powerful enemy, but it is still not enough.

Over and over again, Ishigami's own understanding of big muscular brothers was refreshed.

After the first fight between Ishigami and Narusou-nii, he had a feeling that most of the boxing matches held by the boxing club were just playing house.

"His strength is very special."

When Soryuin Shione asked Ishigami, what was the strength of the fighting skills of the Soryuin clan?

"I can't describe it."

Ishigami used a spoon to stir the cup of hot cocoa in front of him, looking at the steaming whirlpool.

"I can only say that it reminded me that even the merciful gods can be furious."

The flesh pressure released by Jie Xiongmingzao is full of mercy at first, making people want to worship him.

But when the second mode is turned on, there is no doubt that it is anger, divine punishment from an unmerciful God.


Seeing the puzzled looks in Wu Yasha's and Soryuin Ziyin's eyes, Ishigami smiled without explaining too much.

There are some things that, no, you won’t believe if you really look at them with your own eyes.

Have you ever seen a level where every flat A is a core hit? Have you ever seen a series of punches composed of dozens of explosive cores?

The air was torn apart by the powerful fist wind, and the fists had fiery red marks like peacock feathers.

A series of critical strikes, including slashing and slashing.

It was the first time I saw an attack with special effects. The visual impact on Ishigami at that time was obvious. The entire ground was as pitted as if it had been bombed.

In the end, the fight between the two was considered a draw, so Ishigami decided not to continue. There is no point if it continues any longer.

Because the opponent has no killing intention at all, and a fist without killing intention cannot kill someone.

Ishigami's fists were fast and hard.

You just know that to keep your hands to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. But although Brother Mingzao's fists were powerful, they couldn't hurt Ishigami too much.

Ishigami was confident and killed Brother Mingzao in an instant on the thirtieth move.

But this is a life and death arena, not a technique that should be used during sparring.

"Oh, Yuu-kun."

"What god? It's very rude to say that to a great priest."

Street Xiong Mingzao, wearing a blue and white sportswear, opened the door and walked in.

"Obviously I am just a person who serves God, and I cannot bear the name of a god."

Kai Yumeizou has a priesthood. He is the orthodox successor of a shrine. Every spring, there is a sacrifice. By the way, Toshio Ozu goes there every year. It is also for this reason that visitors to the shrine have always been called "Da Mingshen".

"Brother Mingzao, you're here!"

Seeing Jie Xiongming coming, Ishigami stood up and pointed to the seat next to him for him to sit down.

Ishigami introduced to Soryuin Shiyin and Wu Yasha

"Let me introduce you. This is the fighter I prepared for the Soryuin family."

"Mr. Jiexiong Mingzao."

"Are you my employer? I am Jie Xiong Mingzao. Oh, this is also my first time as a fighter. Please bear with me."

Street Xiong Mingzao touched his head in embarrassment and said to the two ladies in front of him.

"Another pretty boy here?"

The first time Zou Liuyuan Ziyin saw Jie Xiong Mingzao, she had the idea of ​​being rude.

If it weren't for the wrong venue, she would have thought she was taking her old sister out to eat meat.

The whole shop is full of young and handsome cowherds.

But the fighting ability of the pretty boy in front was obvious to both she and Wu Yaksha.

When a fight breaks out, it's called ruthlessness.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

And I haven’t seen that kid for a few days, and my skin feels better again.

"I hope this guy named Jie Xiong Mingzao can be as powerful as this kid."


Zuo Liuyuan Shiyin was very indifferent until she stretched out her hand to Jixiong Mingzao. But when her hand really touched that big white face.

Inexplicably, it was like being electrocuted.

What's going on, this muscle feeling?

It's like holding a big mountain, unable to move.

When Jie Xiong Mingzao held the hand, he only heard a squeaking sound. What followed was that his clothes were all torn to pieces like a goddess scattering flowers.

The effect of "clothes exploding" is quite terrifying

Outstanding effect

It completely frightened the two ladies in front of me.

Who would have thought that the handsome baby-faced younger brother in front of him would turn into muscles as exaggerated as if they were inflated and exploded in the next second. Matched with that face, it feels completely inconsistent.

"Oops, nosebleeds are coming."

Zouyuan Ziyin faced Jie Xiongming's muscles and felt the blood surge up to her head when they were stimulated.

"What an exaggerated pectoralis major."

I'm so sleepy that I can't stand it anymore. I can't write anymore. I feel so weak.

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